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Different sonographic criteria have been developed to estimate canine fetal age, including fetal mensuration and assessment of fetal organ development. This retrospective study assessed the accuracy of gestational age and litter size predictions in 76 bitches using one of two techniques. The first method used the differential features of fetal organ development that occur in early and mid pregnancy, based on published tables for beagles. The second method used biparietal head and trunk diameters to predict gestational age based on tables published for late gestational Labrador Retrievers. The accuracy of the two methods was compared and the effect of maternal body weight and litter size evaluated. Litter size and maternal body weight did not affect the accuracy of gestational age prediction. Using a combination of both methods, the overall accuracy of predicting parturition date within 65 +/- 1 day and +/- 2 days was 70.8% and 86.1%, respectively. The correct litter size was predicted in 65% of cases, and in 89.5% of cases for +/- 1 pup. Pearson's correlation between actual litter size and predicted litter size was high (R = 0.957, P < 0.001). The organ development method of predicting gestational age was more accurate than late gestational fetal mensuration (P = 0.019). The optimum time for sonographic estimation of fetal age and litter size is early and mid pregnancy.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to estimate covariance functions using random regression models on B-splines functions of animal age, for weights from birth to adult age in Canchim cattle. Data comprised 49,011 records on 2435 females. The model of analysis included fixed effects of contemporary groups, age of dam as quadratic covariable and the population mean trend taken into account by a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age. Residual variances were modelled through a step function with four classes. The direct and maternal additive genetic effects, and animal and maternal permanent environmental effects were included as random effects in the model. A total of seventeen analyses, considering linear, quadratic and cubic B-splines functions and up to seven knots, were carried out. B-spline functions of the same order were considered for all random effects. Random regression models on B-splines functions were compared to a random regression model on Legendre polynomials and with a multitrait model. Results from different models of analyses were compared using the REML form of the Akaike Information criterion and Schwarz' Bayesian Information criterion. In addition, the variance components and genetic parameters estimated for each random regression model were also used as criteria to choose the most adequate model to describe the covariance structure of the data. A model fitting quadratic B-splines, with four knots or three segments for direct additive genetic effect and animal permanent environmental effect and two knots for maternal additive genetic effect and maternal permanent environmental effect, was the most adequate to describe the covariance structure of the data. Random regression models using B-spline functions as base functions fitted the data better than Legendre polynomials, especially at mature ages, but higher number of parameters need to be estimated with B-splines functions.  相似文献   

本研究旨在获得妊娠中期猪羊水来源千细胞,并通过用EGFP对干细胞进行标记,为以EGFP作为示踪标记对干细胞进行体内移植研究奠定基础.利用羊水来源干细胞培养技术体系,从胎龄60 d猪胎儿羊水中分离获得干细胞,通过脂质体介导转染将EGFP基因导入干细胞,诱导转基因干细胞向肌细胞和神经细胞分化,观察其分化特点.采用RT-PCR技术检测干细胞和分化细胞表面标志或相关基因.结果成功分离培养出妊娠中期猪羊水来源干细胞,并获得转EGFP基因干细胞.干细胞在表达EGFP的同时仍具有分化潜能.干细胞中Oct4、CD-90和Sox2表达阳性;体外诱导的干细胞能分化为肌细胞(表达myf-6和myoD)、星形胶质细胞(表达GFAP)、少突胶质细胞(表达GalC)和神经元细胞(表达NF、NSE和MAP2).研究表明,从妊娠中期猪胎儿羊水中分离干细胞具有可行性和有效性,转EGFP基因干细胞具有自我更新、增殖和分化潜能,可以用EGFP对羊水来源干细胞进行标记、追踪,为EGFP作为示踪标记对干细胞用于体内移植研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Diagnoses of pregnancy were made on 110 Hereford cross Friesian and 69 blue grey (white shorthorn cross Galloway) cows between 92 and 202 days after last service using a real-time ultrasonic scanning instrument with a 3.5 MHz rectal transducer. Of the 174 cows which subsequently calved, one was wrongly diagnosed as non-pregnant. Of the five cows which did not subsequently calve two were diagnosed as pregnant and may in fact have been pregnant at the time of scanning. The overall level of accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis was 98.3 per cent. In further trials with 16 Hereford cross Friesian and 16 blue grey cows scanned at regular intervals between 20 and 140 days of gestation, pregnancy was diagnosed with confidence from 30 days, and relationships were established whereby gestational age could be estimated from measurements of certain uterine and fetal dimensions. Crown-rump length provided the most precise estimate of gestational age (residual sd +/- 4.5 days) and uterine diameter the least (+/- 12.6 days) with head length and the diameters of trunk, head and nose being intermediate (+/- 6.9 to 8.7 days).  相似文献   

Objective   To determine bovine fetal characteristics significantly associated with increasing gestational age as measured via transcutaneous ultrasonography over the right flank.
Methods   The length of gestation at date of pregnancy diagnosis via transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography was determined for 224 dairy cattle by estimation from subsequent calving dates. A separate dataset was created for each measurable fetal characteristic (i.e. thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, umbilical diameter, placentome length and placentome height) and risk factors significantly associated with gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis within each dataset, including the fetal characteristic, were identified.
Results   Abdominal diameter was the most frequently observed fetal characteristic and thoracic diameter was the least. Gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis (d) was significantly associated with fetal thoracic diameter (P < 0.01), abdominal diameter (P < 0.01) and umbilical diameter (P = 0.02) when measured via transcutaneous ultrasound. Within each model, sire breed, dam breed, dam age and/or calf sex were also significantly associated with gestational age. Gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis was not significantly associated with either placentome height or length (P > 0.05).
Conclusion   Fetal thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter and umbilical diameter were found to be significantly associated with gestational age between approximate days 73 to 190 of gestation. Transcutaneous ultrasonography may prove a useful method of estimating gestational age in the absence of accurate breeding records.  相似文献   

本研究是应用复合函数回归式y^=a b(x-x0)/[k kb(x-x0)]对延边黄牛24月龄体重、体尺的平均值和上下限共66项实测资料计算回归式和各月龄估测值,结果公、母牛体重实侧值与估测值之间的Σ(y-y^)2分别为286.56、176.24,拐点偏差为0.7、0.3个月龄,比应用y^=k/(1 aebx)计算的Σ(y-y^)2低5214.23、4007.05;计算公、母牛体尺资料平均值的估测值与实测值的Σ(y-y^)2,除母牛胸宽平均值外都比应用=a bx cxk计算结果低,与实测值的吻合度较高并能克服二次回归式和布劳迪回归式所存在的缺点.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether ultrasonography can be used to predict the outcome of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Forty‐seven mastitic quarters of Holstein‐Friesian cows were examined using ultrasonography at the time of the first examination. In mastitic mammary tissue, three sonographic signs indicating tissue abnormality were found: a hyperechoic spot in the parenchyma area, structural changes to the milk duct, and non‐homogeneous parenchyma. Logistic regression was used to evaluate whether the abnormal findings in the sonographic images can be used to predict the outcome of clinical mastitis. The outcomes of clinical mastitis were defined by the return, or failure to return, to marketable milk production. The sonogram finding of non‐homogeneous parenchyma in the first examination did predict the outcome of clinical mastitis, whereas the type of systemic symptoms (severe or moderate) was not a predictor in this regression model. Therefore, ultrasound examinations of mammary glands in the first examination could be a useful method for predicting outcome of clinical mastitis. There is an economic benefit if ultrasound examination in first examination helps in the decision of whether or not to treat the mastitic cows.  相似文献   

Reliable genomic prediction of breeding values for quantitative traits requires the availability of sufficient number of animals with genotypes and phenotypes in the training set. As of 31 October 2016, there were 3,797 Brangus animals with genotypes and phenotypes. These Brangus animals were genotyped using different commercial SNP chips. Of them, the largest group consisted of 1,535 animals genotyped by the GGP‐LDV4 SNP chip. The remaining 2,262 genotypes were imputed to the SNP content of the GGP‐LDV4 chip, so that the number of animals available for training the genomic prediction models was more than doubled. The present study showed that the pooling of animals with both original or imputed 40K SNP genotypes substantially increased genomic prediction accuracies on the ten traits. By supplementing imputed genotypes, the relative gains in genomic prediction accuracies on estimated breeding values (EBV) were from 12.60% to 31.27%, and the relative gain in genomic prediction accuracies on de‐regressed EBV was slightly small (i.e. 0.87%–18.75%). The present study also compared the performance of five genomic prediction models and two cross‐validation methods. The five genomic models predicted EBV and de‐regressed EBV of the ten traits similarly well. Of the two cross‐validation methods, leave‐one‐out cross‐validation maximized the number of animals at the stage of training for genomic prediction. Genomic prediction accuracy (GPA) on the ten quantitative traits was validated in 1,106 newly genotyped Brangus animals based on the SNP effects estimated in the previous set of 3,797 Brangus animals, and they were slightly lower than GPA in the original data. The present study was the first to leverage currently available genotype and phenotype resources in order to harness genomic prediction in Brangus beef cattle.  相似文献   

魏明  崔志浩  陈志强  郑月  颜培实 《草业学报》2017,26(11):113-122
旨在应用直接法和回归法测定肉牛玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值,并探讨精料回归法用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料原料能值的可行性。试验选取12头体况良好、体重相近[(259±14.08)kg]的生长期公牛,随机分为3组,每组4头牛。分两期试验进行,试验一按试验牛自由采食量的95%、80%和60%3个水平饲喂全玉米青贮日粮;试验二在固定玉米青贮投喂量的基础上,各组分别按青贮饲喂量的15%、25%和50%(干物质基础)添加精料补充料。试验每期14d,其中前10d为预饲期,后4d为正试期。正试期消化代谢和呼吸代谢试验同期进行,测定玉米青贮对肉牛能量代谢规律。结果表明:1)肉牛对全玉米青贮日粮的各种营养物质消化率和能量消化率及代谢率随饲喂水平的提高总体逐渐降低;肉牛能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)随饲喂水平的提高逐渐升高,组间差异显著(P0.05)。2)玉米青贮对肉牛的消化能、代谢能和净能值随着饲喂水平的提高呈下降趋势,各有效能值变化范围分别为10.58~11.48 MJ/kg,8.33~9.44 MJ/kg和5.20~6.21 MJ/kg。3)添加精料补充料显著提高了肉牛对日粮的干物质采食量和粗蛋白消化率(P0.05),而洗涤纤维消化率精料添加比例组间差异不明显(P0.05);随着精料添加比例的增加,肉牛对日粮的能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)和能量消化率及代谢率逐渐上升,消化能代谢率各组之间无显著差异(P0.05)。4)根据试验日粮有效能值与精料添加量之间的关系建立线性回归方程后,外推估测得玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值分别为10.53 MJ/kg、8.29 MJ/kg和5.35MJ/kg,与95%饲喂水平组直接测定结果(10.58 MJ/kg、8.33 MJ/kg和5.20 MJ/kg)差异不显著(P0.05)。综上所述,回归法测定玉米青贮对肉牛的有效能值与直接法测定结果差异不明显,精料回归法可以用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料的有效能值。  相似文献   

The effects of slaughter age, breed type and postmortem period were studied on the concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) and dipeptides (carnosine and anserine) in Longissimus dorsi muscle of beef. Slaughter age affected the levels of most FAA and dipeptides, and the concentrations of these compounds were significantly lower at 35 months of age than either 15 or 25 months of age. Slight increases were observed at 25 months compared with 15 months, but the differences were not significant except for a few FAA. These tendencies still remained when the concentrations were recalculated on the basis of protein. A significant breed effect was observed for taurine, carnosine and anserine. Almost all FAA were significantly increased during postmortem conditioning, but the level of each FAA fluctuated, and the fluctuations could not be explained statistically by slaughter age or breed differences.  相似文献   

Accuracy of genomic predictions is an important component of the selection response. The objectives of this research were: 1) to investigate trends for prediction accuracies over time in a broiler population of accumulated phenotypes, genotypes, and pedigrees and 2) to test if data from distant generations are useful to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. The data contained 820K phenotypes for a growth trait (GT), 200K for two feed efficiency traits (FE1 and FE2), and 42K for a carcass yield trait (CY). The pedigree included 1,252,619 birds hatched over 7 years, of which 154,318 from the last 4 years were genotyped. Training populations were constructed adding 1 year of data sequentially, persistency of accuracy over time was evaluated using predictions from birds hatched in the three generations following or in the years after the training populations. In the first generation, before genotypes became available for the training populations (first 3 years of data), accuracies remained almost stable with successive additions of phenotypes and pedigree to the accumulated dataset. The inclusion of 1 year of genotypes in addition to 4 years of phenotypes and pedigree in the training population led to increases in accuracy of 54% for GT, 76% for FE1, 110% for CY, and 38% for FE2; on average, 74% of the increase was due to genomics. Prediction accuracies declined faster without than with genomic information in the training populations. When genotypes were unavailable, the average decline in prediction accuracy across traits was 41% from the first to the second generation of validation, and 51% from the second to the third generation of validation. When genotypes were available, the average decline across traits was 14% from the first to the second generation of validation, and 3% from the second to the third generation of validation. Prediction accuracies in the last three generations were the same when the training population included 5 or 2 years of data, and a decrease of ~7% was observed when the training population included only 1 year of data. Training sets including genomic information provided an increase in accuracy and persistence of genomic predictions compared with training sets without genomic data. The two most recent years of pedigree, phenotypic, and genomic data were sufficient to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. Similar conclusions were obtained using validation populations per year.  相似文献   

A total of 11,815 weight records from 23,94 Japanese Black calves was used to estimate direct, maternal, direct permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmental effects on growth from birth to 356 d of age. The data were collected from a herd of Japanese Black cattle in Shiroshi city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. A random regression model, including parity of dam and year-season of calving-sex of calf as fixed effects and animal, dam, animal permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmental as random effects, was fitted to the data using Legendre polynomials for age of calf. Direct heritability estimates increased from 0.38 at birth to 0.65 at 120 d of age, decreased to 0.38 at 300 d, and then increased again up to 0.47 at 356 d. The ratio of animal permanent environmental variance to phenotypic variance decreased from 0.41 at birth to 0.12 at 90 d, and then increased gradually up to 0.40 at 270 d and oscillated around this value up to the end of the test period. Maternal genetic heritabilities increased from 0.04 at birth to 0.09 at 120 d and then decreased to 0.06 thereafter, whereas the variance ratios due to maternal permanent environment were fairly constant across the age trajectory, fluctuating around the value of 0.03. Direct genetic, phenotypic, maternal genetic, animal permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmental correlations between different ages were all positive, and they generally decreased as the interval between ages increased. These correlations were lower between weights from nonadjacent ages than those between weights from adjacent ages. Results suggest that selection on preweaning weights would have a positive effect on weights at later ages.  相似文献   

Breeding animals can be accurately evaluated using appropriate genomic prediction models, based on marker data and phenotype information. In this study, direct genomic values (DGV) were estimated for 16 traits of Nordic Total Merit (NTM) Index in Nordic Red cattle population using three models and two different response variables. The three models were as follows: a linear mixed model (GBLUP), a Bayesian variable selection model similar to BayesA (BayesA*) and a Bayesian least absolute shrinkage and selection operator model (Bayesian Lasso). The response variables were deregressed proofs (DRP) and conventional estimated breeding values (EBV). The reliability of genomic predictions was measured on bulls in the validation data set as the squared correlation between DGV and DRP divided by the reliability of DRP. Using DRP as response variable, the reliabilities of DGV among the 16 traits ranged from 0.151 to 0.569 (average 0.317) for GBLUP, from 0.152 to 0.576 (average 0.318) for BayesA* and from 0.150 to 0.570 (average 0.320) for Bayesian Lasso. Using EBV as response variable, the reliabilities ranged from 0.159 to 0.580 (average 0.322) for GBLUP, from 0.157 to 0.578 (average 0.319) for BayesA* and from 0.159 to 0.582 (average 0.325) for Bayesian Lasso. In summary, Bayesian Lasso performed slightly better than the other two models, and EBV performed slightly better than DRP as response variable, with regard to prediction reliability of DGV. However, these differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, using EBV as response variable would result in problems with the scale of the resulting DGV and potential problem due to double counting.  相似文献   

Although the second largest chromosome of the genome, the X chromosome is usually excluded from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Considering the presence and importance of genes on this chromosome that are involved in reproduction, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of its inclusion in GWAS on reproductive traits (scrotal circumference [SC], early pregnancy [P16] and age at first calving [AFC]) in a Nelore herd. Genotype data from 3,263 animals with the above-mentioned phenotypes were used. The results showed an increase in the variances explained by the autosomal markers for all traits when the X chromosome was not included. For SC, there was an increase of more than 10% for the windows on chromosomes 2 and 6. For P16, the effect was increased by almost 20% for windows on chromosome 5. The same pattern was found for AFC, with an increase of more than 10% for the most important windows. The results indicate that the noninclusion of the X chromosome can overestimate the effects of autosomes on SC, P16 and AFC not only because of the additive effect of the X chromosome itself but also because of its epistatic effect on autosomal genes.  相似文献   

We previously reported the possibility of using the electrocardiogram variable to estimate blood calcium (Ca) concentration in dairy cows based on the strong positive correlation between the blood Ca concentration and the inverse of the corrected ST peak interval (STc−1). To improve the accuracy of the estimation of blood Ca concentration, we investigated the relationship between blood Ca concentration and STc−1 for each postpartum day and available variables other than STc−1. We measured multiple variables (milk yield, calving number, age, body temperature, etc.), including serum total Ca concentration (tCa), blood ionized Ca concentration (iCa) and STc−1 in 462 Holstein cows on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 postpartum. A very high correlation was observed between iCa and tCa. The association between tCa and STc−1 for each postpartum day had a high coefficient of determination of 0.61–0.79 postpartum 0–2 days but decreased after the third day. In the investigation using the data from postpartum days 0–2, STc−1, heart rate interval, calving number, and age were highly correlated with tCa. In addition, a multiple regression equation was obtained with tCa as the objective variable and STc−1 and calving number as explanatory variables. The estimation accuracy was improved as compared with the simple regression equation using only STc−1 as the explanatory variable. This multiple regression equation was used for 11 cows suspected of having hypocalcemia, and it was able to correctly detect cows requiring early treatment, except for one cow.  相似文献   

The long-term impact of tsetse control on cattle population size in the Didessa Valley, western Ethiopia, was analysed using an age-structured population model. A prior analytical assessment revealed that the risk of cattle dying in the tsetse-unprotected villages ranged from 4 to 9 times higher than in the tsetse-protected village. Model results show that during a period of 10 years the cattle population in the tsetse-protected village of Meti is likely to increase from 167 to 583 animals, while that in the adjacent tsetse-unprotected village of Gale remains almost constant. Model simulations also predict that improving the survival rate of calves in the tsetse-unprotected villages of Taikiltu and Temoloko (which presently have calf mortality rates of up to 35%) would bring a substantial increase in their cattle population.  相似文献   

The development of a liquid-phase blocking sandwich ELISA (LPBE) to measure antibodies (Ab) produced in cattle with the O, A and C foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) types of commercial vaccines used in Argentina is described. The test was specific: 99% of naïve cattle sera (n = 130) gave titres below log10 = 1.2, and none had a titre above log10 = 1.5. Comparative studies with serum neutralization test (SNT) using sera from cattle which received one or more vaccine doses is reported. The overall rank correlation coefficient (Spearman's , rs) between SNT and LPBE were highly significant (rs > 0.67, P < 0.0001) for all vaccine strains. LBPE Ab titres on sera collected 90 days post vaccination were compared with results of cattle protection tests by applying a logistic regression. The minimum Ab titres at which 85% and 75% of the cattle were protected for each FMDV type were determined in order to interpret field Ab data in terms of protection. Application of this method allows large scale serological examinations to monitor antibody levels in vaccinated animals as an indirect indicator of the FMD control program status in the field. Its use in the evaluation of commercial batches of FMD vaccine is discussed.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), a member of the transmissible spongiform encepahlopathies, has been a notifiable disease in Turkey since 1997. In 2002, the BSE status of Turkey was assessed by the EU Scientific Steering Committee as "it is likely but not confirmed".This study presents the results of a targeted surveillance study to assess the presence of BSE in the age risk population of Bursa, Turkey. In the assessment procedure, the immunohistochemical detection of protease-resistant prion protein (PrP-Sc) was aimed at and applied to 420 brain tissues of cattle slaughtered in Bursa at an age of 30-months and older. None of the samples were positive for BSE.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic correlations for different prolificacy traits were estimated to assess possibilities of selection for high number of piglets weaned. Three litter-size traits: total number of piglets born (TNB), number of piglets born alive (NBA), number of piglets weaned (NW); four piglet survival traits: number of stillborn piglets (NSB), percent of stillborn piglets (NSB%), piglet mortality between birth and weaning (PM), percent of dead piglets during suckling (PM%); and three traits measuring time intervals: age at first farrowing (AFF), first farrowing interval (FFI), and gestation length (GL) were analysed. The Finnish national litter recording scheme provided data on the first parity litters of 11 329 Landrace and 8 362 Large White pigs born between 1986 and 2000. The heritabilitiy estimates were moderate for AFF and GL (0.24–0.37), and low for all the other traits (0.03–0.11). The genetic correlations between TNB and PM (0.68 in Landrace and 0.43 in Large White) and between NBA and PM (0.64 in Landrace and 0.31 in Large White) suggest that selection only for high TNB or NBA will lead to increased PM. The results showed further that GL will increase indirectly if the selection pressure is for low PM (r g =?0.050 in Landrace and ?0.43 in Large White.  相似文献   

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