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Hydrology of inland brackishwater shrimp ponds in Chachoengsao, Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on a new trend in shrimp aquaculture, the development of brackishwater ponds for Penaeus monodon culture in inland freshwater areas of Thailand’s Central Plain. Water balances were calculated for ponds and reservoirs at an inland shrimp farm in Chachoengsao, Thailand, between May and July 1999. Regulated inflow and outflow were the largest water fluxes, averaging 0.94 and 0.70 cm/day. Other daily average water gains were rainfall (0.52 cm/day) and runoff (1.7 cm/day), and other water losses were evaporation (0.31 cm/day) and seepage (0.52 cm/day). Over an entire crop cycle, of average length 109 days, average water inputs were: initial pond filling (84 cm); regulated inflow (103 cm); rainfall (57 cm); and runoff (3 cm). Average outputs were: regulated outflow (76 cm); seepage (57 cm); evaporation (34 cm); and draining at harvest (87 cm). The main feature of note in the water balance is the large volume of regulated outflow. All regulated outflow and most (82%) of the pondwater drained at harvest went directly to the irrigation canal system. Such large volumes of discharge could have serious environmental implications because small inland waterways have low assimilative capacity and pond effluent is saline. Consumptive water use for 14 inland shrimp ponds and reservoirs averaged 0.83±0.14 cm/day. Consumptive water use was also measured for 11 nearby rice fields, the main land use in the regions where inland shrimp farming is proliferating. Rice paddy water use averaged 0.91±0.17 cm/day. There was no significant difference in the daily consumptive water use of shrimp ponds and rice fields, suggesting that conversion from rice farming to shrimp farming would have little net impact on water availability for irrigation.  相似文献   

西小磨1996年和1997年7-8月期间248个调查数据显示,NO2-N浓度范围和平均值沿岸分别是1.3-22.2μg/L和5.7μg/L,虾池分别是1.1-13.5μg/L和6.6μg/L,NO3-N范围和平均值沿岸分别是1.3-214.2μg/L5和70.7μg/L,虾池是2.3-159.7μg/L和36.1μg/L。NH4-N范围和平均值沿岸分别是未检出-37.9μg/L和6.7μg/L,虾池是未检出-106.8μg/L和10.8μg/L。PO4-P范围和平均值沿岸分别间1.6-11.0μg/L和4.9μg/L,虾池是0.74-18.8μg/L和4.0μg/L。虾池中氮、磷的特点是浓度上限值和平均值远较非养殖的远岸外海区高,氮、磷的变化趋势并不总是一致,降雨能导致虾池NO3-N和NO2-N的大幅度提高,但不能影响PO4-P和NH4-N。  相似文献   

虾池浮游植物初级生产力的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
用黑白瓶测氧法对辽宁省庄河青堆水产公司虾池整个养殖期间(5~9月)浮游植物初级生产力进行研究。虾池浮游植物的初级生产力为(5.45±2.36)gO2/(m2·d),日P/B系数为2.39(0.67~6.66),浮游植物对太阳有效辐射的利用率为0.78(0.24~2.18)%,浮游植物毛产量到虾产量的转化效率为7.41%;回归分析表明,浮游植物生物量和太阳有效辐射量是决定虾池浮游植物初级生产力大小的主要因子。磷是虾池营养盐的第一限制因子,氮是第二限制因子。  相似文献   

The present research investigated the effect of carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) control in ponds with or without substrate addition for periphyton development on production of giant freshwater prawn. C/N ratios of 10, 15 and 20 were investigated in 40 m− 2 ponds stocked with 2 prawn juveniles (5.023 ± 0.02 g) m− 2 with or without added substrates for periphyton development. The various treatment combinations of C/N ratio and periphyton substrate addition are abbreviated as ‘CN10’, ‘CN15’, ‘CN20’, ‘CN10 + P’, ‘CN15 + P’ and ‘CN20 + P’, P representing periphyton substrate. A locally formulated and prepared feed containing 30% crude protein with C/N ratio10 was applied. Tapioca starch was used as carbohydrate source for manipulating C/N ratio and applied to the water column separately from the feed. Increasing the C/N ratio from 10 to 20 reduced (P < 0.001) the total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN), nitrite–nitrogen (NO2–N) and nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) in water column and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) in sediment. The addition of substrates only influenced the NO2–N concentration in the water column (P < 0.001). Increasing the C/N ratio raised the total heterotrophic bacterial (THB) population in the water column, sediment and periphyton (P < 0.001). It also increased the dry matter (DM), ash free dry matter (AFDM), and chlorophyll a content of periphyton (P < 0.001). The lowest specific growth rate (SGR), the highest food conversion ratio (FCR), and the lowest protein efficiency ratio (PER) were recorded in treatment CN10 (P < 0.05). The addition of substrates did not influence size at harvest (P > 0.05) but improved the survival from 62.8 to 72% (P < 0.001). Increasing the C/N ratio from 10 to 20 increased the net yield by 40% and addition of substrate increased the net yield by 23%. The combination of C/N ratio control and substrate addition increased the net yield by 75% from 309 (CN10) to 540 (CN20 + P) kg ha− 1 (120 days)− 1. This 75% higher production concurred with (1) a lower inorganic nitrogen content in the water column, (2) a higher THB abundance supplying additional single cell protein to augment the prawn production, and (3) an improved periphyton productivity and quality.  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture in Bangladesh is mostly practiced in a special type of field/pond situated by the side of a river -- called a Gher -- that is used to cultivate rice in winter and shrimp in summer. Ghers of different sizes are managed in different ways. In order to understand the effects of Gher size and their corresponding management practices on the production and economic returns of shrimp farming, we conducted an on-farm study in three small (1–5 ha), three medium (6–10 ha) and three large (>10 ha) Ghers located in the coastal Southwest region of Bangladesh. The mean harvest weight of shrimp was similar in all Ghers, but survival rates were higher in the small (50%) and medium (37%) ones than in the large (18%) ones. The high mortality in the large units led to a production that was lower than one-half of that in the small Ghers (about 80 and 200 kg/ha, respectively). The total variable costs per unit area were similar in all Ghers, but the importance of different items varied with Gher size. In the small Ghers, there are relatively high investments on inputs and labor. This expenditure results in lower shrimp mortality and higher production, which in turn results in gross returns that are larger than the total costs -- hence, a positive and high net return. In large Ghers, the fixed costs are larger than in the small ones simply because of the size of the pond. Variable costs include higher investments in post-larvae and labor than in small Ghers, and lower inputs applied only at pond preparation. This results in higher shrimp mortality and lower production, which in turn results in gross returns that are smaller than the total costs -- hence, a negative or low net return. These findings have positive implications for the future policy formulation of coastal shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh is mostly practiced in an agricultural unit called a Gher, which is a special type of agricultural field with elevated surrounding embankments/borders situated by the side of a river that is used to grow rice in winter and shrimp in summer. Ghers of different sizes are managed in different ways. An on-farm project was carried out to study the effects of Gher size and their related management practices on water quality, shrimp production and the economic returns of shrimp farming in the Southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. We present here the results of this project with respect to water quality as explored through factor analysis, which was applied as a way to understand the nature and extent of the effects of different variables. For the majority of the variables and factors, one-half to two-thirds of their variability was explained by changes over time (months), and a further one-quarter to one-third was explained by Gher size and associated management practices. The alternating dry/monsoon season and water management practices determined long-term and large-scale (annual) water exchange in the Ghers that mainly affected processes related to live and dead particles suspended in the water column. Processes related to decomposition and nitrification were more dependent on short-term (days) water circulation in the Ghers, which is turn was reliant on the time span between the exchanges of water in the Ghers and river. Our results show that improved management leads to higher natural and shrimp productivity in the smaller Ghers and strongly support the argument put forward by the policy makers and scientific community in Bangladesh that the smaller the Gher, the better they can be managed and the better the possibility of increased shrimp survival and production.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of commercial bacterialproducts on the composition and abundance of macrobenthos in commercial tigerprawn Penaeus monodon culture ponds. Nine brackishwaterponds, with an area of 0.5 ha each were used for this study. Twocommercial bacterial products (T1 and T2) were applied inthree ponds each. Another three ponds served as the control. Sediment samplesfrom all ponds were analyzed for the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic mattercontents, and macrobenthos. Total nitrogen and total carbon concentrations inthe sediments of T1 were significantly lower (p< 0.05) thanT2. In addition, total nitrogen in T1 pond sediment wassignificantly lower (p < 0.05) than the control towardsthe end of the culture period. There were no significant differences in totalphosphorus amongst treatments. The study revealed the presence of four majorgroups of macrobenthos in all treatments; gastropods, bivalve, polychaetes andinsect larvae. The total density of macrobenthos in all ponds, exceptgastropods, showed a decreasing trend with the progress in culture indicatingeither predation by shrimp or deterioration of pond bottom. T1 hadsignificantly (p < 0.05) higher density of polychaetescompared to the T2 and the control.  相似文献   

Sediment removal capacity is assessed for a constructed mangrove wetland, and a non-vegetated settling pond that are both used for filtering water in tropical aquaculture. The assessment is performed through sediment budget analysis using data of suspended sediment concentration collected from optical backscatter sensors. The sensors were deployed at the pond's inlet and outlet. These data sets provide a measure of trapping efficiency of each pond with different flow regimes and settling areas. The tides influenced flow in the wetland but none was felt in the settling pond. The average trapping efficiency obtained for the vegetated and the non-vegetated ponds was (40±33) and (70±36)%, respectively. The deposition rate calculated for the vegetated and non-vegetated pond ranges between 13–174 g/m2 per h (average=63 g/m2 per h) and 10–19 g/m2 per h (average=14 g/m2 per h), respectively. The efficiency of vegetated and non-vegetated ponds is likely to be improved by decreasing the aspect ratio (length/width) from the current value of 6 to 1 and of 5 to 1, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of four rates of application of fertilizer, with cow manure (3000 kg ha−1), urea (100 (kg ha−1) and triple super phosphate (TSP) (100 kg ha−1) (treatment F)), treatment F × 0.5 (treatment 0.5F), treatment F × 1.5 (treatment 1.5F) and treatment F × 2 (treatment 2F), on periphyton, plankton and water quality in tropical freshwater ponds were studied. The highest periphyton biomass in terms of dry matter (3.27 mg cm−2 substrate), ash-free dry matter (2.06 mg cm−2 substrate) and chlorophyll a (7.49 µg cm−2 substrate) developed in treatment 1.5F. The ash content of periphyton was lower in treatment 1.5F (38% of dry matter) than in other treatments (57–66% of dry matter). Total ammonia and chlorophyll a of water increased with fertilization rate. Treatment 1.5F (cow manure, urea and TSP at rates of 4500, 150 and 150 kg ha−1 respectively) appears to be the optimum, yielding high quantity and quality periphyton. By supplying a substrate area for periphyton equivalent to the pond surface, it was estimated that this level of fertilization could support a fish production of around 5000 kg ha−1 y−1, without recourse to supplementary food.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima pediveliger is affected by physical and chemical characteristics of the collectors. In the present study, we conducted four experiments to evaluate the effects of collector characteristics on the settlement and growth of hatchery-reared pearl oyster. In the first experiment, black, red, yellow, and white plastic sheets were used as collectors. Settlement of P. maxima larvae in black and red plastic sheets was significantly higher than that in yellow and white plastic sheets (P < 0.05). Mean shell length was not significantly different among the four colored sheets (P > 0.05). In the second experiment, pediveliger larvae were settled onto palm rope and polypropylene rope collectors. The number of spat in the palm rope collector was significantly higher than that of spat in the polypropylene rope collector (P < 0.05). Mean shell length was not significantly different between palm rope and polypropylene rope collectors (P > 0.05). In the third experiment, settlement and subsequent growth were compared between plastic sheets with and without biofilm. The number of spat in the plastic sheets with biofilm was significantly higher than that in the plastic sheets without biofilm (P < 0.05). Mean shell length after settlement were not significantly affected (P > 0.05). In the fourth experiment, pediveliger larvae were stored in tanks with (experimental group) and without collectors (control group). The settlement rate of larvae on the wall was not significantly different between the two groups(P > 0.05). The settlement rates of the larvae on the wall and collectors in the experimental group were significantly larger than those on the wall in the control group(P < 0.05). Mean shell length was not significantly different between the groups (P > 0.05). Our results suggest that appropriate selection of collector types, color, and conditioning can improve the settlement of P. maxima larvae in hatcheries.  相似文献   

为探索南美白对虾与鱼类的新型混养模式,于2020年5月—10月在上海市青浦区某合作社开展了南美白对虾和草金鱼、草鱼等的池塘混养试验.试验结果显示:0.33 hm2(5亩)试验池塘共收获南美白对虾2070 kg,平均规格83尾/kg,平均销售价格37.7元/kg,销售收入78040元;共收获草金鱼430 kg,平均规格2...  相似文献   

Biofloc systems rely on suspended solids in the water to house microbes that can remove or cycle nitrogenous wastes; however, nitrogen cycling can be inconsistent. In contrast, external biofilters are used in many recirculating systems to provide a more consistent environment for microbes to process nitrogen. Regardless of the biofiltration approach, solids levels must be controlled to prevent issues in shrimp such as gill fouling, low dissolved oxygen levels, and other negative impacts. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of settling chambers versus foam fractionators for solids filtration and to compare external biofilters to the biofloc approach as biofiltration strategies. Sixteen 1-m3 round, polyethylene tanks were randomly assigned to four treatments, each of which had four replicate tanks. Eight biofloc systems were established: four using settling chambers for solids control (BF-S) and four using foam fractionators (BF-F). The other eight tanks used external biofilters; four had settling chambers (EB-S) and the other four had foam fractionators (EB-F). All 16 systems were stocked with 250 shrimp at an average size of 4.3 g which were grown for 85 days. There were no significant differences in shrimp production between treatments; however, variability was high in biofloc systems. Nitrite levels were significantly lower in systems with fractionators compared to systems with settling chambers. The concentrations of dissolved Na, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba in the water were significantly reduced in treatments with settling chambers. The results of this study show that filtration choices significantly impact short- and long-term water quality and reusability but may not have much effect on shrimp production in the short-term.  相似文献   

The growth of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) was examined inresponse to pond fertilization with poultry dropping (PD) (12,500 kgha–1 y–1), cattle manure (CM) (25,000 kg ha–1 y–1), inorganic fertilizer (IF) consisting of urea (10.83 kg ha–1 y–1) and single super phosphate (43.52 kg ha–1 y–1) and inorganic-organic mixed fertilizers (PD:CM:IF – 1:1:1) in simulated fish ponds under alluvial and laterite soil conditions as well as in natural pondslocated in alluvial soil zone. The high correlation between dissolved oxygenand density of PSB implied the contribution of the latter in the aerobicorganic decomposition. The PSB were maximal in the PD, and minimal in theIF treatments. The distribution pattern of PSB was related to theautochthonous C/N ratio and the N/P ratios of water. Relatively low C/N ratios caused greater abundance of PSB. Increased fish production in PD treatments was clearly due to increased primary productivity and higher zooplankton abundance resulting from nutrient-grazing-detritus-microbial-food chain complex pathways.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used TaqMan real‐time polymerase chain reaction to quantify and compare infection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) with shrimp production of Fenneropenaeus chinensis cultured in outdoor ponds along the west coast of the South Korea. In 2007, a total of 60 specimens in summer and 116 specimens in autumn were collected from 12 growing‐out ponds and 12 harvest ponds respectively. Pond harvest data were obtained from farmers. Of the summer samples, all specimens were WSSV positive, with a wide range of 12.4–7.0 × 107 (mean 7.5 × 106) copies ng?1 DNA; shrimp production was 1.7 metric tonnes per hectare (mt ha?1). Of the 116 autumn‐sample specimens, 81 (69.8%) were WSSV positive; WSSV infection had been decreased dramatically, to 0–7.2 (mean 3.5) copies ng?1 DNA. Shrimp production of autumn ponds was 2.1 mt ha?1. Statistical analysis indicated that the difference in WSSV infections detected in summer and autumn was highly significant (P<0.01). In summer, seven ponds (58.3%) with low‐WSSV infection loads (0–1000 WSSV copies ng?1 DNA) had shrimp production of 2.7 mt ha?1; the others had shrimp production of only 0.2 mt ha?1. The mean shrimp production between the two infection levels showed a highly statistically significant difference (P<0.01).  相似文献   

对虾养殖池塘微藻群落结构的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别于2005年秋、2006年春对广东省湛江市东海岛的对虾集约化养殖池(高位池)、半集约化养殖池(土塘)及其引水渠中水体的微藻群落结构进行调查和分析。结果表明,在所调查的对虾池塘中共检出微藻47种,其中春季检出微藻28种,秋季检出微藻21种。主要优势种是颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)和啮蚀隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa Ehr.)。微藻的多样性指数(H′)平均值为春季东南土塘2.29,东南高位池1.42,东山土塘1.12;秋季东南高位池2.14,东山土塘1.62,而2季节引水渠则处于0.92~3.72之间。对虾池塘微藻平均密度秋季高于春季。  相似文献   

The effects of introducing common carp (CC) and of adding artificial feed to fertilized rohu ponds on water quality and nutrient accumulation efficiency were studied. All ponds were stocked with 15 000 rohu ha?1. Treatments included ponds with rohu alone, rohu plus 5000 common carp ha?1 and rohu plus 10 000 CC ha?1. A comparison was also made between supplementally fed and non‐fed ponds. The overall highest nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 and 0 CC ha?1. The largest fractions of N and P inputs accumulating in fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 CC ha?1 and subsequently ponds without CC. Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in ponds without CC compared with ponds with CC. Compared with 5000 CC ha?1, stocking 10 000 CC ha?1 can be considered as overstocking, because this leads to lower fish production and relatively less nutrients retained in plankton and benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Aerators are essential for maintaining the dissolved oxygen level in shrimp culture operations. Many types of aerators are promoted as suitable for shrimp culture, but their comparative efficiencies and water circulation patterns are least understood. The aerators viz, modified paddlewheel, Scorpion jet, Venture jet, Wavesurge were evaluated to compare the standard aeration efficiency at different saline conditions with the commonly used paddle wheel. The modified paddlewheel had the highest mean aeration efficiency of 2.018 kg O2/ kWh at 35‰, followed by the paddlewheel with 1.434 kg O2/ kWh at 20‰ water salinity. Compared to this, the Scorpion jet and the Wavesurge have shown the highest aeration efficiency of 0.667 and 0.412 kg O2/ kWh at 20 and 35‰ water salinities, respectively, whereas the Venture jet has given only. The aerator's performance was better at medium water salinities (20 and 35‰) than low (5‰) or high saline (50‰) conditions. In addition to aeration, the paddlewheel aerator has given the maximum water circulation speed 3 ft/sec and coverage distance of 24 m. The cost economics were derived by keeping all other expenses constant except aeration associated costs. The internal rate of returns in shrimp culture with a modified paddle wheel was 127 % compared to the commonly used paddle wheel (120 %). However, the scorpion and wavesurge aerators have shown returns of 47 % and 27 % respectively across the salinities. The selection and sizing of aerators based on the biomass and efficiency of the aeration systems can make considerable headway in decreasing the cost of production and energy use.  相似文献   

为探索适合长江刀鲚的新的养成模式,于2020、2021年两个年度在主养菊黄东方鲀的池塘中进行了混养长江刀鲚的试验,每年养殖周期为5月中旬至11月底。试验结果:2020、2021年,菊黄东方鲀的单位面积产量分别为2 812.5、3 007.5 kg/hm2,收成规格分别为261.5、268.5 g;长江刀鲚的成活率分别为57.45%、66.90%,收成规格分别为38.6、50.7 g,单位面积产量分别为73.50、112.65 kg/hm2。试验结果表明,在菊黄东方鲀池塘中混养长江刀鲚不会影响主养对象的养成效果,且在不额外增加日常养殖生产成本(不单独投喂饵料或饲料)的情况下,能保证长江刀鲚的养殖成活率和收成规格,从而提高了养殖生产经济效益。  相似文献   

为探索适合刀鲚的池塘养殖新模式,分别在淡水和半咸水环境下开展了1+龄刀鲚与暗纹东方鲀的混养试验。试验结果表明,刀鲚与暗纹东方鲀在半咸水环境下混养,在产量、成活率、平均出塘规格等方面具有明显优势,当刀鲚放养密度为3 000尾/hm2时,单位面积产量最高可达116.70 kg/hm2,该塘刀鲚成活率为68.16%,平均出塘规格可达57.11 g,体质量在50 g以上的比例为61.66%。  相似文献   

  1. In order to evaluate the effects of ecological disturbances, such as climate change, human‐induced habitat modification, or species introduction, and in order to adopt appropriate management policies for their conservation, knowledge of the trophic ecology of protected or threatened species is crucial. The Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex (Laurenti, 1768), is listed in annexes II and IV of the European Habitats Directive. For this species, changes in water quality and habitat loss represent major threats, potentially impairing its breeding and feeding activities.
  2. Artificial aquatic habitats, such as cattle‐drinking pools, represent valuable refuges and suitable breeding sites for T. carnifex. The aim of this study was to determine the food niche of the Italian crested newt in these habitats, evaluating its prey selection strategy in relation to a range of environmental conditions and differing availability of resources. Stomach contents (indicative of short‐term diet) and δ13C and δ15N signatures of tails (indicative of medium‐term diet) of adult newts from three artificial ponds in central Italy, where traditional silvo‐pastoral activities are still important, were determined. Potential prey were also sampled and processed for stable isotope analysis.
  3. Triturus carnifex, similar to other newt species, is an opportunistic predator, feeding on a wide variety of prey that includes terrestrial and aquatic macroinvertebrates. In particular, the opportunistic use of temporally available small zooplankton was identified from stomach contents analysis. Conversely, stable isotope analysis highlighted the consumption of larger, soft‐bodied prey that the stomach‐contents‐based approach underestimated. These included terrestrial oligochaetes, which turned out to be the most important and energy‐rich food source in the medium term.
  4. These results emphasize the usefulness of combined approaches for studying the trophic ecology of salamanders and also highlight the importance of the integrated management of aquatic breeding habitats and neighbouring terrestrial habitats, as sources of food, for newt conservation.

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