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A new chemotherapeutic agent, pipemidic acid, was used to treat 14 dogs and 2 cats with recurrent urinary tract infection caused by multiresistent strains of Escherichia coli and Proteus spp. Bacterial culture of the urine after treatment revealed disappearance of the microorganisms in all patients.

It is concluded that pipemidic acid is a promising chemotherapeutic agent for urinary tract infections caused by multiresistant E. coli and Proteus spp., with the condition that bacterial culture during the course of treatment is obligatory.

It is concluded that pipemidic acid is a promising chemotherapeutic agent for urinary tract infections caused by multiresistant E. coli and Proteus spp., with the condition that bacterial culture during the course of treatment is obligatory.  相似文献   

Doppler ultrasound is an emerging technology that has the potential to increase the diagnostic, monitoring, and predictive capabilities of equine theriogenologists and researchers. The technology is based on Doppler-shift frequencies, wherein the ultrasound frequency of echoes from moving red cells is increased or decreased as the cells move toward or away from the transducer. In spectral mode, the blood flow in a specific vessel can be assessed by placing a sample-gate cursor on the image of the lumen of the vessel. In addition, an angle cursor can be used to represent the angle of intersection of the ultrasound beams with the direction of blood flow (Doppler angle). The Doppler-shift frequency and the Doppler angle are used by the instrument for computing blood velocity. The focused results from placement of a sample gate in an artery are displayed by a spectrum that represents the changing velocities over time in association with the pulses of cardiac cycles. Peak systolic, end diastolic, and time-averaged maximum velocities are computed and shown for a selected cardiac cycle. Doppler indices (resistance index, RI; pulsatility index, PI) are ratios that are computed from various points on the spectrum. The indices are relatable to the hemodynamics of the tissue supplied by the artery. Increasing RI or PI values indicate increasing resistance and decreasing perfusion of the distal tissues. In color-flow mode, Doppler-shift frequencies are obtained from areas delineated by the operator on the B-mode image and are transformed and expressed as color-coded spots representing areas of blood flow. Vascular perfusion of a structure can be quantitated by the number of colored pixels in an image or can be estimated subjectively by the extent of the colored spots. The Doppler technology has the potential for providing information on the status and future success of a structure. However, realization of the expected potential will depend on future experience and research.  相似文献   

The concept of contrast enhancement has significantly extended the usefulness of ultrasound imaging in human medicine and medical research over the past decade. The persistence and efficacy of ultrasound contrast agents has been improved and specific imaging sequences have been developed. Contrast ultrasound provides Doppler and grey-scale enhancement. Doppler examinations are improved when studying deep or small vessels and vessels with low flow velocities. Specific contrast imaging sequences allow detection of tissue enhancement with grey-scale ultrasound which enables assessment of tissue perfusion. Major clinical applications of contrast ultrasound in the human medicine field are the heart, the parenchymal organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys, and vascular applications. Many other interesting applications have been identified and beside their diagnostic value, intensive research is currently investigating the use of ultrasound contrast agents for therapeutic applications such as targeted delivery of drug- or gene-loaded microbubbles. In the last few years, contrast ultrasound has also been introduced in veterinary medicine. Its usefulness has been shown in diseases of the liver, spleen, kidney, pancreas, lymph nodes and superficial tumours. In the present article, an overview of the physical principles, imaging techniques and image analyses is presented. In addition, a literature review details the current use in veterinary medicine and areas of potential utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

文章系统地总结了《系统动物营养学导论》学术著作的问世后近8年来系统动物营养学在研究和应用方面取得的进展,其中包括微观营养学理论、饲料-营养学组学理论、动物多层次营养平衡理论、营养组学型饲料产品理论和技术及日粮营养诊断技术等5个方面,并对其未来的发展做一展望。  相似文献   

Technical improvements have made profound changes in diagnostic ultrasound imaging. Some of these changes, such as encoded pulses and receive focusing, occur in the background and are essentially nonadjustable. Others, including harmonics and compounding, are real-time options and are adjustable by the imager. New technologies that offer great promise for improved characterization of lesions include contrast ultrasound and elastography. This article will attempt to update the small animal imager on the clinical applications of these newer technologies.  相似文献   

The journal Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound is a veterinary specialty journal devoted to the fields of veterinary diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology. The purpose of this retrospective, observational study is to evaluate progressive trends in radiation oncology articles published in Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound during the 40‐year period (1976‐2015) and describe a shift of trends through several viewpoints. This 40‐year period was divided into four subperiods: Period 1 (1976‐1985), Period 2 (1986‐1995), Period 3 (1996‐2005), and Period 4 (2006‐2015). These articles were divided into six categories based on the nature of the study: 1) studies related to teletherapy with endpoints being patient outcome, 2) radiation therapy dosimetry/planning, 3) patient setup, 4) reviews, 5) case reports, and 6) others. The number of radiation oncology articles in Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound has increased over the 40‐year period. The number of authors per article has increased between Periods 1 and 3. The number of articles related to linear accelerator has increased between Periods 3 and 4. The median number of treated patients per clinical article related to teletherapy ranged from 15 to 21, which has not changed significantly over the 40‐year period. The most commonly used radiation therapy protocols during Periods 2 and 3 were fine‐fractionated protocols (defined as 10 or more fractions), whereas coarse‐fractionated protocols were more common during Periods 1 and 4. Findings from this study highlight the notable changes of trends in veterinary radiation oncology articles published in Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, which clearly reflect changes in the field of veterinary radiation oncology during the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Background: There is a need for diagnostic biomarkers that can rapidly differentiate dogs with sepsis from dogs with noninfectious forms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (NSIRS). Objectives: To compare serum NT‐pCNP concentrations among dogs with various forms of sepsis, NSIRS, and healthy controls and to evaluate the use of serum NT‐pCNP for the diagnosis of various forms of sepsis in dogs. Animals: One hundred and twelve dogs including 63 critically ill dogs (sepsis n = 29; NSIRS n = 34) and 49 healthy control dogs. Methods: Prospective clinical investigation. Serum samples were collected for NT‐pCNP measurement from dogs with sepsis or NSIRS within 24 hours of intensive care unit admission or at the time of presentation for healthy dogs. Dogs with sepsis were subclassified based on the anatomic region of infection. Serum NT‐pCNP concentrations were compared among sepsis, NSIRS and healthy groups as well as among sepsis subgroups. The area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity for identifying dogs with sepsis were determined. Results: Using a cut‐off value of 10.1 pmol/L, AUC, sensitivity, and specificity of NT‐pCNP for differentiating dogs with sepsis from dogs with NSIRS or healthy control dogs were 0.71 (95% CI, 0.58–0.85), 65.5% (45.7–82.1%), and 89.2% (80.4–94.9%), respectively. Serum NT‐pCNP had poor sensitivity for peritoneal sources of sepsis; AUC [0.92 (0.81–1.0)], sensitivity [94% (71–100%)], and specificity [89% (80–95%)] improved when these dogs were excluded. Serum NT‐pCNP concentration was not associated with survival in the sepsis group. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum NT‐pCNP is a promising diagnostic biomarker for sepsis but is a poor indicator of septic peritonitis.  相似文献   

王兴金 《野生动物》2012,33(1):48-50
野生动物的移地保护和保护教育是现代动物园的主要功能,兽医在保障野生动物健康方面承担着重要的使命。动物园兽医在本质上是医学的一个特殊分枝,由于野生动物及其疾病种类的复杂性和个人精力、能力的局限性,动物园兽医的职业化和专业化是提高野生动物健康保障能力的根本出路;应激因素对圈养动物的健康造成很大的威胁,而适度驯化则可以最大限度地减少应激的发生;在国内建立区域动物园兽医服务网络、建立兽医行业内部信息交流平台是提高动物园兽医行业整体水平的基本思路:正确的疾病诊断和规范的处方,以及全面关注动物的基本需求、积极主动的疾病防疫等在兽医日常工作中占有同等重要的地位。由于兽医掌握了动物发病和死亡的第一手资料,动物园应当为兽医参与动物管理提供条件。  相似文献   

The leishmanioses are diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, parasites infecting numerous mammal species, including humans, and transmitted by the bite of phlebotomine sand flies. They are a large group of diseases ranging over inter-tropical zones of America and Africa, and extend into temperate regions of Latin America, Europe and Asia. Pet animals are found infected with different Leishmania species but Leishmania infantum is the most widespread being dogs the main reservoir of zoonotic visceral leishmaniosis (ZVL). Dogs are very susceptible to this parasite and may suffer from a complex syndrome, canine leishmaniosis (CanL), one of the major zoonoses globally causing severe fatal disease in this animal. Infections in cats and horses have also been reported in areas where CanL is diagnosed. In Europe dogs and cats are common companion animals and their health is of great concern, therefore management of leishmaniosis in pets generally follows that of human ZVL. The recent spread of Leishmania infections in non-endemic territories has been monitored by means of canine surveys, which represent a suitable approach because of the dog's role as a sentinel host. New tools have been developed for the surveillance and control of ZVL. A number of insecticide-based preparations have been specifically registered for dog protection against sand fly bites, with elevated efficacy for both individual and mass protection.  相似文献   

毛皮动物的消化道短,消化能力弱,不适合消化高纤维食物,而以消化高蛋白、高脂肪的动物性饲料为主。研究表明,蛋白质和脂肪是毛皮动物必需的营养来源,碳水化合物、矿物质和维生素则既对毛皮动物的毛皮质量产生重要影响,同时还与一些代谢疾病的发生、发展有密切的关联。此外,人们对毛皮动物的能量需求及其饲料能值的研究也取得了一定的进展。  相似文献   

稗属植物种质资源及应用价值研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稗属(Echinochloa)植物是一种繁殖力强、生态适应性广的草本植物,在全世界均有大面积分布,因其危害多种农作物的生长,过去多把稗属植物看作恶性杂草来研究。稗属植物除作为杂草外,还具有很高的饲用价值,其营养丰富,草质柔嫩,适口性好,是发展绿色畜产品的新型优质牧草。本文综述了稗属植物种质资源分布和系统进化的研究概况,从形态学水平、细胞学水平、生化水平和分子水平上总结了稗属植物遗传多样性的研究进展,并着重介绍了稗属植物的经济价值和优良基因的利用。分析了我国稗属植物种质资源研究存在的问题及发展前景,指出今后应加强对稗属植物种质资源搜集、分类、遗传多样性、基因组学的研究和饲用稗草的开发利用。  相似文献   

生物活性肽的生理功能及在动物生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物活性肽(Biologicallyactivepeptides,BAP)指的是一类分子量小于6000Da,在构象上较松散,具有多种生物学功能的多肽和不到10个氨基酸组成的小肽,是对生物机体的生命活动有益或具有特定生理作用的肽类物质。BAP分布很广,动物机体及许多食物中均含有。依据来源可将BAP分为内源性和外源性两种。内源性BAP主要包括体内一些重要内分泌腺分泌的肽类激素,如促生长激素释放激素(GHRH)、促甲状腺素(TSH)、肝脏合成的类胰岛素生长因子(IGFs);由血液或组织中的蛋白质经专一的蛋白水解酶作用而产生的组织激肽,如缓激肽、胰激肽等;作为神经递…  相似文献   

Inoculation of plasmid DNA, encoding an immunogenic protein gene of an infectious agent, stands out as a novel approach for developing new generation vaccines for prevention of infectious diseases of animals. The potential of DNA vaccines to act in presence of maternal antibodies, its stability and cost effectiveness and the non-requirement of cold chain have heightened the prospects. Even though great strides have been made in nucleic acid vaccination, still there are many areas that need further research for its wholesome practical implementation. Major areas of concern are vaccine delivery, designing of suitable vectors and cytotoxic T cell responses. Also, the induction of immune responses by DNA vaccines is inconclusive due to the lack of knowledge regarding the concentration of the protein expressed in vivo. Alternative delivery systems having higher transfection efficiency and the use of cytokines, as immunomodulators, needs to be further explored. Recently, efforts are being made to modulate and prolong the active life of dendritic cells, in order to make antigen presentation a more efficacious one. For combating diseases like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), influenza, malaria and tuberculosis in humans; and foot and mouth disease, Aujesky’s disease, swine fever, rabies, canine distemper and brucellosis in animals, DNA vaccine clinical trials are underway. This review highlights the salient features of DNA vaccines, and measures to enhance their efficacy so as to devise an effective and novel vaccination strategy against animal diseases.  相似文献   

兽药监管信息化是提高兽药监管效率、保障兽药产品质量的有效途径。以美国、加拿大和欧盟为例,重点回顾了国外兽药监管信息化主要进展。针对兽药产销全过程重要环节,归纳总结我国兽药产销全过程的审批、生产、流通、监督检验和追溯环节的信息化建设现状,以及我国兽药网络信息共享与应用取得的最新成效。对比分析国内外兽药产销全过程重要环节信息化建设差异,明晰了我国兽药监管信息化存在的主要问题,提出了我国兽药监管信息化发展方向及应对措施,为提高我国兽药监管信息化水平、实现兽药全过程追溯提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive update on the biology, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of canine cardio-pulmonary angiostrongylosis. This cardiopulmonary disease is caused by infection by the metastrongyloid nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum. The parasite has an indirect life cycle that involves at least two different hosts, gastropod molluscs (intermediate host) and canids (definitive host). A. vasorum represents a common and serious problem for dogs in areas of endemicity, and because of the expansion of its geographical boundaries to many areas where it was absent or uncommon; its global burden is escalating. A. vasorum infection in dogs can result in serious disorders with potentially fatal consequences. Diagnosis in the live patient depends on faecal analysis, PCR or blood testing for parasite antigens or anti-parasite antibodies. Identification of parasites in fluids and tissues is rarely possible except post mortem, while diagnostic imaging and clinical examinations do not lead to a definitive diagnosis. Treatment normally requires the administration of anthelmintic drugs, and sometimes supportive therapy for complications resulting from infection.  相似文献   

兽医协会早已有之,界定各国兽医协会历史比较困难。兽医协会一般均从兽医学会分立或隶属于兽医学会。兽医协会以会员利益为主体,服务于兽医行业,保护动物福利和健康。协会多由委员会及下属理事会构成。理事会是协会运作的主体,分设各职能分会、部门或机构。协会会员多需要经过正式的学术教育,且通过国家或地方兽医资格考试,有些国家还要求会员是注册兽医。兽医资格考试分为理论考试和临床技能考试。多数国家只需要通过理论考试,有些国家还需要通过临床技能考试。欧美国家还设有专科考试。  相似文献   

概述了补体结合试验、荧光抗体技术、间接血凝试验和酶联免疫吸附试验等用于诊断家畜附红细胞体病的血清学方法的建立和应用情况,同时简述了家畜附红细胞体的分子生物学检测技术,这些技术包括DNA探针技术、常规PCR和实时定量PCR。指出了上述各种诊断方法存在的不足,期待这些方法的进一步完善和规范。  相似文献   

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