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Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Currently plant infectivity assays (bioassays) seem most reliable to determine viability of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G....  相似文献   

正柑橘黄脉病是由柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的一种新发病害,对柑橘产业尤其是柠檬产业危害较重。我国于2009年首次在云南省瑞丽市发现该病,四川、重庆、江西等省市也陆续发现并呈快速传播趋势。CYVCV检测方法包括指示植物鉴定、酶联免疫吸附法、直接组织点免疫法(宾羽等,2015)、RT-PCR(陈洪明等,2015)、逆转录环介导等温核酸扩增法(刘  相似文献   

The detection of Ralstonia solanacearum (biovar 2A) in stems of symptomless plants before harvest of the potato crop, instead of tubers, would not only save highly valued planting material but would be less time-consuming and would also enhance farmers' market decisions. Although pathogen detection in stems has been proven efficient for ring rot, this has never been investigated for bacterial wilt (BW). Therefore the possibility of detecting BW latent infection in stem pieces about three weeks before harvest was assessed in 57 fields of the Andean highlands of Peru. Two sensitive, specific and user-friendly serological methods were used to detect the pathogen in latently infected tubers and stems: double-antibody sandwich (DAS)-ELISA and indirect ELISA on nitrocellulose membrane (NCM) after enrichment of the plant extracts in a semi-specific broth. Optimum sample sizes of stems and tubers were evaluated for 37 potato crops showing between 0 and 0·1% BW incidence using a binomial distribution model to calculate the detection probabilities. Although results of detection using the two serological techniques had 100% concordance, detection probabilities were higher using DAS-ELISA, whatever the plant part tested. BW detection probabilities were higher for tubers than for stems; a 99% detection probability was obtained by analysing 400 stems sections or 250 tubers using DAS-ELISA. Detection of BW infection in symptomless plants 20 days before harvest using post-enrichment DAS-ELISA is a reliable and user-friendly technique that can easily be used by national plant protection services and seed programmes in developing countries.  相似文献   

Rice black streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) causing rice black streaked dwarf disease is transmitted by the small brown planthopper (SBPH, Laodelphax striatellus) in a persistent propagative manner. The disease is considered among the most destructive in rice production in east and southeast Asia. For sustainable control of the disease, planting resistant cultivars is the most economical and efficient method. The virus content in different rice cultivars was quantified using a TaqMan RT‐qPCR assay under greenhouse conditions and the disease was visually assessed in these cultivars in both greenhouse and field conditions. Results revealed significant positive moderate correlation (= 0.3787; = 0.0009) between the virus content and visual disease assessment in the greenhouse under forced inoculation. Among 66 rice cultivars, there was no significant difference in RBSDV genome equivalent copies (GEC) in seven cultivars, namely Lian‐dao 9805 (200.2 ± 12), Liangyou 3399 (206.6 ± 28), Ningjing 4 (206.6 ± 28), DaLiang 207 (302.0 ± 61), X 008 (354.0 ± 30), Shengdao 301 (658.4 ± 69) and Liangyou 1129 (679.5 ± 98). These cultivars were also visually assessed as resistant under greenhouse and field conditions. These cultivars could be used in disease management to reduce the likelihood of epidemics.  相似文献   

In recent years black dot ( Colletotrichum coccodes ) has become an economically important disease problem in potato ( Solanum tuberosum ). It is characterized by silvery lesions on the tuber surface which result in a deterioration in skin quality. In addition to causing tuber blemish symptoms, C. coccodes also causes symptoms on stems and foliage, resulting in crop losses in some countries, and is implicated as a factor in the potato early dying disease complex. In the past, the incidence and severity of black dot might have been underestimated, as tuber symptoms were often mistaken for silver scurf ( Helminthosporium solani ). Inoculum of C. coccodes can be both seed tuber- and soilborne, and disease control is difficult as there are few chemical control methods and little resistance in commercial cultivars. Cultural control options offer the only potential means to control this disease at present. Current developments in rapid and specific PCR-based detection methods are being used to address epidemiological questions.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky 1853) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), the Asian Longhorned Beetle, is native to temperate and subtropical areas of China...  相似文献   

An Amaranthus rudis Saner (common water-hemp) biotype from a field treated for two consecutive years with a mixture of chlorimuron and metribuzin was tested in greenhouse and laboratory studies to assess resistance and cross-resistance to four acetolactale synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides. The biotype demonstrated >1920-fold resistance at the whole plant level, and >850-fold resistance at the ALS enzyme to chlorimuron, compared with a susceptible biotype. This chlorimuron-resistant biotype was also cross-resistant to primisuifu-ron, haiosulfuron and imazethapyr. In greenhouse studies, atrazine alone or in combination with ALS-inhibiting herbicides provided excellent control of the resistant biotype of A. rudis . Combinations of dicamba and ALS-inhibitors also provided adequate control. Additionally, premixtures of flumetsulam and metolachlor and of dicamba and atrazine furnished excellent control of this chlorimuron-resistant A. rudis biotype.  相似文献   

False smut, caused by Ustilaginoidea virens, is a rice disease of increasing importance worldwide, with no source of high‐level resistance in the existing rice germplasm. To facilitate breeding varieties with good levels of field resistance to false smut, quantitative resistance loci (QRL) were identified using 213 introgression lines (ILs) from a cross between Teqing (recipient) and Lemont (donor) evaluated using natural infection at two hotspots of false smut in northeast China. Ten QRL affecting percentages of diseased hills, diseased panicles and diseased spikelets were detected and mapped to rice chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12. The Lemont alleles at all QRL increased false smut resistance. Four QRL (qFSR‐6‐7, qFSR‐10‐5, qFSR‐10‐2 and qFSR‐11‐2) had relatively larger and consistent effects across the two testing sites. Promising resistant ILs were identified, most of which had multiple QRL, suggesting that pyramiding multiple QRL by marker‐assisted selection would be an effective strategy for improving rice resistance to false smut. The identified QRL and their linked DNA markers will facilitate this breeding effort in the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neonicotinoid insecticides were first used commercially for Colorado potato beetle [Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae] control in the United States in 1995, and since then have been critical for management of this pest. Field populations from the northeastern and midwestern United States were tested from 1998 to 2010 for susceptibility to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam using standard topical dose assays with adults. RESULTS: From 1998 to 2001, imidacloprid resistance was present in only a few locations in the eastern United States. By 2003, imidacloprid resistance was common in the northeastern Unites States. In 2004, imidacloprid resistance in Colorado potato beetle was detected for the first time in the midwestern United States. In 2003, the first case of resistance to thiamethoxam was found in a population from Massachusetts. Neonicotinoid resistance in summer‐generation adults was higher than in overwintered adults from the same locations. By 2009, 95% of the populations tested from the northeastern and midwestern United States had significantly higher LD50 values for imidacloprid than the susceptible population. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides raises concerns for the continued effective management of Colorado potato beetles in potatoes and highlights the need for more rigorous practice of integrated pest management methods. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In laboratory studies, Colorado potato beetle (CPB) (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) reared on eggplant were significantly more susceptible to permethrin than CPB reared on tomato. Field studies conducted in 1984 and 1985 showed that the percentage reduction of CPB larvae reared on eggplant due to foliar applications of fenvalerate was significantly greater than the percentage reduction of CPB larvae reared on either potato or tomato. Plant defoliation was greater on eggplant and potato than on tomato. Eggplant and potato yields increased as the dose of fenvalerate increased and the potato beetle population decreased, but tomato yields were unaffected by fenvalerate treatments. The effects and biological activity of individual plant chemical compounds (i.e., glvcoalkaloids) in various Solanum species need to be examined in detail before the full significance of the role of these compounds in host-plant resistance and their interaction with CPB insecticide resistance are understood.  相似文献   

The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), has developed resistance to many insecticides used for its control, recently including imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid compound. Other neonicotinoids are now being deployed to control this pest. A key point in the strategies of resistance management is the monitoring of resistance and cross-resistance. In the summer of 2003, imidacloprid-resistant adult Colorado potato beetles collected from Long Island, New York, USA were bioassayed using topical applications of imidacloprid and nine other neonicotinoids. Compared to a standard susceptible strain, the Long Island beetles showed 309-fold resistance to imidacloprid, and lower levels of cross-resistance to all other neonicotinoids, despite these never having been used in the field, i.e., 59-fold to dinotefuran, 33-fold to clothianidin, 29-fold to acetamiprid, 28-fold to N-methylimidacloprid, 25-fold to thiacloprid, 15-fold to thiamethoxam, 10-fold to nitenpyram, but less than 2-fold to nicotine. In injection bioassays, high resistance to imidacloprid was also found (116-fold). Piperonyl butoxide partially suppressed resistance to imidacloprid, but the resistance level was still over 100-fold, indicating that other mechanisms were primarily responsible for resistance. Low levels of resistance (8- to 10-fold) were found to the nicotinic activator, spinosad, in an imidacloprid-resistant strain collected from the same field in 2004. The cross-resistance seen with all the neonicotinoids tested suggests that the rotation of imidacloprid with other neonicotinoids may not be an effective long-term resistance management strategy. Rotation with spinosad also carries some risk, but it is unlikely that spinosad resistance in this case is mechanistically related to that for the neonicotinoids.  相似文献   

Slugs are major pests of many crops in the UK, including winter wheat, yet current methods of control are often unreliable. The aim of this study was to investigate three issues key to the successful field implementation of a control strategy that uses red clover as an alternative food source to reduce the amount of damage caused to winter wheat by the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). A series of three experiments was designed to assess this aim. Firstly, under laboratory conditions, red clover was consumed in greater quantities than wheat, even when wheat was presented as a novel food. Secondly, red clover had no significant effects on the emergence and early growth of wheat in a polytunnel experiment. Both these results are crucial to the successful implementation of a strategy that uses red clover as an alternative food source. Lastly, the results of a field experiment were consistent with the results of the polytunnel experiment, in that red clover did not significantly affect wheat emergence. However, plots in which red clover was left to grow until the time of wheat harvest resulted in significantly lower (43%) wheat yields than plots without red clover. These results suggest that red clover must be removed from the field after the wheat has passed its vulnerable seedling stage. Recommendations for the potential use of red clover as an alternative food source for reducing damage to winter wheat in field conditions are discussed and opportunities for further work are suggested.  相似文献   

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