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Judging from hitherto knowledge, papular dermatitis of fattened pigs is a polyfactorial disease of idiodisposition nature. It affects only a part of the population of fattened pigs (the so-called susceptible part of population), in the cases of increased contamination of the stable environment with contaminants. The susceptible part of the population includes predisposed individuals unable to cope with the complex contamination stress of large-scale premises for pig fattening. As the concentrations of contaminants in the stable microclimate decrease, papular dermatitis starts declining and the susceptible part of the population of fattened pigs remains latently (free of symptoms) hidden in the population. The main and primary cause of the papular dermatitis of fattened pigs is seen in the predisposed individuals' inability to eliminate quickly and effectively the contaminants (particularly zinc, lead, aflatoxin B1, mercury and cadmium) from their bodies. All the remaining changes, particularly the mutagenic and immunosuppressive effects as well as papular efflorescences on the skin, arise only as secondary phenomena. The papular efflorescences in fact revealed the less resistant and predisposed individuals in the given pig population. In our view there are three factors which play an important role in the resistance of the pigs: the performance of the detoxicating mechanisms, adequate function of the immunity system, and effectiveness of the reparation mechanisms of the genetic apparatus.  相似文献   

In twenty fattened pigs with papular dermatitis (PD) and in seventeen pigs with no skin lesions (K),--the pigs had the live weight from 95 to 105 kg and came from a D. large fattening house situated in a region with extensive mining (lignite extraction)--we analyzed the skin, muscle, kidneys and liver for the contents of chemical elements (zinc, copper, manganese, lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium) and aflatoxin B1. In pancreas we analyzed only the content of aflatoxin B1. In comparison with the K group, the pigs with PD had in the skin the higher contents of zinc (PD 15.7 +/- 7.1 mg per kg, K 10.1 +/- 1.3 mg per kg, P less than 0.05) and aflatoxin B1 (PD 3.18 +/- 1.53 micrograms per kg, K 1.56 +/- 0.49 microgram per kg, P less than 0.05); in the muscle the higher contents of zinc (PD 30.2 +/- 7.6 mg per kg, K 23.8 +/- 5.4 mg per kg, P less than 0.05), of lead (PD 0.48 +/- 0.31 mg per kg, K 0.25 +/- 0.28 mg per kg, P less than 0.05) and copper (PD 3.19 +/- 3.11 mg per kg, K 0.98 +/- 0.41 mg per kg, P less than 0.01); in the kidneys the higher contents of lead (PD 0.96 +/- 0.75 mg per kg, K 0.26 +/- 0.34 mg per kg, P less than 0.01), cadmium (PD 0.38 +/- 0.14 mg per kg, K 0.26 +/- 0.20 mg per kg, P less than 0.05), manganese (PD 1.14 +/- 0.04 mg per kg, K 0.94 +/- 0.42 mg per kg, P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Since December 1981, dermatitis of unknown etiology in form of papular lesions has appeared in fattened pigs in some large herds in the Czech Socialist Republic. Clinical investigations of diseased pigs were performed in a large fattening house D. and in a large production herd of pigs M. in the region with frequent mines (lignite extraction). The diameter of the papules is mostly 3-5 mm, they are not painful when touched, are straggled irregularly, their large numbers are on the upper surface of the body. Papular dermatitis has a chronic course, affecting the gilts and castrated boars from the body weight of 30 kg, irrespective of their nutritional status. The overall health condition of pigs is not impaired and the disease does not cause itch. In the infected herds, there are usually fewer than 30% of pigs suffering from the disease. The incidence of the disease is highest in winter months. It is necessary to distinguish by differential diagnostics: swine pox, parakeratosis of swine, lesions of impetigo contagiosa suum, pustular dermatitis and scab of swine, from rarely occurring skin diseases of swine hypotrichosis cystica suis and demodicosis of swine. Neither did preventive nor therapeutic measures reduce expressively the incidence of skin lesions. We hope that the complex investigation of the internal environment of the infected pigs could help to reveal the pigs sensitive to the infection by this disease.  相似文献   

Examinations were performed of 31 fattened pigs suffering from papular dermatitis (PD) and 33 fattened pigs without dermal changes (C) coming from the D. large pig-fattening farm and the production breeding herd of pigs. The weight of the pigs was from 95 to 105 kg. Both farms are sited in a mining area (intensive lignite extraction). The PD pigs, compared with the controls (C), had less total protein, cholesterol and calcium in their blood serum and increased concentrations of thyroxine (T4), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), vitamins A and E, inorganic phosphorus and potassium, and the higher alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity. The PD pigs also had an increased leucocyte count in blood. In their peripheral lymphocytes the PD pigs had a significantly higher number of aberrant cells, 3.9 times higher number of chromosome breaks, slightly increased rate of sister chromatid exchanges, but half the number of chromosome exchanges of the C pigs. No differences between PD pigs and the controls were recorded in the response of the T-lymphocytes of peripheral blood to non-specific phytohaemagglutinin stimulation; neither were there any substantial differences in the concentration of serum immunoglobulins of the IgG, IgM and IgA classes. The PD and C pigs of both herds (the D. and M. farms) had low concentrations of all three serum immunoglobulins. The higher occurrence of PD in the D. herd, compared with the M. farm, is associated with a greater reduction of serum immunoglobulins (IgM by 38%, IgA by 25%, IgG by 15%).  相似文献   

Within the framework of a cooperative research project, turkey health as well as numerous aspects of animal welfare were examined in various intensive commercial farms with varying rearing forms. The present study demonstrates the prevalence of skin injuries concerning living animals as well as carcasses of slaughtered turkeys of both sexes. Although all turkeys were debeaked, prevalences of skin injuries at a value of 12.8% with male turkeys and 13.8% with female turkeys could be found at the age of 16 weeks. Within the scope of medically inspections skin injuries were mainly established in the head region, especially the snood as well as in the region of the back. By means of their clinical picture pecking wounds and scratch injuries could be distinguished. Skin lesion produced primary as a result of scratching the skin surface, could be enlarged by the animal itself or by conspecifics by beak pecking, especially after bleeding, in spite of debeaked upper beak. Injuries in the head region, especially of the snood, could be explained mainly as a result of pecking by conspecifics by reason of their clinical picture and were found mainly in male turkeys. Skin injuries in the region of the back, especially at the coxal tuberosity, were identified primarily as scratch marks. They were found mainly in female turkeys. A statistically significant correlation of the injury prevalence to particular husbandry parameters discussed in the literature as "predisposing" or "limiting" factors (e.g., population density, light regime or offer of employment material) could not be established in this study. At the meat inspection fresh scratching injuries at the chest and the hind legs were diagnosed most often. Especially fresh injuries of the carcass point to a misguided behaviour of the staff concerning animal handling during loading and transport which is not conform to animal welfare.  相似文献   

PRESENTING SIGNS: Three Devon Rex cats were presented with multiple erythematous papules, occasionally associated with crusting and hyperpigmentation, with a linear distribution on the head, neck, chest and abdomen. One cat also had multifocal alopecia with hyperpigmentation on the dorsum. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: Clinical and histopathological features were suggestive of papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis (urticaria pigmentosa-like dermatitis). In all cases, dermatophytosis was diagnosed: in cases 1 and 2 there was histopathological evidence of dermatophytosis, while fungal culture was positive for Microsporum canis in cases 2 and 3. In all cats, lesions disappeared following antifungal treatment. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Papular eosinophilic/mastocytic dermatitis in Devon Rex cats may represent either an atypical presentation of dermatophytosis or a clinical and histological reaction pattern to various diseases, including dermatophytosis and allergic diseases. Clinical differentiation is crucial as there are important implications regarding treatment and, in particular, the use of glucocorticoids, which are contraindicated in cases of dermatophytosis.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of TGEV-like coronavirus was made by an immunofluorescence technique using monoclonal antibodies directed against TGEV. Six, 15 weeks-old pigs were inoculated intratracheally with the strain P 6008 ST 4. No clinical sign was observed during the course of the infection. Viral antigens were detected in the cytoplasm of nasal cells obtained from swab in five animals as early as one day p.i. and during several days. The sensitivity and specificity of this method appeared to be comparable to virus isolation of this cell-adapted TGEV-like strain.  相似文献   

育肥羊大肠杆菌病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大肠杆菌是一种条件性致病菌 ,常因环境、气候以及饲养管理的改变而引起动物发病。某养殖场栈养育肥羊群暴发了一种以腹泻、尾巴水肿为主要症状的疫病 ,经临床症状、病理剖检 ,以及实验室检验 ,诊断为大肠杆菌病 ,并进行了相应的治疗和流行病学调查分析 ,报告如下。1 发病情况  相似文献   

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