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<正>A book, Environments of Gurbantünggüt Desert, written by Professor Qian Yibing et al., from Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Wu Zhaoning from Xinjiang University, has been  相似文献   

植物病害分子流行学概述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
 本文概要地介绍了植物病理学新研究领域——植物病害分子流行学的基本概念、进展和在几个主要方面的研究实例。分子生物技术在病原鉴定方面得到了广泛应用;定量的分子生物技术在测定病菌初侵染源方面显示出特有的快速、准确的优势;分子流行学应用分子生物技术监测病害和病原菌群体的动态,克服了传统流行学方法的弱点;作为有力的补充,分子生物技术正在用于探讨和推测病原菌远距离传播的路径,并注重研究病原菌群体的时、空动态变化,病原菌的长期进化,以及与病害发展的关系;病原群体的竞争将得到更深入的研究以揭示其变化是如何导致植物病害大流行;应用分子流行学手段,植物抗病性的鉴定将大大加速和简化;病害防治策略的制定将具有更科学的依据。宏观与微观研究手段的结合将越来越显示其在植物病害流行学研究中的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

简论我国施药技术的发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
环境安全和食品安全已引起世界各国的高度重视,我国政府在全面建设小康社会的同时,已把治理农业环 境、发展可持续农业列入重要的议事日程。本文试图从施药技术的3个方面--药械、农药、施药方法来探讨我 国施药技术的发展趋势,并提出了作者的一些观点,力图为我国施药技术的发展提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

由中国科学院穆兴民博士组织,众多青年学者参与的<水肥耦合效应与协同管理>一书已由中国林业科学出版社出版.读完全书,有许多感想,联系我(第一作者)留学英国期间了解的precise农业动态,谈谈对此著作的一点看法:  相似文献   

Several of the research papers in this Symposium will refer to physiological processes with which most non-biologist readers are unfamiliar. The aim of this introductory paper, therefore, is to give those people a broad introduction to the basic principles of nerve and muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Fusarium circinatum causes pitch canker of Pinus species in many parts of the world. The fungus was first recorded in South Africa in 1990 as a pathogen of P. patula seedlings and emerged later as a pathogen of established plantation trees, especially P. radiata in the Western Cape Province (WCP). In this study the population biology of F. circinatum in the WCP was explored. The aim was to determine the possible origin and reproductive mode of the pathogen, with the ultimate intention of informing disease management strategies in the region. Vegetative compatibility assays, sexual mating studies and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses were used. For comparative purposes, an isolate collection obtained from diseased P. radiata seedlings in a commercial nursery in the region, as well as a set of isolates from commercial seedling nurseries in the central and northern parts of South Africa, were included. The results showed that the WCP population of F. circinatum employs a predominantly asexual mode of reproduction and that it is highly differentiated from populations of the fungus elsewhere in South Africa. However, limited genetic structure was found within the respective WCP isolate collections. Overall these findings suggest that pitch canker in the WCP originates from one or more separate introductions of the pathogen and that its movement in the region is not restricted. More effective strategies are thus required to limit and manage the effects of F. circinatum in plantations in this region of South Africa.  相似文献   

The various processes by which preservatives may be introduced into wood are discussed. Important variables affecting rate and depth of preservative penetration are considered. As well as process variables such as applied pressure and treatment time, it is shown how mass flow processes are affected by carrier fluid viscosity and surface properties. Because of anatomical variation, wood permeability varies greatly both within and between species. Hence it is necessary to select species carefully when treatment is required. The mechanism of diffusion treatment is discussed and it is shown that this process can provide an effective treatment method for otherwise refractory species.  相似文献   

草莓角斑病菌是一种严重为害草莓生产的细菌。本文从其分布状况、寄主、经济重要性、传入与定殖可能性和风险管理难度等方面进行了综合分析评估,结果表明该病菌属于特别危险的有害生物。并根据风险分析的结果提出了防止其传入我国的管理措施。  相似文献   

G X Hu  C L Xiang  E D Liu 《Weed Research》2013,53(5):355-361
This study corrected the misidentification of an alien species, Salvia tiliifolia, which had been incorrectly identified as S. dugesii (a synonym of S. melissodora) in China. The distribution of S. tiliifolia in China was surveyed and it was inferred that it was probably introduced into Kunming, Yunnan in the 1990s and then spread to adjacent counties of Yunnan and south‐western Sichuan Province. The Australian weed risk assessment (WRA) was used to evaluate its invasive status. To determine the validity of Australian WRA in China, another 25 exotics representing casual alien plants, naturalised plants and invasive plants were tested. The Australian WRA was validated as a legitimate approach in China. Salvia tiliifolia scored 14, falling into the category of invasive plants. While the distribution of S. tiliifolia is currently restricted to Yunnan and a small part of Sichuan and the species has not displayed an adverse impact on local environments yet, the WRA results indicated that the species was a high risk plant. It was recommended that local land managers should monitor this species and take measures to stop its continuing expansion or eradicate it if possible.  相似文献   

正Journal of Arid Land(JAL)is an international journal(ISSN 1674-6767;CN 65-1278/K)for the natural sciences,sponsored by the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Science Press and China Society of Natural Resources.It is published by Science Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg bimonthly.JAL publishes original,innovative,and integrative research from arid and semiarid regions,addressing various  相似文献   

<正>Journal of Arid Land(JAL)is an international journal(ISSN1674-6767;CN65-1278/K)in the natural sciences,sponsored by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography and Science Press of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and published by Science Press.  相似文献   

<正>Journal of Arid Land (JAL) is an international journal (ISSN 1674-6767; CN 65-1278/K) in the natural sciences, sponsored by Xin-jiang Institute of Ecology and Geography and Science Press of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and published by Science Press. JAL is a quarterly journal, issued on the third month in each quarter. JAL publishes original, innovative, and integrative research from arid and semi-arid areas, addressing various aspects in geography,  相似文献   

<正>Journal of Arid Land (JAL) is an international journal (ISSN 1674-6767; CN 65-1278/K) for the natural sciences, sponsored by the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography and Science Press, Chinese Academy of Sciences.It is published by Science Press quarterly.  相似文献   

正Journal of Arid Land(JAL)is an international journal(ISSN 1674-6767;CN 65-1278/K)for the natural sciences,sponsored by the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Science Press.It is published by Science Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg bimonthly.JAL publishes original,innovative,and integrative research from arid and semiarid regions,ad  相似文献   

Journal of Arid Land (JAL) is an international journal (ISSN 1674-6767;CN 65-1278/K) in the natural sciences,sponsored by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography and Science Press of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and published by Science Press. JAL is a quarterly journal,issued on the third month in each quarter.  相似文献   

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