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随着城市生态园林概念的提出,而生态园林的一大特点就是生物的多样性,从这个角度来看,地被植物在很多地方将取代单一的草坪。地被植物的合理推广应用不仅能有效解决提高绿化覆盖率,增强生态环境和节约管理成本方面的尖锐矛盾,完善城市绿地的生态功能,还可丰富园林绿化的景观效果,降低常规养护费用。  相似文献   

针对我国钢铁企业园林绿化现状和存在的问题,对钢铁企业污染物的种类以及园林绿化布局特点进行分析,并探讨了植物品种的选择、植物品种的配置原则和配置方法,为其他钢铁企业的园林绿化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

薛梅  张新旭 《现代园艺》2014,(10):100-100
园林绿化在城市的物质文明和精神文明建设中发挥着重要的作用,它是城市生态系统中必不可少的一部分。笔者在实际研究的基础上,对城市绿化中的常用植被做了阐述,并据此对城市绿化中的植被设计原则做了分析。  相似文献   

杨凯平 《现代园艺》2013,(20):180-182
最近几年中,我们国家在经济发展的基础上,着重注意生态的发展。要建立良好的生态环境,园林绿化建设是十分必要的。本文主要介绍了有关园林建设的相关知识,并且探究园林绿化建设中植被选择、植被养护的技巧和存在的问题,从而根据植被生态学有关知识对园林绿化进行总结。  相似文献   

园林绿化工程施工技术和措施直接关系着我国城市绿化事业的质量和效果,同时也影响着国民的生活起居和健康出行,为了有效保证园林绿化工程的施工质量和景观效果,应合理将大树移栽技措施术应用到施工中来,并且在移栽后做好大树养护工作,有效保证大树移栽后的景观效果,使大树移栽技术措施在园林绿化工程施工中发挥其最大作用。  相似文献   

计恩法 《花卉》2021,(4):170-171
园林绿化施工过程中,需要根据当地的土壤情况和气候环境来选择绿化植物,并确保绿化植物栽植技术能够达到栽植标准,进一步提高园林的整体绿化质量.基于此,本文对园林绿化植物栽植技术以及后期的养护技术进行分析.  相似文献   

葛静 《花卉》2020,(10):23-24
园林工程关系着城市的环境问题,园林绿化是园林工程建设的重要内容,也是园林的主要组成部分,重视园林绿化工程首先需要重视园林绿化施工和园林内的绿化植物的栽培技术。本文笔者将探讨园林绿化植物栽培的原则和园林工程中植物的选择,对园林绿化施工及园林绿化植物栽培做简要分析。  相似文献   

随着人们的生活条件不断提高,园林绿化引起了人们的高度重视,园林绿化既符合大众审美标准,也和当下生态发展息息相关,能给人们带来心灵上的净化和享受,较西方发达国家而言,我国城市园林绿化在施工和种植方面有待提高,我国的绿地面积和绿化覆盖率都相对较低,园林绿化施工质量也有待提高。  相似文献   

分析了园林绿化施工的方案和施工技术,并就园林绿化的施工策略做了重要论述,以供参考。  相似文献   

We formulated and tested models of relationships among determinants of vegetation cover in two agroforested landscapes of eastern North America (Haut Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada) that differed by the spatial arrangement of their geomorphic features and intensity of agricultural activities. Our landscape model compared the woody plots of each landscape in terms of the relative influence of environmental attributes, land use history (1958 – 1997), and spatial context (i.e., proximity of similar or contrasting land cover). Our vegetation model evaluated the relative contribution of the same sets of variables to the distributions of herbs, trees, and shrubs. Relationships were assessed using partial Mantel tests and path analyses. Significant environmental and contextual differences were found between the vegetation plots of the two landscapes, but disturbance history was similar. Our vegetation model confirms the dominant effect of historical factors on vegetation patterns. Whereas land-use history overrides environmental and contextual control for trees, herbaceous and shrub species are more sensitive to environmental conditions. Context is determinant only for understory species in older, less-disturbed plots. Results are discussed in relevance to vegetation dynamics in a landscape perspective that integrates interactions between environmental and human influences.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - We investigated the question “Is there a relationship between seasonality in precipitation and vegetative cover in Pole Canyon, NM?” GIS and statistical methods were...  相似文献   

建设节约型园林是当今城市绿化走向“低碳、节能、生态”的必由之路,该文针对保定市东风路景观改造工程的具体情况,从“节地、节水、节能、节材”四方面介绍节约型园林建设的技术措施,旨在为我国节约型园林建设提供参考依据,为城市园林和谐、可持续发展寻求新的道路.  相似文献   

祁建春 《现代园艺》2011,(11):124-125
现代城市广场是现代城市开放空间体系中最具公共性、最具艺术性、最具活力最能体现都市文化和文明的开放空间。广场绿地规划应具有清晰的空间层次,独立形成或配合广场周边建筑、地形等形成良好、多元、优美的广场空间体系,充分体现了人文尊重与关怀。  相似文献   

Detailed species composition data are rapidly collected using a high-powered telescope from remote vantage points at two scales: site level and patch level. Patches constitute areas of homogeneous vegetation composition. Multiple samples of species composition are randomly located within the patches. These data are used as site-level data and are also aggregated to provide species composition data at the patch level. The site- and patch-level data are spatially integrated with high resolution (10 m), topographically-derived fields of environmental conditions, such as solar radiation, air temperature, and topographic moisture index in order to evaluate the applicability of the sampling method for modeling relationships between species composition and environmental processes.The methodology provides a balance between sampling efficiency and the accuracy of field data. Application of the method is appropriate for environments where terrain and canopy characteristics permit open visibility of the landscape. We evaluate the nature of data resulting from an implementation of the remote sampling methodology in a steep watershed dominated by closed-canopy chaparral. Analyses indicate that there is minimal bias associated with scaling the data from the site level to the patch level, despite variable patch sizes. Analysis of variance and correlation tests show that the internal floristic and environmental variability of patches is low and stable across the entire sample of patches. Comparison of regression tree models of species cover at the two scales indicates that there is little scale-dependence in the ecological processes that govern patterns of species composition between the site level and patch level. High explanatory power of the regression tree models suggests that the vegetation data are characterized at an appropriate scale to model landscape-level patterns of species composition as driven by topographically-mediated processes. Patch-level sampling reduces the influence of local stochasticity and micro-scale processes. Comparison of models between the two scales can be useful for assessing the processes and associated scales of variability governing spatial patterns of plant species.  相似文献   

Human-mediated vegetation switches as processes in landscape ecology   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Switches are processes in which there is positive feedback between vegetation and environment. Landscape features can be created and modified by switches. The concept has previously been used with physical factors and non-human animals as the switch mediator, i.e. the factor which the vegetation modifies and which in turn affects the vegetation. Here, the switch concept is extended to include some types of human behaviour as possible switch mediators. With this extension, the switch concept can explain the impact on the landscape of some types of human behaviour. Examples are given of the behaviour of mower drivers, mowing up to a boundary which they create and/or maintain, and of walkers trampling tracks which they create and/or maintain. Other possibilities are discussed briefly. It is concluded that the concept of a human-mediated switch can unify the study of human behaviour, vegetation processes and landscape ecology.  相似文献   

沈红 《现代园艺》2013,(20):146-148
本文阐述了污泥在园林树木中施用的正负效应,综述了污泥堆肥在园林树木中的应用研究进展,对污泥在园林绿地的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Zmyslony  Jean  Gagnon  Daniel 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(4):357-371
Contagious spatial patterns were shown to exist in the landscape of front-yards in street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal. Neighbour mimicry was hypothesized as the mechanism behind this pattern (Zmyslony and Gagnon 1998). To assess the role of spatial environmental factors in structuring this pattern, we carried out a path analysis on the front-yard landscape with five spatial factors: relative distance, street side, width, depth and type of front-yard. We removed all non-significant factors from our model with simple Mantel tests and untangled the common spatial component from the relationship between spatial factors and front-yard landscape with partial Mantel tests. We then used path analysis to evaluate the relative importance of all significant spatial factors in structuring front-yard landscape and to determine the r 2 (% of landscape variation explained by spatial factors). Results showed that (1) among all spatial environmental factors, distance (proximity) remained the best predictor of front-yard vegetation – distance alone explained an average of 20% of the landscape variation of a street section, (2) depth, width and type of front-yard also structured the front-yard landscape independently of distance, (3) front-yard landscape expresses greater similarity within the same side of a street section, and (4) in two street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, spatial factors predicted over 40% of the landscape variation. This suggests (1) that landscape contagion exists also in highly humanized environments and (2) that the mimicry phenomenon was induced not only by proximity, but also by similar environmental conditions in same side street sections and whole street sections. Finally, we suggest that street sections are a very useful and appropriate unit of analysis of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

通过挖掘景墙在景观环境中的功能,阐述了相关场所对景墙功能的要求,以及相应功能的表达方式,最后对景墙的应用提出了不足和展望。  相似文献   

A meaningful interpretation of landscape metrics is possible only when the limitations of each measure are fully understood, the range of attainable values is known, and the user is aware of potential shifts in the range of values due to characteristics of landscape patches. To examine the behavior of landscape metrics, we generated artificial landscapes that mimicked fragmentation processes while controlling the size and shape of patches in the landscape and the mode of disturbance growth. We developed nine series of increasingly fragmented landscapes and used these to investigate the behavior of edge density, contagion, mean nearest neighbor distance, mean proximity index, perimeter-area fractal dimension, and mass fractal dimension. We found that most of the measures were highly correlated, especially contagion and edge density, which had a near-perfect inverse correspondence. Many of the measures were linearly-associated with increasing disturbance until the proportion of disturbance on the landscape was approximately 0.40, with non-linear associations at higher proportions. None of the measures was able to differentiate between landscape patterns characterized by dispersed versus aggregated patches. The highest attainable value of each measure was altered by either patch size or shape, and in some cases, by both attributes. We summarize our findings by discussing the utility of each metric.  相似文献   

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