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The aim of this study was to examine the duration of immunity of different vaccination schemes using the S. enteritidis live vaccine Gallivac Se and the S. enteritidis-S. typhimurium inactivated vaccine Gallimune Se+St. Three groups of Lohman Brown chickens were used. Group one was vaccinated three times orally with Gallivac Se at weeks one, seven and 13 of age. Group two was vaccinated twice orally with Gallivac Se in weeks one and seven and once i.m. with Gallimune Se+St in week 14 of age. A third group was not vaccinated and served as the control group. Eight randomly selected chickens from each of the three groups were challenged with a nalidixic acid resistant S. enteritidis PT4 strain in weeks 24, 51 and 71 of age and the same number of animals were challenged with a S. typhimurium DT 104 strain in weeks 26, 54 and 73 (75) of age.The chickens were euthanised seven days post challenge and the number of challenge strain organisms (log10 cfu) in the liver and on caecal mucosa was determined.The quantitative investigation of the challenge strain in the liver and caecal mucosa revealed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) lower challenge strain burden in the vaccinated groups compared with the non-vaccinated control group up to week 71 (73) of age. The protective effects were demonstrated for both challenge strains.  相似文献   

减毒鸡沙门氏菌97A疫苗株安全性和免疫效力试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本试验将减毒鸡沙门氏菌97A疫苗株分别以不同剂量经口服和肌肉注射接种10日龄AA肉鸡,结果表明,97A对10日龄雏鸡有良好安全性。将97A分别以10  相似文献   

鸡球虫病早熟弱毒苗实验室应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡球虫病是一种全球性的原虫病 ,它是集约化养鸡业最为多发、严重和防治困难的疾病之一 ,其发病率高达 5 0 %~ 70 % ,死亡率为 2 0 %~ 30 % ,严重者可达 80 %。我国是养鸡大国 ,占世界总养鸡量的 1 /1 0 ,每年因鸡球虫病造成的直接和间接经济损失难以估量。迄今为止 ,鸡球虫病的防治主要依赖药物预防 ,但目前药物防治球虫病遇到了两大问题的困扰 ,首先是球虫极易产生抗药性 ,其次是药物残留 ,一些国家对禽肉、蛋制品中球虫药含量有着严格的限制 ,我国已加入 WTO,解决禽蛋制品的药物残留问题已成当务之急。因此利用免疫预防来代替药物防…  相似文献   

通过对QX基因型IBV分离株SDZB0808进行鸡胚连续100次传代致弱后获得子代病毒P100。为了明确P100的的致弱效果和免疫原性,对其进行了安全性和免疫效力评价。安全性试验结果显示,P100以105.5 EID50/只的剂量对3日龄的SPF鸡进行免疫后试验,与正常对照组相比没有明显临床症状和病理变化,气管和肾脏组织也没有病理组织损伤。免疫效力试验结果发现,P100以104.5 EID50/只的剂量免疫3日龄SPF鸡,14d后对同源强毒SDZB0808和异源强毒SDIB821/2012的攻击都具有100%的临床保护,病理组织学检查发现P100免疫攻毒组试验鸡气管和肾脏与正常对照没有差异,排毒检测结果显示P100免疫攻毒组试验鸡内脏组织病毒检出率大大低于攻毒对照组。本研究结果表明P100对SPF鸡具有良好的安全性和免疫效力,可以作为IBV弱毒疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

We have recently reported that Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) strains circulating in Uruguay, are unevenly distributed among different genetic subtypes, with a predominant genotype that is a common contaminant of poultry-derived food and that accounts for the vast majority of human cases of food-borne disease. Herein, we describe the construction of a genetically-defined aroC derivative (LVR02) of a local strain of S. Enteritidis belonging to the major genetic type. We demonstrated the attenuation and the immunogenicity of that strain in a mouse model, and evaluated it as a vaccine for commercial layer chickens. LVR02 proved to be stable, attenuated, innocuous, immunogenic and to induce protective immunity against a S. Enteritidis challenge when used for oral vaccination. A single oral dose of LVR02 administered to newly hatched chickens induced protection against oral challenge with the parental virulent strain, preventing systemic and persistent intestinal infection and significantly reducing the shedding of the challenge strain in birds' feces. A second vaccine dose at 15 days post-hatching boosted the immunogenicity of the vaccine, and strengthened the protection achieved with a single dose. This strain may represent the basis of a live vaccine to be included in national control programs to reduce circulation of this pathogen in the country.  相似文献   

Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria species, is a serious economic disease of chickens (Gallus gallus) and the search for vaccines to control the disease is intensifying especially with the increasing threat of drug resistance. A live attenuated multi-valent ionophore-tolerant Eimeria vaccine has been developed that contains three ionophore-resistant Eimeria species, E. tenella, E. maxima and E. acervulina. The attenuated lines were derived from virulent field strains resistant to monensin ionophore by selection for early development in chicks. The vaccine was administered by gavage and through drinking water to broiler chickens, Chinese Yellow strain, reared in wire cages. Vaccinated medicated birds performed better than vaccinated unmedicated and medicated unvaccinated groups. The final mean weights of vaccinated medicated birds were significantly higher (P<0.05), and a better vaccine protection index, using both vaccinating methods, was achieved. Results indicated that concomitant use of ionophores and vaccines could be a useful adjunct to planned immunization in the control of coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Salmonella-spedfic bacteriophages (BP) and competitive exclusion (CE) were used to reduce Salmonella colonization in experimentally infected chickens. A "cocktail" of distinct phage (i.e., phage showing different host ranges and inducing different types of plaques on Salmonella Typhimurium [ST] cultures) was developed. The killing activity of the selected BPs on ST cultures differed significantly, as determined in in vitro killing assays. BPs were administered orally to the chickens several days prior and after ST challenge but not simultaneously. BPs were readily isolated from the feces of the BP-treated chickens approximately 48 hr after administration. A CE product consisting of a defined culture of seven different microbial species was used either alone or in combination with BP treatment. CE was administered orally at hatch. Salmonella counts in intestine, ceca, and a pool of liver/spleen were evaluated in Salmonella-challenged chickens treated with BP or with BP and CE. In both trials 1 and 2, a beneficial effect of the phage treatment on weight gain performance was evident. A reduction in Salmonella counts was detected in cecum and ileum of BP-, CE-, and BP+CE-treated chickens as compared with nontreated birds. In trial 1, BP treatment reduced ST counts to marginal levels in the ileum and reduced counts sixfold in the ceca. A reduction of Salmonella counts with BP, CE, and BP+CE treatments was evident in chickens from trial 2. Both CE and BP treatments showed differences in the reduction of Salmonella counts after challenge between spedmens obtained at days 4 and 14 postchallenge in ceca, liver/spleen, and ileum. The preliminary data presented in this report show that isolation and characterization of Salmonella-specific BP is uncomplicated and feasible on a larger scale. Results indicate a protective effect of both Salmonella-specific BPs and a defined competitive exclusion product against Salmonella colonization of experimentally infected chickens. These results are encouraging for further work on the use of BP as an effective alternative to antibiotics to reduce Salmonella infections in poultry.  相似文献   

Competitive exclusion of Salmonella typhimurium by isolates of lactobacilli was studied in day-old chicks. Protection was evaluated by enumerating salmonella in feces and cloacal swab cultures from test chickens. Neither single nor multiple treatment with six morphologically distinct isolates of lactobacilli resulted in major protection against infection by S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Salmonella hold considerable promise as vaccine delivery vectors for heterologous antigens in chickens. Such vaccines have the potential additional benefit of also controlling Salmonella infection in immunized birds. As a way of selecting attenuated strains with optimal immunogenic potential as antigen delivery vectors, this study screened 20 novel Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine strains, differing in mutations associated with delayed antigen synthesis and delayed attenuation, for their efficacy in controlling colonization by virulent Salmonella Typhimurium, as well as for their persistence in the intestine and the spleen. Marked differences were observed between strains in these characteristics, which provide the basis for selection for further study as vaccine vectors.  相似文献   

In this study, a genetically engineered live attenuated Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vaccine was evaluated for its ability to protect against Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) infection in chickens. The birds were orally primed with the vaccine on the 1st day of life and given an oral booster at 5 wk of age. Control birds were orally inoculated with phosphate-buffered saline. Both groups of birds were orally challenged with a virulent ST strain at 9 wk of age. Compared with the control chickens, the vaccinated chickens had significantly higher levels of systemic IgG and mucosal IgA against specific ST antigens and a significantly greater lymphoproliferative response to ST antigens. The excretion of ST into the feces was significantly lower in the vaccinated group than in the control group on days 9 and 13 d after challenge. In addition, the vaccinated group had significantly fewer pronounced gross lesions in the liver and spleen and lower bacterial counts in the internal organs than the control group after challenge. These data indicate that genetically engineered live attenuated SE may induce humoral and cellular immune responses against ST antigens and may confer protection against virulent ST challenge.  相似文献   

To develop a live virus vaccine for the prevention of bovine respiratory syncytial (BRS) virus infection in calves, an attempt was made to produce an attenuated virus. The RS-52 strain of BRS virus, isolated from the nasal secretions of a naturally infected calf, was subjected to serial passages in adult hamster lung established (HAL) cells at 30 degrees C and the attenuated rs-52 strain as a live virus vaccine was established. The rs-52 strain multiplied better at 30 degrees C than at 34 or 37 degrees C in HAL cells. The differences in the highest virus titers of this strain between the culture temperature of 30 degrees C and that of 34 or 37 degrees C were more than 2.25 log TCID50. Colostrum-deprived newborn calves and 2 approximately 4 months old calves inoculated with the rs-52 strain manifested no abnormal clinical sings at all. However, all inoculated calves produced serum neutralization antibody. When the colostrum-deprived newborn calves immunized with the rs-52 strain were challenged with the virulent NMK7 strain of BRS virus, they exhibited no pyrexia or other abnormal clinical signs at all. An attempt was made to recover the virus from nasal secretions of these calves, but in vain. On the other hand, a nonimmunized control colostrum-deprived newborn calf developed slight fever, mild cough, and slight serous nasal discharge after challenge exposure. The virus was recovered from nasal secretions of this calf. From these results, it was considered that the rs-52 strain could be used as an attenuated live virus vaccine for prevention of BRS virus infection.  相似文献   

Salmonella dublin strain SL5631, which is auxotrophic for p-amino-benzoic acid and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate because of a deleted aroA gene, was given orally in a dose of 10(10) live bacteria to 6 calves 5-7 weeks old. The calves tolerated the strain well, had a transient mucoid diarrhea and sacrificed animals showed a moderate acute inflammation in the ileum on day 2. The salmonella strain was seen lining the mucosal epithelium using immunohistopathology. Already in calves sacrificed on day 6 the damage was less pronounced and signs of regeneration were obvious. The healing process was more accentuated in calves sacrificed on day 14. The results demonstrated the attenuating effect of the deleted aroA gene. Groups of 5-7 weeks old calves (n = 25) orally immunized with 10(8), 10(9) and 10(10) S. dublin SL5631 at weekly intervals were challenged 2, 6 or 15 weeks after the immunization. All calves were protected against oral challenge with 10(10) bacteria of the virulent S. dublin strain, which equals 1,000 LD50 doses. At autopsy, calves were sacrificed 3 weeks after challenge, all calves had normal intestinal findings with only slightly enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. The protective effect is surmised to involve cell-mediated as well as humoral defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

通过PCR克隆出IBDV VP2基因,将其插入到表达载体pYA3341中,构建重组质粒pYA3341-VP2。将重组质粒电转入鼠伤寒沙门菌疫苗株X4550(缺失Asd、Cya、Crp基因),获得重组疫苗菌株X4550(pYA3341-VP2)。进行重组菌VP2蛋白表达的鉴定;测定重组菌的稳定性、生长曲线、安全性以及小鼠免疫试验。结果表明,酶切鉴定证实重组质粒构建成功;SDS-PAGE和Western blot证实重组菌表达的VP2蛋白能与鸡抗IBDV阳性血清特异性结合;重组菌株在体外营养选择压力下,可稳定地携带重组质粒传代繁殖,在体内可稳定地定居于肠系膜淋巴结和脾脏;小鼠口服试验证实重组菌无毒性作用;口服重组菌免疫小鼠,ELISA检测产生了抗IBDV抗体;中和试验表明产生的抗体具有中和活性。本试验成功构建了能稳定表达IBDV VP2蛋白的口服减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌疫苗株X4550(pYA3341-VP2),为研究IBD口服基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The impact of live and killed Salmonella vaccines on cell-mediated immunity (CMI) was investigated in 18- and 32-week-old White Leghorn chickens, by assessing splenic lymphocyte proliferation, expression of IL-2 mRNA in concanavalin A (Con A) stimulated cells and flow cytometric analysis of cell subpopulations. Con A and Salmonella enteritidis (SE) flagella induced proliferation of splenocytes were enhanced in the 18- and 32-week-old chickens treated with live vaccine, compared to the corresponding control chickens. Among the killed vaccine treated birds, Con A-mediated response was higher in the 18-week-old chickens compared to the corresponding control birds. Increased proliferation was accompanied by increased CD4 and reduced CD8 and gammadelta T-lymphocytes in the 18-week-old live vaccine treated chickens. Relative expression of IL-2 mRNA in Con A-stimulated splenocytes from 18-week-old birds was not affected by vaccine treatment. Overall, live vaccine was more effective in increasing the lymphocyte proliferation to Con A as well as SE antigen. This enhanced CMI may prove beneficial in protecting chickens against SE infection.  相似文献   

1. The efficacy of a commercial competitive exclusion (CE) product, BROILACT, was tested in pilot-scale trials involving groups of 100 broiler chicks. 2. Each group was challenged with Salmonella infantis through contact with infected seeder birds and numbers of salmonellae in the caecal contents were determined weekly. 3. The performance of the birds was also monitored over a 5-week period. 4. The results showed a gradual decline of the infection, even in the untreated groups, and a dose-dependent response to treatment. 5. The treatment had no significant effect on the performance of the birds.  相似文献   

In Germany now, the recognition of Salmonella infections in pig herds is based on three different commercial tests detecting antibodies against Salmonella-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, a serious disadvantage of these tests, used so far, is the restricted detection of antibodies belonging predominantly to the immunoglobulin class g (IgG). Therefore, a new test was developed to detect three Ig classes (IgM, IgG and IgA). Different constellations between the three Ig classes allow the evaluation of the current infection status of each pig. Under field conditions, this was proved in three different vaccination trials using a commercial Salmonella Typhimurium live vaccine.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that Salmonella enteritidis infections in hens undergoing molt via feed withdrawal were more severe than in full fed hens. We conducted two trials to determine if immunizing specific-pathogen-free, Salmonella-culture-negative hens via aerosol exposure to MeganVacl, a commercially available attenuated Salmonella typhimurium vaccine, would reduce transmission of S. enteritidis from infected hens to uninfected but contact-exposed hens during a molt. In trial 1, one group of hens received two aerosol doses of vaccine 2 wk apart whereas a second group of hens remained nonvaccinated. In trial 2, the vaccinated group received only one dose of vaccine. Two weeks after the final immunization, feed was removed from all the hens, and on day 4, the center hen in rows of 11 hens received a dose of 3 x 10(5) (trial 1) or 1.3 x 10(6) (trial 2). Transmission to the unchallenged hens was followed 3, 10, 17, and 24 days later. Vaccination reduced the horizontal spread of S. enteritidis in vaccinated hens compared with their nonvaccinated counterparts, with vaccinated hens shedding significantly less S. enteritidis on day 10 postchallenge in trial 1 and on days 3, 10, 17, and 24 in trial 2. Recovery of S. enteritidis from ovaries was significantly reduced in the vaccinated hens in trial 1 and from livers/spleens, ovaries, and cecum in trial 2. These studies indicate that immunization of hens with a live S. typhimurium vaccine could help reduce S. enteritidis problems during a molt situation.  相似文献   

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