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对杉木初级种子园17个优树自由授粉子代的测定表明,优树子代间在苗期和幼林期存在着显著的生长差异.造林3年时,庆元10、遂昌1、三明74—55、桐庐104个子代高生长显著高于当地优良林分子代(对照),可获得8.69%的平均遗传增益.并反映出湘、闽中心产区优树子代一般优于本省子代,本省优树子代经度愈西,纬度愈南,生长愈佳的地理效应趋势.  相似文献   

通过对杉木种子园无性系不同分株自由授粉子代8年的试验观察和分析结果表明:在树高、胸径和材积等生长性状上,不同无性系后代生长呈现极显著差异;而无性系内各分株间的后代生长差异均不显著;但各分株后代生长均比相应无性系所有混合种子后代生长好。子代年生长量的分析表明:在年度间、无性系及无性系不同分株间均呈现极显著差异,年度和无性系间交互效应明显,而年度和无性系分株间交互效应不显著;从8年的生长规律发现,种子园无性系分株间生长表现出较高的一致性。  相似文献   

马尾松自由授粉子代测定的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对80个马尾松自由授粉子代进行了连续13年的测定。其结果表明,马尾松自由授粉子代在树高、胸径、材积3个主要生长性状上存在极显著的差异,差异主要由遗传因素引起。参试的自由授粉子代材积生长表现十分突出,所有的子代生长都好于对照;生长最好的子代单株材积高达0.05841m^3,为生长最差子代的340.8%。利用13年生的材积、树高和胸径指标对参试的80个马尾松自由授粉子代进行综合分析、评价,从中选出表现最好的12个。其单株树同平均值7.07m、遗传增益平均值为10.3%;单株胸径平均值12.7cm、遗传增益平均值16.7%;单株材积平均值0.0469m^3遗传增益平均值46.5%,增产效果十分显著。  相似文献   

对云南樟9个种源39个家系开展了自由授粉子代测定,研究结果表明:地径、树高和冠幅在种源和家系水平上存在一定的变异,地径在种源间存在显著差异,地径、树高和冠幅在家系间都存在极显著差异;地径种源遗传力为0.63,地径、树高和冠幅家系遗传力分别为0.83、0.89和0.85,地径、树高和冠幅在家系水平上受强度遗传控制;选择出1个优良种源,地径遗传增益为6.38%,选择出7个优良家系,地径、树高和冠幅平均遗传增益分别为19.07%、14.9%和13.35%。  相似文献   

红松优树子代树高生长的遗传测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对红松自然分布区内3个亚区、9个地点、108株优树子代10年生树高测定的结果表明,亚区间和家系/地点/亚区间差异显著、极显著,北亚区在带岭生长表现最好;亚区、地点/亚区、家系/地点/亚区间遗传力分别为0836、0537、0365。  相似文献   

以吉林省三岔子林业局国家红松良种基地的红松29a生子代测定林为材料,对树高和胸径生长性状进行测定和数据分析,结果表明:在41个参试家系中,家系间树高和胸径生长均值在0.05水平上差异显著。树高均值超过对照的家系有31个,占家系总数75.6%,胸径均值超过对照的家系有29个,占70.7%;树高均值超过对照10%的家系有1个,占家系总数2.4%,超过对照5%的家系有8个,占19.6%;胸径均值超过对照10%的家系有4个,占9.8%;超过对照5%的家系有8个,占19.6%;42#和75#家系的树高与胸径生长均大于对照5%以上。以树高和胸径生长超过对照5%为入选标准,入选率为19.6%。树高和胸径生长最优家系分别为57#与75#,一般配合力分别为1.788与6.902。树高和胸径遗传力分别为0.393与0.363;遗传增益分别为2.9%与4.5%。  相似文献   

对 8 0个马尾松自由授粉子代进行了连续 13年的测定。其结果表明 ,马尾松自由授粉子代在树高、胸径、材积 3个主要生长性状上存在极显著的差异 ,差异主要由遗传因素引起。参试的自由授粉子代材积生长表现十分突出 ,所有的子代生长都好于对照 ;生长最好的子代单株材积高达 0 .0 584 1m3 ,为生长最差子代的 340 .8%。利用 13年生的材积、树高和胸径指标对参试的 80个马尾松自由授粉子代进行综合分析、评价 ,从中选出表现最好的 12个。其单株树高平均值 7.0 7m、遗传增益平均值为 10 .3% ;单株胸径平均值 12 .7cm、遗传增益平均值 16 .7% ;单株材积平均值 0 .0 4 6 9m3 遗传增益平均值 4 6 .5% ,增产效果十分显著  相似文献   

试验概况兴安落叶松在我国北部分布较广,并已形成不同类型的种群。在这些种群中,我们将遗传品质优良的种群(优良林分)改造为母树林。为正确评价根据表型选中的优良林分的遗传品质,我们于1983年9月,在乌伊岭林业局桔源林场,按“兴安落叶松天然林优良林分选择方法与际准”选出6块标准地(其中Ⅰ级林分1个,Ⅱ级3个,一般2个),共45株样树,并依林分、林木、单株的9个性状采集自由授粉的种子进行了子代  相似文献   

施肥对红松无性系种子园母树结实效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过在红松无性系幼龄种子园进行的氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,每种肥料设置4个水平的施肥试验,研究分析了氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,以及每种肥料的不同施用数量,对促进红松无性系种子园幼龄母树结实的效果,提出促进红松无性系幼龄植株结实的适宜施肥数量。  相似文献   

修剪促进红松无性系种子园母树开花效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为增加红松无性系种子园母树雌雄花开花数量,对母树进行了树冠修剪和切根修剪试验。结果表明,适宜强度的树冠修剪和切根修剪,对增加红松母树雌雄花开花数量有显著作用。  相似文献   

建立红松种子园,培育遗传品质优良的繁殖材料,对于发展扩大红松阔叶林资源,加快培育红松优质材后备资源,具有重要意义,同时还可为红松食用种子林建设提供重要参考。本文根据红松实生种子园系列研究结果和生产经验,总结提出了包括优树选择标准和方法、播种苗培育和定植方法在内的红松第一代实生种子园营建技术及包括土壤管理、树体管理、抚育管理、病虫害防治、档案管理等内容的红松第一代实生种子园的经营管理技术。  相似文献   

采穗圃是提供优质穗条--插穗和接稳的繁殖圃.根据树种的生物学特性不同,分别介绍了杨树、红松采穗圃圃地的选择与规划、营建和管理.  相似文献   

马尾松无性系种子园自由授粉子代测定与配合选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对都匀马尾松无性系种子园48个半同胞家系9年生测定林的胸径、树高、材积进行了测定分析,结果表明:各家系间树高、胸径、材积差异极显著,具有较高的遗传力。从中选择出9个优良家系,其树高、胸径和材积平均为7.12 m、9.84 cm和0.037 97 m3,遗传增益分别为10.44%、7.73%和20.80%。从优良家系内选择46株优良单株,其树高、胸径、材积分别增加了53.81%,56.65%和150.18%、材积预期增益为55.05%。这些优良单株可作为贵州省营建马尾松高世代种子园的备选材料。  相似文献   

本文对红松实生种子园建园效果进行了分析.结果表明:用3 a生容器苗做定植材料效果好,结实量较裸根苗提高59.33%;陡坡立地条件母树生长最好,缓坡次之,平地最差;建园的232个家系中树高、胸径均为正选择的家系数为89个;树高、胸径遗传增益均高于5%、10%、15%的家系数分别为41个、12个、6个.优树树高单株和家系遗传力均大于胸径遗传力,且树高和胸径单株遗传力均小于家系遗传力;露水河、八家子和敦化三地种源树高单株和家系遗传力均大于胸径遗传力,且树高和胸径单株遗传力均小于家系遗传力.露水河种源树高、胸径单株和家系遗传力均高于三地种源,树高、胸径单株遗传力分别高出20.0%和20.6%,树高、胸径家系遗传力分别高出10.64%和11.63%.  相似文献   

Isozyme‐analysis techniques have been applied to test the efficiency of supplemental mass pollination in a seed orchard of Pinus Sylvestris. Mass pollination was done on one single occasion before the general pollen dispersal. The results of isozyme analyses of seed after mass pollination demonstrate that it is possible to introduce desirable genes into the seed orchard crop. Mass pollination without isolation of female strobili gave an average contribution of 4% to the total fertilizations and after isolation of female strobili 26.5%. The main conclusion is that supplemental mass pollination offers very interesting possibilities for breeding, particularly if some kind of isolation of the female flowers is made. It can increase the seed quality as well as improve the breeding value of the seed orchard. More attention should be paid to increasing the efficiency of the controlled pollination. It is suggested that in the future, more effort is invested in improving the technique of mass pollination.  相似文献   

The proportion of background pollen grains in the seed crops of two Pinus sylvestris seed orchards in Central Finland was estimated with the aid of multilocus allozyme markers. The orchards studied were more than 30 years old and in full pollen production. For the bulked seed crops of the seed orchard with southern clones the estimated average of background pollination over four years was 26%. There were statistically significant differences between years. No significant heterogeneity in the degree of background pollination between clones was found. Among single ramets there was significant heterogeneity in the estimated contamination rates, but the variation was not related to position in the orchard. For the seed orchard with northern clones the bulked seed crop was studied only for one year and the level of background pollination was found to be 33 %. These estimates are fairly high, but lower than for many other orchards. Background pollination at this level will cause losses in expected genetic gains. Part of the seeds from northern orchards will not be adapted to the intended area of use.  相似文献   

红松嫁接培育优良种源项目是桦甸市林业局获奖科研成果,在红松果林营建中应用其经济效益显著。本文从6个方面对红松果林嫁接营建工艺进行了详细介绍并从技术层面进行了分析,旨在对生产实践起到指导作用。  相似文献   

Variation of traits that include height, diameter at breast height (DBH), stem volume, crown width, straightness, wood basic density, tracheid length and width of open-pollinated progenies from clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana was analyzed. Differences in traits such as growth, tree form and wood quality among families was significant, which indicated that the improvement potential was notable. Heritability of height and wood basic density reached 0.691 and 0.640, respectively. According to a correlation analysis between traits, stem straightness could be improved indirectly when growth traits are improved; growth traits were significantly correlated with wood basic density; and wood basic density was not significantly correlated with length and width of the tracheid. Under the selection ratio of 10%, genetic gains were 19.74% and 19.32% respectively, and selected families from the progeny test stands at the age of five years and eight years were the same. Genetic correlation of height, DBH and stem volume was also significant at the level of 0.01. These show that selection of the short rotation of P. massoniana for pulp and paper use would be efficient for five-year-old trees. According to the comparison of the heritability of all the traits and taking into account the result of canonical correlation analysis, height could be considered as the most important index for selection. Given wood quality of all the families, and flowering and fruit settings of the clones in a seed orchard, twelve fine families were selected at 10% selection ratio of height growth and stem volume. Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(6): 43–49 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

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