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Drug treatments for heartworm disease have not changed significantly in the last decade. Due to concerns about possible drug resistance and their lower efficacy against adult worms, there is a need for the development of new antifilarial drug therapies. The recent availability of genomic sequences for the related filarial parasite Brugia malayi and its Wolbachia endosymbiont enables genome-wide searching for new drug targets. Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) enzymes catalyze the critical isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG) and 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PG) in glycolytic and gluconeogenic metabolic pathways. There are two unrelated PGM enzymes, which are structurally distinct and possess different mechanisms of action. The mammalian enzyme requires 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate as a cofactor (dependent PGM or dPGM), while the other type of PGM does not (independent PGM or iPGM). In the present study, we have determined that Dirofilaria immitis and its Wolbachia endosymbiont both possess active iPGM. We describe the molecular characterization and catalytic properties of each enzyme. Our results will facilitate the discovery of selective inhibitors of these iPGMs as potentially novel drug treatments for heartworm disease.  相似文献   

The morphology of Onchocerca lupi, responsible for canine ocular onchocercosis, is unique within the genus. Earlier analyses of the 5S ribosomal RNA gene spacer region sequence of the parasite and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence of its Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria (Rickettsiales) supported the morphological and biological arguments that O. lupi is a distinct species. However, the exact phylogenetic position of O. lupi and its endosymbiont could not be unambiguously determined. Herein we report analyses based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of the filarial species and the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) and the bacterial cell-cycle ftsZ genes of their wolbachiae. Our results indicate that O. lupi separated from other Onchocerca spp. early in evolution. This is in line with the previous morphological analysis demonstrating that O. lupi is an atypical Onchocerca species showing both primitive and evolved characters. The phylogenetic trees generated for the COI sequences of filariae and the wsp and ftsZ sequences of their wolbachiae were congruent with each other, which supports the hypothesis that nematodes and their Wolbachia endobacteria share a long co-evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which degrade tissues in health and disease are under the control of the tissue inhibitors of MMPs, the TIMPs. TIMP-2 is particularly important for control of MMP-2 and both have been implicated in many pathological processes from arthritis to tumour invasion. This study characterized and detected TIMP-2 from canine cells; including synovial fibroblasts and three tumour-derived canine cell lines, K1, K6 and DH82. Gelatin zymography demonstrated that pro-MMP-2 is produced by synovial fibroblasts and the three cells lines. Reverse zymograms showed that all the cell sources tested secrete both TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. The 22 kDa band was purified and n-terminal amino acid sequencing showed it to be highly homologous to equine and human TIMP-2. Analysis of purified canine MMP-2 and MMP-9 showed that TIMP-2 is associated, and co-purifies with MMP-2. Polymerase chain reaction, using consensus primers, was used to detect TIMP-2 mRNA from the cell sources and proved positive in all cases. This work highlights the importance of TIMP-2 as the main inhibitor for MMP-2 and, therefore, opens the possibilities of targeting TIMP-2 for therapeutic intervention against connective amino acid tissue degradation in a range of diseases.  相似文献   

To describe a previously unreported neoplasm of the medial canthus and eyelid in dogs. Clinical and pathologic features of granular cell tumors in the dog were reviewed. Granular cell tumors, arising from the medial canthal eyelid of eight dogs, were identified from the archives of the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW). The affected dogs ranged in age from 5 to 12 years (mean of 9.25 years). Follow‐up information was available for seven of the eight cases. The clinical presentation included swollen hyperemic lids (4/8), ulcerated skin overlying the mass (2/8), and red conjunctiva (7/8). All eight of the cases had firm masses extending from the palpebral conjunctiva to the eyelid margin at the medial canthus. Histologically, the tissue was composed of a highly collagenous neoplastic growth. The neoplastic cells were oval to strap‐like cells with an oval bland appearing nucleus and abundant amounts of granular cytoplasm with very distinct cell boundaries. These granular cells were embedded in a dense collagen matrix. A PAS stain faintly highlighted the granular appearance of the neoplastic cells, which is a defining characteristic of this tumor. There was no recurrence in the seven cases available for follow‐up. Canine granular cell tumors of the medial canthus present clinically and histologically as a benign neoplasm. Granular cell tumors have a characteristic histological appearance. Granular cell tumors should be on the differential list for nodules of the medial canthus in dogs.  相似文献   

Sera from three groups of cats under different experimental conditions were studied by ELISA to assess the host's immune response against synthetic peptides derived from Dirofilaria immitis (Dipp) and against the surface protein of its endosymbiont, Wolbachia (WSPr). In experimentally infected cats (Group 1), an increase of IgG antibody against both Dipp and WSPr was observed from 2 months post-infection until the end of the study, 6 months post-infection. In experimentally infected cats, treated against infective larvae (Group 2), anti-Dipp IgG decreased dramatically from 4 months post-infection (3 months post treatment), showing very low values till the end of the study (6.5 months from infection, 5.5 months from treatment), while anti-WSP IgG increased constantly till the end of the study. Of 49 outdoor, asymptomatic cats exposed to a high risk of natural infection (Group 3), 9 were positive for anti-Dipp IgG and for a validated, in-clinic commercial antibody diagnostic kit for cats. Two cats were also found positive for circulating antigens of adult female worm. Anti-WSPr IgG were found in five of nine anti-Dipp IgG-positive sera and from eight ELISADipp-negative sera. Our results confirm the strong IgG response in heartworm infected cats and demonstrate the involvement of the Wolbachia endosymbiont in the immune reaction to the parasite both in experimentally infected cats and in cats exposed to a high risk of natural infection.  相似文献   

Primary adrenocortical atrophy is reported in a 3-year-old female Gordon Setter and a 2-year-old spayed female German Shepherd dog.
Résumé. On rapporte un cas d'atrophie adréno-corticale primaire chez une chienne Gordon Setter de trois ans et un autre chez une femelle castrée de la ram Berger Allemand, âgée de deux ans.
Zusammenfassung. Primäre adrenocorticale Atrophie wurde bei einer dreijährigen Gordon-Setter Hündin und einer zweijahrigen kastrierten Schaferhündin festgestellt.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis was diagnosed in a total of 91 dogs by combining the compatible historical evidence and clinical signs with the presence of one or more positive intradermal test reactions well correlated with the exposure to the aeroallergens and the seasonality of the clinical signs. Compared to the general hospital population Yorkshire terriers, Chinese Shar-Peis and cocker spaniels showed a strong predilection. No such predilection was found regarding the sex of the animals. The age of the dogs at the onset of the clinical signs ranged from 2 months to 8 years (median: 2.5 years). Moderate to severe pruritus, noticed in all the 91 dogs, was either localized (29/91) or generalized (64/91) and non-seasonal (43/91), seasonal (19/91) or of unknown seasonality (29/91). The most common cutaneous lesions included erythema, hyperpigmentation, hypotrichosis and crusts; their body distribution was generalized (64%) or localized (36%) with the feet as the most common site of involvement. Five dogs that had unlesional skin were significantly younger and had been pruritic for a shorter period of time compared to the majority of our study population. Otitis externa (43/91) and bacterial pyoderma (30/91) were the most common conditions associated with atopic dermatitis, while the prevalence of Malassezia dermatitis was very low (2/91). Of the other allergic skin diseases flea allergic dermatitis was the most common (29/91) followed by food hypersensitivity (2 out of the 15 dogs tested). The majority of the dogs demonstrated multiple sensitivities to the 50 aeroallergens tested, while domestic mites (77/91), and particularly Dermatophagoides farinae (64/91), were the most commonly implicated. The total number of the positive intradermal test reactions was increasing parallel to the age of the dogs but it was negatively associated with the presence of skin lesions on the carpal and tarsal joints.  相似文献   

Twenty dogs with gastric tumors were admitted to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Hospital and Diagnostic Laboratory from 1951 to 1974. The tumors included 14 carcinomas, 3 lymphosarcomas, 2 leiomyomas, and 1 leiomyosarcoma. The carcinomas were categorized morphologically as carcinoma (5), adenocarcinoma (2), scirrhous carcinoma (5), and scirrhous adenocarcinoma (2). Most of the tumors were located in the body and pylorus. Ulceration occurred in 11 dogs, with 2 ulcers penetrating and resulting in peritonitis. Metastasis occurred in 4 of the dogs. The mean age of the dogs was 9.7 years. The male-to-female ratio was 12 to 8. There was no significant breed predominance. The mean duration of illness was 2.14 months. Radiographic features were consistent with gastric neoplasia in 2 of 6 dogs radiographed.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA sequence of canine L-type amino acid transporter 1 (Lat1) was determined from a canine brain. The sequence was 1828 bp long and was predicted to encode 485 amino acid polypeptides. The deduced amino acid sequence of canine Lat1 showed 93.2% and 91.1% similarities to those of humans and rats, respectively. Northern blot analysis detected Lat1 expression in the cerebellum at 4 kb, and Western blot analysis showed a single band at 40 kDa. RT-PCR analysis revealed a distinct expression of Lat1 in the pancreas and testis in addition to the cerebrum and cerebellum. Notably, Lat1 expression was observed in the tissues of thyroid cancer, melanoma and hemangiopericytoma. Although the cancer samples examined were not enough, Lat1 may serve as a useful biomarker of cancer cells in veterinary clinic.  相似文献   

Objective To describe a unique orbital neoplasm in dogs, of lacrimal or salivary gland origin. Animals studied Fifteen dogs with lesions consistent with a diagnosis of lobular adenomas involving the orbit were identified from the Comparative Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin from 1994 to 2001. Results The neoplasm occurred in nine females and six males. Affected dogs ranged in age from 7 to 17 years (mean = 9.7 years). Follow‐up information was available for 13 of the 15 cases. The clinical presentation included swollen/hyperemic eyelids (4/15), third eyelid protrusion (3/15), conjunctival mass (6/15), exophthalmos (4/15), resistance to retropulsion (2/15), or strabismus (1/15). In 13 cases the masses were composed of nodular, friable tissue and they were solid in two cases. Histologically, the tissue was found in encapsulated lobules resembling well differentiated lacrimal or salivary glands but completely lacking ducts. Granular PAS‐positive material was found within the cytoplasm. There was recurrence in 10 of the 13 cases available for follow‐up. Of those cases in which enucleation or exenteration was performed (3/15), there was recurrence of disease in one case. In three cases the dogs were euthanized before recurrence at 3 months, 5 months and 3 years post surgery. None of the deaths was related to the tumor. Conclusion In the 15 cases reviewed, lobular adenomas of the orbit presented clinically and histologically as a benign neoplasm of lacrimal or salivary gland origin. Recurrence was likely unless the mass was completely excised, at times requiring orbital exenteration.  相似文献   

Inherited retinal degenerations in the dog include generalised progressive retinal atrophy, retinal pigment epithelial dystrophy, congenital stationary night blindness and day blindness (hemeralopia). The clinical phenotype and pathology of these diseases closely resemble some types of human inherited retinal degeneration, in particular retinitis pigmentosa, one of the most common inherited causes of blindness in man. Molecular genetic investigations aim to identify the genetic mutations underlying the canine inherited retinal degenerations. Two major research strategies, candidate gene analysis and linkage analysis, have been used. To date, candidate gene analysis has definitively identified the genetic mutations underlying nine inherited retinal degenerations, each in a different breed of dog, and linkage studies have identified genetic markers for a further retinal degeneration which is found in at least six different breeds. This review outlines the research strategy behind candidate gene and linkage studies and summarises recent results in the search for genetic causes of canine inherited retinal degenerations. The aim is to increase awareness of this rapidly changing field and to show how the research can be used to develop genetic tests for these diseases and thereby reduce the incidence of inherited eye disease in dogs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe a series of 23 cases of ocular subconjunctival parasitic granulomas in dogs, admitted to the Clinic of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, between 1997 and 2000. The ophthalmic manifestations in all animals were periorbital swelling, discomfort, photophobia, conjunctival congestion, and discharge. A more detailed examination revealed the presence of periocular masses (nodules) on the subconjunctival bulbar space. Granulomatous or cyst-like formations were extracted surgically, and were found to contain thread-like nematode parasites. A histologic and parasitologic examination of tissues and parasites was carried out. Diagnosis of parasitic granulomas was made and the parasite was identified as Onchocerca sp. This is the largest series of cases reported of aberrant Onchocerca infections in dogs coming from one geographic location.  相似文献   

Four cases of canine granular cell tumour (myoblastoma) were diagnosed at the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory between 1977 and 1981. Two of the tumours occurred in the tongue, one in the lip and one in the larynx. Three cell types were found in the tumours. Granular cells, with abundant periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive cytoplasmic granules, were most numerous. Interstitial cells resembled fibroblasts and were often adjacent to collagen fibrils. Angulate body cells contained PAS-positive, ovoid cytoplasmic inclusions composed of microtubular subunits. Review of these and reported cases indicates no breed or sex predisposition for this rare tumour. The tongue is the most common site and all but one tumour have occurred in or adjacent to the oral cavity. There have been no reports of recurrence or metastasis of granular cell tumours except the recurrence of a disputed case in the subcutis of a dog.  相似文献   

This paper describes a mycetoma of the fourth tarsal bone of a 5-year-old spayed Corgi-cross bitch caused by the eumycete Curvularia geniculata. The condition was treated successfully by surgical excision, followed by chemotherapy using iodine, trimethoprim-sulphadiazine, amphotericin B. dimethyl sulphoxide. thiabendazole and nystatin. An attempt was made to establish the in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration of various antifungal drugs on the causative organism. No clinical or radiological evidence of recurrence was found 3 years after initiation of treatment, despite the original poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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