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雏鸡破壳依靠两种组织协同作用来完成,即锁颌韧带和破壳肌(作者命名)。锁颌韧雏鸡破壳过程中,使雏鸡上下颌闭合增加卵齿对蛋壳的压强,破壳肌是雏鸡破壳的动力来源,破壳肌是横纹肌,并观察到部分有节横纹肌纤维。  相似文献   

9月底,大连商品交易所鸡蛋期货获证监会批准,目前大商所正在积极筹备挂牌交易,这标志中国首个畜牧品种即将“破壳而出”。业内人士表示,鸡蛋期货获批开创了中国农产品期货的新领域,使得我国畜牧期货产品的开发迈出实质性步伐。  相似文献   

上海地区二月龄内雏鸡,以共济失调为特征的“瘫脚病”近年来屡有发生。通过临床、流行病学、病理、实验室的感染试验,复制试验,预防试验,病料的细菌培养和霉菌培养,以及饲料的黄曲霉毒素测定等研究工作,已基本确定本病是由维生素E缺乏引起的营养性脑软化症。本文就脑软化症的病理组织学特征报道如下。  相似文献   

雏鸡实验性硒中毒的病理组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对10日龄雏鸡实验性急性硒中毒的病理组织学变化进行了详细研究。结果表明,随着给药剂量增加,雏鸡出现急性中毒症状,病理剖检变化以胃肠道出血及心、肝、肾等器官变性、坏死及出血为主;病理组织学变化以肝、心、肾、肺、脑等器官实质细胞变性、坏死及组织内充血、出血与炎性细胞浸润为特征;超微病理变化表现为肝细胞、心肌细胞及肾小管上皮细胞核形不规则,染色体分布不均匀,线粒体肿胀、空泡化,内质网扩张。  相似文献   

雏鸡隐孢子虫感染的病理组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

牦牛胎儿胎盘解剖和组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取健康成年母牛正常足月分娩后12h内排出体外的完整胎衣各11例,进行了绒毛叶数目,面积和绒毛叶组织切片中血管数目,直径和周长等指标的定量对比分析。结果证明:绒毛叶指数,每千克犊牛初重所占绒毛叶面积和单位绒毛叶切片面积上血管周长三项指标,天祝白牦牛依次为1.05,148.23,526.77,均极显著地大于兰州荷斯坦牛相应的0.52,73.25,461.46。  相似文献   

鸸鹋胃的组织学特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鸸鹋腺胃和肌胃组织学特点的观察,结果表明鸸鹋腺胃的深层复腺非常发达;肌胃的粘膜向管腔突出形成细而长的皱襞,肌胃腺是分支的管泡状腺,肌层十分发达,这些特点和与鸸鹋的消化机能密切相关。  相似文献   

禽蛋蛋壳的特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
叙述了禽蛋壳的形成过程、构造、物理性状和化学成分及质量指标等,通过数据对比分析,比较全面地评定了蛋壳的性状,对禽蛋的生产和蛋壳的开发利用提供了科学指导。  相似文献   

蛋壳资源综合开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中从禽蛋生产和蛋壳资源现状出发,论述了蛋壳资源利用的意义以及蛋壳资源的可利用方式,为蛋壳资源的综合开发利用提供指导。  相似文献   

高温条件下蛋壳结构变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋壳是鸡蛋保持新鲜、防止变质的重要组成部分。将高温条件下鸡蛋与新鲜蛋的蛋壳进行比较,结果发现,高温条件下蛋壳外表面的护膜局部脱落;乳锥层的纤维变细,乳锥减少;蛋壳结构也发生了变化,柱状层中孔的密度和直径均有所增大。  相似文献   

将25枚产后不到24 h的鹌鹑种蛋,作换壳培养试验。用25枚正常鹌鹑种蛋(对照组Ⅰ)和25枚鹌鹑无精蛋(对照组Ⅱ)作为对照,按常规方法孵化。结果:试验组有1羽鹌鹑正常出雏,孵化率迭4%。对照组Ⅰ有20羽鹌鹑孵出,孵化率为80%,对照组Ⅱ无鹌鹑孵出,无孤雌生殖现象发生。说明该试验具有可行性,它为今后实施胚胎移植和体外受精等试验作了准备。  相似文献   

There are three pigments that affect the color of an eggshell: protoporphyrin, biliverdin and biliverdin‐zinc chelate. Protoporphyrin is the main pigment in brown and light‐brown eggshells, whereas very little protoporphyrin is found in white eggshells. Eggshell protoporphyrin is derived from the heme formation in birds. Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (CPOX) and ferrochelatase (FECH) represent rate‐limiting enzymes for the heme‐biosynthetic pathway. Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), feline leukemia virus receptor (FLVCR), and heme‐responsive gene‐1 (HRG1) serve as primary transporters for both protoporphyrinogen and heme. Finally, four organic anion transporting polypeptide family members (including solute carrier organic anion transporter family, SLCO1C1, SLCO1A2, SLCO1B3 and LOC418189) may affect pigment transport within eggshells. Here we measured gene expression levels in key tissues of egg‐producing hens. We analyzed three different types of hens that generated distinct eggshell colors: white, pink or brown. Our data revealed three ways in which eggshell color was genetically influenced. First, high‐level expression of CPOX generated more protoporphyrinogen and a brown eggshell color. In contrast, high expression of FECH likely converted more protoporphyrinogen into heme, reduced protoporphyrinogen levels within the eggshell and generated a light color. Second, heme transporters also affected eggshell color. High‐level expression of BCRP, HRG1 and FLVCR were associated with brown, white and generally lighter eggshell colors, respectively. Finally, protoporphyrin precipitation also affected eggshell color, as high expression of both SLCO1A2 and SLCO1C1 were associated with brown eggshell color. As such, we have identified seven genes in which expression levels in different tissues were associated with eggshell color.  相似文献   

蛋壳颜色形成的机理探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
禽蛋蛋壳颜色的遗传力为0.58~0.76,它取决于胆绿素—IX、胆绿素的锌螯合物、原卟啉—IX三者间的比例。本文对蛋壳颜色的形成机理、影响因素及其调控方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

1. The unique accessibility of the avian embryo have made them an ideal model for the study of development and genome editing. Chicken whole embryo culture has provided important insights into toxicity tests, gene manipulation, clarifying gene functions, cell transplantation and cell tracking.

2. A simple technique for chicken manipulation is eggshell windowing, without or with seal, the latter having demonstrated some improvement in hatching rates.

3. Likewise, a surrogate eggshell system provides an accessible model for manipulation during chicken and quail development, with a higher hatchability compared to the simple windowing method.

4. The development of the chicken ex ovo culture systems in a synthetic environment as an efficient technique for imaging and microsurgery applications has enabled the study of important events of live chicken embryos at a specific time point.

5. This short review illustrates recent applications of well-designed whole embryo culture systems as a robust model for research into numerous biological mechanism, drug discovery, gene manipulating and production of functional proteins.  相似文献   

本文描述了内蒙古嘎顺音阿德格(17.5 Ma)和宝格达乌拉(7.11±0.48 Ma)地点的中新世平胸鸟类蛋壳化石.其中嘎顺音阿德格地点的蛋壳材料厚度约为2.12 mm,其外表面光滑具针孔型气孔.径切面显示其表面晶体层甚薄,椎体层与柱状层之比约为1∶2.4.宝格达乌拉地点的材料特征与嘎顺音阿德格的材料接近,所不同的是前者厚度略薄(平均2.02 mm),且气孔密度较小.这些特征与aepyornithid型蛋壳特征接近,因此aepyornithid 型蛋壳分布可以扩展至东亚;而嘎顺音阿德格地点的aepyornithid型蛋壳可以作为这一类型的早期代表.通过欧亚大陆几个地点间的对比,我们发现aepyornithid型蛋壳在欧亚大陆出现的时间显著早于struthionid型蛋壳,这似乎说明前者是区别于"鸵鸟"的另一类动物.与此同时,两个动物群的组合面貌反映出中新世蒙古高原的干旱化过程,蛋壳气孔密度的变化可能与这一过程有直接关系.  相似文献   

Phosphorus runoff from the land application of poultry litter has become a concern in watersheds in the Ozark Plateau region, prompting local growers to use alternative litter management practices. One option is the export of excess poultry litter from producers in nutrient-surplus watersheds to users located in areas where nutrient loads are not problematic. In 2006, nearly 100,000 tons of broiler and turkey litter was exported by BMPs Inc., a nonprofit corporation providing litter management services. However, breeder hen litter and pullet litter are rarely exported because there are limited outlets for these lower nutrient value litters. Another poultry industry by-product is eggshell waste from egg-breaking operations, most of which is currently landfilled at a cost of $25/ton. Composting was examined as an alternative method to convert litter and eggshell wastes into a marketable soil amendment, making use of the beneficial soil nutrients available in both; 4 blends and 2 production systems were analyzed. Process results indicated that during composting, the observed temperatures of each of the 4 blends were different, but all followed a similar trend throughout the production cycle. Functional group inventory and diversity analysis indicated that all blends fell within optimal ranges of microbial species, except for the ratio of aerobic to anaerobic bacteria; only blend 4 was within the optimal value for this parameter. Diversity values for each blend fell within the moderate diversity range (3 < d < 6.5). Maturity analysis results indicated that no blends were mature at 11 wk (index <50%) and could not safely be used in horticultural applications but could safely be used in field applications. Break-even analyses indicated that compost could be produced at an average cost (across the 4 blends) of $17.48 to $20.09/ton for systems 1 (small-scale) and 2 (large-scale), respectively.  相似文献   

Right third metacarpal bones (n=24) from Thoroughbreds, 24 to 48 months old and in race training, were tested to failure in 3 point bending. The neutral load axis was estimated and the distance from the axis to the outer dorsal cortical surface measured. Mid-diaphyseal dorsopalmar and lateromedial outer cortical and medullary diameters were measured. Breaking strength, cortical area and area moment of inertia were also calculated. Significant correlations were demonstrated between months in training and dorsopalmar bone diameter, cortical area and area moment of inertia. Significant linear models were illustrated between the same 3 variables and number of months in training. It was concluded that increased duration of training significantly enlarges dorsopalmar bone diameter, cortical area and area moment of inertia. Training did not affect metacarpal bone breaking strength as determined by 3 point bending.  相似文献   

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