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Summary Four generations of half-sib family selection for yield of digestible organic matter have been completed, from an initial population which included marrow-stem kales, thousand-head kales, curled kales, Brussels sprouts and cabbages. Relative to the mean yields of two control cultivars the population means were: 106% (gen0), 122% (gen1), 128% (gen2), 111% (gen3) and 103% (gen4). These initially encouraging and then disappointing results are discussed along with suggestions for improvements in the population improvement scheme, particularly with respect to the assessment of genotype-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Jahn Davik 《Euphytica》1993,74(1-2):129-132
Summary An experiment comparing double row plants with four row plots where only the centre two rows were harvested (guarded double row plots) were laid out in two subsequent years. Fresh weight yields, dry matter yields, bulb dry matter content, refractometer index and harvest index were recorded and analyzed statistically. The cultivar x plot type interactions were in none of the cases significant. The increase in error variances when comparing double row plots with guarded double row plots was significant only for harvest index in the first year.Taking into account the low selection intensity when small plots are used, i.e. in early stages of plant breeding programmes, we conclude from these experiments that guarded plots are not necessary when breeding swedes under our growing conditions.  相似文献   

Jahn Davik 《Euphytica》1997,98(1-2):53-58
From an experiment involving swede (Brassica napus ssp. rapifera L.) material resulting from a 4 × 4 diallel cross and a 4 × 9 factorial mating design better parent heterosis for dry matter and marketable yield was found in the majority of the hybrids. For breeders preference the better parent heterosis was not that pronounced and the majority of the hybrids were inferior when compared to their better parent. The generation means showed that models containing the mean, m, and the dominance parameter, h, generally resulted in the best fit. In some cases the additive parameter, d, improved the fit. In those cases, however, the additive parameter was substantially smaller than the dominance parameter. The probability of occurrence of recombinant inbred lines that outperform the source F1-hybrid was, with very few exceptions, found to be low. Implications for swede breeding are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

J. E. Bradshaw 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):135-140
Summary Two experiments were done to evaluate the use of single-row plots for assessing dry-matter yield of swedes. In the first experiment the correlation between the dry-matter yields of 20 cultivars in unguarded single-row plots and those in guarded double-row plots was poor (r=0.39). It was improved (r=0.58) by adjusting the single-row plot fresh-weight yields for inter-plot competition, through an analysis of covariance in which the covariate was the mean of the adjacent plot yields, and then estimating the pure stand dry-matter yields. However, the correlation was still lower than that between unguarded double-row plots and the guarded double-row plots (r=0.73), and this latter correlation was also improved (r=0.82) by adjusting the fresh-weight yields of the unguarded plots for inter-plot competition.The second experiment provided an explanation for the partial success of the covariance adjustment. The individual neighbour effects of six cultivars were determined. Doon Major and Ruta Øtofte decreased the yields of adjacent cultivars whereas Dryden and Melfort increased them. Angela and Magres had little effect. The correlation between the dry-matter yield neighbour effects of cultivars and their fresh-weight yields was high (r=–0.81), but not complete. So although competitive ability was associated with root fresh-weight yield, other factors must also be involved.It was concluded that a two-replicate trial with unguarded double-row plots is preferable to a four-replicate trial with unguarded single-row plots for dry-matter yield assessment of early generation families in a pedigree swede breeding programme.  相似文献   

The effects of four row spacings (17.5, 35.0, 52.5 and 70.0 cm) and five seeding rates (50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 viable seeds m?2) on seed yield and some yield components of forage turnip (Brassica rapa L.) were evaluated under rainfed conditions in Bursa, Turkey in the 1998–1999 and 1999–2000 growing seasons. Plant height, stem diameter, pods/terminal raceme, total pods/plant, seeds/pod and primary branches/plant were measured individually. The number of plants per unit area was counted and the lodging rate of the plots was scored. The seed yield and 1000‐seed weight were also determined. Row spacing and seeding rate significantly affected most yield components measured. The number of plants per unit area increased with increasing seeding rate and decreasing row spacing. Plant height was not greatly influenced by row spacing and seeding rate, but higher seeding rates reduced the number of primary branches and the stem diameter. The number of pods/main stem was affected by row spacing and but not by the seeding rate. Also, the number of seeds per pod was not affected by either the row spacing or the seeding rate. In contrast, the number of pods per plant clearly increased with increasing row spacing, but decreased with increasing seeding rate. The plots seeded at narrow row spacings and at high seeding rates were more sensitive to lodging. Seeding rate had no significant effect on seed yield in both years. Seed yield was similar at all seeding rates, averaging 1151 kg ha?1. However, row spacing was associated with seed yield. The highest seed yield (1409 kg ha?1) was obtained for the 35.0‐cm row spacing and 200 seeds m?2 seeding rate combination without serious lodging problems.  相似文献   

S. Gowers  D. J. Gemmell 《Euphytica》1988,38(3):277-280
Summary The effect of inbreeding and selection within the old swede cultivar Scotia was examined. A decline in yield was shown by lines produced by selfing from the highest yielding progenies selected after open pollination. It is assumed that these progenies were from heterozygous plants. The yield of two groups of lines did not decline and from these, after a second generation of selfing, eight lines were selected with a mean dry matter yield 10 per cent higher than Scotia.Now part of Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, Scotland.  相似文献   

选用对小孢子培养反应较好的白菜型油菜地方品种(茅山种)为供体材料,研究了换培养液和秋水仙碱直接处理分离小孢子对胚产量的影响,并分析了秋水仙碱直接处理小孢子所获再生植株的染色体倍性水平。结果表明,分离小孢子在10%蔗糖浓度的NLN-10培养基上培养2 d后换成新鲜培养液,能显著提高出胚产量,比不换培养液的胚产量  相似文献   

芜菁是十字花科芸薹属蔬菜作物,具有耐低温、耐贫瘠等优良特征,能够在海拔4 000 m的高原地区种植.为了明晰芜菁种质资源地上部表型的特征特性,本研究以126份芜菁种质资源为材料,分析了其地上部性状的多样性.结果显示芜菁叶片呈现出比较丰富的多样性,其中叶片长度分布范围为20.8~63.17 cm,叶宽分布在6.7~23....  相似文献   

抑制消减杂交法研究复等位基因遗传的   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
AB01是本课题组培育的复等位基因遗传的核雄性不育大白菜甲型“两用系”,目前已建立了一套该材料的应用技术体系,但其不育分子机制尚不明确。本研究以AB01的不育株和可育株为材料,利用抑制差减杂交技术构建了正反抑制差减cDNA文库,并通过测序及生物信息学手段寻找育性相关基因,以此来推断该材料的不育分子机制。研究中共找到27个差异表达基因,其中25个基因在NCBI数据库中均有同源序列,这些基因中7个与花发育相关,5个与脂类代谢相关,3个与活性氧及能量代谢相关,3个与光合作用及叶绿体合成相关,其余7个为功能未知基因。由此推测复等位基因遗传的核雄性不育大白菜不育的发生与脂类、能量代谢及光合作用有关。  相似文献   

RUB1(related to ubiquitin 1)是植物和酵母中一种泛素类似蛋白质,是Cullin家族的一个成员。为阐释津田芜菁Br RUB1基因的表达特性,本研究克隆了津田芜菁RUB1基因的全长c DNA序列,命名为Br RUB1,Gen Bank登录号为KF501173。其ORF全长471 bp,编码156个氨基酸;亚细胞定位结果显示,Br RUB1-GFP定位于细胞核,表明Br RUB1蛋白可能在细胞核中发挥其功能。q RT-PCR检测Br RUB1的表达表明,该基因表达量在花蕾中最高,花瓣中次之,具有组织特异性。而且Br RUB1在芜菁根皮中的表达受长波紫外线(UV-A)诱导。  相似文献   

为阐释津田芜菁Br UBC11基因的表达特性,克隆了津田芜菁UBC11基因的全长c DNA序列,命名为Br UBC11,Gen Bank登录号为KM396887。其c DNA全长685 bp,ORF区全长447 bp,编码148个氨基酸的开放阅读框;亚细胞定位结果显示,Br UBC11-GFP定位于细胞核内,表明Br UBC11蛋白可能在细胞核中发挥其功能。荧光定量PCR检测Br UBC11在芜菁不同组织中的表达结果表明,该基因在花瓣中表达量最高,花蕾中次之,具有组织特异性。而且Br UBC11在芜菁白色根皮中的表达受长波紫外线(UV-A)诱导。研究结果显示,在芜菁中,UBC11属于多功能基因,具有潜在的参与花发育和UV-A信号转导相关途径的功能。  相似文献   

以芫根粉和藜麦粉为主要原料,研制一款芫根藜麦营养代餐粉。以感官评分为考察指标,通过单因素和正交试验优化芫根藜麦营养代餐粉配方。结果表明,芫根藜麦营养代餐粉的最优配方为:以成品计,芫根粉添加量25%,藜麦粉添加量20%,奶粉添加量19%,白砂糖添加量13%,红枣粉添加量10%,麦芽糊精添加量10%,黄原胶添加量2%,黄瓜香精添加量1%。此配方条件下制备的芫根藜麦营养代餐粉蛋白质含量5.9%,脂肪含量1.6%,水分含量4.8%,黏度116mPa·s,产品口感细腻、气味协调、质地稳定。  相似文献   

Y. Yoshioka    A. Horisaki    K. Kobayashi    Syafaruddin  S. Niikura    S. Ninomiya    R. Ohsawa 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(6):551-556
In Brassica rapa L., intraspecific variation in the ultraviolet (UV) colour proportion invisible to humans but visible to insect pollinators, was investigated by UV‐photographing. After digitization of each photograph, the UV‐absorbing area (UVA) and total flower area (FA) were evaluated by means of image analysis. The ratio of UVA to FA represented the UV colour proportion (UVP). Nested anova indicated that the proportion of the variance caused by the genotypic effect was largest for UVP, and anova indicated that the F‐value for UVP was larger than that for FA. These results indicate that UVP is very stable within a genotype. That is, there was almost no additional variation caused by plants and branches. In contrast, UVP varies widely between genotypes with respect to FA. The large differences in the UVP of B. rapa flowers are likely to be distinguishable by insect pollinators, which might use these differences as visual cues in their foraging flight.  相似文献   

不结球白菜Ogura雄性不育花器官形态及败育细胞学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对不结球白菜细胞质雄性不育系S2108A和Y3611A及其相应的保持系S2108B和Y3611B进行了花器官形态比较和花药发育细胞学观察,结果表明:两套不育系和保持系之间在花器官的多个性状上差异极显著,而两个不育系S2108A和Y3611A之间除花蕾大小、雌蕊长和花瓣长有差异外,其他均不显著,说明从不同不育源转育来的两个不育系在花器官外形上差异不大;两个不育系花药败育表现均起始于四分体时期,且由于绒毡层的液泡化和径向膨大,挤压四分体小孢子导致败育,表明败育与绒毡层的不正常发育有关.此外,与Y3611A不同,在不育系S2108A中还存在另一种败育形式,绒毡层细胞壁发生融合,成为紧贴药室壁的类似于变形型绒毡层的周原质团,部分细胞质流人药室腔,包裹粘连四分体小孢子,成为染色很深的不连续团块状物,花药败育;两不育系花药发育存在花粉囊数目的变异,且花粉囊发育时期不同步,个别花粉囊较正常花粉囊发育推迟,在不育系Y3611A中还有巨型花粉囊的现象.  相似文献   

为了加快芜菁种质资源育种进程,筛选耐抽薹品种,本试验将46份不同品种芜菁在2℃条件下人工春化30 d后,在25℃光照15 h、20℃黑暗9 h环境中进行常规栽培管理,观察其抽薹情况,筛选出17份极耐抽薹品种,2份极易抽薹品种。其中芜菁品种W05最早抽薹开花,W10和W38两份品种极易抽薹,抽薹率均为100%。利用隶属函数法将所有品种分为五类。由抽薹指标的相关性分析可知,显蕾期与开花期成极显著正相关,叶片数与花薹长呈极显著正相关,蕾薹长与薹高差和抽薹速度呈极显著正相关,薹高差与抽薹天数和抽薹速度呈极显著正相关。利用主成分分析筛选出显蕾期、开花期、抽薹天数和叶片数四个主成分,这四个指标可代表所有抽薹指标85.34%信息。通过综合得分发现,筛选出的四个主成分在不同品种间的表现不同。本试验结果可为芜菁耐抽薹品种的选育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary Strong indication was found for the existence of a chromosal monogenic dominant male sterility-gene in chenese cabbage. This source of male sterility can be of practical use for the production of hybrid varieties. A pronounced drawback is the required removal, in the breeding and seed production stage, of the approximately 50% male fertile plants from each offspring of male sterile plants. Fortunately this removal is facilitated by the penomenon of apical dominace in the flowering process in the whole Brassica rapa taxon. Moreover an advantage of dominant monogenic male sterility is its easy and rapid introduction into all available genotypes of chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Winter rapeseed (Brassica rapa L.) can well-adapt to environmental conditions such as barrenness, water deficit and low temperature in arid and semi-arid planting regions and is the preferred rapeseed type. In this study, we analysed changes of root system morphology, antioxidant enzyme activity, endogenous hormone contents and differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) under control (CK), slight water deficit (SWD, 50–55% of maximum field water capacity), moderate water deficit (MWD, 40–45% of maximum field water capacity) and high water deficit (HWD, 30–35% of maximum field water capacity) conditions. Winter rapeseed experienced taproot elongation, decreased taproot diameter and increased lateral root number, under water deficit stress. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause membrane system peroxidation, and antioxidant enzyme activity increases to remove ROS. Changes in jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), cytokinin (CTK), auxin (IAA) and gibberellin (GA) levels promote the absorption of water and minerals by driving changes in the root system architecture to resist water deficit stress. A proteomic analysis has shown that DEPs are involved in energy metabolism, antioxidation response, osmotic regulation, hormone signal transduction, protein metabolism and the stress response, and these proteins are located in the peroxisome, chloroplast, mitochondrion, cell wall, vacuole, cytoplasm, extracellular space and cell membrane. In this study, multiple DEPs (malate dehydrogenase cytoplasmic 1 OS, 14-3-3-like protein GF14 Psi, GA 3-beta-dioxygenase, glutathione reductase and jasmonate-inducible protein) were involved in the root system architecture, revealing the complexity of the root response to water deficit. Significant/extremely significant synergistic relationships were observed between antioxidant enzyme activity and endogenous hormone contents. In conclusion, ROS, endogenous hormones and stress-related proteins work synergistically to control the root system architecture of winter rapeseed roots in response to water deficit stress.  相似文献   

Clubroot resistance (CR) is an important trait in Chinese cabbage breeding worldwide. Although Crr1a, the gene responsible for clubroot-resistance, has been cloned and shown to encode the NLR protein, its allelic variation and molecular function remain unknown. Here, we investigated the sequence variation and function of three Crr1a alleles cloned from six CR F1 cultivars of Chinese cabbage. Gain-of-function analysis revealed that Crr1aKinami90_a isolated from the cv. ‘Kinami 90’ conferred clubroot resistance as observed for Crr1aG004. Because two susceptible alleles commonly lacked 172 amino acids in the C-terminal region, we investigated clubroot resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis harboring the chimeric Crr1a, in which 172 amino acids of the functional alleles were fused to the susceptible alleles. The fusion of the C-terminal region to the susceptible alleles restored resistance, indicating that their susceptibility was caused by the lack of the C-terminus. We developed DNA markers to detect the two functional Crr1a alleles, and demonstrated that the functional Crr1a alleles were frequently found in European fodder turnips, whereas they were rarely introduced into Japanese CR cultivars of Chinese cabbage. These results would contribute to CR breeding via marker-assisted selection and help our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying clubroot resistance.  相似文献   

为揭示温敏不育系PK3-12S育性转换机制,本研究以白菜型冬油菜温敏不育系PK3-12花药为材料,采用2-DE和LC-MS/MS质谱鉴定等差异蛋白组学方法,分离鉴定了PK3-12在不育/可育条件下花药差异表达蛋白质,并对差异表达蛋白进行了生物信息学分析;进而采用RT-PCR检测了PK3-12在不育/可育条件下花蕾发育进程中差异蛋白编码基因表达量变化。结果表明,高温不育条件下, PK3-12花药形态瘪小,药室有少量败育花粉,育性转换受1对隐性基因控制,表达变化量在2倍以上差异蛋白质点31个,其中增量表达蛋白质点6个,减量表达蛋白质点11个,表达完全抑制蛋白点12个,不育花药特异表达蛋白点2个。质谱鉴定出15个差异蛋白质,参与信号转导通路、二羧基乙醛酸代谢、糖酵解代谢、次生合成代谢、氨基酸生物合成、分支酸生物合成、碳代谢途径等细胞过程。Rubisco亚基连接蛋白编码基因BrrbcL开放读码框(open reading frame, ORF)长度为1095 bp,编码364个氨基酸;与可育花蕾相比,发育进程中不育花蕾BrrbcL基因、膜联蛋白基因(ANN)、BetVI过敏原家族基因(BetV...  相似文献   

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