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1991年6月—9月对世界濒危物种──遗鸥进行人工饲养。本文对遗鸥雏鸟在人工饲养条件下的食性、食量、生长发育和羽色变化等做了记述。  相似文献   

1991年6月-9月对世界淑危物种-遗欧进行人工包头。本文对遗鸥雏乌在人工饲养条件下的食性、食量、生长发育和羽色变公等做了记述。  相似文献   

2016年5月25日在宁夏回族自治区双猫头湖发现了遗鸥。2016年和2017年,利用无人机监测与定点观察相结合的方法,对遗鸥新的繁殖群、繁殖地进行了考察。计数遗鸥810只,约410个繁殖对。繁殖地为湖上2个岛,植被稀疏。另观察到其他鸟类48种。遗鸥食物来源为数量巨大的摇蚊类和豆娘。此次发现为遗鸥在我国繁殖地的新发现。  相似文献   

观赏鸟饲料的研制与应用王水明(苏州市新城饲料厂215008)鸟类经过长期的进化和演变,出现了许多种类,有以谷物食性为主的鸟类,如鹦鹉;有以杂食性为主的鸟类,如相思;有以昆虫食性为主的鸟类,如画眉。杂食性鸟和昆虫食性鸟俗称软食鸟。谷物食性的鸟类以谷物为...  相似文献   

红碱淖湿地遗鸥及水鸟的种群和分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红碱淖湿地位于中国候鸟迁徙的主要路线上,水鸟分布较为集中,是遗鸥、大天鹅等珍稀水鸟的重要迁徙停歇地和繁殖地。通过对红碱淖湿地遗鸥及水鸟的种群和分布进行了8 a的实地调查和研究,统计分析了红碱淖2001~2007年的遗鸥和水鸟的种群数量动态变化。研究结果表明2007年红碱淖湿地的遗鸥繁殖巢数达5 036巢,种群数量10 072只,已成为全球最大遗鸥种群,在此基础上,还总结了红碱淖湿地7目14科55种水鸟的分布和保护价值,为水鸟的保护和管理提供了依据,对红碱淖湿地遗鸥及水鸟的保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

10种鸟消化系统的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
为了弄清鸟类消化系统形态结构与食性的关系,2005年3~7月对陇东学院和西峰市郊10种野生鸟的消化系统进行了解剖观察。结果表明,鸟的喙和舌因种类、食性和采食方式不同有很大的差异,鸟类消化道的形态特征与其食性密切相关:大白鹭的消化管最长,是体长的2.59倍,斑鸠、石鸡、环颈雉的消化管次之,是体长的2.39~2.45倍,白头鹎、北红尾鸲、白脊鸟令鸟、大山雀、椋鸟和灰伯劳的消化管最短,是体长的0.88~1.51倍;环颈雉、石鸡的嗉囊、肌胃和盲肠均非常发达,白头鹎、北红尾鸲、白脊鸟令鸟、大山雀、灰椋鸟、灰伯劳的嗉囊、肌胃、盲肠退化、消失。对其嗉囊、肌胃内容物剖检发现,大白鹭为肉食性鸟类,斑鸠、环颈雉、石鸡为植食性鸟类,白头鹎为杂食性鸟类,北红尾鸲、大山雀、白脊鸟令鸟、灰椋鸟、灰伯劳为食虫性鸟类。  相似文献   

2000年10月,在陕西省榆林市神木县红碱淖首次发现国家一级重点保护野生动物遗鸥以来,引起了国家有关部门和省、市、县人民政府的高度关注,随着保护力度的加强,2005年红碱淖的遗鸥种群已超万只,成为全球最大的遗鸥繁殖种群。作者于近几年多次到红碱淖进行调研,现将调查结果介绍如下。一、遗鸥概况1.发现和定名遗鸥(Larus relictus),鸥形目,  相似文献   

为了解齐齐哈尔红头潜鸭昼间行为规律与机场鸟击之间的关系,2011年9~11月,对齐齐哈尔机场附近的生境及红头潜鸭的分布及活动进行调查,重点调查分析了位于齐齐哈尔东南部污水处理池中的红头潜鸭在秋季的各种行为时间分配规律,并对其行为规律与机场安全的关系进行了研究。结果表明:红头潜鸭秋季行为主要有取食、游泳、理羽、休息、游戏、飞行和观察7个部分,其中休息和取食所占的比例最高,分别是39%和34%。飞行为重点研究的行为,占了3%,此鸟飞行的高度约为20~150 m,活动范围是以污水处理池为中心24 km~2,覆盖了齐齐哈尔飞机场的飞行区域,而飞行是红头潜鸭引起鸟击的主要原因,在9:00~11:00和12:00~14:00有明显的峰值,飞机场等有关部门应做好相应防范措施。  相似文献   

灰伯劳(Lanius excubito)在我国为冬候鸟。有关灰伯劳的冬季生态未见报导,因此笔者自1984——1989年在吉林地区对该鸟的越冬生态进行了观察。一、工作方法定点跟踪观察:该鸟数量稀少,不论在迁徙季节或越冬季节都不容易见到。路线数量统计发现在越冬期最近距离的两只灰伯劳栖息点约为7公里。根据该鸟的食性和食量,不太可能需要这样大面积的占区。因此采用定点跟踪的方法观察,在发现该鸟栖息地的  相似文献   

凤头(辟鸟)(虒鸟)广泛分布于开阔的平原湖泊、江河和沼泽等地带,是环境变化的指示物种.凤头(辟鸟)(虒鸟)在我国分布较广,数量较多,但近年来数量也呈下降趋势,本文通过对凤头(辟鸟)(虒鸟)繁殖前期的行为观察得出了在这一时期的日行为节律以及各行为在1 d中的时间分配比例,1 d中以游水行为为主占37.81%,其他行为情况分别是理羽占22.48%、静栖占13.44%、潜水占11.16%、觅食占10.89%、求偶占3.86%、卧巢行为占0.27%,其他行为占0.08%.凤头(辟鸟)(虒鸟)雌雄个体行为发生的频次无明显差异,只是进入繁殖前期,雌性个体在卧巢行为占很高比例.  相似文献   

1. Sixty-three laying hens were collected from 5 commercial farms experiencing outbreaks of cannibalism. It is known that cannibalistic behaviour varies strongly between hybrids and between individuals of the same hybrid. The aim of this study was to test specific hypotheses about the causation of cannibalism by comparing matched individuals varying in their cannibalistic behaviour. 2. To investigate feed efficiency, egg production and feed consumption, data were collected over 30 d. Nutrient deficiencies have been associated with outbreaks of cannibalism and we hypothesised that cannibals are more feed efficient than their flock mates and, therefore, more susceptible to transient nutrient deficiencies or imbalances that trigger cannibalistic behaviour. 3. Video recordings were made of victims of cloacal cannibalism and their matched controls during oviposition. Victims were expected to have longer oviposition durations and a higher incidence of short-term cloacal prolapses than controls, because the starting point for cannibalism is often suggested to be pecking at the red mucosa of the victim during, or just after, oviposition. 4. Oviduct swab samples were taken from surviving victims of cloacal cannibalism and their matched controls 4 weeks after the cannibalistic attack. If peck wounds provide a route for subsequent bacterial invasion of the reproductive tract, victims would be expected to have greater bacterial colonisation of the oviduct. 5. Mortality within each matched trio was recorded over a 23-month period after the cannibalistic attack. Victims that survived a cannibalistic attack were expected to have reduced longevity compared to controls and cannibals. This could occur if they developed secondary infections as a result of the cannibalistic attack, or if they had poorer health even before the attack. 6. No significant differences were found between cannibals, victims and controls in feed efficiency or any of the production variables measured. Victims of cloacal cannibalism did not expose their cloacal mucosa more, or for longer, than matched control hens during oviposition, and had no more bacteria in their oviduct. Victims tended to die sooner than their matched cannibals or cannibals during a 23-month period after a cannibalistic attack.  相似文献   

1. The progress of feather pecking and cannibalism was recorded from hatching to end of lay in a flock of caged layers and the influence of group size, floor area allowance and cage tier upon the incidence of these activities during lay assessed. 2. The largest group suffered more cannibalism and feather pecking than smaller groups, floor area allowance and tier being less important factors. 3. A significant trend was found for one death from cannibalism to be followed by more in the same cage.4. It was concluded that feather pecking and cannibalism are separate phenomena, although the same cage conditions increased the incidence of both. 5. Cannibalism may be divided into vent pecking and cannibalism affecting other parts of the body, the former is independent of feather pecking and the latter, though usually preceded by feather pecking, is only indirectly associated with it.  相似文献   

Cell cannibalism refers to the engulfment of cells by nonprofessional phagocytic cells. Studies in human medicine have demonstrated a relationship between the presence of cell cannibalism by neoplastic cells and a poor outcome, and have shown a positive correlation with the presence of metastasis at the time of diagnosis. The biologic significance of cell cannibalism is unknown, but it is proposed that it may represent a novel mechanism of tumor immune evasion as a survival strategy in cases of unfavorable microenvironmental conditions. This report describes clinical and morphologic features of 3 cases of dogs with malignant neoplasia in which the presence of cellular cannibalism was observed in cytologic and histologic specimens. In the 1st case, a dog with a primary tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma with metastasis to retropharyngeal lymph nodes had neoplastic epithelial cells engulfing neutrophils noted in cytologic examination of the lymph nodes. In the 2nd case, neoplastic epithelial cells were seen engulfing each other in fine‐needle aspirates from a primary mammary carcinoma with lung metastasis. In the 3rd case, poorly differentiated neoplastic mast cells from a recurrent, metastatic grade III mast cell tumor were observed cannibalizing eosinophils. A brief review of the literature describing known cell‐into‐cell relationships and the possible biologic significance and mechanisms involved in this phenomenon is provided. The relationship between cell cannibalism and distant metastasis should be explored in further studies, as it may prove to be a criterion of malignancy, as it is proposed in human medicine.  相似文献   

1. Effects of rearing conditions on behavioural problems were investigated in a cohort study of commercial flocks of laying hens housed in 2 different loose housing systems. The sample population was 120 385 laying hens from 59 flocks of various hybrids at 21 different farms. 2. Logistic regression modelling was used to test the effects of selected factors on floor eggs, cloacal cannibalism and feather pecking. In addition to early access to perches or litter, models included hybrid, stocking density, group size, housing system, age at delivery, identical housing system at the rearing farm and at the production farm and, in models for floor eggs and cloacal cannibalism, nest area per hen. Odds ratios were calculated from the results of the models to allow risk assessment. 3. No significant correlations were found between the prevalence of floor eggs, cloacal cannibalism and feather pecking. 4. Access to perches from not later than the 4th week of age decreased the prevalence of floor eggs during the period from start-of-lay until 35 weeks of age, odds ratio 0-30 (P<0-001). Furthermore, early access to perches decreased the prevalence of cloacal cannibalism during the production period, odds ratio 0-46 (P=0.03). 5. No other factor had a significant effect in these models. Although it was not significant, early access to litter had a non-significant tendency to reduce the prevalence of feather pecking.  相似文献   

In a herd of approximately 1,000 hogs, evaluation of muscle specimens collected at various intervals during a 12-year period (1973 to 1985) indicated continuous transmission of Trichinella spiralis. The farm's rat population and the incidence of trichinosis in the rats was high during 1974, but diminished markedly by 1978. In January 1984, a longitudinal investigation, using tracer pigs, was performed to determine whether rodents and/or other wild animals were involved in transmission of T spiralis on this farm. Tracer pigs exposed to rodents and wild animals did not become infected with T spiralis. The rodent population on the farm was small and none of the rodents trapped and examined were found to be infected. Hog cannibalism also was evaluated as a mode of T spiralis transmission. Results of the investigation indicated that hog cannibalism was the mode of transmission for trichinosis in the herd.  相似文献   

为了提高汉江上游翘嘴鳜(Siniperca chuasti)苗种培育效率,本研究以鲢(Hypophthalmichehys molitrix)和麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)作为翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼饵料,对翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼昼夜摄食节律、日摄食强度、其规格与最大可摄食饵料规格的相关性以及翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼同类相残等摄食特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼属于晨昏摄食型;(2)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼对饵料鲢日均摄食范围为48.75%~53.75%;(3)翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼规格与摄食麦穗鱼规格呈显著线性正相关:y=0.4146x+0.9256(R^2=0.9869);(4)在饵料缺乏情况下,不同规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼均进行同类相残,小规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼(1.5~2.0 cm)的相残率为3.33%,大规格翘嘴鳜仔稚鱼(3.0~6.5 cm)的相残率达到15.83%。  相似文献   

In Germany, Bio-beaker and infra-red irradiation (PSP) are used for beak trimming in turkey chicks as routine methods to prevent feather pecking and cannibalism. By both procedures the animals suffer from extensive damage and considerable continuous pain. Beak trimming is allowed by animal welfare legislation, but the operation requires an official permission and must be carried out under anesthesia. The official intention, due to animal welfare reasons, to decrease this operation and to question it permanently fails because beak trimming without anesthesia is tolerated. Elaboration of alternative programs has been demanded for a long time. Therefore selection of stocks tending less to cause feather pecking and cannibalism as well as adequate keeping and housing conditions during hatching and rearing are proposed.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study investigated the courses of mortality in commercial free-range organic layer flocks in Denmark. In total, 15 organic egg-producing flocks from 11 farms were randomly selected among 80 farms registered in Denmark. Four farms with confined egg production on deep litter were included for comparison. Flock sizes ranged from 2260 to 5940 layers. The flocks were monitored from introduction to the layer farm until slaughter. Flock mortalities ranged from approximately 2% to 91%, with a mean of 20.8% for organic flocks compared with 7% for confined flocks on deep litter. In total, 4608 layers were submitted for postmortem examination, representing > 40% of all the dead layers in the investigated flocks. Outbreaks of erysipelas (Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae) and fowl cholera (Pasteurella multocida) were observed in two and three organic flocks, respectively. The mortality rate reached 91% in one organic flock dually affected by erysipelas and fowl cholera. In six organic flocks, outbreaks of blackhead were diagnosed. Concurrent infections of erysipelas and blackhead were diagnosed in one organic flock. Escherichia coli infections in the form of septicemia were identified in all organic flocks. In addition, cannibalism and constipation contributed significantly to the mortality in some organic flocks. In the confined deep litter flocks, E. coli infection, constipation, and cannibalism represented the most common causes of mortality.  相似文献   

Feather pecking and cannibalism are still major problems in alternative systems for laying hens. Literature and practical experience indicate that unfavourable rearing conditions might be important risk factors for the occurrence of these behavioural disturbances during the laying period.Typical rearing conditions of laying hens from 50 rearing units in Germany and Austria are presented. Obvious risk factors during rearing for feather pecking and cannibalism during the laying period were found. Most flocks were kept under high stocking density (mean: 15 pullets per m' useable area) and some flocks had access to litter only after the second week of life or access to raised perches after the fourth week of life. Plumage condition of pullets and laying hens varied widely in non-beak-trimmed as well as in beak-trimmed flocks.The percentage of pullets with damaged plumage was higher in beak-trimmed than in non-beak-trimmed flocks (medians: 53 % versus 30 %, p = 0,022). In laying hens there was a higher percentage of hens with plumage damage in non-beak-trimmed flocks compared to beak-trimmed flocks (medians: 23 % versus 50 %, p = 0,007). Data analysis will be continued, especially with regard to particular risk factors.  相似文献   

1. In recent years, the UK egg industry has become increasingly dependent on plant protein sources, in particular soyabean meal, and it has been suggested that this trend (and/or the concomitant absence of animal protein in layer diets) might be causally related to increased feather pecking and cannibalism. 2. This study examined the development of pecking damage in relation to dietary protein source, by rearing 12 groups of 12 layer pullets to 24 weeks of age on diets based on 'animal' (fishmeal) or 'plant' (soyabean meal) protein. 3. Damaging pecking began at 6 weeks of age, in three groups (one plant and two animal). Injurious pecking began at 18 weeks of age, and affected four groups (two plant and two animal). 4. Greater numbers of vigorous pecks/pulls were observed in plant protein groups throughout the experiment, although they were significantly higher only between 13 to 16 weeks of age. Pecking damage scores did not differ between treatments. 5. Dietary protein source did not affect plasma oestradiol, progesterone or egg production. 6. These results do not support the notion that inclusion of fishmeal in laying hen diets prevents or alleviates feather pecking and cannibalism.  相似文献   

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