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  1. The aim of this study, comprising two experiments, was (1) to determine in Experiment 1 the relationship of incremental dietary P (phosphorus) content on precaecal digestible P in male broilers and (2) to determine in Experiment 2 the precaecal P digestibility of various inorganic P sources at marginal levels of P supply.

  2. In Experiment 1, a total of 260 male Ross 308 broilers were divided into groups of 10 birds per pen resulting in 8 replicates for treatment 1 and 6 replicates for treatments 2–4. Experimental diets were formulated to contain 4 incremental concentrations of digestible P by means of increasing concentrations of monocalcium phosphate (MCP). In the second experiment, 480-d-old male Ross 308 broilers were divided in groups of 12 birds per pen resulting in 16 replicates for the basal diet and 6 replicates for each test diet. A total of 4 inorganic P sources, MCP, monodicalcium phosphate (MDCP), dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and defluorinated phosphate (DFP) were added to the basal diet to determine the precaecal P digestibility. Three of the 4 inorganic P sources (MCP, MDCP and DCP) represented a mix of batches from different producers. At the end of both experiments, the chyme of the posterior part of the small intestine was collected. Digestibility of P and Ca was determined using titanium dioxide as indigestible marker.

  3. In Experiment 1, a reduction in precaecal digestibility of P was observed above an estimated precaecal digestible dietary P concentration of 4.8 g/kg.

  4. The precaecal P digestibility of the tested inorganic P sources in Experiment 2 was 78.3% for MCP, 59.0% for DCP, 70.7% for MDCP and 31.5% for DFP.


汤莉  李军 《饲料广角》2007,(17):35-38
试验采用1日龄AVAIN肉仔鸡200只研究不同铁源的生物学效价。采用3×3因子试验设计,3种铁源分别为硫酸亚铁、柠檬酸铁和酵母铁,试验日粮在玉米-豆粕型基础日粮(对照组)的基础上分别添加40、80、160mg/kg铁构成,试验共10个处理,每个处理4个重复。在本试验条件下,试验各组铁源对肉仔鸡生产性能、脾脏以及血红蛋白铁含量、红细胞计数、血细胞压积、血清总铁结合力影响不显著;对肝脏、肾脏铁浓度影响显著或极显著;随日粮铁水平的增加,肉仔鸡生产性能没有表现出规律性变化,脾脏铁、肝脏铁、胰脏铁浓度以及血红蛋白含量极显著增加,肾脏、肝脏铁浓度以及血红蛋白、红细胞计数显著增加,而血清总铁结合力极显著降低。利用斜率比法,不同判断指标得到的柠檬酸铁和酵母铁的相对生物学效价不同;综合所获得的回归方程的显著性和日粮铁水平对各测定指标的影响,本次试验所测指标均可作为适合本试验条件的评价不同铁源生物学利用率指标。  相似文献   

1. A 56-d experiment was conducted to study the comparative influence of organic and inorganic dietary copper (Cu) sources on growth, blood characteristics and copper accumulation in organs of broilers. 2. A total of 480 Arbor-Acre unsexed broilers were fed on diets containing copper sulphate (CuSO(4)) or copper proteinate (Cu Pro) at concentrations of 50, 100 or 150 mg/kg of Cu supplementation. The birds were given a broiler starter diet from 1-28 d and a broiler finisher diet from 29-56 d which contained 30·8 mg/kg and 41·1 mg/kg basal copper concentration respectively. Growth performance, blood characteristics and Cu accumulation in organs of the broilers were measured. 3. At 28 d, Cu Pro-fed birds had improved feed conversion ratio compared with CuSO(4). At 56 d, birds fed on Cu Pro diets had significantly greater body weight than CuSO(4)-fed birds. Birds fed on CuSO(4) supplemented diets had significantly better feed conversion efficiency. Feed consumptions for the two Cu sources were not significantly different. At no stage did the concentration of added Cu affect the productive traits measured. 4. Cu Pro supplementation increased haemoglobin concentration but reduced plasma triglyceride and plasma cholesterol. Plasma cholesterol decreased as Cu concentration increased. 5. There was a greater accumulation of Cu in the blood, heart, lung, liver and bone of broilers fed on Cu Pro than in those receiving CuSO(4). The liver Cu concentration increased as dietary Cu concentration increased. 6. Cu Pro was more effective in promoting growth and reducing blood cholesterol, and was more bio-available in the organs of broilers.  相似文献   

为了研究前期日粮中不同钙磷状态对养分利用的影响,试验选用96只1日龄爱拔益加(AA)肉仔鸡,随机分为2个处理,每个处理8个重复.分别饲喂适宜水平钙磷(1.00% Ca,0.42% AP)和低钙低磷(0.85% ca,0.26%aP)两种不同的日粮至2周龄末(0~14 d),14日龄后都统一饲喂低钙低磷(0.85% Ca和0.26% AP)日粮,在18~21日龄全收粪法收集排泄物3d,测定养分利用率.结果表明,前期饲喂低钙低磷日粮使得肉仔鸡在试验阶段的生长性能显著降低(P<0.05),死亡率提高2.29%.低磷营养状态可提高肉仔鸡日粮中植酸磷、钙和磷的利用率,降低能量代谢利用率.  相似文献   

Anticoccidial efficacy of diclazuril given for 42 to 49 days of age was evaluated in broiler chickens. Mortality from coccidiosis in unmedicated controls averaged 12.90% for six experiments. Treatment with diclazuril at 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 ppm reduced coccidiosis mortality to 1.41%, 0.85%, or 0.63%, respectively, and reduced average total lesion scores by 78%, 81% or 82%, respectively. The final live weight and feed conversion at 49 days of age was significantly improved by treatment with diclazuril at all levels. Comparisons in some trials suggested that 1.0 ppm of diclazuril was equal or superior to the other anticoccidial drugs. There was no evidence that diclazuril harmed performance, even when given at 1.5 ppm.  相似文献   

Twelve organic Mn sources and MnSO4 were evaluated by polarographic analysis and via solubility in buffers (pH 5 and 2) and deionized water. Fractions from solubility tests were evaluated by gel filtration chromatography for structural integrity. Organic Mn sources included five Mn methionine complexes (Mn Met A to Mn Met E), two Mn proteinates (Mn Pro A and Mn Pro B), and five Mn amino acids (Mn AA A to Mn AA E). Sources varied considerably in chemical characteristics. Chelation strength (Qf) ranged from weak (1.9 Qf-values) to strong complexes (115.4 Qf-values). No complexed Mn was found in filtrates at pH 2.0 or 5.0. A 42-d bioassay was used to estimate relative bioavailability of Mn sources for chicks fed diets supplemented with 60, 120, or 180 mg Mn/kg. Bone Mn, heart Mn, heart manganese-superoxide dismutase activity (MnSOD), and heart MnSOD mRNA increased (P < 0.001) as dietary Mn increased. Only heart MnSOD mRNA tended (P < 0.10) to differ among dietary Mn sources. For bioassays of Mn, the MnSOD mRNA level in heart was more sensitive than the MnSOD activity in heart or other indices. Relative to MnSO4 (assigned 100%), slope ratios of MnSOD mRNA levels in heart gave bioavailabilities of 99, 132, and 113% for Mn Met E, Mn AA B, and Mn AA C sources with weak, moderate, and strong chelation strength, respectively. The bioavailability of Mn was more closely related to chelation strength as measured by polarography than to chemical traits assessed by solubility or structural integrity.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the short-term effects of feeding two dietary Se sources at various Se levels on the transfer of Se to the dam's milk and nursing pig. Six dietary treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with two additional treatments in a randomized complete block designed experiment. Inorganic (sodium selenite) or organic (Se-enriched yeast) Se sources were added to the diet at .15 or .30 ppm Se. A non-Se-fortified corn-soybean meal basal diet served as a negative control, and a sixth group was fed .15 ppm Se from both inorganic and organic Se sources. A total of 43 sows were fed their treatment diets at 2.2 kg/d from 6 d prepartum to parturition and at full feed through a 14-d lactation period. Ten sows were initially bled at 6 d prepartum, and three sows and three pigs from their litters were bled at 7 and 14 d postpartum. Serum was analyzed for its Se concentration and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity. Colostrum was collected within 12 h postpartum and milk at 7 and 14 d of lactation. When the basal diet was fed, sow serum GSH-Px activity declined from 6 d prepartum and remained low throughout lactation. When dietary Se levels increased, sow serum Se concentration and serum GSH-Px activity increased (P < .05) at both 7 and 14 d postpartum. The short-term feeding of either Se source at .15 or .30 ppm Se did not affect colostrum Se content when inorganic Se was fed, but it was increased when organic Se was provided. This resulted in a significant Se source x Se level interaction (P < .01). Milk Se at 7 and 14 d postpartum was 2.5 to 3 times higher when the organic Se source was provided and resulted in a significant Se source x Se level interaction (P < .05). When the combination of inorganic and organic Se was fed at .15 ppm Se, colostrum and milk Se contents were similar to those of sows fed .15 ppm Se from the organic Se source. Pig serum GSH-Px activity was not affected at 7 and 14 d of age by dietary Se level or Se source fed to the sow, but serum Se increased (P < .05) as dietary Se level increased, particularly when sows had been fed organic Se. The results demonstrated that organic Se increased milk Se content more than did inorganic Se and increased the nursing pig's serum Se. These results indicate that inorganic Se was more biologically available for sow serum GSH-Px activity, but organic Se was more effectively incorporated into milk.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to investigate the effects of a dietary organic acid (OA) mixture and 2 fiber sources on performance, intestinal morphology, immune responses and gut microflora in broilers. A total of 390 one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were allocated to 6 dietary treatments with 5 replicate pens and 13 chicks each based on a factorial arrangement (2 × 3) in a completely randomized design. The experiment lasted 42 d. The following experimental diets and as well as their interaction were considered: a basal diet supplemented with or without OA (0 or 1 g/kg) and 2 fiber sources (sugar beet pulp [soluble fiber] or rice hull [insoluble fiber]; 0 or 30 g/kg). Dietary supplementation of OA increased daily weight gains of broilers across the entire rearing period (P < 0.05). The dietary fibrous materials did not affect the performance of broilers. Antibody titer against influenza disease virus was higher in birds fed diets containing rice hull compared with other experimental groups (P < 0.05). The population of Lactobacillus bacteria was greater in birds fed OA-added diets without or with 30 g/kg rice hull supplementation compared with other experimental groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplemental OA improved performance of broilers, and dietary supplemental OA with rice hull enhanced humoral immune responses.  相似文献   

An experiment evaluated the effects of feeding either a basal non-Se-fortified diet, two Se sources (organic or inorganic) each providing 0.15 and 0.30 ppm Se, or their combination (each providing 0.15 ppm Se) on gilt growth and sow reproductive performance. The experiment was a 2 x 2 + 2 factorial conducted in a randomized complete block design in three replicates. One hundred twenty-six crossbred gilts were started on one of the six treatment diets at 27.6 kg BW. During the grower phase, animals were bled at 30-d intervals with three gilts killed per treatment at 115 kg BW for tissue Se analysis. Fifteen gilts per treatment were bred at 8 mo of age and were continued on their treatment diets for four parities. Sow serum collected within parity was analyzed for Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity. Tissue Se was determined from five 0-d-old pigs per treatment from fourth-parity sows. Three sows per treatment were killed after the fourth parity for tissue Se analysis. Similar treatment performance responses occurred from 27 to 115 kg BW. Serum Se (P < 0.01) and GSH-Px activity (P < 0.05) increased for both Se sources to 0.30 ppm Se during the grower and reproductive periods. Serum Se and GSH-Px activity decreased from 70 to 110 d postcoitum in all treatment groups, but increased at weaning (P < 0.01) in the Se-fortified groups. The number of pigs born (total, live) increased (P < 0.05) with the 0.15 ppm Se level for both Se sources. Tissue and total body Se content of 0-d-old pigs increased with Se level (P < 0.01) and also when the organic Se source (P < 0.01) was fed to the sow. When sows were fed either Se source, pig serum Se (P < 0.01) and GSH-Px activity (P < 0.05) increased at weaning. Colostrum and milk Se concentrations increased (P < 0.01) with Se level for both Se sources, but were substantially greater (P < 0.01) when sows were fed organic Se. The combination of Se sources had sow milk and tissue Se values that were similar to those of sows milk and fed 0.15 ppm organic Se. The fourth-parity sows had greater tissue Se concentrations when organic Se level was increased (P < 0.01), more so than when sows were fed inorganic Se. These results suggest that both Se sources resulted in similar sow reproductive performances at 0.15 ppm Se, but sows fed the organic Se source had a greater transfer of Se to the neonate, colostrum, milk, weaned pig, and sow tissues than sows fed inorganic Se.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding pharmacological concentrations of zinc (Zn), from organic and inorganic sources, on growth performance, plasma and tissue Zn accumulation, and Zn excretion of nursery pigs. Blood from all pigs was collected for plasma Zn determination on d 14 in Exp. 1, d 7 and 28 in Exp. 2, and d 15 in Exp. 3. In Exp. 1, 2, and 3, 90, 100, and 15 crossbred (GenetiPorc USA, LLC, Morris, MN) pigs were weaned at 24+/-0.5, 18, and 17 d of age (6.45, 5.47, and 5.3 kg avg initial BW), respectively, and allotted to dietary treatment based on initial weight, sex, and litter. A Phase 1 nursery diet was fed as crumbles from d 0 to 14 in Exp. 1, 2, and 3, and a Phase 2 nursery diet was fed as pellets from d 15 to 28 in Exp. 1 and 2. The Phase 1 and Phase 2 basal diets were supplemented with 100 ppm Zn as ZnSO4. Both dietary phases contained the same five dietary treatments: 150 ppm additional Zn as zinc oxide (ZnO), 500 ppm added Zn as ZnO, 500 ppm added Zn as a Zn-amino acid complex (Availa-Zn 100), 500 ppm added Zn as a Zn-polysaccharide complex (SQM-Zn), and 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO. Overall in Exp. 1, pigs fed 500 ppm added Zn as SQM-Zn or 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO had greater ADG (P < 0.05) than pigs fed 150 ppm, 500 ppm added Zn as ZnO, or 500 ppm added Zn as Availa-Zn 100 (0.44 and 0.46 kg/d vs 0.35, 0.38, and 0.33 kg/d respectively). Overall in Exp. 2, pigs fed 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO had greater (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI than pigs fed any other dietary treatment. On d 14 of Exp. 1 and d 28 of Exp. 2, pigs fed 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO had higher (P < 0.05) plasma Zn concentrations than pigs on any other treatment. In Exp. 3, fecal, urinary, and liver Zn concentrations were greatest (P < 0.05) in pigs fed 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO. On d 10 to 15 of Exp. 3, pigs fed 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO had the most negative Zn balance (P < 0.05) compared with pigs fed the other four dietary Zn treatments. In conclusion, feeding 3,000 ppm added Zn as ZnO improves nursery pig performance; however, under certain nursery conditions the use of 500 ppm added Zn as SQM-Zn may also enhance performance. The major factor affecting nutrient excretion appears to be dietary concentration, independent of source.  相似文献   

铬作为葡萄糖耐量因子成分 ,能促进胰岛素调节动物体内脂类代谢 ,降低脂肪含量 ,改善胴体品质。有机铬无论是铬酵母还是吡啶羧酸铬都可以降低肉鸡脂肪含量。不同形式的铬 ,吸收率存在很大的差异 ,Seerly(1 993)报道有机铬吸收率约为 1 0 %~ 2 5 % ,而无机三价铬仅为 1 %~ 3 %(Anderson等 ,1 985;Offenbacher等 ,1 986)。日粮中添加无机铬是否产生与有机铬相同的效果还不清楚 ,为此我们通过两个试验探索肉用仔鸡日粮添加不同含量的CrCl3·6H2 O ,对生产性能和脂类代谢的影响。1 材料和方法1 1 试验鸡分…  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify transmission of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) H120 vaccine strain among broilers, and to assess whether birds that have been exposed to vaccine strain-shedding birds were protected against clinical signs after infection with a virulent strain of the same serotype. A transmission experiment and a replicate were carried out, each with six groups of commercial broilers. At day of hatch (n = 30) or at 15 days of age (n = 20), half of each group was inoculated with either IBV H120 vaccine (H120 group), virulent IBV M41 (M41 group), or were mock-infected, thereby contact-exposing the other half of each group. Nasal discharge was recorded, and antibody response and virus shedding were measured. To measure clinical protection, four weeks after inoculation all birds, in all groups, were challenged with IBV M41. The reproduction ratio (R; the average number of contact infections caused by one infectious bird) was determined to quantify virus transmission. All contact-exposed birds, except for one in an H120 group, became infected with either IBV H120 or IBV M41. Almost all birds contact-infected with IBV H120 or IBV M41 were subsequently protected against clinical signs after challenge with IBV M41. The lower limits of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the R of IBV H120 vaccine, and of IBV M41, were significantly <1. For both IBV H120 and IBV M41, the 95% CI was [2.1-infinity] following inoculation at day of hatch and [1.8-infinity] after inoculation at 15 days of age. This finding demonstrates that IBV H120 vaccine is able to spread extensively among broilers. This implies that this vaccine strain might be able to become endemically present in the poultry population. It also implies that, even if not all birds received vaccine during spray application, due to the ability of the vaccine to spread in the flock, they will most likely be protected against clinical signs after a subsequent field virus infection.  相似文献   

Evaluating natural compounds as a way of enhancing performance and reducing mortality in broilers is important for the poultry industry. Four experiments, involving 1,668 male Ross 708 broilers, were conducted to determine the effect of humic acid (MFG) and protected butyric acid (PBA) on performance and death loss throughout the starter and grower-finisher periods. Experiments 1 and 2 (conducted in early summer and late summer and fall) had between 4 and 6 treatments with MFG and PBA fed alone or in combination with 10 (0.22 m2/bird) to 12 (0.18 m2/bird) broilers per pen. The combination of MFG and PBA significantly improved performance and livability in experiment 1, but had no effect in experiment 2. Experiments 3 (early summer) and 4 (middle of summer) had 20 broilers per pen (0.11 m2/bird). Treatments for experiments 3 and 4 were (1) control, (2) control + MFG (4 and 2 lb/ton for starter and grower-finisher, respectively), (3) control + MFG (4 and 2 lb/ton) + PBA (0.66 and 0.33 lb/ton) for starter and grower-finisher, respectively, and (4) control + MFG (4 and 2 lb/ton) + PBA (1.1 and 0.55 lb/ton). No significant performance differences were observed in experiment 3. In contrast, broilers on treatment 4 in experiment 4 had significant responses in ADG and FCR, along with lower mortalities in extremely hot weather, compared with treatment 1, for the overall (d 0–45) period. Based on these data, especially during heat stress, broilers fed a mixture of MFG and PBA have improved growth and feed efficiency along with lower mortalities.  相似文献   

越来越多的人认识到钙源品质变化对肉鸡胃肠道pH、磷和氨基酸消化率、外源酶功效和胃肠道微生物种群的影响.本综述的目的是描述肉鸡饲料成分钙消化、代谢,重点介绍可能影响消化率的因素.但文献报道的钙消化和代谢的可重复性仍然存在局限性.未来使用玉米型日粮对回肠钙表观消化率系数进行评估,将钙与非植酸磷比例大于1:1的日粮适应期定为...  相似文献   

Varying chicken growth rates were induced with different nutritional regimes, and the collagen content and architecture of M. pectoralis (PT) were compared among 21‐day‐old chicks and broilers at 80 or 95 days of age. The percentage of muscle weight to live weight was higher in rapid growing chicks (8.4%) than slow growing chicks (6.3%). The 80‐day‐old broilers engaged in compensatory growth after the early slow growth period producing PT muscle at 11% of live weight. The 80‐ and 95‐day‐old chicks with restricted late growth after an early rapid growth period showed PT weight at 8% and 9% of live weight, respectively. Collagen content of the PT muscle markedly decreased from the chicks to the broilers. The collagen concentration was higher in the late‐growth restricted broilers (1.67–1.88 mg/g) than the compensatory growth broilers (1.01–1.10 mg/g). Collagen concentration did not differ between the rapid and slow growing chicks (2.72 and 2.94 mg/g). Scanning electron micrographs showed thick and thin perimysia, and honeycomb endomysia. In the perimysia, a stack layer of collagen platelets and a reticular layer of collagen fiber cords were distinguished and collagen baskets of adipocytes were observed. The perimysial collagen fibers became thicker during growth of the chicks to broilers. However, in the late‐growth restricted broilers, the perimysial collagen fibers seemed to have retarded development compared with the compensatory growth birds. The PT muscle of chickens develops optimally when body growth is enhanced. The PT muscle of the compensatory growth broilers had improved collagen architecture regardless of the marked decrease in collagen content.  相似文献   

Immunosuppression in broilers under experimental aflatoxicosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of purified aflatoxin B1 on cell mediated immunity in broilers were carried out using 0.3 p.p.m. and 1 p.p.m. dose level. The percentage of acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase reacting lymphocytes was significantly (P less than 0.05) decreased in chicks fed 0.3 p.p.m. and 1 p.p.m. level of aflatoxin B1. The albumin and globulin values were also significantly decreased (P less than 0.05) at both dose levels.  相似文献   

李军  汤莉 《饲料广角》2007,(18):34-37
试验采用1日龄AVAINS肉仔鸡200只研究不同锰源的生物学效价。试验采用3×3因子试验设计,3种锰源分别为硫酸锰、乙酸锰和酵母锰,3个锰水平分别为60、120、180mg/kg,试验共10个处理,每个处理4个重复。在本试验条件下,试验组各组锰源日粮锰源对肉仔鸡生产性能、心肌、肝脏、肾脏、胫骨锰含量以及心肌MnSOD活力影响不显著。日粮中添加酵母锰有改善肉仔鸡生产性能的趋势,但随日粮锰水平的增加,肉仔鸡生产性能没有表现出规律性变化,心肌、肝脏、肾脏及胫骨锰含量极显著增加,而血红蛋白含量显著降低。综合考虑本试验获得的回归方程的显著性和日粮锰水平对各测定指标的影响,本次试验所测指标均可以作为适合本试验条件的评价不同锰源生物学利用率指标。  相似文献   

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