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Yolk coelomitis as a result of pre-ovulatory follicular stasis is a common disorder in captive reptiles, especially in captive lizards of various genera. The clinical signs are generally fairly non-specific and diagnosis is based on clinical signs together with most of the common diagnostic modalities. The condition is most likely a husbandry and environment-related reproductive disorder. It has not been reported in wild free-living specimens. This report describes the clinical presentation and post mortem lesions in a white-throated monitor lizard that died during treatment for non-specific clinical signs related to a severe yolk coelomitis.  相似文献   

An adult male Savannah monitor lizard (Varanus exanthematicus) was presented for bilateral lens opacities that had progressed rapidly over the previous 2 months. A diagnosis of bilateral mature cataracts was made and phacoemulsification cataract extraction was performed. Surgery restored vision and normal activity to the patient.  相似文献   

Two wild-caught Bosc's monitor lizards (Varanus exanthematicus) developed clinical signs of pentasomiasis approximately 3 yr after arrival in the United Kingdom. One died of chronic parasitic pneumonia associated with adult pentastomids of an undescribed Sambonia species. Eggs and immature pentastomids were also seen in histologic sections of the lungs and liver. The other animal was treated for pneumonia and for nodular inflammation of the larynx that restricted the diameter of the glottis. Fragments of pentastomid larvae were seen in a laryngeal biopsy, and the animal recovered after treatment with ivermectin and supportive therapy.  相似文献   

Enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium glycolicum was identified as the cause of circulatory collapse and death in a female, 3-yr-old, captive-bred ornate Nile monitor (Varanus ornatus). Anaerobic culture of fecal samples from 12 other monitor lizards from the collection failed to demonstrate the presence of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Plasma biochemical values are routinely used in the medical management of ill reptiles, and for monitoring the health of clinically normal animals. Laboratory tests, including clinical biochemical values, are subject to biological and analytical variation, the magnitude of which determines the utility of population-based reference ranges for the detection of abnormal results in the individual animal. Nested analysis of variance of repeated measurements allows the variance to be broken into within-individual, between-individual, and analytical variation. When the within-individual variation is large and the interindividual variation is low, a sample may be accurately classified as normal or abnormal based on a population-based reference interval. However, if the intraindividual variation is low and the interindividual variation high, population-based reference intervals are of limited value as the ranges for an individual encompass only a part of the conventional reference interval. Between-lizard, within-lizard, and analytical components of variance were assessed by nested analysis of variance for 16 commonly measured plasma biochemical parameters in eight healthy adult Dumeril's monitors (Varanus dumerili). Albumin, cholesterol, phosphate, calcium, sodium, and total protein demonstrated levels of individuality suggesting that comparison of a single measurement to a conventional population-based reference range may be too insensitive to detect small but significant alterations in the value for that animal. Only for potassium and AST did the index of individuality suggest that the use of reference values may be warranted. Uric acid, globulin, glucose, and amylase fell in a gray zone, where population-based ranges should be used with caution. The critical difference indicates the difference between two consecutive analytical results that may be safely ascribed to natural variation. In the present study critical difference varied from 7 and 11%, respectively, for sodium and chloride to 75 and 125% for uric acid and AST.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 16 adult, wild Mexican beaded lizards were obtained for complete blood count and serum biochemical analysis. In addition, both oral and cloacal swab samples were collected and submitted for bacteriologic culture. This is the first report of hematologic and bacterial data from free-living beaded lizards. This information will serve as baseline reference values for future health assessment studies in conservation, captive breeding, and research programs.  相似文献   

Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma with disseminated skeletal involvement was diagnosed in a 15-week-old Golden Retriever. The skeletal disease was characterized by diffuse, irregular areas of radiolucency most evident in the diaphyseal portion of long bones and was associated with gait abnormalities and signs of pain. Necropsy also revealed involvement of the spleen, liver, kidneys, and mesenteric lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Lymphosarcoma in a six year old male Doberman pinscher was accompanied by hypercalcemia, generalized osteolysis and renal calcification. Tumor involvement of bone marrow was extensive. The possible pathogenesis of hypercalcemia was thought to be the result of a locally active bone-resorbing factor secreted by the tumor cells.  相似文献   

A guinea pig with multicentric lymphosarcoma and conjunctival manifestation is described. Primary clinical signs were bilateral infiltrative conjunctival masses. Antemortem diagnosis was based on the cytology of biopsies of conjunctival tissue, fine-needle aspirates of peripheral lymph nodes, and peripheral blood smears.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old Thoroughbred mare was examined because of pollakiuria, hematuria, and weight loss of 3 weeks' duration. Physical examination revealed a regular cardiac rhythm with occasional premature contractions, and a soft tissue mass in the pelvic canal palpable per rectum. Microscopic examination of urine sediment revealed numerous RBC and a large population of lymphocytes and lymphoblasts with characteristics of neoplasia. Similar cells were found in peritoneal fluid obtained by abdominocentesis. The horse was euthanatized without treatment. Necropsy revealed a soft tissue mass infiltrating the bladder, vagina, and uterus. Additional masses were found in the sublumbar muscles and myocardium. The histologic diagnosis was lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   

Glossal stomatitis was observed in a Sudan plated lizard (Gerrhosaurus major) with severe dyspnea. On necropsy, intranuclear inclusion bodies were seen in the periglottal lingual epithelium. Labial stomatitis was seen in a second Sudan plated lizard and a black-lined plated lizard (G. nigrolineatus). Degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers targeting a conserved region of herpesvirus DNA-dependent DNA polymerase gene were used to amplify products from lesions from each lizard. Nucleotide sequencing of the PCR products showed that the sequence from each lizard was unique. Phylogenetic and comparative sequence analyses suggest that these viruses are novel members of the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, and they are here termed gerrhosaurid herpesviruses 1-3. Results of our analyses suggest that the genus Gerrhosaurus can be infected by these novel herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Induction and recovery from inhalation anesthesia of Dumeril's monitors (Varanus dumerili) using isoflurane, sevoflurane, and nitrous oxide (N2O) were characterized using a randomized crossover design. Mean times to induction for isoflurane in 100% oxygen (O2), sevoflurane in 100% O2, sevoflurane in 21% O2:79% nitrogen (N2; room air), and sevoflurane in 66% N2O:34% O2 were 13.00 +/- 4.55, 11.20 +/- 3.77, 10.40 +/- 2.50, and 9.40 +/- 2.80 min, respectively, at 26 degrees C (n = 10). Mask induction with sevoflurane was significantly faster than with isoflurane. There was no significant difference between the induction time for sevoflurane in O2 or in room air, but sevoflurane combined with N2O resulted in significantly faster inductions than were obtained with sevoflurane in 100% O2. All treatments resulted in a significantly higher respiratory rate than in undisturbed animals. There were no significant differences in respiratory rate among lizards receiving O2, isoflurane in 100% O2, sevoflurane in room air, and sevoflurane combined with N2O, but animals receiving sevoflurane in O2 had a lower respiratory rate than those receiving pure O2. The sequence of complete muscle relaxation during induction was consistent and not significantly different among the four treatments: front limbs lost tone first, followed by the neck and the hind limbs; then the righting reflex was lost and finally tail tone. There were no significant differences in recovery times between isoflurane and sevoflurane or between sevoflurane in 100% O2 and sevoflurane combined with N2O. Similar recovery times were observed in animals recovering in 100 and 21% O2.  相似文献   

Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of a new veterinary oscillometric noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitor in anesthetized dogs. Study design Assessment was made to determine how closely indirect measurements were associated with direct measurements, and if there were statistically significant differences between the measurements by site. Animals Six mongrel dogs weighing 27.8 ± 2.9 kg. Methods Dogs were anesthetized with thiopental and maintained with isoflurane, which was delivered with controlled ventilation. Direct pressure measurements were obtained via a percutaneously placed arterial catheter. A range of systolic arterial pressures (SAP) were achieved by changing the isoflurane concentrations. Sites of cuff placement for indirect measurements were identified as metacarpus, metatarsus, and anterior tibial. Results At pressures below 80 mm Hg, indirect systolic measurements averaged 4 ± 3 mm Hg, higher than the direct values. At normal and high levels, indirect systolic measurements underestimated direct values by 18 ± 6 and 23 ± 6 mm Hg, respectively. Diastolic and mean pressure measurements followed the same trend, with indirect values being lower than the direct arterial pressures. Systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure measurements differed by cuff‐placement site. Conclusions When analyzed by site and level, indirect systolic and mean arterial blood pressures during hypotension were essentially the same as direct pressures. However, at pressures within the normal or high range, indirect measurements underestimated the direct pressures. Clinical relevance Noninvasive blood pressure measurements with a new oscillometric monitor provided an excellent means of detecting arterial hypotension in anesthetized dogs. The metatarsal site for cuff placement was slightly better than the metacarpal or anterior tibial site, considering that the regression line was closest to complete equality between the indirect and direct measurements for SAP.  相似文献   

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