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The effect of the centrally acting α-adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine, on plasma LH and FSH was studied in oestradiol-primed and unprimed ewes and in oestrous ewes. In unprimed anoestrous ewes, clonidine stimulated LH and FSH release after a lag period of 18 h, and noradrenaline intracarotid injection or i.v. infusions immediately stimulated LH release. In oestradiol-infused anoestrous ewes, clonidine produced either a delay or inhibition of the gonadotrophin surge and noradrenaline i.v. infusion advanced the LH surge. In oestrous ewes treated with clonidine, there was marked delay in the LH surge, but the magnitude of the LH and FSH surges were unaffected. Intravenous administration of α-adrenoceptor blockers, phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine, blocked the oestradiol-induced gondotrophin surge in anoestrous ewes. The effect of phenoxybenzamine on gonadotrophin surge was dose dependent in oestrous ewes. Small doses (4 mg/kg i.v.) of phenoxybenzamine delayed the synchronous LH and FSH surges. There was complete blockade of the LH surge and partial blockade of FSH surges in ewes given phenoxybenzamine (8 mg/kg i.v.) before the expected synchronous gonadotrophin surges. After this experiment, the initial rise of plasma progesterone concentrations did not occur until day 6 of oestrous cycle. Administration of phenoxybenzamine before the expected second FSH surge had no effect on the second FSH surge. Gonadotrophin release induced by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone was attenuated by phenoxybenzamine, but not by clonidine. The results suggest that the LH surge is under α-adrenergic control and the first FSH surge is under partial α-adrenergic control, but the second FSH surge is not under α-adrenergic control. The results also suggest oestradiol modulation of α-adrenergic receptor action.  相似文献   

探讨了经分子修饰后的人参皂苷-Rh2(衍生物)对小鼠脾T淋巴细胞分泌IL-2与IFNγ-、腹腔巨噬细胞分泌TNF-α与NO水平的影响。应用双抗体夹心ELISA法测定3种细胞因子的含量,硝酸还原酶法测定NO的含量。结果表明,衍生物的3个浓度(100,200和300μg/mL)均抑制了IL-2(P<0.01)和NO(P>0.05)的分泌,明显促进了IFN-γ和TNF-α的分泌(P<0.01)。提示衍生物可能是通过细胞因子途径来调节机体的免疫功能。  相似文献   

The proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) containing both monocyte/macrophages and T lymphocytes increased after treatment with T-cell mitogen (concanavalin A: Con A). PBMC treated with either leptin alone or combination of leptin and ConA showed enhanced proliferative activity by 10-40%, compared with those treated with ConA alone. In contrast, isolated T lymphocytes treated with leptin and ConA showed lowered proliferative activity than the ConA-treated alone, indicating that leptin induced production of some cytokines from monocyte/macrophages, that subsequently resulted in enhancement of T lymphocytes proliferation in PBMC. Among the cytokines examined, monocyte/monocytes constitutively expressed interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-12p35, IL-18 mRNA, and faintly expressed tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and IL-12p40 mRNA. Leptin treatment augmented the monocyte/macrophages mRNA expression of only TNF-alpha and IL-12p40 to comparable levels of cells treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, leptin treatment increased monocyte/macrophages production of IL-1beta as well as TNF-alpha, and induced the mRNA expression of caspase-1, which is shown to mediate the conversion of latent pro-IL-1beta and pro-IL-18 to active forms. These results suggest that leptin directly acts on monocyte/macrophages to produce factors that induce T lymphocytes proliferation such as IL-12p35/p40 complex through IL-12p40 induction and IL-1beta/IL-18 production through caspase-1 induction.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of diet on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, basal and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH)-induced LH release was compared in intact or castrated-estradiol-17 beta implanted Finn-Dorset lambs. Ten to 12 wk old ram (n = 20) and ewe lambs (n = 20) were maintained under a 8L:16D photoperiod and fed for high (HG, 163 to 168 g/d) or low (LG, 76 to 103 g/d) rates of gain. Eight to 10 wk later, baseline LH concentrations were determined in blood samples collected at 20 min intervals for 7 h. The following day, lambs were given an iv injection of 5 micrograms of estradiol-17 beta followed within 4 h by LHRH (.5 or 2.5 micrograms). Baseline concentrations of LH for HG ewes were threefold greater than for LG ewes (4.2 vs 1.4 ng/ml), respectively. Time to peak response was inversely related to dietary energy level (P less than .025). Basal LH levels were similar across diets in rams. Total LH release following LHRH was dose-dependent (P less than .005). Effects of gonadal feedback were tested in a second group (n = 24) of castrated lambs. Changes in LH secretion were not different between diets within 3 to 4 wk after castration. A subcutaneous silastic implant (22 mm) of estradiol-17 beta inhibited (P less than .01) LH concentrations across diets in both ewes and rams. No differences in estradiol feedback on LH secretion (at the dose of steroid tested) were detected between HG and LG lambs. Within 8 d, however, basal LH concentrations were 60% lower (P less than .01) in HG vs LG ewes. Furthermore, peak LHRH-induced LH release was greater (P less than .025) in LG vs HG lambs of both sexes. Estradiol inhibited basal LH secretion in ewes and rams but facilitated LH release in lambs with a reduced rate of gain.  相似文献   

Progesterone production by the ovine placenta was investigated between d 80 and 115 of gestation. Serum progesterone concentrations in ewes ovariectomized (ovx) on d 75 of gestation were measured throughout the remainder of gestation, and after the ewes were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or saline on d 80 or 115. In addition, cotyledonary tissue was collected from intact ewes sacrificed on d 80 or 115 and progesterone accumulation was determined during 2 h incubation with or without pregnenolone supplementation and in the presence or absence of hCG or dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP). Serum concentrations of progesterone in ovx ewes increased from 3.5 +/- .4 ng/ml on d 80 to 16.4 +/- 2.1 ng/ml on d 115 (P less than .05). That increase was coincident with a 1.5-to 4.5-fold increase in progesterone output by placental tissue in vitro. Addition of pregnenolone enhanced progesterone accumulation in all tissue incubations. Addition of dbcAMP increased progesterone accumulation in the incubation medium only when supplemented with pregnenolone. Human chorionic gonadotropin did not increase placental progesterone secretion in vivo or in vitro. The results confirm the enhanced secretion of progesterone by the ovine placenta between d 80 and 115 of gestation and indicate that the increase results primarily from increased secretory capability per unit of placenta. The tropic mechanism controlling the placental secretion of progesterone remains unclear, but the mechanism may involve elevation of intracellular cAMP.  相似文献   

Laying hens were primed once daily with either pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) or saline until spontaneous ovulations were suppressed (PMSG-treated birds) or for 5–7 days (controls). PMSG-primed hens and saline-primed hens were subsequently injected with vehicle, 500 μg progesterone or 20 μg [Arg8]-LHRH. Twelve hr following the injection, PMSG-treated hens were found to lack a normal follicular hierarchy and to have a significantly greater number of follicles larger than 2.5 cm compared to saline-primed hens. Treatment with PMSG also increased basal plasma concentrations of estradiol-17β and decreased plasma LH compared to controls. Finally, challenge with progesterone or LHRH failed to either stimulate LH release or to overcome the ovulation-suppressing effect of PMSG. Results suggest that the action of PMSG in the hen can be attributed, at least in part, to the unresponsiveness of the pituitary to the normal LH-stimulating hormone(s).  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of haptoglobin (Hp) secretion in primary cultured bovine hepatocytes using recombinant bovine (rb) proinflammatory cytokines. The concentrations of Hp in the supernatant of cultured hepatocytes after incubation with rb interleukin (IL)-6, rb tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, rbIL-1 beta or rbIFN-gamma alone or with combinations of two of these cytokines were measured by ELISA. The rbIL-6, rbTNF-alpha and rbIL-1 beta increased Hp synthesis, but rbIFN-gamma did not, and rbIL-6 was the most effective Hp inducer among these cytokines. The Hp secretion was accelerated synergistically by combined treatment with rbIL-6 and rbTNF-alpha, whereas it remained unchanged with a combination of rbIL-6 and rbIL-1 beta. In contrast, the combination of rbIL-6 and rbIFN-gamma downregulated Hp secretion. In conclusion, IL-6 is the principal cytokine in Hp secretion in bovine hepatocytes in vitro, and its activity may be regulated by other cytokines.  相似文献   

Five lighthorse mares were actively immunized against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to study the involvement of GnRH in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion following ovariectomy (OVX) and after administration of testosterone propionate (TP). Five mares immunized against BSA served as controls. Immunizations were started on November 1, and OVX was performed in June (d 1). All mares were treated with TP from d 50 to 59 after OVX. On the day of OVX, concentrations of LH were lower (P less than .05) in GnRH-immunized mares than in BSA-immunized mares and were generally nondetectable; FSH concentrations were reduced (P less than .05) by 50% in GnRH-immunized mares relative to BSA-immunized mares. In contrast to BSA-immunized mares, plasma concentrations of LH or FSH did not increase after OVX in GnRH-immunized mares. The LH response to GnRH analog (less than .1% cross-reactive with GnRH antibodies) on d 50 was reduced (P less than .05) by 97% in GnRH-immunized mares relative to BSA-immunized mares, whereas the FSH response was similar for both groups. Treatment with TP for 10 d reduced (P less than .01) the LH response and increased (P less than .01) the FSH response to GnRH analog in BSA-immunized mares, but it had no effect (P greater than .1) on the response of either gonadotropin in GnRH-immunized mares.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

周杰 《中国饲料》2004,(16):11-13
一般认为生长激素 (Growthhormone,GH)对动物的生长的调节是通过其受体 (GH -R)介导产生胰岛素样生长因子 - 1 (Insulinlikegrowthfactor -1 ,IGF - 1 ) ,再以内分泌方式作用于靶器官。而GH对脂肪的作用似乎是直接的 ,与IGF - 1无关 ,因为GH在体内试验的结果均可在体外试验中重现 ,而经IGF - 1处理的猪胴体组成没有重现GH处理的效应 (Etherton和Bauman ,1 998;Kindt等 ,1 998)。然而有试验表明 ,GH处理使生长猪皮下脂肪组织IGF - 1基因表达显著增高 (Coleman等 ,1 994;Brameld等 ,1 996) ,去垂体大鼠经GH处理其白色脂肪组织I…  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of long-term exposure to the endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) Bisphenol-A (BPA) and Octylphenol (OP) on gonadotrophin secretion in pre-pubertal female sheep. Four-week-old, female lambs were randomly allocated to four groups (n=6), and twice each week treated with i.m. injections of either corn oil (vehicle controls), diethylstilbestrol (DES; 0.175mg/kg), BPA (3.5mg/kg) or OP (3.5mg/kg). After 5 weeks of treatment, animals were ovariectomized (ovx) and ovary weights recorded. Two weeks later, blood samples were collected from lambs every 15min for 6h, for LH pulse analysis. Animals were then euthanased and adrenal and kidney weight recorded. An age-related increase in tonic LH secretion was noted in Control, BPA- and OP-treated lambs, but was absent in DES-treated lambs. Following ovx, LH secretion increased in all except DES-treated lambs; FSH concentrations increased in all groups. BPA and DES significantly suppressed LH pulse frequency (C: 6.7+/-0.3pulses/6h, DES: 1.5+/-0.8pulses/6h, BPA: 2.3+/-0.8pulses/6h) and amplitude (C: 7.1+/-1.0ng/ml, DES: 1.9+/-0.6ng/ml, BPA: 1.6+/-0.4ng/ml). OP had no effect on LH secretion (Frequency: 5.8+/-0.5pulses/6h, amplitude: 8.0+/-2.0ng/ml). Ovary weight was similar among all groups. Results show that chronic in vivo exposure of prepubertal female lambs to BPA, at levels lower than those reported previously, can have significant effects on LH secretion that are comparable to those seen following exposure to the known xenoestrogen, DES. Exposure to an equal dose of the EDC OP, over the equivalent period of time was without effect on gonadotropin secretion in the prepubertal ewe lamb. These results indicate that exposure of prepubertal female lambs to the EDC BPA can induce significant effects on gonadotropin secretion, the potential long-term effects of exposure and the effects of these changes on reproductive performance and efficacy, therefore, merit further study.  相似文献   

分离妊娠山羊子宫内膜淋巴细胞(Endometrial lymphocyte,EML)后,分别加入4、8、12、16 mg/L的亚硒酸钠进行体外培养,探讨硒对EML的活化作用及其对分泌细胞因子IL-2I、L-4、TGFβ1及TGFβ2的影响。结果显示,8~16 mg/L的亚硒酸钠可显著地促进山羊EML的体外活化(P<0.01),并呈剂量依赖性。EML活化后,对IL-2的分泌呈微弱的促进作用;对IL-4、TGFβ1、TGFβ2的分泌有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

Two experiments with steers were performed to determine the effects of 10 days of treatment with testosterone propionate (TP) on secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) after the administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). In Experiment 1, eight 15-month-old Holstein steers castrated at 12 months of age were used. In Experiment 2, eight beef-type steers between the ages of 12–18 months old and which had been castrated for 8–15 months were used. An initial injection of GnRH was followed by 10 daily injections of TP (175 ug/ kg of body weight) or safflower oil, and on the eleventh day a second injection of GnRH was given. Hormonal endpoints in long-term castrated steers (Experiment 2) were not altered by TP treatment. In contrast, TP treatment significantly suppressed FSH and LH concentrations in daily blood samples from Experiment 1 steers and significantly increased the response to GnRH. The lack of response in the long-term castrated steers (Experiment 2) to TP treatment is similar to the response observed in previous experiments with long-term ovariectomized cows. However, from the results of Experiment 1, it appears that the timing of castration influences the response to TP treatment.  相似文献   

Eight long-term ovariectomized pony mares were treated with either dihydrotestosterone (DHT) benzoate (400 micrograms/kg body weight) in safflower oil or an equivalent amount of oil every other day for 21 d to determine the effects of DHT on follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in blood samples drawn once daily and after administration of three successive injections of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The GnRH injections were given at 4-h intervals on the day following the last DHT or oil injection. Treatment with DHT benzoate did not alter (P greater than .10) concentrations of FSH or LH in daily blood samples relative to controls. The FSH and LH response, assessed by areas under the GnRH curves, decreased (P less than .05) from the first to third injection of GnRH when averaged over both groups of mares. There was no effect of DHT treatment on FSH response to GnRH. There was an interaction (P less than .05) between treatment and GnRH injection for LH areas; areas decreased (P less than .05) for DHT-treated mares from the first to third GnRH injection but were unchanged for control mares. It seems that DHT alone cannot mimic the stimulatory effects of testosterone on FSH production and secretion as observed in previous experiments with ovariectomized and intact mares. Moreover, because intact mares have been shown previously to respond to DHT treatment with an increase in GnRH-induced FSH secretion, it appears that some mechanism is lost in long-term ovariectomized mares, making them unresponsive to DHT treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate gonadotropin secretion and ovarian function after administration of deslorelin acetate to induce ovulation in mares. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: 16 healthy mares with normal estrous cycles. PROCEDURE: 8 control mares were allowed to ovulate spontaneously, whereas 8 study mares received deslorelin to induce ovulation when an ovarian follicle > 35 mm in diameter was detected. Follicle development and serum concentrations of gonadotropins were monitored daily during 1 estrous cycle. Pituitary responsiveness to administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) was evaluated 10 days after initial ovulation. RESULTS: Interovulatory intervals of mares treated with deslorelin (mean +/- SD, 25.6 +/- 2.6 days) were longer than those of control mares (22.9 +/- 1.8 days). Diameter of the largest follicle was significantly smaller during 2 days of the diestrous period after ovulation in deslorelin-treated mares than in control mares. Concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were lower in deslorelin-treated mares on days 5 through 14 than in control mares. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone were not different between groups during most of the cycle. Gonadotropin release in response to administration of GnRH was lower in mares treated with deslorelin acetate than in control mares. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of deslorelin was associated with reduction in circulating concentrations of FSH and gonadotropin response to administration of GnRH during the estrous cycle. Low concentration of FSH in treated mares may lead to delayed follicular development and an increased interovulatory interval.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the response of the bovine corpus luteum to surges of luteinizing hormone (LH) induced by natural gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administered twice during the same estrous cycle. In experiment 1, eight mature beef cows, each cow serving as her own control, were injected intravenously (iv) with saline on days 2 and 8 of the cycle (day of estrus = day 0 of the cycle), then with 100 micrograms GnRH on days 2 and 8 of the subsequent cycle. Jugular blood samples were taken immediately prior to an injection and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 and 240 min postinjection, to quantitate changes in serum luteinizing hormone. Blood was also collected on alternate days after an injection until day 16 of the cycle, to characterize changes in serum progesterone concentrations. Although exogenous GnRH caused release of LH on days 2 and 8 of the cycle, the quantity of LH released was greater on day 8 (P less than .025). Serum levels of progesterone after treatment with GnRH on day 8 of the cycle did not differ significantly from those observed during the control cycles of the heifers. Because exposure of the bovine corpus luteum to excess LH, induced by GnRH early during the estrous cycle, causes attenuated progesterone secretion during the same cycle, these data suggest that a second surge of endogenous LH may ameliorate the suppressive effect of the initial release of LH on luteal function. Duration of the estrous cycle was not altered by treatment (control, 20.4 +/- .5 vs. treated, 20.4 +/- .4 days).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Leptin secretion by adipose tissue is involved in many physiological control systems, including those that determine growth, development, body composition, milk production, and reproductive function. In the adipocyte of monogastric animals, malonyl CoA (coenzyme A) seems to link the flux of energy substrates to the control of leptin production. In this study, we tested this for ruminants by examining the effect of cerulenin, an inhibitor of de novo fatty acid synthesis at the step from malonyl CoA to palmitate, on leptin production by cultured bovine adipocytes derived from intermuscular fat. Purified preadipocytes were obtained by the ceiling culture method, and adipogenic media were used to induce their differentiation into adipocytes. We found that leptin concentrations increased significantly with time in culture, and with increases in glucose concentration. Addition of 2-deoxy-D-glucose to the medium, a competitive inhibitor of glucose transport and metabolism, suppressed leptin secretion. In media with high glucose concentrations, cerulenin enhanced leptin secretion. We conclude that, as in monogastrics, malonyl CoA may play a key role in the control of leptin secretion in ruminants.  相似文献   

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