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Field data records on 10,511 Hereford and 2,522 Brangus bulls between 330 and 430 d of age were analyzed to find age of calf and age of dam adjustment factors for yearling scrotal circumference. Age of calf adjustment factors were .024 cm/d for Hereford bulls and .041 cm/d for Brangus bulls. Sons of Hereford dams were adjusted to a 6- to 8-yr dam age basis by adding .7, .3, .2, .2 or .3 cm for dams 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 or more years old, respectively. Age of dam adjustment factors for Brangus bulls were .8, .4, .3 and .2 for dams 2, 3, 4 or 8 or more years old, respectively. Variance and covariance components for yearling scrotal circumference and several growth traits were estimated within breed using multiple-trait models and pseudo expectations involving the solutions and the right-hand sides of the mixed-model equations. Additive heritability estimates for yearling scrotal circumference of .53 and .16 were found for Hereford and Brangus bulls, respectively. Maternal heritability estimates of .12 and .10 were found for Hereford and Brangus bulls, respectively. Genetic correlations between yearling scrotal circumference and other growth traits were positive for both sets of data indicating that selection for yearling scrotal circumference should not adversely affect other growth traits in either breed. Environmental correlation estimates between yearling scrotal circumference and adjusted birth weight and between yearling scrotal circumference and adjusted 205-d weight and adjusted 365-d height were positive and moderate in magnitude for both breeds.  相似文献   

From 1981 through 1986, BW, hip height, and scrotal circumference (SC) measurements were obtained on 329 bulls at the start of a 140-d gain test (SOT) and every 28 d to the end of test (EOT). Age, overall ADG, weight per day of age, ADG by period, and SC growth (cm/d) were calculated. Data were analyzed in two data sets because age of dam (AOD) and birth weights were unavailable between 1981 and 1983. Correlations of SC to other traits measured and probabilities for bulls attaining 30 or 32 cm SC by 365 d of age were calculated. Two adjusted 365-d SC (365-d SC) were calculated for each individual from regression analysis and from the following formula: 365-d SC = [(SCEOT-SCSOT)/140 d] x [365-ageSOT] + SCSOT. Except for ADG in Data Set 2, breed group differences (P less than .05) were observed for correlations of SC to all growth traits, age, and AOD. To attain 30 cm SC by 365 d of age with nearly 100% probability, Angus, Simmental and Zebu-derived bulls needed a 23-cm SCSOT, whereas continental (other than Simmental) and Polled Hereford bulls required a 26-cm SCSOT. Overall, 365-d SC means calculated by regression analysis or formula method did not differ (P greater than .10) for either data set.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the heritability of scrotal circumference (SC) and semen traits, genetic correlations between SC and semen quality traits, and the effect of cytoplasmic line on SC and semen traits. Breeding soundness exam (BSE) data were collected on registered Angus bulls at 4 ranches over 7 yr. The American Angus Association provided historical pedigree information to estimate the effect of cytoplasmic line on SC and semen quality traits. After editing, the evaluated data set contained 1,281 bulls with breeding soundness exam data that traced back to 100 founder dams. Data were analyzed using a 2-trait animal model to obtain heritability, genetic correlation between SC and semen quality traits, as well as the effect of cytoplasmic line as a random effect for SC, percent motility (MOT), percent primary abnormalities (PRIM), percent secondary abnormalities (SEC), and percent total abnormalities (TOT) using multiple-trait derivative-free REML. Fixed effects included source ranch and collection year, and test age was used as a covariate. Estimates of heritability for SC, MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were 0.46, 0.05, 0.27, 0.23, and 0.25, respectively. Genetic correlations between SC and MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were 0.36, -0.19, -0.11, and -0.23, respectively. The proportions of phenotypic variance accounted for by cytoplasmic line for SC, MOT, PRIM, SEC, and TOT were <0.001, 0.013, 0.023, 0.002, and <0.001, respectively. Genetic correlations between SC and semen quality traits were low to moderate and favorable. Cytoplasmic line may have a marginal effect on MOT and PRIM, but is likely not a significant source of variation for SC, SEC, or TOT.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the relationship of age to body weight (BW), scrotal circumference (SC), number of pixels of testicular ultrasonograms (NP), and semen quality in Sahiwal bulls. The study was based on 128 Sahiwal bulls of different age groups (from 0 to >100 months of age). Bulls were evaluated for SC, BW, and NP. Semen was evaluated once a week for five consecutive weeks from regularly collected donor bulls (n = 86) ranging in age from 25–30 to >100 months. Ejaculate volume, sperm motility, sperm concentration, sperm morphology, percent live sperms, sperm plasma membrane integrity, and normal acrosome were compared among different age groups. Mean SC and BW increased (P < 0.05) in a curvilinear manner from birth to >100 months of age. Mean NP of testicular ultrasonograms increased (P < 0.05) from 0 to 24 months and then plateaued until >100 months of age. Body weight, SC, and NP were positively correlated with age from birth until >100 months (r = 0.91, 0.87, and 0.40, respectively). Ejaculate volume (5.7 ± 0.2 vs. 4.6 ± 0.09 ml) and sperm concentration (1,281.6 ± 17.7 vs. 1,115.8 ± 55.9 × 106/ml) increased (P < 0.05) in mature bulls compared to younger ones. However, motility (68.6 ± 0.3%), plasma membrane integrity (50.8 ± 1.0%), and normal acrosome (74.8 ± 0.5%) remained insignificant due to age. In six of eight age groups studied, morphological abnormalities were well within the range (18.1 ± 0.3%). In conclusion, the BW, SC, and NP of testicular ultrasonograms, ejaculate volume, and concentration increased with age. Moreover, semen quality is fairly independent of age except volume and concentration in Sahiwal bulls.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of including concomitant body weight and(or) a random dam effect in genetic evaluation models on variance component estimates and standard error of prediction for scrotal circumference (SC) at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo. Variance components and average standard errors of prediction were compared under models differing in either the number of related traits (M11 [SC], M12 [SC and BW]) or an uncorrelated random dam effect (M21 [SC], M22 [SC and BW]) using records on 1,547 bull calves. In a single-trait model (M11), estimates of direct heritabilities (h2a) for SC were .45, .49, .57, and .66 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. In a two-trait model (M12), h2a were similar to those in M11 model. In M21, h2a for SC were .37, .42, .54, and .65, whereas the proportions of phenotypic variance due to dams (d2) were .12, .11, .04, and .02 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. Similarly, in M22, h2a for SC were .36, .44, .56, and .65 and d2 were .13, .10, .02, and .02. Standard errors of prediction for SC EBV from M22 were reduced by 2.86, 1.21, 3.02, and 1.99% relative to M21 and by 6.45, 2.70, 2.72, and 1.21% relative to M11 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. Standard errors of prediction for SC EBV from M12 were reduced by .06, .73, 1.56, and .87% relative to M11 at 6, 8, 10, and 12 mo, respectively. The importance of the dam effect decreased with age for both SC and BW. These results demonstrate that a two-trait (SC and BW) animal model would result in more accurate evaluations of yearling SC EBV in beef cattle than a single-trait model.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine an appropriate method for using yearling scrotal circumference observations and heifer pregnancy observations to produce EPD for heifer pregnancy. We determined the additive genetic effects of and relationship between scrotal circumference and heifer pregnancy for a herd of Hereford cattle in Solano, New Mexico. The binary trait of heifer pregnancy was defined as the probability of a heifer conceiving and remaining pregnant to 120 d, given that she was exposed at breeding. Estimates of heritability for heifer pregnancy and scrotal circumference were .138+/-.08 and .714+/-.132, respectively. Estimates of fixed effects for age of dam and age were significant for heifer pregnancy and bull scrotal circumference. The estimate of the additive genetic correlation between yearling heifer pregnancy and yearling bull scrotal circumference was .002+/-.45. Additional analyses included models with additive genetic groups for scrotal circumference EPD for heifer pregnancy or heifer pregnancy EPD for scrotal circumference to account for a potential nonlinear relationship between scrotal circumference and heifer pregnancy. Results support the development of a heifer pregnancy EPD because of a higher estimated heritability than previously reported. The development of a heifer pregnancy EPD would be an additional method for improving genetic merit for heifer fertility.  相似文献   

Effects of zeranol on scrotal circumference, serving ability, semen characteristics, and postmortem measurements of the genital organs were determined in beef bulls from 9 to 20 months of age. Group 1 (n = 5) served as a nonimplanted control group. Group 2A (n = 5) was implanted with 36 mg of zeranol at birth and at 3 and 6 months of age. Group 2B (n = 5) was implanted with 36 mg of zeranol every 3 months from birth through 18 months of age. Scrotal circumference was adversely affected by zeranol in groups 2A and 2B, but values approached those of group 1 with increasing age. Serving ability was also affected adversely but tended to recover with increasing age. Semen quality was low in groups 2A and 2B and did not improve with increasing age. There was no difference in testicular weight, vesicular gland weight, and penis length among groups when bulls were slaughtered at 20 months of age. Epididymal weight was greater in group-2B bulls and was most likely a consequence of epididymal lesions. Histologic examination of the genital organs revealed that zeranol induced adenomyosis and sperm granulomas in the caudae epididymidis and markedly altered the structure of the sexual accessory glands of bulls in groups 2A and 2B. Alterations in the vesicular glands were characterized by reduced alveolar development and an increase in connective tissue. Low epithelium associated with focal areas of squamous metaplasia were common in the prostate of groups 2A and 2B bulls. Lesions in the bulbourethral glands were characterized by low glandular epithelium, focal areas of squamous metaplasia, cystic collecting ducts, and an increase in connective tissue. Groups 2A and 2B had more abnormal seminiferous tubules than did group 1. Lesions in groups 2A and 2B may have been direct effects of zeranol or may have resulted from reduced testosterone secretion.  相似文献   

Variance components of sperm production traits (volume in ml, V; concentration in ×106 sperm/ml, CN; sperm production in ×106 sperm, PROD) were estimated in a paternal line of rabbit selected for 25 generations based on daily weight gain (DG, g/day) between 28 and 63 days of age. Features of the marginal posterior distributions for ratios of genetic variance, variance owing to non‐additive plus environmental permanent male effects and variance owing to common litter of birth effects with respect to phenotypic variance are reported. The correlations between sperm production traits and the selection criteria were also estimated. Three sets of two‐trait analyses were performed, involving 12908 records of DG, 2329 ejaculates corresponding to 412 bucks and 14700 animals in pedigree file. The heritabilities (h2) of the semen traits were 0.13 ± 0.05, 0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.07 ± 0.03 for V, CN and PROD, respectively. The permanent environmental effects were lower than the corresponding values of h2 and varied between 0.06 and 0.11. A favourable and moderate genetic correlation was observed between V and DG (0.36 ± 0.34; p > 0: 0.83), together with a non‐favourable and moderate correlation between permanent environmental effects owing to common litter of birth for both traits (?0.35 ± 0.35; p < 0: 0.85). On the other hand, the correlation between male permanent environmental effects for semen traits and DG was moderate and non‐favourable (?0.51 ± 0.29 with p < 0: 0.95 for DG‐CN, and ?0.31 ± 0.37 with p < 0: 0.79 for DG‐PROD).  相似文献   

Aims: To provide herd managers with a set of decision rules allowing them to predict the likelihood that a juvenile bull is ready for Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BBSE), or breeding, if bodyweight and scrotal circumference are known.

Methods: This was a longitudinal study following two groups of young pasture-fed Holstein and Jersey bulls from northwest Tasmania, Australia. Individual scrotal circumference, bodyweight and semen characteristics were recorded at 6–8 weekly intervals, from 6–18 months of age. Classification and regression tree analyses were used to predict the probability that a bull had ≥70% normal sperm morphology based on scrotal circumference and bodyweight measurements.

Results: Overall 1,661 scrotal circumference and bodyweight measurements were obtained, and 518 semen samples from 356 bulls were assessed for sperm morphology, from 16 examination sessions that took place between 29 May 2015 and 17 August 2016. Classification and regression tree analyses generated a decision tree for Holstein bulls with four node endpoints, and for Jersey bulls with three node endpoints. Diagnostic test performance showed that for Holstein bulls, using the node endpoints of scrotal circumference ≥27?cm and bodyweight ≥349?kg, 98% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 10.4; 95% CI?=?2.7–41), and using the node endpoints of scrotal circumference ≥27?cm and bodyweight between 282–349?kg, 89% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 1.6; 95% CI?=?0.9–2.6). For Jersey bulls, using the node endpoints of bodyweight ≥259?kg and scrotal circumference ≥29?cm, 88% had ≥70% normal sperm (positive likelihood ratio 3.4; 95% CI?=?1.6–7.0).

Conclusions: This study provides a set of relatively simple decision rules based on bodyweight and scrotal circumference measurements that allows herd managers to assess the likelihood that juvenile bulls are ready for BBSE or breeding.

Abbreviations: BBSE: Bull breeding soundness evaluation; BRT: Boosted regression tree  相似文献   

Records for yearling scrotal circumference (SC; n = 7,580), age at puberty in heifers (AP; n = 5,292), age at first calving (AFC; n = 4,835), and pregnancy, calving, or weaning status following the first breeding season (PR1, CR1, or WR1, respectively; n = 7,003) from 12 Bos taurus breeds collected at the Meat Animal Research Center (USDA) between 1978 and 1991 were used to estimate genetic parameters. Age at puberty (AP) was defined as age in days at first detected ovulatory estrus. Pregnancy (calving or weaning) status was scored as one for females conceiving (calving or weaning) given exposure during the breeding season and as zero otherwise. The final model for SC included fixed effects of age of dam at breeding (AD), year of breeding (Y), and breed (B) and age in days at measurement as a covariate. Fixed effects in models for AP and AFC were AD, Y, B, and month of birth. Fixed effects in models for PR1, CR1, and WR1 included AD, Y, and B. For all traits, random effects in the model were direct genetic, maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental, and residual. Analyses for a three-trait animal model were carried out with SC, AP, and a third trait (the third trait was AFC, PR1, CR1, or WR1). A derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood algorithm was used to estimate the (co)variance components. Direct and maternal heritability estimates were 0.41 and 0.05 for SC; 0.16 and 0.03 for AP; 0.08 and 0.00 for AFC; 0.14 and 0.02 for PR1; 0.14 and 0.03 for CR1; and 0.12 and 0.01 for WR1. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects within trait were -0.26, -0.63, -0.91, -0.79, -0.66, and -0.85 for SC, AP, AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1, respectively. Direct genetic correlations between SC and AP and between those traits and AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1 ranged from -0.15 (between SC and AP) to 0.23 (between AP and WR1). Estimates of heritability indicate that yearling SC should respond to direct selection better than AP, AFC, PR1, CR1, and WR1. Variation due to maternal genetic effects was small for all traits. No strong genetic correlations were detected between SC and female reproductive traits or between AP and the other female traits. These results suggest that genetic response in female reproductive traits through sire selection on yearling SC is not expected to be effective.  相似文献   

In the present study, the correlations among age, body weight, scrotal circumference (SC), semen quality and peripheral testosterone and estradiol-17beta (E(2)) concentrations were investigated in pubertal (n=5) and postpubertal (n=7) groups of Holstein bulls over a 6 week period. There were significant positive correlations (P<0.01) among age, body weight and SC in both groups, and similar significant correlations between sperm motility and SC in pubertal bulls (P<0.01) and between sperm concentration and SC in postpubertal bulls (P<0.05). The sperm motility after collection (P<0.05) and after freezing and thawing (P<0.01) of the postpubertal bulls correlated positively with the E(2) concentration. Estrogen may be important for the function of postpubertal bull testes, in which it may regulate spermatozoa motility in vivo.  相似文献   

Variance components (VC) were estimated for the semen production trait ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and sperm motility in the Swiss cattle breeds Brown Swiss (BS), Original Braunvieh (OB), Holstein (HO), Red‐Factor‐Carrier (RF), Red Holstein (RH), Swiss Fleckvieh (SF) and Simmental (SI). For this purpose, semen production traits from 2,617 bulls with 124,492 records were used. The data were collected in the years 2000–2012. The model for genetic parameter estimation across all breeds included the fixed effects age of bull at collection, year of collection, month of collection, number of collection per bull and day, interval between consecutive collections, semen collector, bull breed as well as a random additive genetic component and a permanent environmental effect. The same model without a fixed breed effect was used to estimate VC and repeatabilities separately for each of the breeds BS, HO, RH, SF and SI. Estimated heritabilities across all breeds were 0.42, 0.25 and 0.09 for ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and sperm motility, respectively. Different heritabilities were estimated for ejaculate volume (0.42; 0.45; 0.49; 0.40; 0.10), sperm concentration (0.34; 0.30; 0.20; 0.07; 0.23) and number of semen portions (0.18; 0.30; 0.04; 0.14; 0.04) in BS, HO, RH, SF and SI breed, respectively. The phenotypic and genetic correlations across all breeds between ejaculate volume and sperm concentration were negative (?0.28; ?0.56). The other correlations across all breeds were positive. The phenotypic and genetic correlations were 0.01 and 0.19 between sperm motility and ejaculate volume, respectively. Between sperm motility and sperm concentration, the phenotypic and genetic correlations were 0.20 and 0.36, respectively. The results are consistent with other analyses and show that genetic improvement through selection is possible in bull semen production traits.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the associations of breed, age, and scrotal circumference (SC), and their interaction, on the prevalence of sperm abnormalities in beef bulls in Alberta, Canada, and the percentage of satisfactory potential breeders identified during breeding soundness examination solely due to normal sperm morphology. Eosin-nigrosin stained semen smears and evaluation reports of 1642 bull breeding soundness evaluations were procured from 6 veterinary clinics in Alberta. Sperm morphology was determined for at least 100 sperm per bull. The most common defects were detached head [4.86% ± 5.71%; mean ± standard deviation (s)], distal midpiece reflex (6.19% ± 9.13%), and bent tail (1.01% ± 1.54%). Although breed, age, and SC did not significantly affect the prevalence of head or midpiece defects, morphologically normal or abnormal sperm, tail defects were more prevalent in Angus and Hereford bulls compared with other breeds. Overall, solely on the basis of sperm morphology, 1363 (83.0%) bulls were classified as satisfactory potential breeders and the remainder 279 (17.0%) as unsatisfactory (> 30% abnormal sperm, > 20% defective heads, or both). Although not significantly different, the breed with the highest percentage of satisfactory potential breeders was Limousin (90.6%) and the lowest was Hereford (78.8%). That 17% of bulls subjected to breeding soundness evaluation were designated as unsatisfactory solely on the basis of sperm morphology highlights its importance.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference data obtained from performance test station bulls were corrected to 240 and 365 days of age. Data were analyzed, retrospectively, to determine the outcome for scrotal circumference at 365 days of age, if bulls were culled at selected cut-off values for scrotal circumference at 240 days of age. The data indicate that scrotal circumference measurements in weaned bulls may not be useful as a culling tool, since a large proportion of bulls, irrespective of breed, fell below the selected cut-off measurement for scrotal circumference at weaning, but met the minimum scrotal circumference at one year of age. Scrotal circumference measurements at 240 days of age may, however, be useful as a tool for selecting bulls with a greater than 80% probability of achieving the minimum scrotal circumference measurement at one year of age.  相似文献   

Improvements in bull reproductive performance are necessary to optimize the efficiency of cattle production. Female fertility has been enhanced through assisted reproductive technologies as well as genetic selection; however, improving beef bull fertility has been largely ignored. Phenotypes routinely collected at bull semen collection facilities are believed to affect fertility and provide the phenotypes necessary for a genetic evaluation. The first objective of this study was to determine the significant fixed effects for modeling beef bull fertility using data from bull semen collection facilities. The second objective was to estimate variance components, heritabilities, repeatabilities, and correlations between beef bull semen attributes. Beef bull fertility phenotypes including volume (VOL), concentration (CONC), number of spermatozoa (NSP), initial motility (IMot), post-thaw motility (PTMot), 3-h post-thaw motility (3HRPTMot), percentage of normal spermatozoa (%NORM), primary abnormalities (PRIM), and secondary abnormalities (SEC) were obtained from two bull semen collection facilities. A total of 1,819 Angus bulls with 50,624 collection records were analyzed. Of the fixed class and covariate effects tested, the significant class effects were collection location and collection day within year and the significant covariate effects included age at collection, days since previous collection, and cumulative comprehensive climate index (CCI). For this study, the CCI was calculated for a 75-d period including the 61-d spermatogenesis cycle and 14-d epididymal transit time. The 75 d prior to collection accounted for the environmental stress a bull may have experienced over the course of development of the spermatozoa, which was more significant than the CCI calculated for collection day or spermatogenesis start date. Pre-thaw beef bull semen traits had low heritability estimates of 0.11 ± 0.02 (VOL), 0.09 ± 0.02 (CONC), 0.08 ± 0.02 (NSP), and 0.12 ± 0.03 (IMot). Heritabilities of post-thaw beef bull semen attributes were more variable at 0.10 ± 0.02 (PTMot), 0.05 ± 0.04 (3HRPTMot), 0.10 ± 0.04 (%NORM), 0.03 ± 0.03 (PRIM), and 0.18 ± 0.04 (SEC). Correlations of breeding values for these traits with scrotal circumference (SC) expected progeny difference (EPD) are low. The low to moderate heritability estimates indicate that genetic improvement can be made in beef bull semen quality traits if new tools are developed to augment the scrotal circumference EPD that are currently available within the industry.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify nongenetic factors influencing scrotal circumference size and growth and to estimate heritabilities of scrotal circumference size at different ages and scrotal circumference growth between ages. Data on scrotal circumference, live weight, and age were recorded over 6 yr (1982 to 1987) on 541 spring-born Rambouillet ram lambs (109 sires, 307 dams) at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. Scrotal circumference and live weight were predicted at four ages (90, 120, 150, and 180 d) for each lamb. The two models used to evaluate factors affecting scrotal circumference size at fixed ages were the same except for the addition of live weight and live weight squared to one of the models. Likewise, the two models used for scrotal circumference growth between ages were the same except for the addition of live weight change and live weight change squared to one of the models. Year and type of birth were significant sources of variation for both traits under both models. Regression coefficients for live weight and live weight squared on scrotal circumference size and for live weight change and live weight change squared on scrotal circumference growth and for day of birth within year for both traits were generally different from zero (P less than .05). Heritability estimates for scrotal circumference size at fixed ages ranged from .19 to .41. Adjustments for live weight led to an average 41.5% increase in heritability estimates. For scrotal circumference growth, heritabilities ranged from .17 to .60 and adjustments for live weight change resulted in an average 13% decrease in estimates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Genetic parameters and responses to selection involving egg composition and allied traits were estimated, using two unselected control strains and three selected strains of White Leghorns.

2. Heritability estimate for yolk weight was 0.5 ± 0.1; for albumen percentage protein, 0.6 ± 0.1; and for yolk percentage solids, 0.5 ± 0.1.

3. Genetic correlation estimates indicated that there was no antagonistic relationship between the weight of any egg component and its composition but, because of the unreliability of the estimates of the genetic correlations involving the egg number traits, it is impossible to predict the correlated effects that selection for egg composition would have on egg number.

4. Eggs from selected strains weighed an average of 3‐. g more, contained more albumen, and greater amounts of albumen percentage solids and percentage protein than controls, whereas no differences were found for yolk weight; yolk percentage solids changed little in the selected strains.

5. Comparisons of one control strain with four commercial strains suggest that the findings may be applicable to commercial stocks.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare three different methods for calculating scrotal circumference (ASC1, ASC2, ASC3) adjusted to 365 days of age in Charolais, Limousin and Hungarian Fleckvieh young bulls at the end of the self-performance test. Young breeding bulls from three Charolais, Limousin and Hungarian Fleckvieh breeding farms (farm A: n = 40; farm B: n = 9; farm C: n = 11) were used. The young bulls were kept in loose housing system, in small groups, and fed a diet based on maize silage and concentrate. The scrotal circumference of young bulls was measured at the widest part of the scrotum at the beginning and at the end of the test. Significant growth was observed (+13.6 cm; +8.9 cm; +10.5 cm, P < 0.001) in scrotal circumference (SC) for all breeds except the Hungarian Fleckvieh (ASC2-ASC3: 37.5 vs. 37.6 cm). All differences among the means of the measured and adjusted SCs were statistically confirmed at the P < 0.05 level of significance. A moderate to close positive correlation (r = 0.49-0.99) was calculated among the measured SC and the three types of ASC. The results suggest that method I (ASC1) and method II (ASC2) should be used by the breeders for adjusting scrotal circumferences in the practice.  相似文献   

Growth rates and weights at weaning, 365 d, and at slaughter were obtained on 616 bulls in a nonselected Hereford herd over a 10-yr period beginning in 1978. Carcass data were obtained for 401 of these bulls at 16 mo of age and on 101 that were sires or alternates and slaughtered at 30 mo of age. Fifty-five bulls slaughtered at 30 mo of age sired 301 male offspring on which growth data were obtained and 30 sired 169 male offspring on which carcass data were obtained. Bulls gained an average of .75 kg/d preweaning and 1.16 kg/d postweaning on a 168-d feed test. Rate of daily gain from the end of feed test to slaughter ranged from .7 to 1.2 kg/d. Time from the end of the feed test to slaughter ranged from 48 to 140 d. Slaughter weight, marbling score (Small = 12, Traces = 6), longissimus muscle area, fat covering over the 12th rib, percentage of kidney, pelvic and heart fat (KPH), and dressing percentage for bulls slaughtered as yearlings were 470 kg, 7.6 score, 82.5 cm, 8.2 mm, 1.0%, and 58.8%, respectively. The 30-mo-old bulls were slaughtered directly from range pastures. Marbling was devoid or practically devoid and fat covering over the 12th rib and KPH fat were insufficient to measure or estimate accurately. Sufficient variation was not available for statistical analyses of these traits. Slaughter weight, longissimus muscle area, and dressing percentage of 30-mo-old bulls were 583 kg, 91.8 cm, and 54.0%, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

《Livestock Science》2006,99(1):51-59
Improvement of female fertility has become of fundamental importance for profit maximization in the beef cattle herds. Consequently, animal breeding programs in Brazil have applied selection effort to traits related to reproduction as for scrotal circumference (SC), which is already incorporated to the selection routine of the breeders. However, studies have reported no favorable genetic correlation (rg) of SC with some fertility traits. Recently, stayability (STAY) has been used as means to better indicate and improve female fertility. Values for rg of STAY with reproductive and productive traits are not available in literature. Therefore, the objectives of the present study are to analyze the rg between SC and STAY and STAY with weight at 550 days (W550) in Nelore cattle. Data set of 55,682, 28,507 and 59,750 animals for STAY, SC and W550, respectively, were analyzed using two-trait animal model based on Gibbs sampling algorithm. The estimate of posterior rg between STAY and SC was 0.07 ± 0.03, which can be considered as low and suggesting that STAY does not have sensible relation with SC. The rg of STAY and W550 was 0.15 ± 0.01, considered low, although positive. It means that selection for W550 should not negatively affect STAY.  相似文献   

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