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Sir, — The leptospiral serovars that have been cultured in New Zealand are pomona, copenhageni, ballum and hardjo. (Anon., 1951 Anon. N.Z. Dept Agric. A. Rep. 1950–1 1951 28 28  [Google Scholar]; Kirschner and Gray, 1951 Kirsch, W. 1974. Clinical observations in infection with L. tarassovi. Proc. int. Symp. on Leptospiroses, Smolenice, : 277279. Czechoslovakia, September 11 to 13, 1973 [Google Scholar]; Anon., 1967a Anon. Leptospiral Serotype Distribution Listsaccording to Host and Geographical Area U.S. Dept of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service 1966  [Google Scholar]; Lake, 1973 Kirschner, L. and Gray, W. G. 1951. Leptospirosis in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 50: 342351.  [Google Scholar], respectively.) Serological evidence of serovar tarassovi has been published (Russell and Hansen, 1958 Rogers, R. J., Flanagan, M. and Hill, M. W. M. 1972. A survey of infectious causes of reproductive failure in beef cattle in north-eastern Australia. Aust. vet. J., 48: 203207.  [Google Scholar]) but it is believed that until now no members of this serogroup have been isolated in New Zealand.  相似文献   

An overdose of up to 850 levothyroxine sodium tablets (0.2 mg) in a healthy 6-year-old 16.8-kg dog induced an episode of vomiting and hippus within 9 hours of ingestion. The dog was treated with activated charcoal and saline (magnesium sulfate) cathartic. Initially the serum concentration of thyroxine (T4) 4,900.9 nmol/L. On the second day, serum concentration of triiodothyronine (T3) was 5.3 nmol/L. Serum T4 concentration decreased slowly and was not determined to be normal until day 36. Serum T3 concentration was found to be normal on day 6. Serum alanine transaminase activity peaked on day 6 at 345 U/L. Significant abnormalities were not found during the following 36 days. Clinical signs of thyroid hormone toxicosis in dogs and cats include hyperactivity, lethargy, tachycardia, tachypnea, dyspnea, abnormal pupillary light reflexes, vomiting, and diarrhea. High overdoses of levothyroxine sodium in dogs should be managed by initial decontamination and administration of activated charcoal with a cathartic followed by supportive care.  相似文献   

Objective – To describe the management and outcome of a dog presenting with intractable seizures associated with traumatic brain injury. Case Summary – A spayed female Wheaten Terrier was presented to an emergency clinic with neurologic deficits (modified Glasgow coma scale of 10) shortly after a road traffic accident. Seizures were uncontrolled despite aggressive pharmacologic intervention. Controlled hypothermia to achieve a rectal temperature of 33–35°C (91.4–95°F) was initiated as a protective measure to reduce intracranial pressure and cerebral metabolic rate, and to assist with seizure control. Intubation and mechanical ventilation were required to protect the airway and manage hypercapnia associated with hypoventilation. The patient went on to make a full recovery, although behavioral changes were noted by the owners for an 8‐week period following injury. New or Unique Information Provided – To the author's knowledge, this is the first instance of therapeutic hypothermia reported in the veterinary literature. A short review of this treatment modality is provided.  相似文献   

Objective: To report successful treatment of severe salt intoxication and hypernatremia in a dog. Case summary: A 5‐year‐old intact female Doberman Pinscher was admitted to the intensive care unit with a history of seizures and coma. The owner had administered approximately 100 g of cooking salt to induce vomiting following ingestion of a nontoxic dose (10 g) of chocolate. Upon admission, the dog was comatose with intermittent seizures and vomiting. Diagnostic tests confirmed salt intoxication (Na: 200 mEq/L, Cl: 180 mEq/L) and metabolic acidosis (pH: 7.18; pCO2: 39 mmHg; HCO3: 14.3 mmol/L). Immediate treatment included intravenous fluid therapy, an anticonvulsant, antiemetic, diuretic, low molecular weight heparin, and supplemental oxygen. A fluid therapy protocol was initiated to decrease serum sodium concentration by approximately 2 mEq/L/hr. After 24 hours of intensive care, the patient regained consciousness and volume and acid‐base abnormalities improved. The patient developed a variety of abnormal clinical signs as a result of the severe hypernatremia. After 5 days of treatment, the serum sodium concentration returned to the established reference range. The patient recovered completely in 10 days. New information provided: Severe hypernatremia due to salt ingestion is a rare condition in dogs. All dogs in previous case reports of salt intoxication have died. This case report is the first to report survival of a dog with severe salt intoxication.  相似文献   

Essential thrombocythaemia in an eight-year-old Irish setter is described. The condition is characterised by an autonomous overproduction of thrombocytes in the absence of overt leukaemia. This is believed to be the first recorded case of this condition in the dog. The paper describes the diagnosis and treatment by combination chemotherapy using vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, cyclophosphamide and prednisolone.  相似文献   

A dog was presented in a comatose state with spastic convulsions. Five to six hours before admission the dog had been in a stableyard for some time. The dog recovered within three days, after symptomatic treatment with barbiturates and sodium bicarbonate. During the first day of observation, urinary examination revealed crystalluria, and the urinary precipitate consisted of sulphanilamide as identified by mass and infrared spectrometry. Sulphanilamide toxicity was diagnosed on the basis of the neurological disturbances and the concomitant presence of sulphanilamide crystals in the urine. The most plausible explanation of the accidental poisoning and unusual case of crystalluria was ingestion of a sulphanilamide-containing ointment used in the topical treatment of wounds and fetlock eczema in horses, to which the dog had access.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old, intact male, cocker spaniel was presented with hypothermia, without shivering, and progressive stupor leading to coma. Myxedema coma, potentially precipitated by diuretic therapy, was tentatively diagnosed and treatment initiated, but progressive respiratory depression led to the decision to euthanize. Postmortem findings supported the diagnosis of myxedema coma.  相似文献   

An invasive thymoma associated with pneumothorax and haemothorax is described in a 3^-year-old Labrador Retriever. Diagnosis was based upon radiological and surgical findings and confirmed at autopsy. The case is compared with other thymomas reported in the dog.  相似文献   

A young, overweight dog presented with sudden onset lethargy and collapse following exercise in warm environmental conditions. Investigations revealed systolic hypotension, multiform ventricular premature complexes, irregular myocardial echogenicity with poor left ventricular systolic function and a markedly elevated troponin cTnI (180 ng/mL, reference range <0.3 ng/mL) consistent with severe myocyte damage. Infectious causes of myocarditis were ruled out on the basis of serological and polymerase chain reaction blood tests. Exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia was excluded from the history, an exercise tolerance test and genetic testing for the RYR1 V547A mutation. The diagnosis was myocardial damage secondary to suspected exertional heatstroke, from which the dog recovered uneventfully over a number of weeks and serum troponin normalised. This is the first case report in any species including man, documenting high troponin as a marker of severe myocardial damage following suspected heatstroke.  相似文献   

An approximately 12-week-old, male fox terrier was presented for clinical and physical signs consistent with hydrocephalus. Diagnostic evaluation led to a diagnosis of external hydrocephalus and fibrinopurulent meningoencephalitis. Treatment consisted of antibiotics and the placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The dog improved neurologically and was alive and doing well 1 year following initial presentation. This is the first reported case of external hydrocephalus in the dog. The dog of this report exhibited clinical features consistent with a disorder termed hydrocephalus with periventricular encephalitis.  相似文献   

A six‐year‐old female spayed mixed‐breed dog was referred following a 3‐week history of lameness and progressive neurological deficits in both hindlimbs, and a 1‐week history of a cardiac arrhythmia. The dog was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, atrial fibrillation, myocardial dysfunction and arterial thromboembolism. Cardioversion occurred after 2 weeks of levothyroxine supplementation, with improved systolic function over time. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case reported in the veterinary or human literature documenting hypothyroidism with persistent atrial fibrillation being converted to sinus rhythm with levothyroxine as sole therapy.  相似文献   

为了对临床1例疑似为犬子宫蓄脓的病例进行诊疗,采用临床检查、血常规检查、血液生化检查、影像学检查以及组织病理学等方法进行诊断。血常规及血液生化检查结果表明,该患犬已出现严重细菌感染,影像学检查(DR)表明,双侧子宫角内蓄积大量脓汁,术后病理诊断结果为卵巢和输卵管出血、淤血。综合分析,确诊该犬为不完全闭锁型子宫蓄脓并发卵巢囊肿。经手术治疗及术后护理,病犬痊愈。通过对本病例的分析,以期为临床子宫蓄脓并发卵巢囊肿的诊疗提供临床参考。  相似文献   

Thrombosis is a potential complication of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) in dogs. An 8-year-old male Beagle diagnosed with pituitary-dependent HAC had complicated with thrombosis in the caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta, which was treated by hypophysectomy and antithrombotic therapy. After hypophysectomy, hypercortisolemia disappeared and the general condition was also significantly improved. Ultrasonography after hypophysectomy revealed that the thrombus remained in the abdominal aorta, but the thrombus in the caudal vena cava had disappeared. However 692 days after the hypophysectomy, the dog had an acute onset of dyspnea and died. Postmortem examination revealed the presence of thrombi in the abdominal aorta and the pulmonary artery. Observations from this case show that HAC dogs must be attention to thrombosis.  相似文献   

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