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The effects of protein quality, protein content, ingredients, and baking process of flour blends on hearth loaves were studied. The flour blends varied in protein composition and content. Flours of strong protein quality produced hearth loaves with larger loaf volume, larger bread slice area, and higher form ratio (height/width) than flours of weak protein quality. The effect of protein content on hearth loaf depended on the size distribution of the proteins. Increasing protein content was associated with increased percentage of the largest glutenin polymers, and loaf volume and slice area increased significantly. The form ratio, however, remained unchanged with increasing flour protein content. Strong protein quality flours tolerated addition of whole meal flour better than weak protein quality flours. Increased amount of flour with strong protein quality improved hearth bread characteristics to a larger extent than increased protein content. Diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEM) improved hearth bread characteristics, but the effect was small compared with the effect of protein composition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine treatments that directly influence Norwegian lean doughs destined to be frozen. Therefore a strip-block experimental design with four dough treatment factors (wheat flour blend, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides [DATEM], water absorption, and dough temperature) and two storage factors (frozen storage time and thawing time) was used. Four levels were selected for frozen storage time and two levels were selected for the remaining factors. After frozen storage (2–70 days), the doughs were thawed and baked. Principal component analysis showed that to obtain a high loaf volume and bread score after freezing, a high dough temperature after mixing (27°C) was essential. The highest form ratio (height/width) level was obtained after 28 days of frozen storage and with a short thawing time (6 hr). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of dough treatments showed that an increase in dough temperature from 20 to 27°C after mixing resulted in a significant increase in loaf volume (1,653 to 2,264 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (1.7 to 3.2), and a reduction in loaf weight (518.4 to 512.5 g) and crumb score (7.9 to 5.9, i.e., a more open bread crumb). Also, the addition of DATEM significantly increased loaf volume (1,835 to 2,081 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (2.2 to 2.6). Frozen dough storage time significantly affected loaf volume, loaf weight, bread score, and crumb score. Increasing thawing time from 6 to 10 hr significantly increased loaf volume (1,855 to 2,121 mL), and reduced the form ratio (0.69 to 0.63) and loaf weight (516.8 to 511.4 g). ANOVA of the interaction between dough treatment and frozen storage time showed that decreasing water absorption significantly increased the loaf volume.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):581-587
Wheat bran is a low‐cost by‐product abundantly produced by the wheat flour industry. As a staple food of China, Chinese steamed bread (CSB) represents about 40% of China's wheat consumption. This study investigated the effects of incorporating wheat bran into the CSB at different levels (5, 10, and 15%). The dough behavior was measured by analyzing rheological properties. Quality of CSB was analyzed from two perspectives: physical properties and nutritional quality. For physical properties, specific volume, loaf height, moisture, and texture were measured by 1 . The predicted glycemic response of the bread was analyzed by using an in vitro digestion method. The results illustrated that the incorporation of wheat bran into wheat flour reduced the extensibility of the dough, decreased specific volume, and increased bread hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. However, this study also showed that addition of wheat bran can decrease the predicted glycemic response of steamed bread by up to 39%.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how wheat cultivar, growth location, type of mill, LMW sugar composition of wheat flours, mixing time, and type of mixer affected yeast fermentation. Also studied was the effect of yeast fermentation and LMW sugar composition on hearth bread quality. To achieve this, 36 different flours were produced from two different mills using six different wheat cultivars grown at three locations. Yeast fermentation in doughs, measured as gas production, was determined using realtime pressure measurements and GasSmart software. A short mixograph mixing or spatula mixing was not efficient enough to rehydrate instant dry yeast. Compressed yeast and a short mixing time were enough to reach maximum fermentation rate. Maximum pressure after 210 min of fermentation was higher for instant dry yeast than for compressed yeast. Wheat cultivar and growth location had a significant effect on LMW sugar composition. Wheat cultivar, growth location, and type of mill used significantly affected pressure curve parameters. Oligosaccharides and damaged starch were positively correlated, and ash content and flour yield were negatively correlated with pressure curve parameters. Hearth bread characteristic crumb structure was positively correlated with all pressure curve characteristics except fast fermentation rate. Increased levels of mono‐ and disaccharides in wheat flour gave hearth breads with a more round shape.  相似文献   

Diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEM) is a kind of anionic emulsifier. To date, the positive effect of DATEM on the volume of bread has been reported, but the effects on Chinese steamed bread (CSB) quality and other parameters for bread quality are still unclear. The effects of DATEM on the characteristics of dough and the qualities of CSB and bread were investigated. The results showed that, the effects of DATEM on the rheological properties of dough were complex. Water absorption ratio of CSB dough decreased slightly, while that of bread dough increased slightly. But gas retention and structure improved and gluten strength increased for both CSB and bread doughs after DATEM was added. The studies also showed that structure, elasticity, tenacity, and whiteness of CSB were improved, but specific volume was almost unchanged. The structure, color, and smoothness were significantly improved for bread, and specific volume increased compared with the control. The optimal quantities of DATEM for CSB and bread were both ≈0.10% (on flour mass basis).  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the influence of different bran proportions and particle sizes, addition of fungal phytase, and α‐amylase addition on bread quality and phytate levels, and how these treatments affect availability of iron to intestinal epithelial (Caco‐2) cells. Potential mineral contributions to dietary reference intakes and phytate‐to‐mineral molar ratios were also evaluated. Wheat bran supplementation significantly affected bread quality. Smaller bran particle size affected crumb firmness negatively, whereas the use of α‐amylase, in some cases in combination with phytase, could improve technological bread quality. The use of phytase in the formulation significantly reduced the level of phytates, and phytate hydrolysis also led to smaller bran particle size. Increasing the bran proportion used in the bread formulation increased the iron concentration in bread samples by 18.9%. Phytase addition proved to be a useful strategy to improve iron dialyzability; however, incomplete dephytinization still had an inhibitory effect on iron uptake, with the exception of samples formulated with 10% bran. The inhibitory effect of phytate could be predicted from the values of the phytate‐to‐iron ratios. Reduction of particle size did not improve iron availability or uptake by Caco‐2 cells.  相似文献   

Different bran pretreatments and bran cultivars were investigated with the aim of alleviating the adverse effects caused by bran addition in brown (fiber-rich) bread. Three different bran treatments: hydration, wet heat, and wet oxidation, all hydrate bran before its addition to other breadmaking ingredients. Four different bran cultivars were investigated. All treatments improved brown bread quality significantly, resulting in larger, softer loafs. All treatments resulted in an increase in the water absorption of brown bread doughs and a decrease in potentially oxidizable substances (POS) in brans. It is suggested that prehydration treatment activates bran lipoxy-Different bran pretreatments and bran cultivars were investigated with the aim of alleviating the adverse effects caused by bran addition in brown (fiber-rich) bread. Three different bran treatments: hydration, wet heat, and wet oxidation, all hydrate bran before its addition to other breadmaking ingredients. Four different bran cultivars were investigated. All treatments improved brown bread quality significantly, resulting in larger, softer loafs. All treatments resulted in an increase in the water absorption of brown bread doughs and a decrease in potentially oxidizable substances (POS) in brans. It is suggested that prehydration treatment activates bran lipoxygenase which oxidizes POS in bran, reducing bran's contribution to brown bread dough. A further reduction of these substances is caused by a washout effect of the treatments. On average across all bran cultivars, the hydration and wet oxidation treatments improved brown bread quality significantly more than the wet heat treatment, which also reduced the bran POS significantly less than the other treatments, probably due to its rapid inactivation of lipoxygenase. The bran cultivars differed significantly in their effects on brown bread quality, suggesting that bran selection according to cultivar should be considered.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of spontaneous fermentation of the bran fraction and fermentation with added yeast or added yeast and lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus brevis) on the quality of wheat bread supplemented with bran. Prefermentation of wheat bran with yeast or with yeast and lactic acid bacteria improved the loaf volume, crumb structure, and shelf life of bread supplemented with bran. The bread also had added flavor and good and homogenous crumb structure. Elasticity of the crumb was excellent. Spontaneous fermentation of the bran fraction did not have the same positive effects on bread quality. The microstructure of the breads was characterized by light microscopy. The positive effect of fermentation of bran on bread quality was evident when comparing the well‐developed protein network structure of the breads baked with fermented bran with the control bread. Prefermentation of the bran with yeast and lactic acid bacteria had the greatest effect on the structure of starch. The starch granules were more swollen and gelatinized in the breads made with prefermented bran. The pretreatments of the bran fraction had no detectable effect on the microstructure of the cell wall particles in the test breads.  相似文献   

添加砒砂岩对风沙土性质的改良及时间效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验利用砒砂岩和风沙土性质上的互补性,采用田间试验,将两者按不同的比例(1:1,1:2,1:5)复配,并以黄土与风沙土1:2复配作为对照,以期为将砒砂岩与沙复配成土技术大规模推广应用于毛乌素沙地进行农业种植提供科学依据。结果表明,随着砒砂岩加入比例的增加,复配土壤砂粒含量减少,粉粒含量明显增加,砒砂岩的加入促使风沙土土壤质地由砂土向粉壤土逐渐转变。而且随着作物种植年限的增加,复配土壤砂粒含量也在明显减少,粉粒和黏粒含量增加且有逐渐下移的趋势,这种变化在0-40 cm土层尤为突出。各处理>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量(WR0.25),平均重量直径(MWD),几何平均直径(GMD)均随砒砂岩加入比例和作物种植年限的增加而显著增加,>0.25 mm各级别土壤团聚体含量也基本随砒砂岩加入比例和作物种植年限的增加而增加,且增加最明显的是0.25~0.5 mm级别土壤团聚体含量。各处理0-30 cm土层土壤有机质含量随作物种植年限的增加而显著增加。综上,砒砂岩与沙复配比例为1:1~1:5均可不同程度的改善土壤质地和结构,增加土壤有机质,且复配比例在1:1~1:2时效果最佳。  相似文献   

Knowledge of composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW‐GS) and their associations with pan bread and noodle quality will contribute to genetically improving processing quality of Chinese bread wheats. Two trials including a total of 158 winter and facultative cultivars and advanced lines were conducted to detect the allelic variation at Glu‐1 and Glu‐3 loci by SDS‐PAGE electrophoresis and to understand their effects on dough properties, pan bread, and dry white Chinese noodle (DWCN) quality. Results indicate that subunits/alleles 1 and null at Glu‐A1, 7+8 and 7+9 at Glu‐B1, 2+12 and 5+10 at Glu‐D1, alleles a and d at Glu‐A3, and alleles j and d at Glu‐B3 predominate in Chinese germplasm, and that 34.9% of the tested genotypes carry the 1B/1R translocation (allelic variation at Glu‐D3 was not determined because no significant effects were reported previously). Both variations at HMW‐GS and LMW‐GS/alleles and loci interactions contribute to dough properties and processing quality. For dough strength related traits such as farinograph stability and extensigraph maximum resistance and loaf volume, subunits/alleles 1, 7+8, 5+10, and Glu‐A3d are significantly better than those of their counterpart allelic variation, however, no significant difference was observed for the effects of d, b, and f at Glu‐B3 on these traits. For extensigraph extensibility, only subunits 1 and 7+8 are significantly better than their counterpart alleles, and alleles d and b at Glu‐B3 are slightly better than others. For DWCN quality, no significant difference is observed for HMW‐GS at Glu‐1, and Glu‐A3d and Glu‐B3d are slightly better than other alleles. Glu‐B3j, associated the 1B/1R translocation, has a strong negative effect on all quality traits except protein content. It is recommended that selection for subunits/alleles 1, 7+8, 5+10, and Glu‐A3d could contribute to improving gluten quality and pan bread quality. Reducing the frequency of the 1B/1R translocation will be crucial to wheat quality improvement in China.  相似文献   

Thirteen different wheat cultivars were selected to represent GBSS mutations: three each of wildtype, axnull, and bxnull, and two each of 2xnull and waxy. Starch and A‐ and B‐granules were purified from wheat flour. Hearth bread loaves were produced from the flours using a small‐scale baking method. A‐granules purified from wildtype and partial waxy (axnull, bxnull, and 2xnull) starches have significantly higher gelatinization enthalpy and peak viscosity compared with B‐granules. A‐ and B‐granules from waxy starch do not differ in gelatinization, pasting, and gelation properties. A‐ and B‐granules from waxy starch have the highest enthalpy, peak temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, and lowest pasting peak time and pasting temperature compared with A‐ and B‐granules from partial waxy and wildtype starch. Waxy wheat flour has much higher water absorption compared with partial waxy and wildtype flour. No significant difference in hearth bread baking performance was observed between wildype and partial waxy wheat flour. Waxy wheat flour produced hearth bread with significantly lower form ratio, weight, a more open pore structure, and a bad overall appearance. Baking with waxy, partial waxy, and wildtype wheat flour had no significant effect on loaf volume.  相似文献   

Milling and breadbaking quality of hard‐textured wheat may be influenced by alternative alleles at the Wx loci controlling percent amylose in the endosperm, and the puroindoline (pin) loci controlling grain hardness. For this experiment, we developed recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from a cross between Choteau spring wheat cultivar and experimental line MTHW9904. Choteau has the PinB‐D1b mutation conferring grain hardness and the Wx‐B1a allele at the Wx‐B1 locus conferring wild‐type amylose content. MTHW9904 has the PinA‐D1b allele conferring grain hardness and the Wx‐B1b allele conferring lower amylose content, causing a partial waxy phenotype. RIL with the PinB‐D1b mutation (n = 49) had significantly softer kernels, higher break flour yield, and higher loaf volume than lines with the PinA‐D1b mutation (n = 38). Lines with partial waxy phenotype due to Wx‐B1b (n = 43) had significantly lower kernel weight, lower amylose content, and higher flour swelling power than lines with wild‐type starch due to Wx‐B1a (n = 51). These results provide additional evidence for the positive effect of PinB‐D1b on bread quality in hard wheats, while genotype at Wx‐B1 was generally neutral for bread quality in this population. Interactions between the Pin and Wx loci were minimal.  相似文献   

Wheat bran contains good quality protein, but given its location inside aleurone cells, this protein has restricted digestibility. The aim of this work was to liberate and solubilize wheat bran proteins via cell wall degradation by using carbohydrate‐hydrolyzing and proteolytic enzymes without causing extensive protein hydrolysis. Bran incubated with water (without added enzymes) for 16 h increased the solubilized organic nitrogen content from 14.0 to 42.8%. Enzymes with solely carbohydrate‐hydrolyzing activity increased the water‐soluble pentosan and reducing sugar contents but did not significantly increase protein solubilization or protein release from the aleurone cells. Enzymes with proteolytic activity significantly increased the solubilization of protein to 58.2% already at 4 h. Significant protein hydrolysis was detected with a high dosage of protease. However, based on light microscopy, the enzymatic treatment mainly modified the proteins in the subaleurone layer, and it was less effective on proteins inside the aleurone cells. With optimized protease treatment (3 h, 35°C, and 550 nkat/g), effective protein solubilization (>48%) without extensive protein hydrolysis (free amino nitrogen content <45 mg/L) was achieved. In conclusion, intensive solubilization of proteins in the subaleurone layer of wheat bran is possible by using exogenous enzymes with proteolytic activities.  相似文献   

A fast new method based on image analysis, ScanPro Speck Expert (SPX), to determine the bran contamination in wheat flour was studied and compared with existing methods (air-oven, ash, and color measurements) using an Agtron color meter and a Minolta chromameter. Twenty-one hard red winter wheat flour samples with ash contents of 0.30–0.58% were collected from the Kansas State University pilot mill and used for this study. Intrinsic variability in the flour sample because of randomness of bran speck orientation and distribution in the sample holder could result in variation in the speck count. Simple and multiple linear regression analyses showed that estimation of flour ash content from the SPX results (R2 = 0.91) would be more accurate than the results from color measurements (R2 = 0.66 [Agtron color meter] and 0.74 [L*]). The added capability of SPX image analyzer to not only count the number of bran specks but also to measure their areas probably increases the accuracy of determining the bran contamination in wheat flour by image processing.  相似文献   

A field trial comprising three levels of zinc (Zn) 0, 5 and 10 kg ha-1, three levels of iron (Fe) 0, 15 and 30 kg ha-1 and three levels of manganese (Mn) 0, 5 and 10 kg ha-1 was carried out during the rainy seasons of 200 8 and 2009 at Varanasi, to study their effects on macro and micro nutrients content, yields and quality of rice variety HUBR 2–1. The experiment was conducted in 33 partial confounding with two replications. Half doses of all the micronutrients were applied as basal and the rest half through foliar application at different intervals. Among the treatments, Zn at 10 kg ha-1, iron at 15 kg ha-1 and Mn at 5 kg ha-1 recorded the maximum yield of rice. A similar trend was observed in all the quality parameters of rice. Individually Zn, Fe and Mn registered, respectively, 12.05, 8.60 and 4.46% more yield than the control.  相似文献   


In a greenhouse experiment, involving factorial combinations of nitrogen (N) (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 mg kg? 1 soil) and sulfur (S) (0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5, 30.0 mg kg? 1soil), application of all levels of N and S 15 mg kg? 1 and above increased the grain yield of aromatic rice (Basmati cv. ‘Taraori’) significantly. The highest grain yield of aromatic rice was recorded from the treatment combinations of 60 mg N + 15 mg S kg? 1 or 45 mg N + 30 mg S kg? 1. The interaction of N and S influenced the N and S content in rice grain, N content in straw, N: S ratio both in grain and straw, milling (%), and other quality parameters significantly. Milling (%) and hulling (%), thousand grain weight, L: B ratio, cooked grain breadth, and aroma score were found to be significantly and positively correlated with the N: S ratio of rice grain while grain breadth had a significant inverse relationship with N: S ratio in grain.  相似文献   

Effect of added asparagine and glycine on acrylamide content in yeast‐leavened bread was studied in a designed experiment. Added asparagine strongly increased acrylamide content in the breads, while added glycine decreased the content. The more asparagine in the dough, the stronger was the reducing effect of glycine. When glycine was applied on the surface of the fermented dough, there was also a significant reduction of acrylamide content in the bread. Addition of glycine but not asparagine caused an increased browning reaction during baking.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(2):185-189
Bread flour was replaced with 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25% phosphorylated cross‐linked RS4 resistant wheat starch and augmented with vital wheat gluten to maintain original flour protein content. Effect on dough and bread characteristics, total dietary fiber content, and consumer acceptability were evaluated. Mixograph water absorption was not affected by addition of 5, 10, and 15% RS4; however, a significant 2% increase in absorption occurred with 20 and 25% RS4 addition. Mixograph mix time was increased by 15 s with the addition of 5, 10, and 15% RS4, by 30 s with 20% added RS4, and by 45 s with 25% added RS4. There was not a difference in farinograph absorption of doughs containing all levels of added RS4. Farinograph mixing time increased as addition level increased up to 15% and then decreased at higher addition levels. In general, dough strength and extensibility were not affected by RS4 addition. Levels of added RS4 up to 20% did not affect bread volume. Loaves with 15, 20, and 25% added RS4 contained sufficient fiber to meet the “good source of fiber” claim. A consumer sensory panel reported no difference in liking of flavor, texture, or overall liking of bread containing 15, 20, and 25% RS4.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test whether sourdough could improve quality and delay staling of gluten-free (GF) bread. Three strains of lactic acid bacteria used were Lactobacillus plantarum 2115KW, L. plantarum FST 1.11, and L. sanfranciscensis TMW 1.52, and these were subsequently compared with nonacidified control and chemically acidified sourdoughs, batters, and GF breads. Bread characteristics such as pH, total titratable acidity, and crumb hardness (five-day storage) were evaluated. Extrusion (texture analyzer) measurements showed that the sourdoughs became significantly softer during 24 hr of fermentation (P < 0.001). Both LP 2115KW and LP FST 1.11 strains grew better and produced more acid than LS 1.52. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy also revealed a breakdown in the structure of the sourdoughs over time. Crumb hardness increased significantly for all breads (P < 0.05). After five days of storage, two strains yielded significantly softer bread than the nonacidified control (P < 0.05). This was in distinct contrast to the chemically acidified control that at day 5 was significantly firmer than all other breads (P < 0.05). It was concluded that sourdough improves the delay in staling of GF bread, although the positive effects were smaller than those found in wheat bread.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):827-833
Glutens isolated from 15 soft red winter (SRW) wheat flours were added into a SRW wheat flour to obtain protein levels of 9.6 and 11.3% for determination of the qualitative effect of added gluten on the dough properties and quality of northern‐style Chinese steamed bread (CSB). Sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation (SDSS) volume of the gluten source flour exhibited positive relationships with mixograph absorption, midline peak time (MPT), and midline peak value (MPV) of the gluten‐added flours and with surface smoothness, crumb structure, and total score of CSB prepared from the gluten‐added flours regardless of protein content. Positive correlations were also observed between SDSS volume of the gluten source flour and specific volume and stress relaxation score of CSB prepared from the gluten‐added flours of 11.3% protein. The increase in protein content from 9.6 to 11.3% by gluten addition raised mixograph absorption, MPT, and MPV but had no apparent effect on resistance breakdown, dough maximum force for extension, and extensibility, and it increased CSB specific volume and crumb structure score without affecting surface smoothness, stress relaxation, and total score. Mixograph parameters exhibited significant relationships with CSB total score, indicating that they could be effective predictors of the CSB‐making quality of flours.  相似文献   

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