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近红外光谱分析法测定菜籽油中芥酸的含量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用多通道PDA型近红外光谱仪,应用偏最小二乘法建立了菜籽油中芥酸含量与近红外透射光谱的校正模型,讨论多项式求导及平滑的窗口宽度和相关系数法筛选有效波长对校正模型的影响,并对10个预测集样品利用预测相关系数Rp和预测均方根误差RMSEP指标进行了预测精度分析,结果发现:在使用全谱数据进行偏最小二乘回归建模时,一阶7点求导及平滑的预处理方法结果最佳,此时建模效果为:Rp=0.739,RMSEP=1.659;在此基础上通过相关系数法筛选波长后的建模效果为:Rp=0.958,RMSEP=0.963。后者Rp提高29%,RMSEP减少42%。由此可得出多项式求导及平滑法和相关系数法相结合对校正模型稳健性,预测精度都有较大提高的结论。研究证明:多通道近红外光谱仪快速测测菜籽油中芥酸含量的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used as a rapid and nondestructive method to determine the oil content and fatty acid composition in intact seeds of perilla [Perilla frutescens var. japonica (Hassk.) Hara] germplasms in Korea. A total of 397 samples (about 2 g of intact seeds) were scanned in the reflectance mode of a scanning monochromator, and the reference values for the oil content and fatty acid composition were measured by gravimetric method and gas-liquid chromatography, respectively. Calibration equations for oil and individual fatty acids were developed using modified partial least-squares regression with internal cross validation (n = 297). The equations for oil and oleic and linolenic acid had lower standard errors of cross-validation (SECV), higher R2 (coefficient of determination in calibration), and higher ratio of unexplained variance divided by variance (1-VR) values than those for palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid. Prediction of an external validation set (n = 100) showed significant correlation between reference values and NIRS estimated values based on the standard error of prediction (SEP), r2 (coefficient of determination in prediction), and the ratio of standard deviation (SD) of reference data to SEP. The models for oil content and major fatty acids, oleic and linolenic acid, had relatively higher values of SD/SEP(C) and r2 (more than 3.0 and 0.9, respectively), thereby characterizing those equations as having good quantitative information, whereas those of palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid had lower values (below 2.0 and 0.7, respectively), unsuitable for screening purposes. The results indicated that NIRS could be used to rapidly determine oil content and fatty acid composition (oleic and linolenic acid) in perilla seeds in the breeding programs for development of high-quality perilla oil.  相似文献   

The amount of energy derived from fat in foods is a requirement of U.S. nutrition labeling legislation and a significant factor in diet development by health professionals. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been used to predict total utilizable energy in cereal foods for nutrition labeling purposes, and in the current study, was investigated as a method for evaluation of the amount of energy derived from fat. Using NIR reflectance spectra (1104-2494 nm) of ground cereal samples and reference values obtained by calorimetry and by calculation, modified PLS regression models were developed for the prediction of percent energy from fat and energy from fat/g. The models were able to predict the percent of utilizable energy derived from fat with SECV and R(2) of 1.86-1.89% of kcal (n = 51, range 0-43.0) and 0.98, respectively, and SEP and r(2) of 1.74% of kcal (n = 55, range 0-38.0) and 0.98, respectively, when used to predict independent validation samples. Results indicate that NIR spectroscopy provides useful methods for predicting the energy derived from fat in food products.  相似文献   

采用CYTL-1型食用油净化机处理使用中的煎炸油,通过正交试验确定了最佳工艺参数为:过滤温度90℃,过滤压力0.2×106 Pa,滤程300 mm,劣变的煎炸油经处理后卫生指标显著改善,油经处理后回收率达97%。  相似文献   

NIR transflectance spectroscopy was used to analyze fructose, glucose, and moisture in honey. A total of 161 honey samples were collected during 1992 (46), 1995 (58), and 1996 (57). Samples were analyzed by instrumental, enzymatic (fructose and glucose), and refractometric (moisture) methods. Initially, different calibrations were performed for each of the 3 years of sampling. Good predictions were obtained for all three components with equations of the particular year. But good predictions were not always obtained when the equations calculated one year were applied to samples from another year. To perform a lasting calibration, unique calibration (121 samples) and validation (40 samples) sets were built; honeys of the 3 years were included in both sets. Good statistics (bias, standard error of validation (SEV), and R(2)) were obtained for all three components of the validation set. No statistically significant differences (p = 0.05) were found between instrumental and reference methods.  相似文献   

Total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen (SN), nonprotein nitrogen (NPN), and acid-detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) were analyzed in grass silage by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. A set of 144 samples was used to calibrate the instrument by modified partial least-squares regression, and the following statistical results were achieved: standard error of calibration (SEC) = 0.449 and square correlation coefficient (R (2)) = 0.98 for total nitrogen x 6.25, SEC = 0.425 and R (2) = 0.95 for SN x 6.25, SEC = 0.414 and R (2) = 0.94 for NPN x 6.25, and SEC = 0.139 and R (2) = 0.84 for ADIN x 6.25. To validate the calibration performed, a set of 48 silage samples was used. Standard errors of prediction were 0.76, 0.64, 0.63, and 0.25 for total nitrogen, SN, NPN, and ADIN (all of them multiplied by 6.25), respectively, and R (2) for the regression of measurements by reference method versus NIR analysis were 0.94, 0.92, 0.90, and 0.48 for total nitrogen, SN, NPN, and ADIN, respectively. To compare the results obtained by NIR spectroscopy with those obtained by the reference methods for total nitrogen, SN, and NPN of the validation set, linear regression and paired t tests were applied, and the results were not significantly different (p = 0.05). When mean square prediction error analysis was applied, it could be concluded that for total nitrogen, SN, and NPN, a robust calibration model was obtained and that the main error was unexplained error. Statistical data for ADIN were worse than those of the other parameters; as a result NIR spectroscopy is not an effective method for quantitative analyses of ADIN in silage; nevertheless, it may be an acceptable method for semiquantitative evaluation.  相似文献   

In this paper, changes in ultrasonic properties during thermoxidation of virgin olive oil were studied. Samples of virgin olive oil were heated over different periods of time from 2 to 16 h at 200 degrees C. Oil degradation was characterized by means of physical and chemical changes, i.e., viscosity, color, polar compounds, polymers, and polar fatty acids. Ultrasonic measurements were carried out while the oil sample was cooled from 35 to 25 degrees C. It was found that velocity and attenuation measurements were related to viscosity measurements through a classical equation for viscous liquids. The ultrasonic measurements were also related to the percentages of polar compounds and polymers, which shows the feasibility of using ultrasonic properties to monitor oil quality. Nevertheless, as long as the ultrasonic measurements are temperature dependent, this variable must be controlled in order to obtain repetitive and reliable measurements.  相似文献   

Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) was evaluated for the authentication of eight unifloral and polyfloral honey types (n = 364 samples) previously classified using traditional methods such as chemical, pollen, and sensory analysis. Chemometric evaluation of the spectra was carried out by applying principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. The corresponding error rates were calculated according to Bayes' theorem. NIR spectroscopy enabled a reliable discrimination of acacia, chestnut, and fir honeydew honey from the other unifloral and polyfloral honey types studied. The error rates ranged from <0.1 to 6.3% depending on the honey type. NIR proved also to be useful for the classification of blossom and honeydew honeys. The results demonstrate that near-infrared spectrometry is a valuable, rapid, and nondestructive tool for the authentication of the above-mentioned honeys, but not for all varieties studied.  相似文献   

The potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for determining the acid detergent fiber (ADF) in the seed of oilseed Brassica (fam. Brassicaceae) was assessed. One hundred and fifty accessions belonging to the species Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.& Coss.), Ethiopian mustard (B. carinata A. Braun) and rapeseed (B. napus L.) were scanned by NIRS as intact and ground seed, and their ADF values were regressed against different spectra transformations by modified partial least squares regression. The coefficients of determination in the external validation (r(2)) for intact and ground seed were 0.83 and 0.85, respectively. The standard deviation to standard error of prediction ratio and range to standard error of prediction ratio were 2.40 and 10.75 for intact seed and 2.62 and 11.76 for ground seed. No significant differences in the prediction were found for both sample presentations. Effects of the C-H and O-H groups of lipids and water, respectively, as well as protein and chlorophyll, were most important in modeling these equations.  相似文献   

The conventional means of measuring the fiber content of flax is time-consuming and laborious, and the results obtained vary with the analysis technique used. The plant tissues must first be "retted", a process by which the fibers are separated from the rest of the stem, either by indigenous organisms in the soil when the stems are left in the field or by water (anerobic bacteria) or enzymatic retting. The fiber content is then determined by mechanical or manual separation. In this study, fiber content of flax stems was measured rapidly and objectively by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using whole pieces of stem in a large cell, in reflectance mode. Compared to the conventional method, the standard error of performance of the NIRS method was between 0.96 and 1.45% (dry matter basis), depending on the model and data processing used. NIRS calibrations were generated by hand separation of fiber from water-retted specimens. The water retting procedure takes several days to complete and requires considerable trained labor to complete the hand separation step. The NIRS procedure was conducted on pieces of stem to simulate measurement in the field.  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a possible alternative to gas chromatography (GC) for the quantitative analysis of fatty acids in forages. Herbage samples from 11 greenhouse-grown forage species (grasses, legumes, and forbs) were collected at three stages of growth. Samples were freeze-dried, ground, and analyzed by GC and NIRS techniques. Half of the 195 samples were used to develop an NIRS calibration file for each of eight fatty acids, with the remaining half used as a validation data set. Spectral data, collected over a wavelength range of 1100-2498 nm, were regressed against GC data to develop calibration equations for lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), palmitoleic (C16:1), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and alpha-linolenic (C18:3) acids. Calibration equations had high coefficients of determination for calibration (0.93-0.99) and cross-validation (0.89-0.98), and standard errors of calibration and cross-validation were < 20% of the respective means. Simple linear regressions of NIRS results against GC data for the validation data set had r2 values ranging from 0.86 to 0.97. Regression slopes for C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C16:1, C18:2, and C18:3 were not significantly different (P = 0.05) from 1.0. The regression slope for C18:1 was 1.1. The ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation was > 3.0 for all fatty acids except C12:0 (2.6) and C14:0 (2.9). Validation statistics indicate that NIRS has high prediction ability for fatty acids in forages. Calibration equations developed using data for all plant materials accurately predicted concentrations of C16:0, C18:2, and C18:3 in individual plant species. Accuracy of prediction was less, but acceptable, for fatty acids (C12:0, C14:0, C18:0, C16:1, and C18:1) that were less prevalent.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight oil samples have been analyzed by visible and near-infrared transflectance spectroscopy. These comprised 46 pure extra virgin olive oils and the same oils adulterated with 1% (w/w) and 5% (w/w) sunflower oil. A number of multivariate mathematical approaches were investigated to detect and quantify the sunflower oil adulterant. These included hierarchical cluster analysis, soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA method), and partial least squares regression (PLS). A number of wavelength ranges and data pretreatments were explored. The accuracy of these mathematical models was compared, and the most successful models were identified. Complete classification accuracy was achieved using 1st derivative spectral data in the 400-2498 nm range. Prediction of adulterant content was possible with a standard error equal to 0.8% using 1st derivative data between 1100 and 2498 nm. Spectral features and chemical literature were studied to isolate the structural basis for these models.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using near-infrared spectroscopy to determine chemical composition of commercial honey was examined. The influences of various sample presentation methods and regression models on the performance of calibration equations were also studied. Transmittance spectra with 1 mm optical path length produced the best calibration for all constituents examined. The regression model of modified partial least squares (mPLS) was selected for the calibration of all honey constituents except moisture, for which the optimal calibration was developed with PLS. Validation of the established calibration equations with independent samples showed that the spectroscopic technique could accurately determine the contents of moisture, fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose with squared correlation coefficients (R(2)) of 1.0, 0.97, 0.91, 0.86, and 0.93 between the predicted values and the reference values. The prediction accuracy for free acid, lactone, and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) contents in honey was poor and unreliable. The study indicates that near-infrared spectroscopy can be used for rapid determination of major components in commercial honey.  相似文献   

NIR transflectance spectroscopy was used to determine polarimetric parameters (direct polarization, polarization after inversion, specific rotation in dry matter, and polarization due to nonmonosaccharides) and sucrose in honey. In total, 156 honey samples were collected during 1992 (45 samples), 1995 (56 samples), and 1996 (55 samples). Samples were analyzed by NIR spectroscopy and polarimetric methods. Calibration (118 samples) and validation (38 samples) sets were made up; honeys from the three years were included in both sets. Calibrations were performed by modified partial least-squares regression and scatter correction by standard normal variation and detrend methods. For direct polarization, polarization after inversion, specific rotation in dry matter, and polarization due to nonmonosaccharides, good statistics (bias, SEV, and R(2)) were obtained for the validation set, and no statistically (p = 0.05) significant differences were found between instrumental and polarimetric methods for these parameters. Statistical data for sucrose were not as good as those of the other parameters. Therefore, NIR spectroscopy is not an effective method for quantitative analysis of sucrose in these honey samples. However, NIR spectroscopy may be an acceptable method for semiquantitative evaluation of sucrose for honeys, such as those in our study, containing up to 3% of sucrose. Further work is necessary to validate the uncertainty at higher levels.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in diffuse reflectance mode was explored with the objective of discriminating sea salts according to their quality type (traditional salt vs "flower of salt") and geographical origin (Atlantic vs Mediterranean). Sea salts were also analyzed in terms of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), K(+), alkalinity, and sulfate concentrations to support spectroscopic results. High concentrations of Mg(2+) and K(+) characterized Atlantic samples, while a high Ca(2+) content was observed in traditional sea salts. A partial least-squares discriminant analysis model considering the 8500-7500 cm(-1) region permitted the discrimination of salts by quality types. The regions 4650-4350 and 5900-5500 cm(-1) allowed salts classification according to their geographical origin. It was possible to classify correctly 85.3 and 94.8% of the analyzed samples according to the salt type and to the geographical origin, respectively. These results demonstrated that NIR spectroscopy is a suitable and very efficient tool for sea salt quality evaluation.  相似文献   

The potential of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to determine the geographical origin of honey samples was evaluated. In total, 167 unfiltered honey samples (88 Irish, 54 Mexican, and 25 Spanish) and 125 filtered honey samples (25 Irish, 25 Argentinean, 50 Czech, and 25 Hungarian) were collected. Spectra were recorded in transflectance mode. Following preliminary examination by principal component analysis (PCA), modeling methods applied to the spectral data set were partial least-squares (PLS) regression and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA); various pretreatments were investigated. For unfiltered honey, best SIMCA models gave correct classification rates of 95.5, 94.4, and 96% for the Irish, Mexican, and Spanish samples, respectively; PLS2 discriminant analysis produced a 100% correct classification for each of these honey classes. In the case of filtered honey, best SIMCA models produced correct classification rates of 91.7, 100, 100, and 96% for the Argentinean, Czech, Hungarian, and Irish samples, respectively, using the standard normal variate (SNV) data pretreatment. PLS2 discriminant analysis produced 96, 100, 100, and 100% correct classifications for the Argentinean, Czech, Hungarian, and Irish honey samples, respectively, using a second-derivative data pretreatment. Overall, while both SIMCA and PLS gave encouraging results, better correct classification rates were found using PLS regression.  相似文献   

The legal method (polarimetric measurement) for the determination of sucrose content and the wet chemical analysis for the quality control of sugar beet uses lead acetate. Because heavy metals are pollutants, the law could forbid their use in the future. Therefore, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a procedure to replace these methods. However, there are alternatives to lead clarification, such as the use of aluminum salts, which have been applied at many sugar companies. The real advantage of NIRS is in speed and ease of analysis. The aim of this study was to determine simultaneously the concentration of several components which define the industrial quality of beets. The first objective was the determination of sucrose content, which determines the sugar beet price. The standard error of prediction (SEP) was low: 0.11 g of sucrose/100 g of fresh beet. NIRS was also able to determine other beet quality parameters: brix, marc, glucose, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, sugar in molasses (i.e. sucrose in molasses), and juice purity. The results concerning brix, marc, sugar in molasses, and juice purity were satisfactory. NIRS accuracy was lower for the other parameters. Nevertheless, RPD (ratio standard deviation of concentration/SEP) and RER (ratio concentration range/SEP ratio) show that NIRS might be used for the sample screening on nitrogen, potassium, sodium, and glucose content.  相似文献   

A rapid and easy determination method of green tea's quality was developed by using Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) reflectance spectroscopy and metabolomics techniques. The method is applied to an online measurement and an online prediction of green tea's quality. FT-NIR was employed to measure green tea metabolites' alteration affected by green tea varieties and manufacturing processes. A set of ranked green tea samples from a Japanese commercial tea contest was analyzed to create a reliable quality-prediction model. As multivariate analyses, principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least-squares projections to latent structures (PLS) were used. It was indicated that the wavenumber region from 5500 to 5200 cm(-1) had high correlation with the quality of the tea. In this study, a reliable quality-prediction model of green tea has been achieved.  相似文献   

The use of Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy and multivariate pattern recognition techniques for the rapid detection and identification of bacterial contamination in liquids was evaluated. The complex biochemical composition of bacteria yields FT-NIR vibrational transitions (overtone and combination bands) that can be used for classification and identification. Bacterial suspensions (Escherichia coli HB101, E. coli ATCC 43888, E. coli 1224, Bacillus amyloliquifaciens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, and Listeria innocua) were filtered to harvest the cells and eliminate the matrix, which has a strong NIR signal. FT-NIR measurements were done using a diffuse reflection-integrating sphere. Principal component analysis showed tight clustering of the bacterial strains at the information-rich spectral region of 6000-4000 cm(-1). The method reproducibly distinguished between different E. coli isolates and conclusively identified the relationship between a new isolate and one of the test species. This methodology may allow for the rapid assessment of potential bacterial contamination in liquids with minimal sample preparation.  相似文献   

Moisture, protein, wet gluten, dry gluten, and alveograph parameters (W, P, and P/L) of whole wheat grown in different countries around the world were analyzed using near infrared (NIR) transmittance spectroscopy. Modified partial least squares on NIR spectra (850-1048.2 nm) were developed for each constituent or physical property. The best models were obtained for protein, moisture, wet gluten, and dry gluten with r(2) = 0.99, 0.99, 0.95, and 0.96, respectively. Initial alveograph NIR models proposed for all wheat samples did not perform well. However, when wheat samples were divided in two groups depending on W (deformation energy) values, NIR models were highly improved, showing enough prediction accuracy for screening wheat at the receiving stage at mills or elevators.  相似文献   

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