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目的探索人参软糖的制作工艺,为人参食品的开发提供新品种。方法本研究筛选人参浸膏、卡拉胶、白糖、柠檬酸等因子的添加量对人参软糖的口感、色泽及状态的影响,并利用正交试验,确定各因子的最佳配比。结果人参软糖制作各因子的最佳配比为:人参浸膏2.4%;白糖50%;柠檬酸0.25%;卡拉胶2.0%。此时的人参软糖的口感、色泽及状态最好。结论该产品外观晶莹、弹性好、口感独特、甜度适中、并具有保健功能。  相似文献   

以桔梗为原料,果胶和木薯淀粉为复合凝胶剂、白砂糖为甜味剂、柠檬酸为酸味剂,采用单因素和正交试验优化配方,通过感官评价和质构分析,对桔梗凝胶保健软糖进行工艺优化。得到最佳配方为:桔梗水提液质量浓度为0.3 g/mL,果胶与木薯淀粉的添加比例为6∶1,糖浓度60%,柠檬酸添加量0.3 g。最佳工艺为:果胶加入4倍水,木薯淀粉加入2倍水室温下分别溶胀30min,在95℃恒温水浴锅中将二者混合,加入桔梗提取液、甜味剂与酸味剂,浇注成型,35℃下干燥含水量为20%。采用该配方和工艺制成的软糖色泽亮丽,酸甜适口,口味独特,柔软而具有弹性,感官综合评分平均值为(95±1)分。  相似文献   

比较魔芋和瓜尔豆生物学特性、现有资源区位优势及魔芋胶和瓜胶产品性状等,魔芋胶在理化指标方面明显优于瓜胶,尤其是粘度及凝胶特性显著好于瓜胶。弥勒魔芋规模种植必将伴随魔芋产量的大幅增加,可提升我国魔芋产业在全球的市场份额及产业集中度,显著增强魔芋胶的竞争力,逐渐动摇瓜胶在传统产业中的现有竞争优势。  相似文献   

在缅甸13个含葡甘聚糖的野生魔芋种中,黄魔芋、白魔芋和红魔芋是当地民众习惯上按色泽进行区分的3类魔芋,每类又各包含几个种。其中, 上缅甸以红魔芋和缅甸白魔芋居多,下缅甸则以黄魔芋和耐热型白魔芋(A. variabilis)为多。缅甸魔芋现仍以野生资源为主,加工品以干片为多,大宗产品出口中国,部分销往日本。因比较优势明显,日本已开始与缅方合作在缅规模化种植弥勒魔芋。  相似文献   

珠芽魔芋葡甘聚糖含量高、粘度大,适宜缅甸高温高湿热区环境生长。因品种多样、气候适宜、土壤肥沃、降雨充沛、人力成本低、土地廉价等独特优势,日本同行加快了入缅的步伐。本文对中日2国魔芋界在缅甸市场的竞争提出应对建议。  相似文献   

魔芋高效再生体系的建立与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同激素及浓度配比对魔芋愈伤组织、不定芽和根诱导的影响。结果表明,诱导愈伤组织的最佳激素组合为MS+6-BA0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L,其诱导率为82%;诱导不定芽分化的最佳配方为MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L,其分化率为490%;诱导生根的最佳激素组合配方为MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L+6-BA 1.0 mg/L,其生根率为90%。  相似文献   

蒋富友 《杂粮作物》2006,26(1):52-53
通过调查对福泉市魔芋产业现状进行分析研究,并针对目前发展中存在的问题,提出发展对策,为加快福泉发展魔芋产业具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

对现有菌种资源进行提纯复壮和筛选,采用透明圈法和发酵液酶活力比较法,获得高产中性β-甘露聚糖酶菌株CXJZ11-01。进而采用单因子和多因子相结合的统计方法以及DNS法,对该菌株β-甘露聚糖酶活力检测体系及其产酶规律进行系统研究。结果表明:该中性β-甘露聚糖酶最适pH值为6.0,最适温度为65℃;菌株CXJZ11-01在适宜条件下培养9小时,发酵液粗酶活力高达3050U/ml。  相似文献   

对现有菌种资源进行提纯复壮和筛选,采用透明圈法和发酵液酶活力比较法,获得高产中性β-甘露聚糖酶菌株CXJZ11-01。进而采用单因子和多因子相结合的统计方法以及DNS法,对该菌株β-甘露聚糖酶活力检测体系及其产酶规律进行系统研究。结果表明:该中性β-甘露聚糖酶最适pH值为6.0,最适温度为65℃;菌株CXJZ11-01在适宜条件下培养9小时,发酵液粗酶活力高达3050U/ml。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate iron status of premenopausalvegetarian women consuming tofu or tofu plus orange juice. Following athree day pre-period, 14 lacto-ovo vegetarians were randomly divided intotwo experimental periods of 30 days each. For the first 30 days, one halfof the subjects (n = 7) received 6 oz (173 grams) of tofu/day (T) while theother half of the subjects (n = 7) received 6 oz of tofu/day along with303 mg of vitamin C/d (TO). After 30 days, there was a crossover ofthe diets. Iron status was assessed by measuring serum ferritin andhemoglobin concentrations on the first day of the study and at the end ofeach experimental period. The Mann Whitney-U test was significant duringthe first (W = 17.5; Z = –2.095; p = 0.0361) and over the second (W = 40.0; Z = –2.611; p = 0.009) experimental periods which indicated thechange in hemoglobin levels for the T and TO groups were different. Meanranks showed a greater increase in hemoglobin levels for the TO group.There was no significant difference in the change in serum ferritin levelsbetween the T and TO groups over the first and second experimentalperiods. In conclusion, bioavailability of iron from tofu is enhancedby supplementation with ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The effect of substituting canola oil/caprylic acid structured lipid (SL) for partially hydrogenated shortening (at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% levels) on the rheology of soft wheat flour dough (28.4% total lipid on flour weight basis, 43% moisture) was determined using the Alveograph. The effect of SL substitution on baking and textural qualities of sugar-snap cookies was also investigated. Addition of shortening to soft wheat flour dough resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in dough resistance to deformation (P), dough extensibility (L), and dough baking strength (W), suggesting a less developed gluten network. SL substitution for shortening did not affect P and W. The cookies incorporating SL (50 and 75% SL substitution) were similar (P<0.05) to the shortening control cookies in both baking and textural qualities, but exhibited some baking and textural quality differences at the 25 and 100% SL substitution levels. Correlations (P<0.05) were found between some Alveograph characteristics, and baking and textural qualities.  相似文献   

新鲜软质豆奶干酪的工艺参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐民民 《大豆科技》2008,(5):33-35,41
以牛奶和豆乳为主要原料,采用单因素和正交试验方法,确定了生产新鲜软质豆奶千酪的最佳工艺。结果表明,豆乳添加20%,CaCl2添加0.04%,凝乳酶添加0.02%为最佳工艺。  相似文献   

Some chia seed flour effects relating to different bread-making process phases and variables were studied by distinct image analysis and physicochemical techniques. Wheat flours with three different degrees of substitution (5%, 10% and 15%) were tested. In technological terms, the aim was to study the influence and properties of chia flour on several relevant parameters, such as pasting properties, growth kinetics and internal crumb structure during dough fermentation; and baking process, mass loss, water activity and texture profile of the end product during its storage. Some changes in pasting properties were observed. The effects obtained by image analysis techniques proved that addition of chia improved gas retention in dough and cut the time required to reach maximum dough development. A delay in hardness and water loss during storage of breads was also observed. Bread presented reduced water activity, and contained the same amount of moisture compared with the control. The mucilage provided by chia has properties that can explain these observed effects given the influence on water-holding capacity and its interactions with gluten proteins throughout the gluten matrix-forming process.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible effect of pre‐fermented juice (PFJ) on the fermentation quality and nutritive value of first‐cut lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) silage. The PFJs were prepared using barley (B), wheat (W) and grass herbages (G). Both fresh (PFJ‐B, PFJ‐W and PFJ‐G) and frozen (PFJ‐BF, PFJ‐WF and PFJ‐GF) PFJs were examined. Frozen PFJs were prepared by freezing fresh PFJs at ?22°C with 20% glycerol (v/v). Treatments of lucerne silage included (1) control; (2) silage treated with PFJ‐B; (3) silage treated with PFJ‐W; (4) silage treated with PFJ‐G; (5) silage treated with PFJ‐BF; (6) silage treated with PFJ‐WF; and (7) silage treated with PFJ‐GF. All the treatments consisted of five replicate silos, and they were prepared in 1·0‐L glass jar silos. Results showed that silages treated with fresh and frozen PFJs, regardless of plant material, had better fermentation quality than the control silage in terms of lower pH, butyric acid (BA) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) concentrations, as well as higher lactic acid (LA) concentration (P < 0·05) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), metabolizable energy (ME) content, and gas production values (P < 0·05). Results indicated that PFJ treatments enhanced the nutritive value, fermentation quality and IVOMD, ME content and gas production values of first‐cut lucerne silages.  相似文献   

研究了以壳聚糖作为混合汁澄清剂,采用上浮澄清技术,对混合汁进行澄清处理,在提高清汁质量时,尽可以保存营养成分。结果显示,壳聚糖上浮澄清的清汁浊度比土法红糖的降低了81.68%,清汁酚含量比亚硫酸法的高18.5%,氨基氮高10.7%,蛋白质高26.7%,淀粉降低20.8%;其最佳澄清工艺条件为一次加热至40℃,壳聚糖添加量80mg/L,500目筛网过滤。  相似文献   


In this study, we aimed to clarify the effects of different water management strategies on dry matter production and yield performance of New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties. Dry matter production of NERICA 1 and NERICA 5 was compared with that of Yumenohatamochi, a Japanese upland variety, and Hinohikari, a Japanese lowland variety under three water regimes, i.e. continuously flooded, supplemental irrigation, and non-irrigation (rainfed). Total carbohydrate content in the panicles under different watering regimes was more closely related to post-heading photosynthates than pre-heading reserve assimilates. Dry matter production during ripening tended to decrease under low soil water conditions, whereas the dry matter translocated from the leaf and stem to the panicle tended to increase. Consequently, the distribution ratio of post-heading photosynthates in the total carbohydrate content declined in response to the reduction in available soil moisture. These results indicate that the total carbohydrate content vary depending on the soil water conditions. In NERICAs, dry matter production during ripening was lower than that in Japanese varieties, indicating that their dependence on pre-heading reserve assimilates was greater. In particular, post-heading photosynthate content of NERICA 1 was strongly affected by the variation in water management in comparison with that of other varieties. The decrease in crop growth rate during ripening in NERICA 1 can be mainly attributed to the lower post-heading photosynthate content. Thus, the ability of NERICA 1 to assimilate carbon after heading was considered to be potentially low, which has to be improved to achieve higher yield.  相似文献   

王平  马祥庆 《甘蔗(福建)》2007,3(4):313-316
从生物柴油、生物乙醇和生物氢气3个方面对生物能源的开发利用及生物能源的生产技术研究现状进行综述,提出了目前研究中存在的问题,展望了今后生物能源的发展方向。  相似文献   

Summary The selective-diagnostic crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium for the detection and isolation of soft rot erwinias was modified and improved to allow the use of a new source of sodium polypectate (Slendid type 440), as the previous polypectate (Bulmer) is no longer available. Two formulations were developed: CVP-S1 medium was less transparent but otherwise similar to the Bulmer polypectate-based CVP medium (CVP-B) except that NaOH was added and CaCl2 concentration reduced. CVP-S2 medium was prepared by mixing equal volumes of two double strength preparations containing 1) polypectate and NaOH, and 2) all other ingredients, both sterilised separately. Although erwinia cavity formation was slower, it showed a number of advantages over CVP-B and CVP-S1 media, thereby facilitating colony/cavity detection and enumeration. These included the absence of precipitate, greater firmness and a reduced risk of liquefaction in the presence of large erwinia numbers, and a reduction in the number of saprophytic bacteria.  相似文献   

北部产区长林系列油茶良种果实品质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油茶(Camellia oleifera)是我国第一大木本食用油料树种。为了选择适宜北部产区推广应用的油茶品种,以河南省光山县、新县和安徽省金寨县3个试验地的8个长林系列油茶品种(长林3号、4号、18号、23号、27号、40号、53号、55号)为材料,对果实性状进行测定,通过主成分分析筛选综合品质优良的品种。结果表明:(1)不同试验地对鲜果果径和鲜果出籽率的影响显著,对鲜果质量、鲜果果高、鲜籽质量的影响极显著;(2)不同试验地对茶油脂肪酸各组分含量的影响不显著;(3)不同品种在鲜果质量、鲜果果高、鲜果果径、鲜籽质量、鲜果出籽率、干出仁率、干仁含油率等指标上差异极显著;(4)不同品种在茶油脂肪酸各组分含量上差异不显著,长林53号的不饱和脂肪酸含量均值最大;仅从不饱和脂肪酸的角度分析,金寨县的长林53号表现优良;(5)通过主成分分析可知,仅考虑第一主成分,长林55号评价值(0.935)最高;各试验地排名依次为:金寨县(1.103)>光山县(0.032)>新县(-1.153)。综合评价认为,在北部油茶产区,长林53号、长林4号、长林18号和长林55号的果实性状综合表现较其它4个品种优良,可作为该产区优先推广应用的良种。  相似文献   

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