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石匣小区氮磷坡面流失特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以石匣试验小区为研究对象,分析了小区特征对氮磷、泥沙流失的影响。结果表明:在不同的土地利用方式中果园产生的径流中氮磷浓度最高,林地最低,而氮磷的流失量标准小区最高,林地最低;免耕种植、梯田种植、鱼鳞坑造林等耕作方式会明显减少农田土壤的侵蚀及氮磷的流失,植被覆盖明显减少径流量和泥沙量,从而有效地控制农田氮磷污染物的流失;在其它条件相同的情况下,坡度小的小区氮磷流失量明显减小;降雨量与氮磷的流失量呈现明显的正相关;雨季径流中氮、磷主要以颗粒态存在,径流中的泥沙量与径流量有较好的线性关系(R=0.72)。  相似文献   

塔里木河综合治理前后干流环境变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用TM卫星遥感影像数据,对塔里木河干流2000年和2010年的环境变化信息进行提取,分析了塔里木河近期综合治理工程实施前、后干流区土地覆盖/利用类型的变化状况,构建了塔里木河干流环境质量评价模型,对其治理前后环境状况进行了综合评价,并对比分析了塔里木河上、中、下游变化的差异性。结果表明:2000—2010年,塔里木河干流区耕地、草地、水域面积显著增加,林地和未利用地的面积显著减少,而建筑用地面积变化幅度较小;其中,林地、草地与未利用地向耕地的转化,林地向草地的转化,以及天然草地与未利用地向水域的转化是土地覆盖类型间的主要方向;塔里木河干流上、中、下游区各类型变化程度和速率存在显著差异。综合治理工程实施后,塔里木河干流环境质量总体表现出一定程度的好转,除上游处于一般级别外,其他地区仍然处于较差的环境级别;其中上、中游区环境质量评价指数(ecological index,EI)变化不明显,而下游区EI指数则显著增加,说明治理工程的实施使下游绿色走廊来水量增加,生态输水区的环境得到显著改善,地下水得到补充,两岸植被恢复明显。  相似文献   

延安、榆林黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村聚落土地利用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在实地调查的基础上 ,将该区乡村聚落划分为 4种类型 ,论述了乡村聚落的特点 ,分析了聚落用地情况 ,其中院落用地较大 ,占聚落总用地的 41 .2 5 %~ 5 8.62 % ,人口密度大的绥德、米脂地区 ,户均聚落占地较少 ( 4 0 3.6m2 ) ,而人口密度小的榆阳区户均聚落占地较多 ( 4 84m2 ) ,乡村聚落实际占地比一般统计数字大 5 0 .6% ,同时聚落用地数量在不断增大 ,并向条件好的地方迁移  相似文献   

本研究区位于塔里木河中游地区,本研究选取耕地变化、输水堤防的建设以及油气田开发三种土地利用方式,在大量野外调查的基础上,在3S技术和历史数据的支持下,分析了这些土地利用方式变化对胡杨林生态系统的影响。研究结果表明:研究区1992年之后内耕地大量增加,输水堤防对堤防内外侧胡杨生态系统具有不同影响,油气田开发会造成生态破坏和环境污染等问题。  相似文献   

利用TM卫星遥感数据,通过CIS方法,根据Costanza等提出的生态系统服务价值计算方法,对比分析乌鲁木齐河下游地区1989-2007年的土地利用/覆盖与生态系统服务价值的变化.结果表明:1989-2007年,研究区生态系统服务价值从1.95×109元/a增长至2.40×109元/a,而年增长率有所下降,从1989-...  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的塔里木河干流生态环境状况评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
干旱区内陆河流域生态环境的变化关系到人类的生存和社会的发展。针对塔里木河干流区域在综合治理前后的环境变化状况,以1990、2000年和2010年7—8月的3期Landsat-TM和中巴资源卫星遥感数据为基础,借助RS、GIS手段和生态环境状况指数方法,对比分析了综合治理前后生态环境的特点,得知塔里木河干流的生态环境在综合治理前处于最差的级别,综合治理后有明显改善。虽然,综合治理遏制了生态退化的趋势,但是流域内生态脆弱的现状并没有发生根本扭转,仍需要进一步地增加治理投入,巩固和增强综合治理的效果。  相似文献   

基于分形理论的车尔臣河流域中下游土地利用动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用变化是全球变化的重要内容和主要表现之一,该研究已成为全球变化研究的前沿和热点问题。土地利用变化一方面与自然环境演变相关,另一方面与人类活动的不断增强密切相关。文中以车尔臣河流域中下游为例,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,通过对1970年、1990年、2000年和2005年遥感图像的解译,获取研究区四个时期土地利用...  相似文献   

In recent decades, China has been experiencing rapid economic development, population growth and urbanization. These processes have stressed the shortages of water resources in China, especially in the arid re- gions of northwestern China. In order to sustain the expanding cropland, people increased groundwater exploitation in these regions. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the changes in land use and water re- sources, and their relationship in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, a typical inland river basin in northwest China. The data of land use change were interpreted using aerial photographs(1965) and Landsat TM images(1986 and 2007). The data of irrigation water volume in the irrigation districts were spatialized in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. The spatial variation of the groundwater depth was interpolated using the geo- statistical method. The results showed that the cultivated cropland area along oasis fringe increased by 15.38% and 43.60% during the periods 1965–1986 and 1986–2007, respectively. Surface water amount for irrigation had almost doubled from 1956 to 2010. The decrease of grassland area mainly occurred at the alluvial fan in front of the Qilian Mountains, with 36.47% during 1965–1986 and 38.56% during 1986–2007, respectively. The groundwater depth in front of the mountain constantly increased from 1986 to 2007. We found that the overuse of surface water and overexploitation of groundwater had direct consequences on the natural environments. We suggests that the efficiency of surface water resources use among different irrigation districts needs to be improved, which will sig- nificantly ease the conflicts between increasing water demand for irrigation and a shortage of water resources in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

In recent decades, China has been experiencing rapid economic development, population growth and urbanization. These processes have stressed the shortages of water resources in China, especially in the arid re- gions of northwestern China. In order to sustain the expanding cropland, people increased groundwater exploitation in these regions. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the changes in land use and water re- sources, and their relationship in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, a typical inland river basin in northwest China. The data of land use change were interpreted using aerial photographs(1965) and Landsat TM images(1986 and 2007). The data of irrigation water volume in the irrigation districts were spatialized in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. The spatial variation of the groundwater depth was interpolated using the geo- statistical method. The results showed that the cultivated cropland area along oasis fringe increased by 15.38% and 43.60% during the periods 1965–1986 and 1986–2007, respectively. Surface water amount for irrigation had almost doubled from 1956 to 2010. The decrease of grassland area mainly occurred at the alluvial fan in front of the Qilian Mountains, with 36.47% during 1965–1986 and 38.56% during 1986–2007, respectively. The groundwater depth in front of the mountain constantly increased from 1986 to 2007. We found that the overuse of surface water and overexploitation of groundwater had direct consequences on the natural environments. We suggests that the efficiency of surface water resources use among different irrigation districts needs to be improved, which will sig- nificantly ease the conflicts between increasing water demand for irrigation and a shortage of water resources in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

Located in the south of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region,the Tarim River is the longest inland river in China.Agricultural development,excessive exploitation and low surface water use efficiency in the headstream regions have led to a marked decrease in the water supply to the mainstream.This,in turn,has resulted in the drying-up of the watercourse in the lower reaches of the Tarim River and serious deterioration of the eco-environment.The Aksu River Basin,the most important headstream of the Tarim River,was selected as the research area in this study.Taking elastic coefficient,water demand coefficient and water utilization intensity as the indices,we studied the impact of agricultural development on decreasing surface runoff since the 1950s.The results indicated that(1) the increasing rate of consumption of surface runoff outstripped the rate of increase measured in the natural catchment discharge,resulting in ever diminishing stream discharge into the Tarim River.Agricultural irrigation and seepage loss in irrigation canal systems were the major sources for runoff consumption,taking 63.72% of the overall runoff consumption.What's more,agricultural water consumption took up more than 97% of the water used for long-term production;(2) the expansion of cultivated land,change of planting structure and comparatively low agricultural irrigation efficiency all contributed to the decrease in surface runoff of the Aksu River.The elasticity coefficient of surface runoff reduction corresponding to the increase in planted area was 0.34 in the 1950s,while in the 2000s it had increased to 7.87.This reflected a more sensitive response of runoff decrease to cultivated land expansion.The increase in cotton and fruit production,without widely-used scientific irrigation methods and water-saving technology,led to considerable waste of the water resources.Meanwhile,the irrigation efficiency was still quite low,characterized by the waste of water resources,and the decrease of surface runoff;(3) in different stages,cultivated land area,planting structure and agricultural water use efficiency exerted different effects on runoff decrease.In the early stage,agricultural development showed no obvious effect on runoff decrease.Since the 1960s,the expansion in cultivated land resulted in large consumption of surface runoff;since the 1990s,not only expansion in cultivated land expansion,but also planting structure exerted significant impact on the consumption of surface runoff.Recently,though agricultural water use efficiency has improved in some regions to reduce the consumption of runoff to a certain extent,overall agricultural water use efficiency is still quite low;(4) during the investigation period,water consumption by agricultural development reflected the unbalanced relationship between human activities and water resources.  相似文献   

黑河中游土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
土地利用变化直接改变生态系统结构、功能和过程,是生态系统服务变化的重要驱动力之一。基于黑河中游2000年和2014年土地利用/覆被数据和相关地理信息数据,利用InVEST模型模拟了黑河中游2000年和2014年生境质量、土壤保持量、水源涵养和气体调节4种生态系统服务的价值及空间分布特征,并通过划分5 km×5 km的格网计算其与土地利用强度的Pearson相关系数,定量分析土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响。结果表明:12014年,黑河中游生境质量一般,土壤保持总量6.92×10~8t,产水量3.93×10~8m~3,固碳4.55×10~7t;2从2000—2014年,生境质量、水源涵养和气体调节能力大幅下降,东南部表现最为显著,土壤保持功能基本稳定;3土地利用强度与土壤保持不存在显著相关性,与生境质量、水源涵养和气体调节服务均呈正相关关系,表明土地利用强度的增加在一定程度上有利于生态系统服务价值的提高。研究结果可为黑河中游生态系统管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化是影响陆地碳循环的一个重要因子.依据鄯善平原绿洲群1990、1999两年9月TM与SPOT4(P)的融合影像以及2004年9月SPOT5(XS/XI)影像数据,采用混合分类法对研究区土地覆被进行分类,估算其变化面积以及林地与各土地覆被类型的面积转换.结果显示:1990~1999年、1999~2004年研究区林地面积年变化率分别为+4.59%、-1.70%,植被碳库1999年比1990年增加了264.13×103 t,2004年较之1999年减少了70.75×103 t,但2004年植被碳储量较1990年上升212.04×103 t,研究区总体上为一小的净碳汇.15 a间天然草地的植被碳储量一直下降,并在后期呈现更为严峻的态势.说明在极端干旱区,生态系统的稳定仍面临极大挑战.如何实现丰富矿产资源的开采与人居生存环境相协调,做好土地、水资源管理与生态环境保护工作,仍需更为深入、审慎的研究.  相似文献   

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