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Between 2000 and 2008, 95 rabbits with suspected encephalitozoonosis and neurological symptoms were treated at the Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. Standard treatment consisted of oxytetracycline (from 2000 to 2003; n=50) or fenbendazole and oxytetracycline (from 2004 to 2008; n=45), and the rabbits were randomly assigned to treatment groups with or without dexamethasone. Each therapeutic regime was given for 10 days, with fluids, B vitamins and nutritional support added as needed. Therapeutic success was evaluated by assessing the survival rate on day 10, the neurological score of the surviving rabbits and Kaplan-Meier curves for long-term survival past 10 days. Inclusion of fenbendazole in the treatment protocol was associated with increased survival rates on day 10 (p=0.043), better neurological scores (p=0.008), and improved long-term survival (p=0.025) based on the results of univariate analyses. Treatment with dexamethasone showed no effect on neurological score or on short- or long-term survival. The study did not provide any evidence that dexamethasone is an effective component of the treatment scheme.  相似文献   

Encephalitozoonosis is an opportunistic infection in animals and humans. Its clinical form is observed in immunosuppressed hosts. We studied the occurrence of the manifest form of rabbit microsporidiosis under cyclophosphamide immunomodulation in 40 New Zealand rabbits. The experimental animals were intraperitoneally infected with 5 x 10(7) Encephalitozoon cuniculi spores. Two weeks after infection the animals were treated intraperitoneally with cyclophosphamide, first with 50 mg/kg and then with 15 mg/kg weekly during the 12-week experimental period. Positive controls were either E. cuniculi-infected or cyclophosphamide-immunosuppressed animals. The negative control rabbits remained untreated. Both clinical signs of encephalitozoonosis and depression of peripheral blood cell count developed between weeks 4 and 6 in the experimental animals which died during week 6 of the experiment. No clinical signs compatible with encephalitozoonosis were observed in any of the controls. The results suggest that immunosuppression induced by cyclophosphamide can give rise to a lethal form of encephalitozoonosis.  相似文献   

Blood glucose was measured with a portable glucose meter in 907 rabbits, including 238 clinically healthy ones. Blood glucose concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 30.1 mmol/l. Diabetes mellitus was not encountered. No significant effect of sex or sedation was found. Hypoglycaemia was seen in 16 rabbits including one with an insulinoma. There was a significant relationship between blood glucose, food intake, signs of stress and severity of clinical disease. Rabbits showing signs of stress had higher blood glucose than rabbits with no signs and rabbits that were totally anorexic had higher blood glucose values than those that were eating normally or those with reduced food intake. Severe hyperglycaemia (>20 mmol/l) was associated with conditions with a poor prognosis. Rabbits with confirmed intestinal obstruction had a mean blood glucose of 24.7 mmol/l (n=18). This was significantly higher than the rabbits with confirmed gut stasis, which had a mean value of 8.5 mmol/l (n=51). The conclusion of the study was that blood glucose is a measurable parameter that can be used to assess the severity of a rabbit's condition and help to differentiate between gut stasis and intestinal obstruction in rabbits that are anorexic.  相似文献   

Samples of uncontaminated cerebrospinal fluid (csf) were collected from the cisterna magna of 20 healthy laboratory rabbits and 21 pet rabbits with vestibular disease and/or paresis due to clinically suspected encephalitozoonosis. In the healthy rabbits' csf the leucocyte count was 相似文献   

This disease occurred in 6 rabbits in which leukemic changes after infection with the bovine leukemia virus were being studied.  相似文献   

Antibody to Encephalitozoon cuniculi for immunopathological diagnosis was obtained from organs and fluids from rabbit carcasses. By the use of the india-ink immunoreaction antibodies to E. cuniculi were detected in lungs, kidneys and pleural fluid of seropositive animals. Mean values of the antibody titres in the lungs were 110 to 12 of that in serum. Antibody titres from other organs were inconsistent. No titres were found in organs or fluids from seronegative rabbits.  相似文献   

The results of a serological test for Encephalitozoon cuniculi in 125 pet rabbits are reviewed, together with follow-up studies of clinical cases. Blood samples were taken from 38 asymptomatic rabbits and 87 rabbits showing neurological, renal or ocular signs suggestive of encephalitozoonosis. In the asymptomatic group, six of 26 (23 per cent) apparently healthy rabbits, sampled as part of a health screen, were seropositive; of the remaining 12 asymptomatic rabbits, sampled because they lived with seropositive companions, eight (66 per cent) were seropositive. Fifty-eight of the rabbits with clinical disease showed neurological signs, including head tilt, seizures, ataxia and swaying; three of them also showed renal signs and two showed ocular signs, and these five rabbits were all seropositive. Head tilt was the most common neurological sign in 21 of 23 (91 per cent) of the seropositive cases. All nine rabbits with ocular lesions were seropositive. In follow-up studies of clinical cases, the rabbits showed variable responses to treatment with albendazole, fenbendazole, antibiotics or corticosteroids, and some cases recovered without treatment.  相似文献   

Pet rabbits frequently become stressed when handled and may require sedation or chemical immobilization for procedures such as blood collection, IV catheter placement, radiography, deep ear cleaning, and dentistry. Common surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia include spay, castration, gastrotomy, cystotomy, and orthopedic procedures. Rabbits may be difficult to safely sedate or anesthetize. Individual rabbits may have varying sensitivity to the depressant effects of anesthetics. The apparent sensitivity of the rabbit's respiratory center to anesthetic drugs and the narrow range between anesthetic and toxic doses in this species add to the unpredictable character of rabbit anesthesia. Furthermore, mortality following anesthesia and surgery in sick rabbits is common. Strategically, safe anesthesia of rabbits must include the planning of procedures so that anesthetic time is minimized. Clinicians must be on guard for individual variation in response to drugs. Minimizing the use of cardiovascular depressant agents, use of agents with a high therapeutic index, and careful titration of doses to effect, along with thorough cardiorespiratory monitoring, will permit attainment of appropriate anesthetic depth with the widest margin of safety. This article presents several injectable and inhalant anesthetic protocols that may assist in effective management of many types of rabbit patient.  相似文献   

Raccoon-variant rabies was confirmed in 7 pet rabbits and 1 pet guinea pig in New York State, and postexposure treatment was required in several adults and children. To prevent rabies virus infection, domestic rabbits and pet rodents should be protected from contact with wild animals, including double-cage housing when housed outside. Pet rabbits or rodents with any possible contact with a wild animal, particularly if the rabbit or rodent had wounds of unknown origin, should be quarantined for 6 months for observation, to prevent escape, and to avoid contact with humans, who will require treatment if the rabbit or rodent develops rabies. Bites and scratches to humans from rodents and lagomorphs should be evaluated for potential rabies exposure on an individual basis, with consideration of whether the animal was caged outside or permitted outdoors unsupervised.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium infection was confirmed by fecal examination for the first time in pet rabbits in a wholesale store located in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Fecal samples were obtained postmortem from juvenile rabbits (n=66), which had died after developing diarrhea. Feces from healthy rabbits (n=30) were also collected and examined as controls. Two types of Cryptosporidium oocysts distinctive in size and shape were found (Type A and B). Types A and B oocysts were detected from 16.7% and 13.6% of the diarrheic, and 3.3% and 0% of the normal feces, respectively. Since Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected at a higher rate in the diarrheic rabbits than in the healthy rabbits, special caution should be taken when handling a pet rabbit presenting with diarrhea.  相似文献   

Hepatic coccidiosis is a frequent disease in rabbits. However, limited information is available pertaining to hematology, biochemistry, and ultrasonography of the liver in naturally infected rabbits. Two young emaciated rabbits presented with diarrhea. Microscopic fecal examination identified ellipsoidal oocysts. Eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, elevated alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, globulin, and gamma-glutamyl transferase, and decreased serum albumin, amylase, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine were detected. Ultrasonography showed mild ascites, an enlarged liver with heterogeneous parenchyma, dilated hepatic blood vessels, and dilated bile ducts. Despite treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and toltrazuril both rabbits died. Necropsy revealed ascites and an enlarged liver with multiple yellowish nodules. Histologically, distended bile ducts almost completely replaced the hepatic parenchyma, and numerous coccidial gametocytes and oocytes were observed. Microscopic fecal examination, hematology, biochemistry, and ultrasonography of the liver can contribute to diagnose of hepatic coccidiosis.  相似文献   

This case report describes congestive heart failure with pleural effusion in two middle-aged, pet house rabbits. Both had a history of acute onset dyspnoea, weakness and weight loss. Bi-atrial enlargement was seen on echocardiography in both rabbits. One rabbit had atrial fibrillation and ventricular premature complexes identified on electrocardiography. There was a radiographically evident pleural effusion in both rabbits and thoracocentesis was undertaken in one rabbit. These findings were confirmed on post-mortem examination. The aetiology for the underlying heart disease was not found, but the potential types of cardiomyopathies are discussed.  相似文献   

To meet nutrient demands as well as the species specific requirements of an animal it is absolutely necessary to know its nutrition physiology (KAMPHUES et al. 1999). Characteristics of the nutrition physiology of rabbits include the anatomy of the intestinal tract (i.e. the teeth, the size of gut as well as the small intestine and colon), the special ingesting behaviour (selection, intensity of gnawing and chewing) and digestive processes within the intestinal tract (digestion by own as well as by microbial enzymes, processes of separation (producing soft faeces) and the excretion of digested or undigested nutrients (excretion via faeces or kidneys, quality of faeces). In feeding pet rabbits it has to be recommended, that these species do not need concentrates, but ingredients with higher crude fiber contents due to their origin and their intestinal tract. Therefore these herbivorous species should be fed with hay, straw or vegetables and not with concentrates exclusively. If these components are not offered (an usual feeding practice in rabbits kept as companion animals), other products rich in crude fibre have to be fed. The offer of a pressed diet in cube form with long fibrous ingredients would be a possibility to upgrade a ration poor in crude fibre. To meet the gnawing requirement of the rabbits this cubes should be pressed intensively. Furthermore it is advisable to exchange ingredients of the mixed feed with a high energy content (i.e. sunflower seeds, nuts) for ingredients of lower energy density (i.e. oat hulls, pelleted ground hay). Finally calcium oversupply has to be avoided because higher calcium intake may result in urolithiasis (calcium stones/concrements).  相似文献   

Of the pet rabbits presented at one private practice between August 2011 and August 2016 (n=1369), 5·6% presented with a traumatic orthopaedic injury. Of these, 7·8% (n=6) presented with traumatic coxofemoral luxation, the most frequently observed type of luxation. Three cases of non‐traumatic coxofemoral luxation in pet rabbits are also discussed. Eight rabbits presented with craniodorsal luxation and one with caudoventral luxation. Five rabbits were initially treated using closed reduction and an Ehmer sling under sedation. Two rabbits responded satisfactorily to closed reduction; their bandages remained in place for 10 and 14 days, and movement was cage‐limited for 1 month after bandage placement. The bandage did not prevent re‐luxation in three cases. Therefore, two rabbits received iliofemoral nylon sutures, and three rabbits received a femoral neck and head ostectomy. One rabbit was treated directly using open reduction and an iliofemoral nylon suture due to fractures in the same limb. One rabbit was presented in shock, coxofemoral luxation was noticed as an incidental finding and euthanasia was elected by the owner. In conclusion, of the three rabbits treated via femoral neck and head ostectomy one rabbit had an unsatisfactory outcome and two rabbits have non‐assessable outcomes. The three rabbits treated with iliofemoral sutures showed satisfactory long‐term outcomes and the two rabbits treated with closed reduction and an Ehmer sling showed satisfactory medium and long‐term outcomes.  相似文献   

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