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Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen gas (N2) from denitrification were measured using the acetylene inhibition method on drained and undrained clay soil during November 1980-June 1981. Drainage limited denitrification to about 65% of losses from undrained soil. Emissions from the undrained soil were in the range 1 to 12 g N ha–1 h–1 while those from the drained soil ranged from 0.5 to 6 g N ha–1 h–1 giving estimated total losses (N2O + N2) of 14 and 9 kgN ha–1.
Drainage also changed the fraction of nitrous oxide in the total denitrification product. During December, emissions from the drained soil (1.8±0.6 gN ha–1 h–1) were composed entirely of nitrous oxide, but losses from the undrained soil (2.7 ± 1.1 g N ha–1 h–1) were almost entirely in the form of nitrogen gas (the fraction of N2O in the total loss was 0.02). In February denitrification declined in colder conditions and the emission of nitrous oxide from drained soil declined relative to nitrogen gas so that the fraction of N2O was 0.03 on both drainage treatments. The delayed onset of N2O reduction in the drained soil was related to oxygen and nitrate concentrations. Fertilizer applications in the spring gave rise to maximum rates of emission (5–12g N ha–1 h–1) with the balance shifting towards nitrous oxide production, so that the fraction of N2O was 0.2–0.8 in April and May.  相似文献   

Crop responses to annual compaction treatments (applied to whole plots) and management treatments to ameliorate compacted soil were determined in a field experiment on a Vertisol. Initially, all treatments except a control were compacted with a 10 Mg axle load on wet soil (26% gravimetric water content compared with a plastic limit of 22%). Annually applied axle loads of 10 and 6 Mg on wet soil (25–32% soil water) tended to reduce seedling emergence, grain yield (wheat, sorghum and maize), soil water storage and crop water use efficiency (WUE). Annual applications of an axle load of 6 Mg on dry soil (<22% soil water) had little effect on crop performance. Mean reductions in the yield of five crops (three wheat, one sorghum and one maize) in comparison with the uncompacted control were 23% or 0.79 Mg ha−1 (10 Mg on wet soil), 13% or 0.44 Mg ha−1 (6 Mg on wet soil) and 1% or 0.03 Mg ha−1 (6 Mg on dry soil). Maize grown in the fifth year of treatment application was most affected by compaction of wet soil, its WUE being reduced from 14.3 to 9.7 kg ha−1 mm−1 in response to an axle load of 10 Mg. Reduced WUE was associated with delayed soil water extraction at depth. A 3-year pasture ley was the most successful amelioration treatment. A wheat and a maize crop grown after the ley outyielded the control by 0.33 and 0.90 Mg ha−1, respectively. So the pasture not only ameliorated the initial compaction damage, with respect to crop performance, but resulted in improvements in two subsequent crops.  相似文献   

A combination of mathematical analysis and computer simulation, using parameters readily measured in a nitrogen-15 field experiment, is employed to determine rates of mineralization, immobilization and nitrification under a growing crop. The procedure also yields the proportion of crop nitrogen uptake occurring as ammonium and nitrate.
When applied to -results from grass lysimeters receiving 250 or 900 kg N ha–1 a–1 as ammonium nitrate, the analysis suggested that at 250 kgN ha–1 a–1 64–66% of crop nitrogen uptake was as ammonium; at 900 kg N ha–1 a–1 the figure was 43–49%. Nitrification at 250kgNha–1 was only 13–19kgN ha–1 over 160d while at 900 kg N ha–1 between 191 and 232 kg N ha–1 were nitrified.
The results suggested that the apparent inhibition of nitrification in grassland soils may simply reflect poor substrate competition by nitrifying bacteria. Finally, there was a suggestion that mineralization/immobilization was lower at the high fertilizer rate.  相似文献   

The cation composition of solutions and leachates from small-diameter laboratory soil columns was examined over a 23-week period after the addition of lime (0, 3 and 6 t ha–1) and/or nitrogen fertilizer (0 or 200 kg N ha–1) to an acid soil (pH 4.2). Water was applied at regular intervals to the surface of the columns and 17 leachate samples collected. Initially, the pH of the leachate was high (6.6) in all treatments (including those without lime) but fell rapidly to approach a steady value of 3.8. Large losses of calcium occurred from all columns; the total equivalent amounts of lime lost ranged from 0.88 (no addition) to 2.38 (with added lime) t CaCO3 ha–1 High concentrations of aluminium (181–325 μM) were present in leachates from all treatments; the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 increased the leaching of Al by 94%; addition of lime also increased the amounts of Al leached (by 52%).
The pH of the soil solution (separated by centrifugation) was influenced by treatment, especially in the top 0–40 mm of the column. Aluminium concentration was related to pH, but the form of the relationship differed amongst the treatments.  相似文献   

The extent and persistence of the effect of soil compaction in a system with annual ploughing were investigated in 21 long-term field experiments in Sweden with a total of 259 location-years. Crop yield, soil physical properties and plant establishment were determined. All experiments had two common treatments: control (no extra traffic) and compacted (350 Mg km ha−1 of experimental traffic in the autumn prior to ploughing), using a tractor and trailer with traditional wheel equipment and an axle load restricted to 4 Mg. During the rest of the year, both treatments were conventionally and equally tilled. The compaction was repeated each autumn for at least 7 years, and the yield was determined each year until 5 years after the termination of the compaction treatment.

Compaction decreased the porosity and the proportion of large pores and increased the tensile strength of dry aggregates. On clay and loam soils, it decreased the proportion of fine aggregates in the seedbed and the gravimetric soil water content in the seedbed.

The yield in the compacted treatment declined compared with the control during the first 4 years, after which it reached steady state. During this steady state, the compaction treatment caused a yield loss of 11.4%, averaged over 107 location-years. Within 4–5 years after the termination of the compaction treatment, the yield returned to the control level. The average yield loss at individual sites increased with increasing clay content.

Results from additional treatments indicated that yield loss was linearly correlated with the amount of traffic up to 300–400 Mg km ha−1. With greater ground contact pressure or a greater soil water content at time of traffic, there was a greater yield loss.

Soil compaction effects on yield were similar for all spring-sown crops, and the percentage yield loss seemed to be independent of the yield. In a few location-years with winter wheat there was on average no yield decrease.

There were 5.1% less plants in the compacted treatment than in the control. The yield decrease was significantly correlated with the number of plants.

Between years results were highly variable, and no consistent correlations between yield loss and soil water content at the time of traffic or the weather conditions during the growing period were found. Soil compaction affected yield during years with good as well as poor conditions for crop growth.  相似文献   

The effects on a number of soil physical and aeration parameters of compaction during spring pre-sowing operations were measured on a clay soil (49% clay). A soil-tyre contact stress of 200 kPa was applied by tractor tyres.
Yield of an oat crop was reduced by 30% as a result of compaction. Total porosity of the soil was reduced by 6% v/v owing to loss of pores > 60 μm, and water retention was increased. The resultant decrease in air-filled porosity greatly reduced gas diffusion and air permeability coefficients of the soil, and, for a time, O2 content of the soil atmosphere was significantly lowered in the compacted treatment. Penetrometer resistance after sowing was 3.5 MPa in the control and 4.5 MPa in the compacted treatment; in the latter, root growth was inhibited until the soil dried and cracked. By the end of June, canopy temperature measurements indicated water stress in the oat crop on compacted soil but not in that on the control.
The results obtained indicated that air permeability, measured in the field, of 1 mm s−1 provides a satisfactory single value below which crop growth is likely to be reduced.  相似文献   

The capability of the soil water balance model SIMWASER to predict the impact of soil compaction upon the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) is tested, using the results of a field experiment on the influence of soil compaction by wheel pressure upon soil structure, water regime and plant growth. The experimental site was located on an Eutric Cambisol with loamy silt soil texture at an elevation of 260 m in the northern, semi-humid sub-alpine zone of Austria. Within the experimental field a 7 m wide strip was compacted by a tractor driven trailer just before planting maize in May 1988. Compression effects due to trailer traffic resulted in distinct differences of physical and mechanical soil parameters in comparison with the uncompressed experimental plots down to a depth of about 30 cm: bulk density and penetration resistance at field capacity were increased from 1.45 to 1.85 g/cm3, and from 0.8 to 1.5 MPa, respectively, while air-filled pore space as well as infiltration rate were appreciable lowered from about 0.08–0.02 cm3/cm3 and from 50 to 0.5 cm per day, respectively. The overall effect was a clear depression of the dry matter grain yield from 7184 kg/ha of the non-compacted plot to 5272 kg/ha in the compacted field strip. The deterministic and functional model SIMWASER simulates the water balance and the crop yield for any number of crop rotations and years, provided that daily weather records (air temperature, humidity of air, global radiation, wind and precipitation) are available. Crop growth and soil water regime are coupled together by the physiological processes of transpiration and assimilation, which take place at the same time through the stomata of the plant leaves and are both reacting in the same direction to changes in the soil water availability within the rooting zone. The water availability during rainless seasons depends on the hydraulic properties of the soil profile within the rooting depth and on rooting density. Rooting depth and density are affected by both the type of the crop and the penetration resistance of the soil, which depends on the soil moisture status and may be strongly increased by soil compaction. The model SIMWASER was able to simulate these effects as shown by the calculated grain yields, which amounted in the non-compacted plot to 7512 and to 5558 kg dry matter/ha in the compacted plot.  相似文献   

This initially high level of soil compaction in some direct sowing systems might suggest that the impact of subsequent traffic would be minimal, but data have not been consistent. Soil compaction is caused by the high traffic intensity and weight of tractor and combines in harvest operations, especially when these operations are carried out on wet soil or with high-pressure tyres. Traffic effects on the yield of soybean and on some physical soil properties were studied over a period of 3 years. After this period, the reduction of traffic intensity from 38 to 15 Mg km−1 ha−1 produced an increase on the yields of 29.2% from the base year improving the incomes by US$134 ha−1 besides the reduction of fuel consumption of 35.5%. With the results obtained in this work it can be assumed that traffic reduction at harvest has a good potential to increase yields and reduce soil compaction under direct sowing system on the Rolling Pampa Region, Argentina.  相似文献   

Crop yields can be reduced by soil compaction due to increased resistance to root growth, and decrease in water and nutrient use efficiencies. A field experiment was conducted during 1997–1998 and 1998–1999 on a sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Haplargids, USDA; Luvic Yermosol, FAO) to study subsoil compaction effects on root growth, nutrient uptake and chemical composition of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Soil compaction was artificially created once at the start of the study. The 0.00–0.15 m soil was manually removed with a spade. The exposed layer was compacted with a mechanical compactor from 1.65 Mg m−3 (control plot) to a bulk density of 1.93 Mg m−3 (compacted plot). The topsoil was then again replaced above the compacted subsoil and levelled. Both compacted and control plots were hoed manually and levelled. Root length density, measured at flowering stage, decreased markedly with compaction during 1997–1998 but there was little effect during 1998–1999. The reduction in nutrient uptake by wheat due to compaction of the subsoil was 12–35% for N, 17–27% for P and up to 24% for K. The reduction in nutrient uptake in sorghum due to subsoil compaction was 23% for N, 16% for P, and 12% for K. Subsoil compaction increased N content in wheat grains in 1997–1998, but there was no effect on P and K contents of grains and N and P content of wheat straw or sorghum stover. During 1997–1998, K content of wheat straw was statistically higher in control treatment compared with compacted treatment. In 1998, P-content of sorghum leaves was higher in compacted treatment than uncompacted control. Root length density of wheat below 0.15 m depth was significantly reduced and was significantly and negatively correlated with soil bulk density. Therefore, appropriate measures such as periodic chiselling, controlled traffic, conservation tillage, and incorporating of crops with deep tap root system in rotation cycle is necessary to minimize the risks of subsoil compaction.  相似文献   

(pp. 825–831)
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of soil nitrate before cultivation and amounts of basal-dressed nitrogen on additional N application rate and yields of semi-forced tomato for three years from 1998 to 2000. The amounts and timing of additional N dressing were determined based on diagnosis of petiole sap nitrate. The top-dressing was carried out with a liquid fertilizer when the nitrate concentration of a leaflet's petiole sap of leaf beneath fruit which is 2–4 cm declined below 2000 mg L−1.
For standard yield by the method of fertilizer application based on this condition, no basal-dressed nitrogen was required when soil nitrate before cultivation was 150 mg kg−1 dry soil or higher in the 0–30 cm layer; 38 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 25% of the standard rate of fertilizer application of Chiba Prefecture, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was 100150 mg kg−1 dry soil; 75 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 50% of the standard, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was under 100 mg kg−1 dry soil. A standard yield was secured and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application decreased by 49–76% of the standard by keeping the nitrate concentration of tomato petiole sap between 1000–2000 mg L−1 from early harvest time to topping time under these conditions.  相似文献   

农业机械的过度使用、密集轮作以及不适当管理等都会造成土壤压实。试验研究了拖拉机行走对土壤特性和小麦生长的影响。试验所使用的耕作机械包括轮式、履带式和手扶式三种拖拉机,分析了土壤压实对小麦生长以及土壤结构不连续性的影响。试验数据表明,土壤密度、土壤阻力以及土壤水分一般会随拖拉机行走次数增加而增大。同时,文中给出了小麦根系与秸秆间蕴涵的机理关系。试验数据还表明,小麦发芽率在显著性水平P≤0.05时,不同处理组之间无明显差异。但是,2、4、6、8、10、12、18周以及收割时的小麦秸秆高度在显著性水平P≤0.01时,各处理组之间却存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组高于履带式拖拉机处理组。当显著性水平分别为P≤0.05和 P≤0.01时,不同处理组的小麦根长度和密度间也存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组同样表现出更好的结果。总之,拖拉机行走会显著影响干物质、谷物产量等小麦生长参数。然而,作物产量不仅受土壤压实的影响,同时很大程度上也取决于天气以及土壤初始压实等因素。  相似文献   

Abstract. On organic farms, where the importation of materials to build/maintain soil fertility is restricted, it is important that a balance between inputs and outputs of nutrients is achieved to ensure both short-term productivity and long-term sustainability. This paper considers different approaches to nutrient budgeting on organic farms and evaluates the sources of bias in the measurements and/or estimates of the nutrient inputs and outputs. The paper collates 88 nutrient budgets compiled at the farm scale in nine temperate countries. All the nitrogen (N) budgets showed an N surplus (average 83.2 kg N ha–1 yr–1). The efficiency of N use, defined as outputs/inputs, was highest (0.9) and lowest (0.2) in arable and beef systems respectively. The phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) budgets showed both surpluses and deficits (average 3.6 kg P ha–1 yr–1, 14.2 kg K ha–1 yr–1) with horticultural systems showing large surpluses resulting from purchased manure. The estimation of N fixation and quantities of nutrients in purchased manures may introduce significant errors in nutrient budgets. Overall, the data illustrate the diversity of management systems in place on organic farms, and suggest that used together with soil analysis, nutrient budgets are a useful tool for improving the long-term sustainability of organic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching and soil mineral N status under grassland were measured on three contrasting soils, spanning winters 1995/96, 1996/97 and 1997/98, in Western England. The soils investigated were a freely draining silty clay loam (Rosemaund), a well drained loam (IGER 1) and a poorly drained clay loam (IGER 2). The effects of reseeding (ploughing and resowing grass) at IGER 1 and IGER 2 in autumn 1995 or 1996 were compared with undisturbed pasture. Reseeding at Rosemaund, in autumns 1995 or 1996, or spring 1996 was compared with undisturbed pasture of 3 sward ages (2, 5, >50 years).
Nitrate-N leaching losses during the winter immediately following autumn reseeding ranged between 60 and 350 kg N ha–1 in 1995/96, depending on soil type, sward management history and rainfall. Losses were much less in the following winter when treatments were repeated (10–107 kg N ha–1).
Reseeding in spring had little effect on soil mineral N content or leaching losses in the following autumn, compared with undisturbed pasture. Similarly, leaching losses from autumn reseeds in the second winter after cultivation were the same as undisturbed pasture (1-19 kg N ha–1). The effect of ploughing grassland for reseeding was relatively short-term, in contrast to the effect of repeated annual cultivation associated with arable rotations.  相似文献   

Soil compaction can affect crop growth and greenhouse gas emission and information is required of how both these aspects are affected by compaction intensity and weather. In this paper we describe treatments of compaction intensity and their effects on soil physical conditions and crop growth in loam to sandy loam cambisol soils. Soil conditions and crop performance were measured over three seasons in a field experiment on soil compacted by wheels on freshly ploughed seedbeds. Ploughing buried the chopped residues of the previous crop. After ploughing, traffic was controlled such that the experimental plots received wheel traffic only as treatments. The overall objective was to discover how the intensity and distribution of soil compaction just before sowing influenced crop performance, soil conditions and emissions of nitrous oxide. Compaction treatments were zero, light compaction by roller (up to 1 Mg m−1) and heavy compaction by loaded tractor, (up to 4.2 Mg). The experiment was located at Boghall, near Edinburgh (860 mm average annual rainfall) for the first two seasons under spring and winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and in a drier area at North Berwick (610 mm average annual rainfall) for the third season under winter oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L.). Heavy compaction in dry soil conditions had little effect on crop growth. However, in wet conditions heavy compaction reduced air porosity, air permeability and gas diffusivity, increased cone resistance and limited winter barley growth and grain yield. Heavy compaction in wet conditions reduced winter barley yields to 7.1 Mg ha−1, in comparison to 8.8 Mg ha−1 in the zero compaction treatment. The compaction status of the top 15 cm of soil seemed to be particularly important. Loosening of the top 10 cm of soil immediately after heavy compaction restored soil conditions for crop growth. However, zero seed bed compaction gave patchy and uneven crop emergence in dry conditions. Both zero and light compaction to a target depth of 10 cm gave similar crop productivity. Maintenance of a correct compaction level near the soil surface is particularly important for establishment and overwintering of barley and oil seed rape.  相似文献   

In Belgium, growing silage maize in a monoculture often results in increased soil compaction. The aim of our research was to quantify the effects of this soil compaction on the dry matter (DM) yields and the nitrogen use of silage maize (Zea mays L.). On a sandy loam soil of the experimental site of Ghent University (Belgium), silage maize was grown on plots with traditional soil tillage (T), on artificially compacted plots (C) and on subsoiled plots (S). The artificial compaction, induced by multiple wheel-to-wheel passages with a tractor, increased the soil penetration resistance up to more than 1.5 MPa in the zone of 0–35 cm of soil depth. Subsoiling broke an existing plough pan (at 35–45 cm of soil depth). During the growing season, the release of soil mineral nitrogen by mineralisation was substantially lower on the C plots than on the T and S plots. Silage maize plants on the compacted soil were smaller and flowering was delayed. The induced soil compaction caused a DM yield loss of 2.37 Mg ha−1 (−13.2%) and decreased N uptake by 46.2 kg ha−1 (−23.2%) compared to the T plots. Maize plants on compacted soil had a lower, suboptimal nitrogen content. Compared with the traditional soil tillage that avoided heavy compaction, subsoiling offered no significant benefits for the silage maize crop. It was concluded that avoiding heavy soil compaction in silage maize is a major strategy for maintaining crop yields and for enhancing N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Animal trampling is one of the main factors responsible for soil compaction under grazed pastures. Soil compaction is known to change the physical properties of the soil thereby affecting the transformation of nitrogen (N) and the subsequent of release of N as nitrous oxide (N2O). The form of N source added to these compacted soils further affects N emissions. Here we determine the interactive effects of soil compaction and form of N sources (cattle urine and ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers) on the loss of N through N2O emission from grassland soil. Overall, soil compaction caused a seven-fold increase in the N2O flux, the total N2O fluxes for the entire experimental period ranged from 2.62 to 61.74 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the compacted soil and 1.12 to 4.37 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the uncompacted soil. Among the N sources, the highest emissions were measured with nitrate application, emissions being 10 times more than those from other N sources for compacted soil, suggesting that the choice of N fertilizer can go a long way in mitigating N2O emissions in compacted grasslands.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of trampling on the soils of the St James Walkway was studied during 1985 by comparing 'on'- and off-track sites. Trampling increased the average soil bulk density by 0.3 g/cm3 at 0–5 cm depth and by 0.1 g/cm3 at 10–15 cm depth. Trampling increased the average soil shear strength by 11 kPa at 0–5 cm depth and by 6 kPa at 5–10 cm depth. All mineral soils were compacted to some extent by trampling. The podzolized high country yellow-brown earths (Dystrochrepts) were the most affected because their organic topsoil was truncated. Their exposed subsoil was however more resistant to further damage than their topsoil. Organic soils (Medihemists) were not compacted but their very low shear strength and high moisture content make them unsuitable for tracks. Untrampled soil bulk density and soil stone content were negatively correlated with the change in bulk density by trampling, and could be used to predict the risk of soil compaction by trampling.  相似文献   

Abstract. The fertilizer nitrogen requirement of winter wheat was assessed in sixteen experiments on marine silt soils in Eastern England. Eight experimental sites followed potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ), six vining peas ( Pisum sativum ) and two wheat ( Triticum aestivum ). The yield response to nitrogen fertilizer was much less following peas than potatoes or wheat, five sites following peas showed little response to more than 30 kg N ha–1. Previous crop explained some 79.7% of the variation in nitrogen optima. When autumn soil mineral nitrogen was also taken into account 81.9% of the variation in optimum nitrogen rate was explained ( P <0.001). The study revealed noticeably higher levels of autumn soil mineral nitrogen following vining peas on some sites than those found elsewhere in the UK and as assumed in the standard national fertilizer recommendation system.  相似文献   

Soil biological parameters, such as soil respiration or N-mineralization, may be more sensitive to soil compaction than physical parameters. Therefore we studied the effects of soil compaction on net N-mineralization and microbial biomass dynamics in the field. The soils were silty clay loams (Typic Endoaquepts) in either a well-structured permanent pasture with high organic-C content (46 mg g−1) or a site which had been continuously cropped with cereals for 28 years with low organic-C content (21 mg g−1) and a very poor structure. Compaction treatments were applied by five passes of a tractor (total weight 4880 kg, speed 2.2 m s−1). An energy flux of either 2712 J m−2 (assuming deflecting tyres) or 6056 J m−2 (assuming rigid tyres) per pass of the rear tyres was estimated. Soil dry bulk densities were initially 1.00 and 1.30 Mg m−3 in the pasture and cropped sites, respectively, and increased significantly only in the less dense pasture site. However, soil surface CO2-fluxes decreased substantially after compaction on both sites (57–69%) because of the highly reduced air permeability of the topsoil. At the cropped site this was also accompanied by a significant decrease in oxygen-diffusion rate (45%). Using the in situ core technique with covered cores the apparent net N-mineralization rate was less in compacted than in non-compacted areas of the pasture ((0.27 and 0.38 μg N g−1 day−1, respectively), but did not differ at the cropped site (average 0.15 μg N g−1 day−1). However, N-mineralization measurements by the in situ core technique were found to be problematic as denitrification possibly occurred and concealed actual net N-mineralization. Microbial biomass did not change significantly as a result of the compaction treatment, but was shown to either decrease or increase over time depending on the methodology used to estimate microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Abstract. Preferential flow may enhance phosphorus transport through the soil profile and thereby increase the risks for eutrophication of watercourses. Destruction of continuous macropores in topsoil by tillage provides the possibility for better contact between soil particles and P fertilizer. This is facilitated by incorporation rather than surface application of fertilizer, which should reduce the risk of rapid P transport from the soil surface through the unsaturated zone. To test this hypothesis, undisturbed soil monoliths (0.295 m in diameter and 1.2 m in length) were collected at a field site with a clay soil in which preferential flow is the dominant solute transport mechanism. After three years of observation, average total P loads reached 1.86, 1.59 and 1.25 kg ha–1for no-tillage, conventional tillage, and conventional tillage where the P fertilizer was incorporated, respectively. More than 80% of total losses were in the form of dissolved P. The tillage treatment had no significant effect on P leaching loads compared to no-tillage, but the improved contact between soil particles and P fertilizer resulting from fertilizer incorporation significantly reduced P loads during the first year after application of 100 kg P ha–1. However, after further application of 100 kg P ha–1 two years later, there were no significant differences between the treatments.  相似文献   

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