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Relationships are examined between growth of young Sitka spruce,planted on deep oligotrophic blanket peat, and uptake of N,P, and K by the trees under various fertilizer and herbicideregimes. Despite the provision of adequate P, tree growth eventuallybecomes limited by a shortage of available N. This can be overcomeat present only by repeated applications of fertilizer N. Theuse of herbicides to kill heather in checked crops increasesthe availability of N temporarily, and fertilizer K in all situationsimproves growth, though often only slightly. It is suggested that following the initial application of phosphatea finite fraction of the total N content of the peat becomesavailable to the trees. Once this has been used the releaseof mineral nitrogen is so slow that crops become N-deficientand growth is limited. There is no evidence to suggest thatonce canopy closes the situation will change, so that on oligotrophicpeat sites managers are faced with the possibility of havingto apply nitrogenous fertilizers every 3 or 4 years to maintaingrowth at a satisfactory level. Although there is as yet nodirect evidence on oligotrophic peat that there will not bean increase in the rate of N mineralization once crops reach57 m in height, work on other poorly drained soils inNorthern Ireland indicates that it is unlikely to happen. 相似文献
Cold-storage of Forest Nursery Plants An Account of Experiments and Trials; 1958-63: (With 2 Plates)
Seedlings of many species commonly planted in the forest maysafely be kept in cold-stores at +2? C. Storage at 5?generally reduces the rate of survival after transplanting.The period in store may last from February until late May ifseedlings are required for late transplanting, or it may beextended until August if surplus seedlings are being held over.Plants must be fully dormant when lifted; they must be healthyand must not be put into store until any rain or dew has driedoff them. Plants should be stored in polythene bags. 相似文献
Blue-stain causes degrade of saw logs during the inevitabledelays between felling and conversion. Chemicals of potentialvalue in blue-stain control have been tested in the laboratoryand trials have been made of their use on unpeeled logs storedin the forest. End treatments with fungicides were not very effective duringsummer storage of logs. Whole log treatments with a combinedfungicide and insecticide containing 2 per cent. Santobrite,2 per cent. borax, and 0?75 per cent. BHC gave very good protectionfor 3 months. End treatment with fungicides followed by whole-logtreatment with insecticides was also effective. Protection byeither method of treatment was lessened during longer storageperiods especially in the warmer months of the year. Whole-logtreatment with insecticide alone gave a good measure of controlof stain. Short delays after felling before the application of whole-logtreatments may be acceptable especially on logs which have previouslyreceived end treatments. Attack by bark-boring insects must be controlled if effectiveall-the-year protection against blue-stain is required. Insectattack appears to be secondary only to time of felling in relationto incidence of blue-stain. The value of winter felling hasbeen confirmed. 相似文献
A brief account, including details of organization, of the supplyby helicopter in May 1963 of 21 tons of material for 2$$$ milesof fencing to an otherwise inaccessible area in the Rhonddavalley at the contract cost of ?400. 相似文献
南方地区封山育林浅析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文彦 《中南林业调查规划》2001,20(2):23-25
针对南方地区生境特点,阐述封山育林的基本条件,应采取的技术措施,并根据目前存在的问题,提出解决的办法。 相似文献
A soil survey of Lisnaskea Forest, Co. Fermanagh, showed thatgrowth of Sitka spruce was far from uniform on areas of apparentlyuniform soil. The relation between soil factors, tree growth,and foliar nutrient status on two blocks of trees growing ongleyed soils was therefore studied. Simple regression showed that tree growth was poor when thelevels of foliar nutrients were low and when there was a matof undecomposed needles on the forest floor. It is thereforeconsidered that lack of organic matter breakdown in the soilis causing poor tree nutrition and growth. Multivariate statistical analysis also showed highly significantregressions between tree growth, level of foliar nutrients,and depth of litter layer. The correlations between soil factorsalone and tree growth were barely significant and the multivariatetechnique did not give an acceptable method of predicting treegrowth from soil measurements. Methods of improving soil conditions are discussed. 相似文献
张掖市甘州区兔儿坝滩是河西走廊北部生态屏障的重要地段,气候干旱,造林立地条件差,加之技术措施单一,导致多年造林成活率、保存率很低,为此,选择具有代表性的地段进行了河西走廊北部风沙区困难立地条件造林试验,结果表明,相同条件下,顶凌造林可提高造林成活率10~20个百分点,截干造林与全苗栽植相比,造林成活率提高10个百分点。因此,在干旱困难立地条件下造林,综合应用抗旱造林技术,不但可提高造林成活率,而且造林效果明显。 相似文献
马尾松人工林单木竞争指标及生长模型研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
用回归分析的方法研究竞争指标与林木胸径生长量的相关关系,其结果表明,与胸径生长量的相关性,对象木相对直径(SD)最强,直径比(DR)、带距离权重的断面积比(BR)第二强,带距离权重的直径比(WDR)、断面积比(WBR)第三强、距离均值(MD)、距离平方均值(RS)、竞争木相对直径(CD)很弱,说明在一般人工林内,林木间距和竞争木大小对对象木胸径生长量的影响不明显,对象木身身的大小是引起期 生长量差异的主要因子,用模型优选方法构建的单木模型,地黔中地区中上等立地条件,正常经营密度的马尾松人工林。 相似文献
山西北部风沙区主要防护林树种选择探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
详细调查研究了山西北部半干旱风沙区不同立地类型上现有树种种类、分布频度和抗逆性能,并以立地类型为单元,以树木生长量、抗旱、抗寒、抗风蚀能力为指标,对树种的适应性进行了评价,提出了低山区、丘陵区、平原农区适宜的防护林造林树种。 相似文献
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Poiret) Britton) was chosenfor its first year's study by the newly formed Wessex SilviculturalGroup as a species of economic importance which might be grownmore widely. The paper is a record of the Group's observationsincluding site-types based on soils, volume production, thinning,crown density, natural regeneration, and troubles met with. 相似文献
Insect samples were collected from the canopy of 24 willow short rotation coppice (SRC) sites on farmland in Britain and Ireland in 1995. The blue willow beetle Phratora (= Phyllodecta) vulgatissima (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), previously identified as the main defoliating pest of this crop, was recorded from 13 of these at varying levels of abundance. Data describing aspects of the environment at each site were also collected. These data were used to create potential explanatory variables for a regression analysis of beetle abundance. This analysis indicated that P. vulgatissima were most likely to occur and were more abundant at older willow sites on clay soils and at sites that bad certain free-living willow species growing nearby. Within sites, most willow clones sampled contained P. vulgatissima, although two, Salix burjatica‘Germany’ (‘Aquatica Gigantea’) and Salix mollissima‘Q83’ (Salix triandra × Salix viminalis), were avoided. Chrysomelid pest avoidance and clonal resistance could form part of an integrated pest management strategy for SRC crops. 相似文献
Soil water tables and the rooting depth of trees were studiedin two areas of gleyed soils in Lisnaskea Forest, Co. Fermanagh,where growth of Sitka spruce is far from uniform. On both areas,poor tree growth is associated with high water tables and shallowrooting. Soils under good trees had a sandy-tertured horizonassociated with rotten rock fragments. This horizon could improvedrainage conditions and must have been present before planting.It is therefore considered that high soil water tables are acause rather than a consequence of poor tree growth. 相似文献
报道采自山东、江苏、浙江、福建 ,寄生梨圆蚧、核桃圆蚧和柑桔长白蚧的寄生蜂新种 :长棒盾蚧跳小蜂(CoccidencyrtuslongiclavatusXusp .nov.)和采自山西、陕西 ,寄生枣大球蚧、草履蚧的寄生蜂新种 :长柄麦厄跳小蜂 ,新种MayrencyrtuslongiscapusXusp .nov .。对新种进行了详细描述 ,并给出我国盾蚧跳小蜂属 3个种的检索表。 相似文献
记述了采自四川的钩瓣叶蜂属3新种:九寨钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya jiuzhaina Chen et Wei, sp. nov.,乐怡钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya leyii Chen et Wei, sp. nov.,细瓣钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya parviserrula Chen et Wei, sp. nov..模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室. 相似文献
A review is given of the use of clonal mixtures in the development of disease control strategies in short rotation coppice willow in Northern Ireland. Salix burjatica‘Korso’ had been grown successfully for over 10 years when, in 1985, Melampsora epitea var. epitea caused serious problems. Although fungicides were effective, their use was not practical for environmental and economic reasons. Therefore, in 1987 large scale field experiments were initiated to investigate the use of clonal mixtures as a disease control strategy. Increased yields were consistently recorded from mixed stands when compared to either the mean yield of component clones or the individual yields of any of the component clones grown in monoculture. Part of this increased yield was due to a reduction in the impact of rust disease. Investigations are currently being conducted on the effect of number of clones within a mixture, the best clones to use and the optimum planting density. It is essential that there is a range of susceptibilities to M. epitea var. epitea pathotypes within the components of the mixture. 相似文献