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A series of trials was carried out in which barn-dried hay and silage were fed to young fattening cattle with or without supplementary barley. Liveweight-gains on silage and barn-dried hay alone were too low to provide an adequate finish during winter feeding. Liveweight-gains on hay alone were always higher than those obtained on silage alone, the difference being more marked in lighter animals. There was a marked response to supplements of 3 and 4 lb (1.4 and 1.8 kg) of barley, the response being significantly greater in silage-fed cattle than in those fed on barn-dried hay. There was some evidence of growth compensation with the introduction of a barley supplement to cattle on silage diets, but there was no such response in those fed on hay. Compensatory growth was not accompanied by improved digestibility or N retention.  相似文献   

Three trials were carried out to compare the feeding value of silage and barn-dried hay for fattening bullocks of approximately 8 cwt initial body weight. In each case the silage and hay were cut from the same sward at the same time. In the first trial the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·88 lb/day while those self-fed on silage gained 1·55 lb/day during a 70-day feeding period. In the second trial of 70 days, the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·96 lb/day and those fed on silage from a trough gained 2·39 lb/day. In the third trial, individually-fed bullocks housed in stalls and given the same hay and silage as used in Trial 2 gained 123 lb/day on hay and 127 lb/day on silage. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the findings of other workers.  相似文献   

A review of American literature indicates that barn drying of hay and silage making are both greatly superior to the field curing of hay in preserving nutrients. This is true of total dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and ash; crude-fibre losses are greater in silage making. Energy losses run parallel with dry matter. Bam drying of hay with heat preserves a rather greater proportion of nutrients than does silage making.
Chemical composition and digestibility are mostly a function of stage of maturity of the crop at the time of cutting. Actual carbohydrate (energy) losses are greater than protein losses in all methods. The influence of method of conservation is unimportant if conservation is properly carried out, but considerable deterioration can result from bad application. Field-cured hay usually suffers most in this respect, due to weather damage.
The conservation processes reviewed have no influence per se on feeding value where each is applied under ideal conditions. Differences found in practice are usually linked to the stage of maturity or to weather damage, which explains the usually superior feeding value of silage and barn-dried hay over field-cured hay.
When the efficiency of each method is compared by determining the quantity of milk produced from equal areas of forage, conserved in the three different ways, barn-dried hay is somewhat superior to silage, but both are greatly superior to field-cured hay.  相似文献   

Three comparisons were made, with non-lactating fistulated cows, of the voluntary intake of silage and hay prepared from similar herbage. On average 28% more dry matter was eaten as hay than as silage. Silage and hay had similar digestibilities, but silage residues tended to remain in the gut longer than those of hay. The amount of digesta in the reticulo-rumen immediately after a meal ad lib . was greater with hay than with silage. The cows spent longer eating and ruminating per kg dry matter of silage than of hay. The results are discussed in relation to possible factors determining the voluntary intake of silage.  相似文献   

Experiments with cows and sheep are described in which the voluntary intakes of hay and silage of differing digestibility were determined. The voluntary intake of hay increased consistently with increasing digestibility, but the relationship was not as well defined for silage. The addition of concentrates depressed the intake of hay, and this effect was more marked for hay with a high digestibility than with poorer quality hay. Concentrates appeared to depress the intake of hay by sheep more than by cows, an effect which was again more marked when the hay had a high digestibility value.  相似文献   

Treating cut herbage with a roller-crusher or a crimper resulted in an increased drying rate compared with tedding. A higher rate of drying was obtained when herbage was treated within a short period of the crop being cut, this effect being more marked with the crimper than with the tedder. Nutrient loss was higher when a crimper was used than with a roller-crusher or tedder. Applying water at an early stage in the drying process did not have a marked effect on nutrient loss, but appeared to decrease the digestibility of the crimped hay.  相似文献   

Trials are described in which various mechanical treatments of hay in the field were compared. Cutting the crop with a forage harvester resulted in very rapid drying of the hay, but this was accompanied by very high nutrient losses. When the crop was tedded with the harvester the hay dried more quickly than with conventional ledding, the nutrient loss being similar for these two treatments. Tedding with either a harvester or a conventional machine appeared to increase the loss of nutrients compared with less severe treatment, but this loss appears to be acceptable as tedding considerably reduces the risk of the hay being weathered.  相似文献   

Foliar application of CUSO4 to mature grass to increase the Cu content of the hay crop was markedly affected by rainfall within 24 h of the time of application. The mean Cu concentration of hay treated with 5·6 and 11·2 kg CuSO4/ha was 100 and 208 ppm, respectively, when no rainfall occurred during this period, but only 24 and 41 ppm when rain fell within 24 h. Rain 4 or 5 days after spray application had no effect on the ultimate Cu concentration of the hay. It is suggested that sheep could safely graze the aftermath as, with one exception, concentrations of Cu found were only from 11·4 to 20·6 ppm. l±l kg CuSO4/ha applied in dry conditions was sufficient to raise Cu concentrations in hay to levels which should preclude the occurrence of Cu deficiency when fed to cattle in winter. Reductions in hay yield following CUSO4 applications in dry weather suggest a need to examine the use of more dilute sprays, or other means for increasing the Cu content of hay.  相似文献   

The nitrogen-free extractive (or soluble carbohydrate) and total nitrogen contents of the stems and leaves of lucerne hay were separated into three fractions, soluble in (a) 90% ethanol, (b) cold water, and (c) acid + alkali of the same concentrations as used in the crude fibre determinations. Total and "soluble" lignin contents were also determined.
The soluble carbohydrates in the stems comprised a lower proportion of the simpler types (90% ethanol soluble) and a higher proportion of a more complex nature (acid + alkali soluble) than in the leaves. The differences between the 90% ethanol soluble fractions were not due to the sugars but to unidentified materials which would include oligosaccharides, acids, saponins and possibly other constituents of an unknown nature.
The lignin content of the stems was more than three times that of the leaves, but, in both parts of the plant, the amount of "soluble" lignin was small.
In the stems, "protein" nitrogen constituted a lower proportion of the total nitrogen, and was possibly of a less digestible type than that in the leaves.
These results added emphasis to the importance of preventing leaf loss during the conservation of lucerne hay, not only to prevent actual loss of material but also in order to preserve its nutritive value.  相似文献   

Three experiments examine the effects of giving small supplements of flaked maize to steers on the digestibility and retention of nutrients from rations of grass silage, lucerne hay and fresh lucerne. The digestibility of the dry matter, crude fibre and crude protein of the silage ration was depressed by the successive additions of 1, 2 or 3 Ib flaked maize per day. There was a tendency for the steers to retain more nitrogen as the level of starch supplementation increased, in spite of a lowered crude-protein digestibility. The digestibilities of the constituents of lucerne hay and fresh lucerne were slightly increased by the addition of 2 and 4 Ib flaked maize per day. The reasons are discussed for the different effect of the supplemental starch on the digestibility of the crude fibre from grass silage and from fresh or cured lucerne. Attention is drawn to the increase in the retention of N following the supplementation of silage with starch.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from a continuous digestibility trial with Eragrostis curvula were analyzed for cell-wall contents, acid-detergent fibre, lignin, asb and N. DM digestibility was regressed on all these fractions and organic-matter digestibility was also regressed on faecal organic-matter N. The best predictions of digestibility were obtained by the use of faecal lignin as a percentage of acid-detergent fibre, and by cell-wall contents. N was a comparatively poor predictor and it is shown that its relationship with organic-matter digestibility varies with the level of N in the diet. It is concluded that both lignin and cell-wall contents could serve as useful internal indicators since their use is unlikely to be biassed by metabolic and microbial contamination.  相似文献   

A continuous digestibility trial, lasting 50 days with subperiods of 5 days each, was made with the spring regrowth of Eragrostis curvula grown in the semi-arid region of Argentina. Five sheep were used to measure the digestibility of DM, organic-matter, cell-wall contents and N. DM yield was estimated simultaneously. The fall in digestibility of all fractions examined was described by quadratic equations. Cell-wall digestibility explained 91% of the variation in organic-matter digestibility. The rate of decrease in crude-protein digestibility increased with time and was particularly noticeable after about 40 days of growth. Digestible DM yield increased at a decreasing rate as maturity advanced, but digestible crude-protein content decreased linearly throughout the trial. It is concluded that the optimum stage of maturity for weeping lovegrass utilization depends upon the performance required from the animals that are to utilize it.  相似文献   

The changes in chemical composition during haymaking, the loss of nutrients in the field and during storage, and the nutritive value of swath-cured and tripoded hay were compared. In good weather no advantage was gained by tripoding the hay. The nutritive value of the hays made by the two methods was similar and the loss of dry matter in the field slightly lower in the swath-cured hay. In a bad season, however, the nutrient loss in the swath-cured hay greatly exceeded that occurring in the tripoded hay and the starch equivalent, as shown by the results of digestibility trials, was markedly lower for the swath-cured.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis for dry-matter, nitrogen and major base content of 9 silage effluents obtained from farm silos and 3 effluents from experimental tower silos are presented. The mean values obtained for the principal plant nutrients in the 12 effluents examined were 0·19% N, 0·037% P and 0·38% K. The results indicate that effluents may be a useful source of plant nutrients, particularly when undiluted with rainwater, and that, in general, silage effluents appear to be superior to liquid manure in manurial value.  相似文献   

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