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This study investigated the effects of advancing stage of maturity and additive treatment on the fermentation characteristics of three common grassland species. Perennial ryegrass (PRG; Lolium perenne L., var. Gandalf), timothy (Phleum pratense L., var. Erecta) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L., var. Merviot) were harvested at three dates in the primary growth (11 May, 8 June and 6 July; Harvests 1–3) and ensiled with the following additive treatments: (1) control (i.e. no treatment), (2) formic acid‐based additive, (3) homofermentative lactic acid bacterial (LAB) inoculant and (4) heterofermentative LAB inoculant. Additive application to the PRG (irrespective of harvest date), the late‐harvest timothy (Harvest 3) and the red clover (Harvests 2 and 3) herbages had little impact on silage fermentation characteristics, where a lactic acid dominant fermentation already prevailed. However, the application of the formic acid‐based additive to the Harvest 1 and 2 timothy and Harvest 1 red clover herbages, where the silage fermentation characteristics were poorer, resulted in an increase in the proportion of lactic acid in total fermentation products and a decrease in pH. In contrast, the heterofermentative LAB inoculant had a negative impact on silage fermentation characteristics where a poor preservation prevailed in the corresponding control silage.  相似文献   

Madder is a natural colorant which is commonly applied with metal salts as a mordant to improve its affinity to fibers and color fastness. Madder produces an insoluble complex or lake in the presence of metal ions on mordanted fabric. In this study, wool fabric was pretreated with AgNPs (silver nanoparticles) as a mordant, then dyed with madder. The wool fabric samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and their colorimetric characteristics were evaluated. The formation of spherical silver nanoparticle was confirmed using UV-Visible spectroscopy, SEM images, and elemental analysis. The average size of synthesized silver nanoparticles on the surface of wool fibers is around 73 nm. The dyed wool samples were pretreated with different concentration of Ag+ ions or AgNPs, which showed higher color strength value compared to untreated dyed wool fabric. This pretreatment also presented good antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Common scab, black scurf and silver scurf belong to serious diseases of cultivated potato that especially impair tuber quality. Tuber infection in 44 potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum L.) varieties was evaluated using two measures – severity and incidence of infected tubers. Both measures were highly correlated. An important result derived from this study supports fungicide application against potato late blight secondarily acts on reducing tuber infection by all evaluated pathogens. Therefore, the conventional potato growing seems to be more effective compared to ecological growing. The pedigree analysis of 44 varieties indicated the presence of Solanum demissum genotypes in the variety genome may negatively affect variety response to Helminthosporium solani presence.  相似文献   

In a Green Biorefinery processing green biomass, one possible application for the press‐cake fraction is as biomass fuel for combustion. In an industrial setting, the preservation of herbage as silage and its subsequent fractionation into press‐juice and press‐cake fractions represent the two major process steps in the utilization of green biomass. This study investigated (i) the effects of ensiling and fractionation on the chemical composition of three common temperate grassland species harvested at different stages of maturity and (ii) the suitability of the herbage of these species for thermal combustion. The high contents of ash, N, Cl and K in perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot and red clover, at both pre‐ and post‐ensiling, make these materials less suitable for combustion in certain applications. The loss of soluble/fermentable organic matter during ensiling increased the relative proportions of fibre, ash and N in the herbage, but these changes were relatively minor. In contrast, the substantial reduction in the concentration of compounds such as ash, N, Cl and K during fractionation improved the suitability of the press‐cake fraction for combustion compared with the parent material. Press‐cake prepared from later‐harvested grass herbage with lower ash, S and N contents would be more suitable for combustion.  相似文献   

Five diploid hybrid families derived from crosses between haploids of three Argentinian cultivars and three diploid wild species,Solanum gourlayi, S. chacoense andS. spegazzinii, were evaluated in a field experiment in Balcarce. All plants were androsterile and, thus, could not be screened for 2n pollen production. Data on agronomic tuber traits were statistically analyzed. Differences among families were non-significant for tuber number/plant, but were significant for tuber weight/plant and dry matter content (with values above 21.0% in two of them). The relative frequencies of tubers in the categories established for size, skin texture, and eye depth were family dependent, but they were familiy independent in the categories established for tuber shape and skin color. Great morphological variability was detected for all the traits studied, and plants with high yield and high dry matter content were identified. These families can be used as sources of germplasm in breeding and to explore heterotic responses in 2x × 4x crosses, given the capacity of some plants to produce 2n eggs, as found in a related investigation.  相似文献   

Potato production from rooted apical cuttings or from small tubers (l–20g) produced in high density beds has great potential in Asia. This is particularly important in non-traditional warmer environments. This research was conducted to assess the feasibility of producing many small tubers in high density beds. A second objective compared tubers from beds with transplanted rooted cuttings and traditional seed tubers for growth and yield in the field. Tuberlet production in beds exceeded 2000/m2 with a density of 1000 plants/m2 under optimal growing conditions while under high temperatures only about 1.25 tuberlets/plant were produced. In field experiments, transplanted cuttings yielded 20 t/ha in the mid and high elevation areas, only slightly less than tuberlets of 5–10g while at the hot site, yields were generally only 8 to 10 t/ha for both materials. Larger healthy seed tubers produced significantly higher yields at the low and high elevation sites. Tuberlets of 1–5g were also able to give yields of 20 t/ha in the mid-elevation site. These results indicate that cuttings and small tuberlets are two ways of growing potatoes which need to be further evaluated for socioeconomic assessment by farmers.  相似文献   

Three first-harvest grass silages made from S23 perennial ryegrass cut on 25 May, 13 June and 25 June, and termed early, medium and late silages respectively, were compared in a 16-week feeding experiment with fourteen Ayrshire cows. The early, medium and late silages had D-values of 71·2, 65·0 and 62·5 respectively. The early silage was offered alone, whereas the medium and late silages were supplemented with a concentrate containing 208 g crude protein per kg DM at rates of 2, 3 and 4 kg per 10 kg milk. Silage DM intake was 12·8 kg per cow per d on the early silage treatment, and decreased progressively as concentrate intake increased on the other silage treatments. The mean daily milk yields were 16·0 kg per cow in the early silage treatment, 17·0, 18·4 and 20·4 kg per cow in the medium silage treatments, and 16·8, 18·1 and 20·2 kg per cow in the late silage treatments on the 2-, 3- and 4-kg concentrate treatments respectively. Fat concentration in the milk was not affected significantly by treatment, whereas the CP and SNF concentrations increased progressively and significantly as supplementary feeding increased. From the relationship between milk yield and concentrate intake it was calculated that the medium and late silages required a daily concentrate supplement of 2·1 kg DM per cow to give the same daily milk yields as the early silage.  相似文献   

Three grass silages of different chop lengths made from a uniform sward of S23 perennial ryegrass were compared in four experiments including a feeding experiment with twelve lactating cows, an eating behaviour study, a rate of passage investigation and a selection trial. The silages had median chop lengths of 9·4, 17·4 and 72·0 mm, termed short, medium and long, with pH values of 3·93, 3·94 and 4·17 and D-values of 65·9, 65·2 and 64·4 respectively. The daily intakes of silage DM and the daily milk yields increased as silage chop length decreased. The milk yield response to shorter chopping was significant with a supplement of groundnut but not significant with a supplement of sugar-beet pulp. Chop length had small and generally non-significant effects on milk composition. Eating and ruminating times expressed as min per kg DM decreased as silage chop length decreased but the retention time of the silage residues in the entire digestive tract was not significantly affected by chop length. When offered simultaneously, the intakes of the individual silages were 52·2, 31·9 and 15·9% of the total DM intake for the short, medium and long treatments respectively. Although silage with a chop length of 9 mm had nutritional advantages over longer silages, it is concluded that the mechanical and economic aspects of silage making must be considered fully when defining optimum chop length.  相似文献   

The main goal of present study was the fabrication of cotton fabric with special functions, including electrical conductivity, magnetic, antibacterial, and ultraviolet (UV) blocking. In this regard, the cotton fabric was primarily coated with graphene oxide and then reduction of graphene oxide and synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles accomplished in one step. The alkaline hydrolysis of magnetite precursors and reduction of graphene oxide was simultaneously performed using sodium hydroxide to produce reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4 nanocomposite on the fabric surface. The prepared cotton fabrics were characterized with field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The treated fabrics with reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4 nanocomposite displayed a low electrical resistivity i.e. 80 kΩ/sq. Furthermore, the coated fabrics showed reasonable magnetic properties due to the presence of magnetite nanoparticles on the surface of cotton fabrics. Moreover, this process imparted proper antibacterial properties and UV blocking activity to cotton samples.  相似文献   

Specific breeding for organic systems may help reduce their yield gap relative to conventional systems by exploiting genotype × system (GS) interaction. Likewise, specific breeding for distinct subregions within a region could capitalize on genotype × location (GL) interaction. Grain yield and test weight of common wheat varieties were evaluated under organic and conventional systems in ten locations spanning from northern to southern Italy, with the objectives of: (i) comparing production systems; (ii) investigating the extent of GS and GL interactions and their relationship with genotypic and environmental characteristics; and (iii) preliminarily comparing, in terms of predicted selection gains, different strategies to cope with GS and GL effects. These effects were investigated in the 2-year Data set 1 including seven genotypes. GS effects were also assessed in the annual Data sets 2 and 3 including 13 and 11 genotypes, respectively. The yield reduction of organic systems relative to conventional ones averaged 28% in Data set 1, 29% in Data set 2 and 14% in Data set 3. Organic systems also tended to a modest test weight reduction. Genetic correlations between systems ranged from high to very high (0.88 ≤ rg ≤ 0.98) for yield and test weight, owing to nil or limited GS interaction. Broad-sense heritability tended to be higher in conventional systems than organic ones for yield in two data sets (mainly due to lower experimental error) while being similar in the two systems in the other cases. Predicted selection gains suggested nil (yield) or very modest (test weight) advantage of direct selection in organic systems relative to indirect selection in conventional systems, when targeting organic systems. The scope for selection only in conventional systems was reinforced when comparing predicted gains for selection scenarios which target both systems in relation to their foreseeable marketing importance. GL effects for yield and test weight were significant and were modeled by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis. Site classification based on GL effects for yield revealed a larger subregion A including northern and central Italy and a smaller subregion B comprising southern Italy, accordingly with previous, independent studies. Yield selection only in subregion A (with indirect selection gain for subregion B) implied slightly higher predicted gain for A (+4%) and much lower gain for B (−24%) relative to independent, direct selection in each subregion. Selection for specific geoclimatic subregions may have greater importance than selection for specific production systems.  相似文献   

Agronomic data on most broad‐leaved species of grasslands are scarce. The aim of this study was to obtain novel information on herbage DM yield and forage quality for several forb species, and on species differences and seasonal patterns across harvests and in successive years. Four non‐leguminous forbs [salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor), caraway (Carum carvi), chicory (Cichorium intybus) and ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata)] and three leguminous forbs [yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis), lucerne (Medicago sativa) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)] and a perennial ryegrass–white clover mixture were investigated in a small‐plot cutting trial in Denmark during 2009 and 2010. Plots were harvested four times per year. On average, annual herbage yield was highest for lucerne (15·4 t DM) and grass–white clover (12·5 t DM ha?1), and lowest for salad burnet (4·6 t DM ha?1) and yellow sweet clover (3·9 t DM ha?1). Ribwort plantain and lucerne had the highest concentrations of acid detergent fibre (339 and 321 g kg?1 DM respectively) and lignin (78 and 67 g kg?1 DM respectively); contents in other species were similar to grass–white clover (275 and 49 g kg?1 DM respectively). No common feature was found within the functional groups of non‐leguminous forbs and leguminous forbs, other than higher crude protein contents (198–206 g kg?1 DM) in the legumes. DM yield and fibre content were lowest in October. Digestibility declined with higher temperature and increasing fibre content. Results are discussed in terms of the potential of forbs to contribute to forage resources in farming practice.  相似文献   

Three small plot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of species of grass and forbs, defoliation regime, inclusion of white clover and forb blend on the herbage dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and mineral content of swards managed with zero fertilizer inputs. The results of all three experiments were characterized by decline in herbage production and large variations in treatment effects over the harvest period.
When sown singly with a standard grass mix the species that competed well with grasses and produced annual forb herbage yields greater than 20 t DM ha−1 were black knapweed, oxeye daisy, ribwort plantain, burnet, birdsfoot trefoil, chicory, kidney vetch, red clover and white clover. When sown singly with a standard forb mix, grass species significantly affected the annual yield of total ( P <005). grass ( P <001) and forb ( P <0.001) herbage. The species that most surpressed the yield of forbs were common bent, Yorkshire fog and perennial ryegrass. Those that allowed for the highest yield of forbs were rough meadow grass, sweet vernal grass and crested dogstail. Averaged over the three harvest years, defoliation regime did not significantly affect herbage production, but the inclusion of white clover in mixtures increased the yield of grasses ( P <0.01) The use of rosette-type forb blends increased forb yield ( P <0.01), compared with erect-type blends.
The effects of treatments on herbage N and mineral contents and yields were inconsistent. However, there was some evidence to support the view that the presence of forb species in swards can result in greater contents of minerals in herbage, compared with grass-only swards.  相似文献   

The movement of faecal pathogens from land to surface and ground‐water are of great interest because of the public and livestock health implications. Knowledge of canopy structure and how it might be managed to help mitigate nutrient and pathogen movement in pasture is needed to create management practices that balance livestock production with environmental benefits. An experiment was conducted using a rainfall‐simulating device to test whether canopy structure of species common to pastures in Appalachia, USA could be managed to influence dispersion of faecal pathogens. Seven pots (30‐cm diameter) of white clover, orchardgrass and perennial ryegrass were lined up on horizontal and sloping surfaces under a rainfall simulator. The centre pot was inoculated at the soil surface with 4 × 1010 faecal coliform bacteria (FC) just before rainfall simulation started. The species were maintained under short, moderate and tall canopy management treatments. White clover exhibited the greatest rates of lateral and vertical dispersion of FC into the canopy, especially in the short canopy management treatment following 30 min of rainfall (about 40 mm). Low concentrations of faecal coliform bacteria also dispersed into the canopies of the grass species but the differences in concentration of FC between the grass species were not different. When the proportion of white clover in a pasture is high, the canopy should be relatively taller to reduce the likelihood of infection associated with faecal coliform‐contaminated herbage.  相似文献   

To optimize minituber production through aeroponics some horticultural management factors should be studied. Potato plantlets, cv Zorba, were grown aeroponically at two different plant densities (60 and 100 plants/m2). Plants showed an extended vegetative cycle of about 5 months after planting. A higher number of stolons was obtained at low plant densities. Tuber formation hastened when supplied N was reduced. Experiments on harvesting intervals (7, 10, and 14 days) indicated that for a density of 60 plants/m2, both number of minitubers and yield increased as harvesting interval decreased. Best results were achieved harvesting every 7 days: a total tuber yield of 118.6 g per plant was obtained (four times higher than for 100 plants/m2). Such a yield was composed, on the average, of 13.4 tubers with a mean tuber weight of 8.1 g. Harvesting intervals did not have an effect on the number of minitubers and yield for a density of 100 plants/m2. The best productivity obtained in this study was 800 minitubers/m2 for weekly harvests and a low plant density (60 plants/m2). We also studied the field performance of aeroponically produced minitubers vs those produced by hydroponics. Minituber behavior under field conditions was independent from the technique used for its production.  相似文献   

Four selections of three amaranth species were used in the study:A. cruentus (US Rodale 82S-1034),A. hypochondriacus (US Rodale 81S-1024).A. caudatus (Cusco, Peru CAC-2002) andA. cruentus (GUA-17). These were fertilized with levels of 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha of a 12-24-12 fertilizer formulation applied to experimental plots 3×4m2 in four replications. The harvested grain was used for protein and fat analysis, and for protein quality evaluations on raw and on heat processed samples.A. cruentus (US) andA. hypochondriacus flowered at 43–44 days at 60 and 43cm, respectively,A. caudatus (Peru) at 51 days and 65cm, andA. cruentus (Gua) at 50 days and 80cm height. Days at harvest varied from 100 to 129 days at heights of 125 to 180cm. Yield of grain fromA. hypochondriacus (US) andA. cruentus (Gua) was higher than forA. cruentus (US) andA. caudatus, but did not differ for each pair. although not influencing yield, the application of fertilizer increased protein content forA. caudatus (Peru) from 12.35 to 14.50%; but not the protein content of the other selections. The fat content was affected differently in all four selections. The application of fertilizer did not affect protein quality either in raw or processed grain. On the other hand, processing increased protein quality, food intake, and animal performance significantly most clearly seen withA. cruentus (US) andA. caudatus (Peru) and to a lesser extent forA. hypochondriacus (US) andA. cruentus (Gua)). The data obtained showed inconsistent effects on yield and chemical composition, and no effect on protein quality with fertilizer application.  相似文献   

To assess the whole‐sward maturity, which is a primary concern for grassland managers, we studied three forage grass species with contrasting phenology over a range of climatic conditions among sites. We considered two main issues: (i) How is grass population maturity related to population phenology, and is this relation affected by environmental factors? and (ii) Is the sum of temperatures a good index to describe phenological development under contrasting climates? To explore the role of temperature accumulation in species population development, we described the phenological development of populations of three grass species along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients at eight locations across France. We used a numerical index of tiller development to quantify sward morphological structure and discriminate phenological peak from average maturity. We report that phenological development rates were similar among sites for each species, but required fewer growing degree days to start at higher latitudes and altitudes. However, we found that population maturity and phenological peak differed significantly due to among‐site variability in vegetative tiller percentage in whole‐population biomass. Our results underlined the importance of considering tiller distribution among phenological stages, especially tiller development synchrony, together with phenology to assess sward maturity in semi‐natural permanent grasslands.  相似文献   

Summary This notice displays trials of farmer seed potato production in Mali using micro and minitubers. A simple phytotechnique has been development to use this kind of prebasic material. In spite of severe culture conditions in Mali, the average yield varies from 6 to 12 t/ha for a microtuber plantation and from 8 to 14 t/ha for minitubers. Between two successive crops, the seeds are stored under diffuse light in a ventilated room. The profitability of the local seed production scheme seems interesting. The cost price of the second generation is already below the import price of seed potato.  相似文献   

Nearly 500 basidiomycetous yeast species were accepted in the latest edition of The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study published in 2011. However, this number presents only the tip of the iceberg of yeast species diversity in nature. Possibly more than 99 % of yeast species, as is true for many groups of fungi, are yet unknown and await discovery. Over the past two decades nearly 200 unidentified isolates were obtained during a series of environmental surveys of yeasts in phyllosphere and soils, mainly from China. Among these isolates, 107 new species were identified based on the phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) [D1/D2 domains of the large subunit (LSU), the small subunit (SSU), and the internal transcribed spacer region including the 5.8S rDNA (ITS)] and protein-coding genes [both subunits of DNA polymerase II (RPB1 and RPB2), the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (CYTB)], and physiological comparisons. Forty-six of these belong to 16 genera in the Tremellomycetes (Agaricomycotina). The other 61 are distributed in 26 genera in the Pucciniomycotina. Here we circumscribe eight new genera, three new families and two new orders based on the multi-locus phylogenetic analyses combined with the clustering optimisation analysis and the predicted similarity thresholds for yeasts and filamentous fungal delimitation at genus and higher ranks. Additionally, as a result of these analyses, three new combinations are proposed and 66 taxa are validated.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in natural products from a renewable source has encouraged growers to reintroduce indigo-producing crops into the European agriculture. We studied agronomic conditions (sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilization, irrigation rate, seedling transplanting) influencing production of the blue pigment indigo, from Isatis tinctoria and I. indigotica crops in a Mediterranean region of Spain (Valencia). I. tinctoria was more suitable for cultivation in our climate conditions than I. indigotica. Indigo yield from Spanish I. tinctoria trials was greater than in Northern and Central Europe. Furthermore, indigo production was maintained when water and nitrogen supplies were significantly restricted, showing that I. tinctoria is not a high-demanding crop.  相似文献   

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