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探讨了近红外光谱(NIRs)技术对实现热处理毛竹分选和性能在线检测的可能性。采集了3种不同温度(150,180和210℃)热处理及未处理毛竹的径切面近红外光谱信息,应用主成分分析方法与偏最小二乘法对竹材进行分类,并建立了热处理竹材的材色、密度以及力学性能预测模型。结果表明:1)近红外光谱二阶导数谱图在7 004和6 452 cm-1等吸收带处很好地反映了竹材热处理对应化学成分的变化,表明了近红外光谱变化与化学成分变化的一致性,也说明了NIRs用于快速分析热处理竹材材性的可能性; 2)热处理竹材在主成分得分图中呈明显的聚类分布特征,说明了NIRs技术对于热处理竹材良好的分类能力; 3)材色预测模型的模型参数R2≥0.93、RPD均大于3.90,表现出了非常好的材色预测性能。气干密度、绝干密度以及抗弯强度预测模型的R2分别为0.83,0.85和0.82,RPD分别为2.42,2.59和2.34,能够满足竹材性能的评估精度要求。  相似文献   

杉木热处理材结晶度及力学性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热处理对木材力学性能的影响是多样的,这与热处理条件下木材的物理化学变化密切相关。本次研究将杉木板材在160℃、180℃和220℃常压蒸汽条件下进行热处理,考察处理材的结晶度、抗弯弹性模量、抗弯强度及相互可能的关联。结果表明,热处理使试材结晶度增加,有助于提高木材的刚性,使热处理材的抗弯弹性模量高于常规对照材;结晶度的提高对抗弯强度没有改善作用,热处理后试材的抗弯强度明显下降。  相似文献   

在材种鉴定的基础上,通过近红外光谱(NIRS)定性分析了建成约600 a的木造古建筑木构件的化学组分,结合木构件化学组分定量分析,与现代木材相比较,探讨了近红外光谱技术评价木构件老化的可行性。结果表明:近红外二阶导数特征性谱带反映了木材纤维素以及半纤维素和木质素的基团信息,而其差谱反映出木构件与对照样化学组分变化。这些光谱特征与传统的化学组分定量分析的结果非常一致:纤维素和半纤维素相对含量减少而木质素相对含量增加,与各种组分谱带差谱的增减相对应。此外,在5 882,5 587和5 464 cm-1等谱带处反映的纤维素结晶和半结晶区的光谱信息,差谱观察到木构件与现代材落叶松之间化学组分的不变或减少,其结果与X射线衍射(XRD)方法获得的木材结晶度分析结果相一致。通过NIRS定性分析木构件化学组分及结晶度变化,接近于现场检测方法,使用便携式NIRS,在古建筑木构件端头裸露部位获取光谱信息,能够实现现场对木材化学组分的无损定性评价。本实验结果也表明,除了常规的红外光谱(FT-IR)、XRD分析技术,NIRS技术对于木构件老化状况的评价是一种有潜力的无损检测方法。  相似文献   

木材顺纹抗压强度是评价木材力学性能的重要指标,而传统测量方法操作复杂、精确度低。以桦木为例,提出基于近红外光谱技术(NIR)的SEPA-VISSA-RVM木材顺纹抗压强度模型,实现对其更加精确的预测。试验选取100个木材试件,在900~1700 nm近红外光谱波段上采集数据并测量抗压强度真值;然后采用卷积平滑(SG)方法进行光谱预处理;使用采样误差分布分析(SEPA)作为变量空间迭代收缩算法(VISSA)的改进策略进行特征波长优选;最后通过粒子群优化算法(PSO)优化核函数参数并建立相关向量机(RVM)的预测模型。试验表明:在特征波长优选方面,以偏最小二乘法(PLS)建模为基础的SEPA-VISSA方法,其预测决定系数为0.9593,预测均方根误差为2.8995,相对分析误差为3.0256,光谱变量数由512减小到111个,占总波长的22%,均优于VCPA、CARS和VISSA算法;在建模预测方面,以SEPA-VISSA所选波长为基础的RVM模型,PSO优化的拉普拉斯(Laplacian)核函数的核宽度为10.4043,决定系数为0.9449,预测均方根误差为2.0432,相对分析误差为4.2936,预测效果优于PLS和SVR。因此,基于近红外光谱的SEPA-VISSA-RVM建模能够实现对桦木顺纹抗压强度更准确和稳定的无损检测。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of different reagents on changes of the crystalline region and amorphous region (Matrix) in wood cell walls, the creep behavior of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) wood treated with dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) and diethyl amine, sulfur dioxide and dimethyl sulfoxide mixture (1)EA-SO2-DMSO), and the untreated wood at oven-dried, air-dry and water-saturated states during adsorption and desorption processes were all examined in air or in water. The measurements were carded out at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. The load is constant with 62 g or 0.607 6 N. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The instantaneous compliance J0 and the creep compliance J of specimens decrystallized with DEA-SO2-DMSO solution were bigger than those of DMSO swollen wood, and the latter was still much bigger than those of untreated wood. 2) For untreated wood, J0 and J increased with equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of wood, but there was not apparent correlation between wood EMC and the relative compliance. 3) Specimens treated with DMSO and DEA-SO2-DMSO mixture were recrystallized after immersion in water, and the degree ofrecrystallization of the former was larger. 4) For oven-dried specimens, the creep compliances in water were bigger than those in air. But for fiber-saturated and water-saturated specimens they were nearly equivalent to each other.  相似文献   

Crystallinity is an important property of woody materials; it responds to tree growth traits, structure, and chemical composition, and has a significant effect on Young’s modulus, dimensional stability, density, and hardness, etc. The ability of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis to rapidly predict the crystallinity of slash pine (Pinus elliotii) plantation wood was investigated. The results showed that the NIR data could be correlated with the X-ray diffraction (XRD)-determined crystallinity of slash pine wood by use of partial least squares (PLS) regression, producing excellent coefficients of determination, r 2, and root mean square error of calibration, RMSEC. The use of either reduced spectral ranges or the selection of certain wavelengths consistent with known chemical absorptions did not have any detrimental effect on the quality of PLS models allowing the use of inexpensive, small, and portable spectrometers. These studies show that NIR spectroscopy can be used to rapidly predict the crystallinity of slash pine wood.  相似文献   

杉木间伐材生产胶压木工艺的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨了利用小径杉木间伐材生产建筑结构用材——胶压木的生产方法与工艺条件,并研究了各种工艺参数对产品性能的影响,确定了生产胶压木的较佳工艺条件。  相似文献   

近红外光谱技术在木材性质预测中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木定向培育和木材资源的优化利用, 都需要对大量木材样本的性质进行快速测试.然而, 传统的测试方法成本高、效率低, 不能满足生产和科研的需要.近红外光谱技术是一种新的无损评价方法, 能够迅速、准确地对木材试样的性质进行预测.文中主要介绍了近红外分析技术的基本原理、特点以及在预测木材化学组成、物理力学性质、解剖性质等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

湖南杉木人工林近自然经营问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
德国人工林在19世纪,与湖南杉木人工林有相似之处,采用单一树种营造大面积人工林,造成地力消耗很大,无法实现林木的可持续利用。本文从杉木经营历史,分析了现有栽培制度下的炼山、幼林抚育、轮伐期短、林分结构单一等现状所导致的杉木人工林生产力下降、林地地力衰退。本研究引进德国森林近自然经营理念及原则改造杉木人工林,分别对杉木幼林、中林、成林进行第1代目标树经营,为第2代目标树形成创造有利条件,使林地地力得到恢复,达到可持续经营的目的,同时获得较大经济效益。  相似文献   

粗皮桉木材力学性质的近红外光谱方法预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人工林粗皮桉木材为研究对象,采用常规力学测试方法和近红外光谱方法对其无疵小试样力学性质进行研究。用近红外光谱仪采集试样表面的近红外光谱,对采集的近红外漫反射光谱进行导数预处理并对不同波段光谱建立校正模型,以1/3试样作为预测集对校正模型进行验证。结果表明:二阶导数预处理、350~25000nm全光谱波段、径切面和弦切面平均光谱值对粗皮桉木材力学性质模型预测效果最好。抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度的实测值与近红外光谱方法的预测值存在较好的相关性,相关系数均大于0.88,相对分析误差大于2.0,表明利用近红外光谱方法预测人工林粗皮桉木材力学性质效果较好。  相似文献   

Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy (500 nm–2400 nm), coupled with multivariate analytic (MVA) statistical techniques, have been used to predict the chemical and mechanical properties of solid loblolly pine wood. The samples were selected from different radial locations and heights of three loblolly pine trees grown in Arkansas. The chemical composition and mechanical properties were measured with traditional wet chemical techniques and three point bending tests, respectively. The microfibril angle was measured with x-ray scattering. These chemical and mechanical properties were correlated with the NIR spectra using projection to latent structures (PLS) models. The correlations were very strong, with the correlation coefficients generally above 0.80. The mechanical properties could also be predicted using a reduced spectral range (650 nm–1150 nm) that should allow for field measurements of these properties using handheld NIR spectrometers.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been demonstrated as a means for rapid nondestructive determination of the chemical composition and final pulp yield of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Thailand tree plantations. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis and partial least squares (PLS) analysis were introduced to develop statistical models in terms of calibration equations for total pulp yield, screened pulp yield, and contents of -cellulose, pentosans, and lignin in wood. In MLR analysis, a reasonably good calibration equation was found only for pentosans (standard error of prediction (SEP): 0.98%). The PLS analysis improved the accuracy of prediction for every criterion variable, especially for pentosans (SEP: 0.91%) and lignin (SEP: 0.52%). Also, in the case of screened pulp yield, we were able to use such a statistical result as an indicator of the characteristics of the pulp and paper. Thus, NIR spectroscopy could be satisfactorily used as an effective assessment technique for Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation trees.  相似文献   

为提高木材尺寸稳定性,利用烷基烯酮二聚体对杉木进行疏水改性处理,同时运用纳米压痕技术分析评价疏水处理对木材纳米力学性能的影响.结果表明,当处理剂的质量分数为5%、处理时间为30 min时,疏水效果最好,同时最节约成本;疏水处理会降低杉木S2层细胞壁的弹性模量,当处理剂质量分数为5%时影响较小;杉木S2层细胞壁蠕变值会随处理剂质量分数和处理时间的增加呈现上升的趋势.  相似文献   

对杉木素材与聚乙烯醇缩甲醛浸渍处理材的物理与力学性能进行了对比研究,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析了改性剂在木材中的分布情况。结果表明:随着改性剂浓度的提高,改性材的气干密度和抗缩系数均逐渐提高,气干密度最大可达0.4 g/cm3,提高了5.7%,抗缩系数最大提高了18.8%;改性材的吸水率逐渐下降,最多下降了21.1%;当改性剂浓度为30%时,改性材的破坏极限和弹性模量分别提高了6.7%和35.3%;当改性剂浓度为15%时,静曲强度下降了9.9%。SEM结果表明,改性剂填充于部分木射线以及交错纤维间的空隙中。  相似文献   

lntroductionChinesefir(Cunntwh8mi8IanceoIat8(Lamb.)Hook)isaveryimportantspeciesofwoodresourcesinSouthernChina.TheheredityandameliorationonChinesefirareaIwayspaidgreatattention.However,inthepast,thefocaIpointOftheworkonheredityandamelioF8tionwashowtoCuItivatetheChinesefirwithcharaCtersoff8stgrowth,goodfigure,wideadaPt-abilityandStrongdiseaseresistance.LittleworkwasdoneonameIior8tionofwoodquaIity.AlongwiththecompositionchangeoftheforeStresourcesinChina,Chinesewoodindustryismoredependen…  相似文献   

近红外光谱分析技术在木材机械性能检测中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近红外光谱技术具有快速、无污染、成本低廉、准确性高等优点,相比其他无损检测方法,被广泛应用于农业、医学、化工、造纸等各个领域。国内外许多科研工作者在木材材性分析和检测方面也作了大量的探索。本文主要介绍木材材性分析的重要性、近红外光谱技术的基本原理和特点,国内外林业科技工作者在辐射松、蓝桉、火炬松和粗皮桉等不同树种木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、密度和压缩强度等物理力学性质检测方面所做出的贡献和取得的进展,通过介绍可以看出NIR技术具有很大的潜能,它可以快速、准确的获悉木材的性质,从而对木材进行科学合理的利用。  相似文献   

In this study, the Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.) specimens with different ratios of heartwood thickness to sapwood thickness (HS) were radially compressed at different compression speeds, and then absorbed amine copper quat-type D (ACQ-D) preservative solution under the negative-pressure produced by the recovery of compression deformation. The liquid uptake (Al), the recovery rate of compression deformation (Rs) and the chemical absorption (Ac) of samples were determined, as well as the overall distribution of density and effective component of ACQ-D (i.e., copper in wood), the mechanical properties such as surface hardness were also measured. The Al, Rs, Ac values of compressed samples including the whole heartwood ones were higher than those of uncompressed samples, showing that radial compression had an obvious positive effect on improving the liquid absorption of heart-wood. Higher compression speed of 3 mm·min–1 is preferable since the samples with that speed could reach the highest Al and Ac; in addition, more deformation fixation has been produced possibly because of the faster heat and moisture transmission at the higher compressed speed, and more bonds of hydrophobic nature were formed, leading to the higher surface hardness and density. A consistent tendency of the density distribution and the copper retentions along the thickness direction could be explained that the layers with higher density have smaller volumes of void areas, and more chemicals were absorbed and fixed, resulting in the higher copper retentions.  相似文献   

浅谈杉木精油的开发前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从香精油的市场需求,杉木精油的用途、价值和杉木资源等方面,阐述了利用杉木(Cunninghamia Lanceolata(Lamb)Hook)提取杉木精油的社会和经济价值。  相似文献   

杉木冷冻干燥材和气干材液体浸注性的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comparative study was conducted on liquid penetration of the freeze-drying and air-drying sapwood and heartwood lumber of plantation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). The maximum amount of dyeing solution uptake by the capillary rise method was used to evaluate the liquid penetration properties of the treated wood. The pit aspiration ratio was determined by semithin section method. Changes in wood microstructure were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that compared with air drying, the freeze drying had a significant effect on liquid penetration of sapwood and heartwood of Chinese fir. The liquid penetration of sapwood is significantly higher than that of the heartwood for both drying treatments. Low pit aspiration ratio and cracks of pits membrane of some bordered pits are the main reasons for increasing liquid penetration after freeze drying treatment.  相似文献   

The visible and near infrared (NIR) (350-2500 nm) spectra and the MOE of 438 small clear wood samples from Chinese fir, eucalyptus and poplar 72 were measured. Using partial least-square (PLS) modeling, the NIR spectra could be used to predict MOE and MOR of the clear-wood samples from Chinese fir and eucalyptus solid wood. NIR spectra could only be used to Predict MOE but not MOR of poplar clear-wood samples. With the exception of MoR of poplar clear-wood samples, the correlations between NIR and the mechanical properties are very strong, and the calibration and test correlation coefficients are both above 0.80.  相似文献   

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