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Scuticociliatosis is a disease of fish induced by ciliated parasites of the genus Scuticociliatida. It has been described in sea horses (Hippocampus sp.), flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus), and turbots (Scophthalmus maximus). Here we present a case study of a population of sea dragons chronically infected with scuticociliates identified as Philasterides dicentrarchi by histopathology and PCR. Beginning in 2004, over a period of 19 months, 10 sea dragons (Phycodurus eques and Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) were found dead in an aquarium of the Zoological Garden Basle, Switzerland. Clinically, the animals showed only faint symptoms of disease over a short period of time. At necropsy, macroscopic lesions were confined to the skin with multiple, often hemorrhagic, ulcerations. Histologically, epidermal ulcers were associated with necrosis and inflammation of the underlying dermis and musculature. Numerous ciliates, with a morphology consistent with scuticociliates, were present in these lesions. In several animals these ciliates had invaded blood vessels and were detected in gills and internal organs including kidney, thyroid gland, and central nervous system (CNS). In these organs, mild degenerative lesions and inflammatory reactions were evident. The ciliates were identified as Philasterides dicentrarchi based on small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSUrRNA) gene sequences obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Our report shows that scuticociliate infections of sea dragons can develop into a systemic infection and that both species of sea dragons can be affected.  相似文献   

Central bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) are one of the most popular reptile pets in Australia and around the world. Diseases, including metabolic bone disease, periodontal disease, and gastrointestinal endoparasites commonly affect captive animals. To determine the common reasons these lizards were presented to the veterinarian and to establish the prevalence of disease seen in captive P. vitticeps in Australia, this retrospective study evaluated the clinical records of three exotic pet veterinary hospitals. Records from 724 P. vitticeps were analysed, with 70 reasons for presentation and 88 diseases identified across 1000 visits to the veterinarian. Lethargy was the most reported reason for presentation (n = 181). The gastrointestinal tract (18.25%) and skin (18.25%) were the equally most commonly affected organ systems, followed by the musculoskeletal system (15.17%). Endoparasites were the most common single disease process (n = 103), followed by metabolic bone disease (n = 65), skin wounds (n = 59) and periodontal disease (n = 48). Of the patients that presented for routine preventive health examinations (n = 159), 45.30% received some form of intervention to treat or prevent disease. Many of the conditions that were identified by the veterinarians in this study are traditionally correlated with suboptimal husbandry and may be easily prevented. This study identified the common reasons for presentation to the veterinarian and the prevalence of disease in captive P. vitticeps in Australia, providing the first extensive retrospective analysis of objective reference literature for central bearded dragon owners and aspiring reptile veterinarians.  相似文献   

Despite periodontal disease being recognized as a common condition in captive bearded dragons, there is a lack of data regarding the prevalence. A soft diet has previously been cited as the main risk factor linked to the disease, although there has been little research conducted into the etiology since the disease was first described. The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of dental abnormalities and disease in captive Central bearded dragons in the United Kingdom, and to begin to investigate the risk factors affecting the presence and increased severity of disease in this species. Data collection was conducted from 20 veterinary practices across the United Kingdom from March to October 2018. All bearded dragons presented to participating practices during this time period were assessed for the presence of dental disease, and for each animal a standardized data collection form was completed to provide information concerning the animal's signalment, diet, and health status. Severity of any dental disease was also graded in a subset of bearded dragons (n = 147) by two of the authors using a grading system from 0 to 5. The prevalence of dental abnormalities and disease was 50% in the sampled population of 304 bearded dragons. Increasing age, an abnormal body condition score, presence of concurrent disease, as well as presence of fruit in the diet were all significant risk factors for the presence of dental abnormalities and disease. Contrary to previous reports, neither presence of different live foods in the diet, nor presence of vegetable matter in the diet had any significant associations with dental abnormalities and disease, challenging some of the assumptions made to date about the etiology of dental disease in Central bearded dragons. This study instead found that fruit could be the main dietary risk factor for dental disease and should be excluded from the captive diet of these animals. This study has found a strong association between increasing age and presence of dental abnormalities and disease, and stresses the importance of a thorough oral exam, especially in older individuals.  相似文献   

Background: Bearded dragons are one of the most popular pet lizard species, and biochemical reference values are useful for health management of these reptiles. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to measure plasma biochemical values in healthy captive bearded dragons, determine reference values, and evaluate the effects of sex and season on the results. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 100 captive healthy bearded dragons in Tokyo during the summer and winter. Plasma biochemical measurements were performed using a dry‐slide automated biochemical analyzer. The data were then compared based on sex and season using 2‐way ANOVA. Results: Globulin, cholesterol, and calcium concentrations of females were higher in both summer and winter compared with the values obtained for males. Both males and females had higher uric acid concentrations in winter than in summer. When compared with males, females had a higher chloride concentration in summer and a higher total protein concentration and aspartate aminotransferase activity in winter. Potassium concentration in males was lower in winter than in summer, whereas in females cholesterol concentration was lower in winter than in summer. Conclusions: Biochemical values that differed based on sex and season in bearded dragons were similar to those in other lizards. These differences reflect physiologic differences in reproductive status in females and seasonal changes in temperature and hydration status. Plasma biochemical values established for bearded dragons in this study will be useful in the diagnostic assessment of captive animals.  相似文献   

Individual dietary preferences and difficulty with animal training create challenges and nutritional concerns when evaluating a captive sea otter (Enhydra lutris) diet. The importance of vitamin A within the body reflects the necessity that it be ingested in adequate amounts to ensure optimal health. To compare levels of serum vitamin A concentrations from captive sea otters on daily oral vitamin A supplementation, serum samples from eight adult sea otters from three institutions were evaluated for serum vitamin A concentrations. The eight animals were fed a total of four different diets and received oral supplementation via three different methods. Multiple diet items were analyzed for vitamin A content and were found to have low to nondetectable levels of vitamin A. Oral vitamin A supplementation, as a slurry with dietary items, was shown to be effective and a mean serum concentration of approximately 170 +/- 51 microg/L was obtained for serum vitamin A concentrations in captive sea otters. Captive diets can be modified to increase vitamin A concentration and supplementation and, if accepted, can be used as a means to ensure adequate vitamin A intake.  相似文献   

Deep fungal dermatitis caused by the Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii (CANV) was diagnosed in a group of coastal bearded dragons (Pogona barbata). The outbreak extended over a 6-month period, with four of six lizards from the same zoological outdoor enclosure succumbing to infection. A fifth case of dermatomycosis was identified in a pet lizard originally sourced from the wild. Diagnosis of infection with the CANV was based on similar clinical signs and histopathology in all animals and confirmed by culture and sequencing of the fungus from one animal. This is the first report of the CANV causing disease in a terrestrial reptile species in Australia and the first in the coastal bearded dragon.  相似文献   

Chromatophoromas are neoplasms that develop from the dermal pigment-bearing and light-reflecting cells (chromatophores) in the skin of reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Seventeen cutaneous chromatophoromas were identified from 851 bearded dragon submissions (2%) to a private diagnostic laboratory in a 15-y period. No sex predilection was found. Ages ranged from 9 mo to 11 y. Chromatophoromas most commonly were single, raised, variably pigmented masses or pigmented scales on the trunk, and less commonly the extremities or head. Microscopically, iridophoromas, melanophoromas, mixed chromatophoromas, and nonpigmented chromatophoromas were identified. Neoplasms were often ulcerated and invaded deep into the subcutis and muscle. Most commonly, nuclear atypia was mild-to-moderate, and mitotic count was low. Six neoplasms had abundant, periodic acid-Schiff–positive, mucinous stroma. Histologic examination was often adequate to diagnose chromatophoromas in bearded dragons given that 11 of 17 had some degree of pigmentation, although it was often scant. IHC for S100 and PNL2 could be helpful to diagnose poorly pigmented neoplasms. No lymphatic invasion or metastases at the time of excision were noted in any of the cases. Follow-up data were available for 6 cases, with no reports of recurrence or neoplasia-related death. Two cases had elevated mitotic counts and nuclear pleomorphism, which has been associated with metastasis in other reports of bearded dragon chromatophoromas. In general, it appears that aggressive surgical excision is often curative, but monitoring may be warranted for cases in which tumors had high mitotic count and nuclear pleomorphism.  相似文献   

A 16-yr-old, captive-born, female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) was evaluated for intermittent lethargy, partial anorexia, and polydipsia of 2 wk duration. The animal was immobilized for physical examination. It was in thin body condition, with multifocal mucosal ulcerations over the caudal and ventral tongue. Blood was collected for hematology, serum chemistry, and leptospirosis serology. Serum chemistry revealed severe azotemia, mild hyperglycemia, and severe hyperphosphatemia. The animal went into cardiac arrest during recovery from anesthesia and died. On histopathology, abundant amorphous, finely fibrillar, eosinophilic material was deposited in the kidneys, and smaller amounts of the same material were found in the splenic and pancreatic vessels; these findings are consistent with systemic secondary amyloidosis. The animal also had chronic nephritis, which, coupled with renal amyloidosis, resulted in renal failure and death. Systemic amyloidosis should be considered as an additional differential diagnosis for renal failure in California sea lions.  相似文献   



To assess the feasibility, success rate, onset, duration and extent of motor/sensory block following intrathecal injection of lidocaine in bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps).

Study design

Prospective experimental study.


A group of eight adult bearded dragons (0.333 ± 0.048 kg).


The animals were sedated with alfaxalone (15 mg kg?1) subcutaneously. Neuraxial injections were performed with 1% lidocaine (2 mg kg?1) or 0.9% sodium chloride (0.2 mL kg?1) in all animals with a 7 day interval. If the initial injection did not result in motor block of the pelvic limbs within 10 minutes, a second injection was performed at the same dose. Measurements consisted of bilateral mechanical stimulation of limbs; 25%, 50%, and 75% of the trunk’s length; and cloacal tone. Animals were monitored for any untoward side effects by monitoring heart rate (HR), respiratory rate, righting reflex and head position.


Success rate following the first injection of lidocaine was 50% (four out of eight animals) and increased to 75% (six out of eight animals) following a second injection. Onset of motor/sensory block occurred within 5 minutes in all successful injections. Duration and extent were variable, with most bearded dragons presenting motor/sensory block of cloaca and pelvic limbs (six out of six) and 25% of the trunk (five out of six) with mean ± standard deviation (range) duration of 49 ± 28 (25–100), 48 ± 25 (25–90) and 40 ± 14 (25–50) minutes, respectively. Confirmation of intrathecal injection by aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid was not possible. Neuraxial lidocaine significantly increased depth and duration of sedation, with a transient increase in HR, compared with saline.

Conclusion and clinical relevance

Neuraxial lidocaine is a feasible technique with moderate success rate and low risk of complication in bearded dragons. This technique has potential for improving the management of anesthesia in this species.  相似文献   

Artificial animals are increasingly used as conspecific stimuli in animal behavior research. However, researchers often have an incomplete understanding of how the species under study perceives conspecifics, and, hence, which features are needed for a stimulus to be perceived appropriately. To investigate the features that bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) attend to, we measured their lateralized eye use when assessing a successive range of stimuli. These ranged through several stages of realism in artificial conspecifics, to see how features such as color, the presence of eyes, body shape and motion influence behavior. We found differences in lateralized eye use depending on the sex of the observing bearded dragon and the artificial conspecific, as well as the artificial conspecific's behavior. Therefore, this approach can inform the design of robotic animals that elicit biologically‐meaningful responses in live animals.  相似文献   

Devriesea agamarum causes dermatitis and septicaemia in a variety of lizards, notably those belonging to the genus Uromastyx, whereas other species such as bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) seem to be asymptomatic carriers. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), the relatedness between 69 D. agamarum isolates was examined. The isolates derived from 44 diseased lizards, of which 31 belonged to the genus Uromastyx, and from 25 healthy lizards, of which 21 were bearded dragons. Eight AFLP genotypes were obtained, four of which comprised 93% of the isolates. These four genotypes were each present in 2, 2, 8 and 13 different captive colonies. Up to three genotypes were isolated from a single infected colony simultaneously. On two occasions, the same genotype was found in healthy bearded dragons and diseased Uromastyx lizards from the same colony, confirming the role of the former as an asymptomatic source of infection for the latter. Two genotypes, comprising 12 isolates, were exclusively associated with diseased Uromastyx lizards, suggesting strain dependent host adaptation. Finally, D. agamarum was shown to be able to persist for at least seven years in a lizard colony, persistently causing severe disease in several lizard species.  相似文献   

Two adult California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) were effectively anesthetized 13 times with medetomidine (0.010-0.013 mg/kg), midazolam (0.2-0.26 mg/kg), and butorphanol (0.2-0.4 mg/kg) by i.m. hand or pole syringe injection. For each anesthetic event, atropine (0.02 mg/kg, i.m.) was administered 6-20 min after initial injections, and oxygen administration via face mask or nasal insufflation began at the same time. Light anesthesia was induced in 8-22 min and lasted 13-78 min. During eight of the procedures, isoflurane (0.5-2.0%) was administered via face mask or endotracheal tube for an additional 30-120 min to facilitate longer procedures or surgery. Anesthesia was antagonized with atipamezole (0.05-0.06 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.1 mg/kg) in seven events, with the addition of flumazenil (0.0002-0.002 mg/kg) in six events. The antagonists were administered by i.m. injection 42-149 min after administration of the induction agents. All sea lions recovered to mild sedation within 4-17 min after administration of the antagonists.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the success rate, onset, duration and extent of motor/sensory block following neuraxial injection of two dosages of bupivacaine in bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps).Study designProspective, randomized, blinded, crossover experimental study.AnimalsA total of 10 adult bearded dragons (0.3 ± 0.1 kg).MethodsAfter sedation with alfaxalone (15 mg kg–1 subcutaneously), neuraxial injections were performed with 1 or 2 mg kg–1 bupivacaine hydrochloride (0.5%, treatments BUP-1 and BUP-2, respectively) in a randomized treatment sequence with a 7 day washout period. If the initial bupivacaine injection was not successful within 10 minutes, a second injection was performed at the same dose. Mechanical stimulation of limbs, 25%, 50%, 75% of the trunk’s length and cloacal tone were assessed.ResultsSuccess rate following the first neuraxial injection was 95%, which increased to 100% after the second injection. Motor/sensory block were noted by 5 minutes after the injection of bupivacaine at either dose. BUP-2 was associated with more cranial spread. The median (range) duration of cloacal tone loss was longer following treatment BUP-2 [120 (75–225) minutes] than followed treatment BUP-1 [83 (25–135) minutes; p = 0.03]. Duration of pelvic limb motor block was comparable between both doses, lasting a median of 68 minutes in both treatments (p = 0.94). There was a transient, not clinically relevant increase from baseline in heart rate in treatment BUP-1 only. No significant difference from baseline in respiratory rate was noted in either treatment; however, two animals in treatment BUP-2 became apneic (10–20 minutes).Conclusions and clinical relevanceBupivacaine (1 mg kg–1) is recommended for neuraxial anesthesia in bearded dragons. In treatment BUP-2, extensive cranial spread resulted in apnea and motor block of the thoracic limb in several animals; therefore this dose is not recommended.  相似文献   



To validate a thermal threshold (TT) nociceptive model in bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) and to document TT changes after administration of morphine.

Study design

A two-part randomized, blinded, controlled, experimental study.


Five adult bearded dragons (242–396 g).


A TT device delivered a ramped nociceptive stimulus (0.6 °C second?1) to the medial thigh until a response (leg kick/escape behavior) was observed or maximum (cut-off) temperature of 62 °C was reached. In phase I, period 1, six TT readings were determined at 20 minute intervals for evaluation of repeatability. Two of these readings were randomly assigned to be sham to assess specificity of the behavioral response. The same experiment was repeated 2 weeks later (period 2) to test reproducibility. In phase II, animals were administered either intramuscular morphine (10 mg kg?1) or saline 0.9%. TTs (maximum 68 °C) were determined before and 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after treatment administration. Data were analyzed using one-way anova (temporal changes and repeatability) and paired t tests (reproducibility and treatment comparisons) using Bonferroni correction (p < 0.05).


Mean TT values were 57.4 ± 3.8 °C and 57.3 ± 4.3 °C for periods 1 and 2, respectively. Data were repeatable within each period (p = 0.83 and p = 0.07, respectively). Reproducibility between periods was remarkable (p = 0.86). False-positive responses during sham testing were 10%. TTs were significantly increased after morphine administration at 2, 4 and 8 hours compared with baseline, and at 2 and 4 hours compared with saline 0.9%. The highest TT was 67.7 ± 0.7 °C at 4 hours after morphine administration.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Testing was repeatable, reproducible and well tolerated in bearded dragons. TT nociceptive testing detected morphine administration and may be suitable for studying opioid regimens in bearded dragons.  相似文献   

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