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The European Commission intends to change its animal disease control strategy following the slogan "Prevention is better than cure". Vaccination and diagnostics should play a major role in emergency situations. A policy paper regarding the use of vaccines has been discussed with all Member States and the main aspects were evaluated in a questionnaire. In principle, the majority of Member States are in favour of a future strategy in which vaccination is replacing culling. However, questions regarding the pathogen freedom and the trade of vaccinated animals and animal products from vaccinated animals still remain open.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of the Colombian animal production and health system. Preliminary epidemiological investigations and assessment of economic impact have identified bovine infertility, hemoparasites, helminths, and vesicular diseases as priority areas for future research and control. It has also been found that bovine infertility, to a very large extent, is due to faults in management and feeding. This situation leads to the conclusion that Colombia needs to find new ways to obtain comprehensive and unbiased information on the above mentioned productivity depressing factors which it is not now receiving through its reporting system, and that Colombia needs to extend its animal health coverage into the less privileged areas possibly through animal health management advisory schemes. Ongoing research and development efforts in general epidemiology and economics, as well as those regarding the above mentioned disease complexes are described.  相似文献   

Pork production began to flourish in the USA after the practice of finishing pigs on corn was popularized in the late 1600s. By the 1840s, there were 35 million pigs and 20 million people in the USA and Cincinnati was the world's largest pork market. Between 1890 and the present, the total number of pigs in the USA has remained at 50-60 million, but dramatic changes in swine husbandry over the course of the 20th century have metamorphosed pig production from small, extensive (outdoor), labor-dependent enterprises into large, intensive (indoor), capital-dependent, production systems. This development has led to debate concerning the impact of swine production on animal/human health, the environment, and the welfare of the animals under our care. In a very tangible way, the future of pork production depends on effectively addressing the public's concerns regarding animal welfare and health. Here, we review basic sensory and behavioral aspects of swine with the objective of reaching a better understanding of pig behavior and pig welfare. The premise of this discussion is that safeguarding animal welfare and health is good for pigs, pork producers and the animal-conscious public.  相似文献   

A review of the scientific literature and the historical publications regarding the use of animal by-products as an animal feed ingredient was conducted. Recent reports of animal cases and human cases associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agents have resulted in safety questions regarding the use of animal by-products as animal feed ingredients. A review of published literature indicates that the risk associated with the utilization of these products is very minimal risk to the human population. In addition, the environmental and economic consequences of not utilizing these products in proven and safe systems will have greater adverse consequences for the general population.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is being accorded an increasingly important role in today's civil society. Within the EU, this has been enshrined within the specific “Protocol on Protection and Welfare of Animals” annexed to the EC Treaty, obliging Member States and the EU Institutions to pay full regard to the welfare of animals when formulating and implementing Community legislation. There is a growing body of EU legislation on this issue, founded on sound scientific principles (including the role of EFSA in providing independent scientific advice), taking account of public concerns, stakeholder input and possible socio-economic implications. Recent CAP reforms also testify to animal welfare's growing stature in policy-making, with the introduction of the principle of cross-compliance regarding eligibility for direct payments and additional financial incentives for producers to achieve higher standards. Animal welfare is being increasingly perceived as an integral element of overall food quality, having important knock-on effects on animal health and food safety. On a worldwide level, the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) has embarked on an initiative to develop global animal welfare guidelines and standards mandated by 167 member countries and the issue remains on the agenda for future WTO negotiations. Consumers demand higher standards of animal protection and it is incumbent upon policy-makers and legislators to respond accordingly.  相似文献   

O bjectives : The expectations of small animal pet owners in Great Britain were evaluated on a number of issues regarding aseptic practice and clinical management and compared with final year veterinary students' assessment of actual veterinary practice.
M aterials and M ethods : A survey was completed by 328 small animal pet owners and 56 veterinary practices in Great Britain. Questions from the pet owner survey related to expectations and opinions on a number of surgical issues and questions from the veterinary surgeon survey examined veterinary practice in relation to the same issues. Comparisons were made to determine whether there were any differences between pet owner expectations and veterinary student assessment of actual practice of small animal first opinion clinics.
R esults : In the majority of issues examined there was a significant mismatch between client expectation and provisions made. Of particular importance was the discrepancy regarding the use of surgical gloves and administration of analgesia.
C linical S ignificance : These results suggest that attempts should be made to understand and improve the disparity that exists between small animal pet owners and veterinary surgeons in Great Britain.  相似文献   

与牛乳相比,特色乳的营养物质含量丰富,具有多种生物活性,如抗菌活性、抗肿瘤活性和缓解疲劳作用等,但消费者对特色乳的营养价值了解较少,其产量、市场占比与消费量均较低.目前特色乳研究主要集中在对营养成分的分析及单一的功能活性,忽略了特色乳中所有功效成分的整体效果,对特色乳的功能活性成分、生理作用及作用机制缺少系统研究.本文...  相似文献   

草地系统的安全健康关系到当地畜牧业的可持续发展。运用1978-2008年天水市关山南麓地区历年畜群数及清水、张家川气象站牧草生长期历年日照时数、平均温度及降水量测量值,构建评价该地草地压力的指数模型分析该地区畜群数、草地生产潜力及草地压力指数的动态变化。结果表明:近30年来天水市关山南麓地区畜群数随年份以1.76×104羊单位/a的速度逐年增加,草地生产潜力变化不大,草地生态压力指数以0.02/a的速度逐年上升。近5年来草地严重超载,畜群数已超过了草地的承载能力。适当限制畜群规模及扩大草地面积是未来当地畜牧业可持续发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to develop a model for the prediction of dry matter intake by lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows. To estimate the model parameters, a calibration dataset was compiled with the data from 32 feeding experiments conducted at 9 different sites. The database contained weekly information on 1507 lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows regarding their diet composition and feed analysis, together with their individual voluntary feed intake, milk yield (MY), milk composition, parity, days in lactation and days pregnant.Dry matter intake was predicted from feed and animal characteristics. The feed chemical composition and digestibility can be related to feed degradation, bulk volume, intake rate, palatability and other factors influencing feed intake. Therefore, the data of standard feed analysis were used to estimate the satiety value of numerous commonly used feeds and forages. The satiety value is the measure of the extent to which a feed limits intake. The cows' ability to process the intake-limiting satiety value-units is expressed as the feed intake capacity, which is predicted from parity, days in milk and days of pregnancy which are indicators of the size and physiological state of the cow. This study shows that feed intake can be predicted using a limited number of easy-to-measure inputs that are available on commercial farms, yet reasonably biologically sound. Because the model inputs are not related to animal output (milk yield or body weight), future extension of the intake model with models for the prediction of animal performance is possible.  相似文献   

本文叙述了铬的研究历史,铬的分类、不同类型的铬在动物及人体内的吸收情况,铬的代谢分布情况;重点阐述了铬的生物学作用、铬对畜禽生产性能的影响及铬对动物免疫、应激功能的影响,最后对铬的未来研究作了展望。  相似文献   

Recent developments in the European and national legislation regarding minimum standards for the keeping of laying hens will be causing changed conditions for egg production in the medium term. Enriched cages shall allow hens to better fulfill their needs than traditional battery cages. More space for the stretching of wings and legs, perches for resting, littered areas for scratching, pecking and dustbathing and nests for egg-laying behaviour shall allow layers to perform more of their normal behaviour patterns. However, regarding the sustainability of these systems there are different views and still a great lack of scientific data and practical experience. An overview is given on the development of European and national animal welfare legislation concerning laying hens, minimum requirements for enriched cages and the available evidence about animal behaviour, performance and health in these systems. Furthermore, a current project at the School of Veterinary Medicine Hannover on the animal welfare assessment of enriched cages, specifically on the Aviplus cage system, which was one of the first systems on the market and is in accordance with EU-directive, is introduced.  相似文献   

The Veterinary Control Act of 1844 was the first to regulate in entirety the control of infectious diseases in animals and questions of sanitary inspection of animal food products in the Kingdom of Poland. The act listed explicit procedures regarding diagnostics, control and eradication of diseases as well as concerning animal food product inspection. The act required that animal owners become familiar with symptoms of animal diseases, their methods of control and that they prevent their spreading. The obligations of veterinarians, state physicians and administrative control bodies in the control of animal diseases were specified by the act. Besides the main text on the control of diseases and meat inspection the act also contains elements of food law, some norms concerning public law and order (e.g. requirements concerning dogs) and even some regulations on animal protection.  相似文献   

本文对利用分子生物学技术改造或生产动物性营养物质;在分子水平上研究营养与基因表达、调控的关系,以从根本上阐明营养对机体的作用机制;利用基因工程技术开发饲料资源等三个方面进行了综述。最后探讨了分子生物学在动物营养中的存在问题及应用前景。  相似文献   

Recognizing the crucial role of veterinarians in mitigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has funded the development of a suite of educational materials to promote the responsible veterinary medical use of antimicrobials. An open-access, Web-based multimedia curriculum regarding antimicrobial resistance in veterinary practice was thus created. The antimicrobial-resistance learning site (AMRLS) for veterinary medical students was completed and made available for use in January 2011 (http://amrls.cvm.msu.edu/). Designed for integration into existing veterinary medical courses, the AMRLS is also a resource for continuing education for practicing veterinarians, animal scientists, and food-animal industry specialists. This Web site emphasizes the mechanisms by which AMR emerges and spreads, the significant role of veterinarians in mitigating AMR, and the need to preserve the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations.  相似文献   

Simulation modeling can be used in aiding decision-makers in deciding when to invest in additional research and when the risky animal disease-import decision should go forward. Simulation modeling to evaluate value-of-information (VOI) techniques provides a robust, objective and transparent framework for assisting decision-makers in making risky animal and animal product decisions. In this analysis, the hypothetical risk from poultry disease in chicken-meat imports was modeled. Economic criteria were used to quantify alternative confidence-increasing decisions regarding potential import testing and additional research requirements. In our hypothetical example, additional information about poultry disease in the exporting country (either by requiring additional export-flock surveillance that results in no sign of disease, or by conducting additional research into lack of disease transmittal through chicken-meat ingestion) captured >75% of the value-of-information attainable regarding the chicken-meat-import decision.  相似文献   

Against a background of social, political, and environmental change, the challenge to provide the most appropriate education for future veterinarians is daunting. A consideration of the multiple roles of veterinarians in our future society indicates that a different perspective is essential for progress to be made. One example of an approach to reach such a perspective is the Animal Health Foresight Project, which was jointly sponsored in 2005 by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the US Department of Agriculture. A new paradigm emerged from this study. This article explores the conclusions of this project and their potential implications for the future of animal health and for veterinary medical education. Outcomes of the Foresight Project led to the development of a new paradigm. The implications for and the possible influence on future animal health and on veterinary medical education are contemplated.  相似文献   

Less than three decades have elapsed since the specialty of laboratory animal medicine was first formally recognized. Tremendous progress and maturation has occurred in this short time frame due in large part to the foresight of early pioneers in the field, attention to the moral and ethical use of animals, and the recognition by the biomedical research community of the indispensable role played by the laboratory animal medicine specialist in forging new knowledge in the biomedical sciences. The ability of laboratory animal medicine specialists to properly balance their efforts in collaborative and independent research, clinical services and teaching, offers exciting challenges and opportunities for veterinarians entering the specialty. Undoubtedly, another challenge to the specialty, currently and in the foreseeable future, is the debate over animal rights which began to ferment in the late 1970's, after lying relatively dorment since the 1950's. A growing number of Americans, including some scientists, contend that animals have inherent rights to a full life, free of intentional pain, even when done in legitimate scientific pursuits; some ardent anti-vivisectionists state that the use of animals in experimental research is immoral. The laboratory animal medicine specialist will have to effectively deal with the administrators of institutions using research animals, the attendant federal and state guidelines and laws regulating their use, and defend the use of laboratory animals to a polarized public, while at the same time ensure the humane care and use of animals under their purview. Certainly, the specialty is squarely placed in a hotly debated dilemma, fraught with ethical, moral, medical, philosophical, religious, and political complexities. I believe the specialty has the vision and maturity, and is indeed ready, to successfully meet that challenge - to assuage public concern, implement new federal policy regarding animal care and use, and maintain the excellent progress in laboratory animal medicine realized in the last 75 years.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is of increasing importance in livestock production and consumption debates. However, discordance exists between citizens' and farmers' perception of animal welfare. Since the search for, and the realization of improvements towards farm animal welfare is strongly driven by citizen expectations, it is of utmost importance to better understand this perceptual discordance. A quantitative study was done in Flanders, Belgium during 2006, including citizens as well as farmers, to obtain a detailed insight in the way the multi-dimensional concept of farm animal welfare is valued. This allowed to discriminate between issues of agreement and disagreement. In general, a similar interpretation of farm animal welfare in terms of animal welfare related aspect's ranking was found. Differences were mainly related to aspects dealing with the ability to engage in natural behaviour on the one hand and with production process-related aspects on the other hand. Citizens evaluate the current state of animal welfare as rather problematic, while farmers report a more satisfactory evaluation of the present condition of farm animal welfare. Especially differing opinions regarding the ability to engage in natural behaviour, together with aspects related to pain, stress and the availability of space seem to contribute to the discordance between farmers and citizens in terms of evaluative beliefs.  相似文献   

中国畜禽遗传资源的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为生物多样性重要组成部分的家畜遗传资源库对当今和将来人类的食品和农业生产具有主要的经济、科学及文化价值.本文论述了动物遗传资源的现状、系统分类、评价方法,动物遗传资源的保存和利用研究进展.  相似文献   

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