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Solutions labelled with 15N were applied as (15NH4)2SO4 or K15NO3 to isolated microplots in the floor of mountain beech forest (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) and incubated for 135 days under field conditions of moisture and temperature. Solid state 15N CPMAS NMR spectra of the forest litter layer showed that more than 80% of the total signal intensity was attributable to the secondary amide-peptide peak. The degree of 15N enrichment or form of N did not alter the relative intensity of signals attributable to 15N in peptides, nucleic acids and aliphatic amine groups (amino sugars and free NH2 on amino acids). Combinations of 13C and 15N-NMR spectra, edited by a process that exploited differences in proton spin properties between distinct categories of organic matter, indicated incorporation of 15N in humified organic matter rather than partly degraded plant material. This application demonstrated that solid state 15N CPMAS NMR has potential for use in studies of N immobilization under field conditions and with materials containing little N and small 15N enrichment.  相似文献   

Seeking to quantify the amount of refractory organic matter (ROM), which includes black carbon‐like material (BC), in marine sediments, we have applied a two‐step procedure that consists of a chemical oxidation with sodium chlorite of the demineralized sediments followed by integration of the aromatic C region in the remaining residues by solid‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The efficacy for lignin removal was tested by analytical pyrolysis in the presence of tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Riverine, estuarine and offshore marine sediment samples were collected from the southwest Atlantic coast of Spain, a site of geological and environmental interest. Measured contents of BC‐like material ranged between 3.0 and 45.7% of the total organic carbon. Greater relative BC contents were found in riverine sediments close to urban areas, which show an elevated input of anthropogenic organic material. The contents of BC‐like material in offshore marine sediments (5.5–6.1%) were similar to those previously reported for these kinds of samples. However, NMR and pyrolysis‐GC/MS of the isolated ROM reveals that abundant refractory aliphatic organic material remains in most of the marine samples after chlorite oxidation. We suggest that this pool of aliphatic carbon may play an important role as a stable carbon pool within the global C cycle.  相似文献   

We undertook what we believe to be a unique survey of the natural abundances of 13C and 15N in urban soils and plants in Karlsruhe (Germany), a European city of average size. We found broad patterns of these abundances in both soils and plants, which reflected geology and land use. In contrast with studies on smaller areas (showing the direct effect of human activities), our study first determined the extent to which the abundances correlated with land use or underlying geology and then assessed how we could further test such relationships. The spatial pattern of δ13C in surface soil correlated with that of the underlying parent material; construction activities superimposed a secondary signal. Maize cultivation was a source of less negative soil δ13C, whereas the C3 vegetation is a source of more negative soil δ13C. There was a footprint of less negative plant δ13C in the industrial and port areas; plant δ13C downwind of the city was less negative than upwind, which might relate to atmospheric pollution from the port area or to differences in soil properties. There was no significant effect of wind direction or geology on soil or plant δ15N, which was correlated mainly with land use. The largest soil δ15N was under agriculture and the smallest under woodland. The abundance of 15N in inner-urban soil and plants was intermediate between those of agriculture and forests. This study represents a major advance in the use of stable isotope geochemistry in understanding urban environments.  相似文献   

Transformations of sodium acetate, ammonium sulphate, urea and wheat straw in peat have been studied by determining the distribution of 15N-labelled material, and by 13C and 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) using cross polarization (CP) and magic-angle spinning (MAS). Samples of an oligotrophic blanket peat were incubated for 6 months at 15°C with 15N ammonium sulphate, 15N urea, 13C15N urea, 15N-labelled wheat straw or 13C sodium acetate. The incubated samples were separated into fractions of >1 mm, 1–0.5 mm, 0.5–0.25 mm, 0.25–0.15 mm, 0.15–0.05 mm, 0.05–0.005 mm and a water-soluble fraction by wet sieving, and were then freeze-dried. The distribution of 15N between the fractions was obtained after isotope-ratio analysis by mass spectrometry, and the 0.5–0.25 mm, 0.05–0.005 mm and water-soluble fractions from the incubations were examined by 13C and 15N NMR. 13C-labelled acetate increased carbohydrate resonances in the 0.05–0.005 mm and soluble material, but an organic acid derived from the substrate was still present 6 months later. Incorporation of 15N from ammonium sulphate into the peat was low, and more than 50% of the added N was detected in the soluble fraction still present as 15NH+4. As carbohydrate and soluble organic matter were detected in the peat, it was concluded that microbial activity and N immobilization were restricted by poor aeration and low pH. Urea, in contrast, interacted with all the fractions examined, with some 15N being incorporated into a range of compounds that included protein, peptides, amides, amino acids and carbamates or lactam derivatives. A small proportion of labelled 15N from wheat straw, orginally present in the > 1 mm and 14.5 mm fractions, had moved into the 0.05–0.005 fraction during incubation and sieving. The 13C spectra suggested that the presence of the straw may have stimulated decomposition of the peat components.  相似文献   

固态13C和15N核磁共振法研究15N标记土壤的腐殖质组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five humic fractions were obtained from a uniformly ^15N-labelled soil by extraction with 0.1 mol L^-1 Na4P2O7,0.1mol L^-1 NaOH ,and HF/HCl-0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH,consecutively,and analyzed by ^13C and ^15N CPMAS NMR (cross polarization and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonace).Compared with those of native soils humic fractions studied as a whole contained more alkyls ,methoxyls and O-alkyls,being 27%-36%,17%-21%and 36%-40%,respectively,but fewer aromatics and carboxyls(bein 14%-20% and 13%-90%,respectively),Among those humic fractions ,the humic acid(HA)and fulvic acid(FA) extracted by 0.1 mol L^-1 Na4P2O7 contained slightly more carboxyls than corresponding humic fractions extracted by 0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH ,and the HA extacted by 0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH after treatment with HF/HCl contained the least aromatics and carboxyls.The distribution of nitrogen functional groups of soil humic fractions studied was quite similar to each other and also quite similar to that of humic fraction from native soils.More than 75% of total N in each fraction was in amide from,with 9%-13% present as aromatic and /or aliphatic amines and the remainder as heerocyclic N.  相似文献   

As a source of organic matter, crop residues affect the behaviour of pesticides in agricultural soils. The fate of [U‐ring‐13C] and [U‐ring‐14C] atrazine (6‐chloro‐N‐ethyl‐N‐isopropyl‐1,3,5‐triazine‐2,4‐diamine) was investigated during laboratory incubation under controlled conditions in a loamy soil amended with wheat straw at two different states of decomposition: no preliminary decomposition or 6 months’ preliminary decomposition. After 3 months, non‐extractable, so‐called ‘bound’, 13C‐atrazine residues were recovered in three particle‐size fractions (> 200, 50–200 and < 50 μm), and investigated with solid‐state 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. Parallel incubations with [U‐ring‐14C] atrazine were carried out to quantify the bound residues as well as the extractable and mineralized fractions. The effect of straw residues on atrazine behaviour depended on whether they had been previously decomposed or not. When straw was decomposed for 6 months prior to incubation, atrazine mineralization was enhanced to 50% of the initial 14C in contrast to 15% of the initial 14C in soil alone and soil amended with fresh straw. In parallel, atrazine bound residues were formed in greater amount representing up to 20% of the initial 14C. CP/MAS 13C‐NMR on soil size fractions of soil–straw mixtures after incubation with 13C‐atrazine showed that bound residues contained mostly triazinic C, corresponding to atrazine or primary metabolites. Non‐humified organic materials recovered in size fractions > 200 and 50–200 μm contained significant amounts of bound residues, especially when straw was added to the soil. CP/MAS 13C‐NMR analysis of humic acids obtained from < 50‐μm fractions was difficult due to overlapping of the native carboxyl 13C signal with the 13C‐atrazine signal.  相似文献   

Spin counting on solid‐state 13C cross‐polarization (CP) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of two humic fractions isolated from tropical lowland soils showed that only 32–81% of potential 13C NMR signal was detected. The observability of 13C NMR signal (Cobs) was higher in the mobile humic acid (MHA) than in the calcium humate (CaHA) fraction, and increased with increasing intensity of irrigated rice cropping. NMR observability appeared to be related to the nature of the organic carbon, with phenol‐ and methoxyl‐rich samples having the higher values of Cobs. The Bloch decay (BD) technique provided more quantitatively reliable 13C NMR spectra, as evidenced by values of Cobs in the range 91–100% for seven of the eight humic fractions studied. The BD spectra contained considerably more aryl and carbonyl signal, and less O–alkyl and alkyl signal, with the greatest differences between CP and BD spectra observed for the samples with low Cobs(CP). The causes of low CP observability were investigated using the spectral editing technique RESTORE ( RE storation of S pectra via T CH and T O ne R ho (T1ρH) E diting). Rapid T1ρH relaxation was found to be primarily responsible for the under‐representation of carbonyl carbon, whereas inefficient cross‐polarization was primarily responsible for the under‐representation of aryl carbon in CP spectra. Proton NMR relaxation rates T1H and T1ρH were found to correlate with other NMR properties and also with cropping management. Non‐uniform rates of T1H relaxation in two of the CaHA fractions enabled the generation of proton spin relaxation editing subspectra.  相似文献   

The fate of carbon (C) in grassland soils is of particular interest since the vast majority in grassland ecosystems is stored below ground and respiratory C‐release from soils is a major component of the global C balance. The use of 13C‐depleted CO2 in a 10‐year free‐air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment, gave a unique opportunity to study the turnover of the C sequestered during this experiment. Soil organic matter (SOM), soil air and plant material were analysed for δ13C and C contents in the last year of the FACE experiment (2002) and in the two following growing seasons. After 10 years of exposure to CO2 enrichment at 600 ppmv, no significant differences in SOM C content could be detected between fumigated and non‐fumigated plots. A 13C depletion of 3.4‰ was found in SOM (0–12 cm) of the fumigated soils in comparison with the control soils and a rapid decrease of this difference was observed after the end of fumigation. Within 2 years, 49% of the C in this SOM (0–12 cm) was exchanged with fresh C, with the limitation that this exchange cannot be further dissected into respiratory decay of old C and freshly sequestered new C. By analysing the mechanistic effects of a drought on the plant‐soil system it was shown that rhizosphere respiration is the dominant factor in soil respiration. Consideration of ecophysiological factors that drive plant activity is therefore important when soil respiration is to be investigated or modelled.  相似文献   

Rock fragments in soil can contain significant amounts of organic carbon. We investigated the nature and dynamics of organic matter in rock fragments in the upper horizons of a forest soil derived from sandstone and compared them with the fine earth fraction (<2 mm). The organic C content and its distribution among humic, humin and non‐humic fractions, as well as the isotopic signatures (Δ14C and δ13C) of organic carbon and of CO2 produced during incubation of samples, all show that altered rock fragments contain a dynamic component of the carbon cycle. Rock fragments, especially the highly altered ones, contributed 4.5% to the total organic C content in the soil. The bulk organic matter in both fine earth and highly altered rock fragments in the A1 horizon contained significant amounts of recent C (bomb 14C), indicating that most of this C is cycled quickly in both fractions. In the A horizons, the mean residence times of humic substances from highly altered rock fragments were shorter than those of the humic substances isolated in the fine earth. Values of Δ14C of the CO2 produced during basal respiration confirmed the heterogeneity, complexity and dynamic nature of the organic matter of these rock fragments. The weak 14C signatures of humic substances from the slightly altered rock fragments confirmed the importance of weathering in establishing and improving the interactions between rock fragments and surrounding soil. The progressive enrichment in 13C from components with high‐14C (more recent) to low‐14C (older) indicated that biological activity occurred in both the fine and the coarse fractions. Hence the microflora utilizes energy sources contained in all the soil compartments, and rock fragments are chemically and biologically active in soil, where they form a continuum with the fine earth.  相似文献   

The fate of organic matter during composting is poorly understood. Therefore, we analysed composts of sewage sludges and green wastes (44 samples representative of 11 stages of biodegradation) by conventional chemical methods: pH, humic (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) content, C, N and organic matter (OM) content, and by 13C CPMAS NMR to assess the decomposition process of the organic matter. Chemical changes clearly occurred in two phases: first, decomposition of OM during the first 2 months was characterized by decreased C/N ratios, OM content and increased pH; and second, a humification process with increased HA/FA ratios. NMR spectrum changes confirmed this pattern, with an increase in aromaticity and a decrease in alkyl C. A decrease of syringyl to guaiacyl ratio (S/G), a sign of lignin transformation, also indicated humification during composting. NMR spectroscopic properties of composts were also studied by means of principal components analysis (PCA) and revealed changes according to the degree of compost maturation. The factorial map presents a chronological distribution of composts on the two first principal components. The influences of eight chemical factors on the PCA ordination of composts as monitored by their evolution by NMR were also studied by multivariate analyses. PCA clearly indicated two phases: the rapid decomposition of organic matter followed by the formation of humic‐like substances. The first phase, that is ‘new’ composts, was strongly correlated with OM contents, pH and C/N ratios whereas the second phase, corresponding to ‘old’ compost, was correlated with pH, HA content and HA/FA ratio. These results confirm that knowledge of the formation of humic substances is indispensable to suitable monitoring of the composting process.  相似文献   

The small organic matter content of mineral soils makes it difficult to obtain 13C and 15N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra with acceptable signal-to-noise ratios. Subjecting such samples to hydrofluoric acid removes mineral matter and leads to a relative increase in organic material. The effect of treatment with 10% hydrofluoric acid on bulk chemical composition and resolution of solid-state 13C NMR spectra was investigated with six soils, some associated particle size fractions, plant litter and compost. The treatment enhanced the signal-to-noise ratio of the solid-state 13C NMR spectra. The improvement in spectrum quality was greatest in the clay fraction of soil contaminated with coal ash. The removal of paramagnetic compounds associated with the ash may be the main reason for the improvement. Based on total C, total N, C/N ratio and intensity distribution of the solid-state 13C NMR spectra, no changes in organic matter composition could be detected, except for a possible loss of carbohydrates. After treatment with HF, solid-state 15N NMR spectra of particle size fractions were obtained and indicated that the observable nitrogen is present mostly as peptides and free amino groups. Extraction with hydrofluoric acid is recommended as a routine treatment prior to solid-state 13C and 15N NMR on soil containing little C or N and soil samples containing paramagnetic compounds from natural or anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Amounts of the individual carbohydrate components derived from uniformly 14Clabelled grass added to soil were monitored in incubations lasting for up to 2 years. Decomposition was enhanced by the presence of the earthworms. Allolobophora caliginosa and Lumbricus rubellus and the cranefly larvae Tipula paludosa. After 28 d larvae had increased the loss of 14C-arabinose by 8.8% (compared to soil without larvae), -xylose by 15%, -non cellulose glucose by 5.3% and -cellulose glucose by 12.5%. Earthworms had increased the loss of 14C-xylose by 5%, -galactose by 21% and -total glucose by 11% after 6 months, and by another 29%, 14% and 8% respectively after 12 months. The losses of 14C, initially about 60% from soil with tipulid larvae after 1 month, and 50% from soil with earthworms after 3 months, became progressively less. Total 14C losses in the presence of earthworms were 66% after 12 months and 60% after 2 years, respectively. Increased decomposition is considered to be the result of the mixing of soil and substrate by the invertebrates, rather than an effect of their digestive capabilities.  相似文献   

Cross polarization carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with magic angle spinning (CP-MASS) was used to analyse for various forms of carbon in soils, a moss peat, hydrochloric acid insoluble residues from soils and peat, and litter from beech and pine trees. The chemical composition of the litters was also investigated by conventional techniques. The results show that hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid extraction removes nearly all oxygenated alkyl carbon from the soils used. It is shown that humification pathways in which carbohydrates are incorporated into humic substances via nonhydrolysable linkages are not important for the soils investigated in this work. CP-MASS data suggest that the percentage of aromatic carbon in pine leaves increases with increase in ageing time. The results for the beech leaves are not sharply defined.  相似文献   

Four samples of soil organic matter and their humic acids, fulvic acids and humin were studied with solid-state 13CP MAS NMR. The whole soil samples were fractionated using NaOH and HCl in order to extract humic acids, fulvic acids and humin. This investigation indicates that conventional humus fractionation does not significantly change the content of different functional groups in soil.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop a method to follow the dynamics of sludge‐derived organic carbon, which will allow us to understand the behaviour of trace metals in the sludge‐treated soils. We studied, in a sandy agricultural soil of southwest France, cultivated with maize and amended with sewage‐sludge over 20 years, the dynamics of different sources of organic matter and compared this with a control, which had never received any treatment. For the first time, a method is proposed that will distinguish and quantify sludge‐derived organic carbon, maize‐derived organic carbon, and native organic carbon. This method is based on the mean differences in δ13C abundances between native (−26.5‰), maize (−12.5‰) and sludge (−25.4‰) organic carbon. Three hypotheses on the dynamics of soil organic matter sources are proposed: (i) isotopic differences observed between control and sludge‐treated soils are due only to the incorporation of sludge C, whereas in the others, the control was used to model the incorporation of (ii) maize C or (iii) native C in the sludge‐treated soils. The comparison of the stocks of each source (native C, maize C and sludge C) found in the bulk soil with the sum of corresponding stocks found in particle‐size fractions allowed us to reject the two first hypotheses and to validate the last one. Repeated applications of sewage‐sludge induced accumulation of sludge‐derived organic carbon in the topsoil, and simultaneously contributed to the preservation of maize‐derived organic carbon. When sludge applications ceased, the rapid decrease in soil organic matter stocks was mostly caused by the degradation of the sludge‐derived organic carbon sources. At the same time, the maize‐derived organic carbon shifted from the coarsest fraction (200–2000 μm) to the finest fraction (0–50 μm). Therefore, this study has shown that repeated applications of sewage‐sludge induced changes in soil organic matter dynamics over time.  相似文献   

Changes in phosphorus (P) during soil development are central to the understanding of labile P for plant productivity and soil P management. We used NaOH‐EDTA extraction with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P NMR), sequential P fractionation, and general soil chemical characterization to better our understanding of P dynamics within two chronosequences (Manawatu and Reefton) and one Basalt maturity sequence under original native vegetation. With time, orthophosphate and orthophosphate monoesters tended to increase with organic C to a maximum of about two‐thirds of NaOH‐EDTA‐extractable P in young soils (16 000 years in the Reefton chronosequence), but gradually declined thereafter to about one‐third of NaOH‐EDTA‐extractable P in the oldest soils (130 000 years old). This coincided with a depletion of P from primary minerals (e.g. apatite) and readily available P for plant production. This depletion of inorganic P resulted in a greater reliance on organic P cycling via mineralization, hence the depletion of the normally recalcitrant monoester‐P pool. Concomitantly, the build‐up of labile P species (diesters and pyrophosphate) and scyllo‐ over myo‐inositol hexakisphosphate occurred as soils developed, and might be attributed to microbial activity, including scavenging for P. This work highlights the importance of organic P cycling during pedogenesis.  相似文献   

A broader knowledge of the contribution of carbon (C) released by plant roots (exudates) to soil is a prerequisite for optimizing the management of organic matter in arable soils. This is the first study to show the contribution of constantly applied 13C‐labelled maize and wheat exudates to water extractable organic carbon (WEOC), microbial biomass‐C (MB‐C), and CO2‐C evolution during a 25‐day incubation of agricultural soil material. The CO2‐C evolution and respective δ13C values were measured daily. The WEOC and MB‐C contents were determined weekly and a newly developed method for determining δ13C values in soil extracts was applied. Around 36% of exudate‐C of both plants was recovered after the incubation, in the order WEOC < MB‐C < CO2‐C for maize and MB‐C < WEOC < CO2‐C for wheat. Around 64% of added exudate‐C was not retrieved with the methods used here. Our results suggest that great amounts of exudates became stabilized in non‐water extractable organic fractions. The amounts of MB‐C stayed relatively constant over time despite a continuous exudate‐C supply, which is the prerequisite for a growing microbial population. A lack of mineral nutrients might have limited microbial growth. The CO2‐C mineralization rate declined during the incubation and this was probably caused by a shift in the microbial community structure. Consequently, incoming WEOC was left in the soil solution leading to rising WEOC amounts over time. In the exudate‐treated soil additional amounts of soil‐derived WEOC (up to 110 μg g−1) and MB‐C (up to 60 μg g−1) relative to the control were determined. We suggest therefore that positive priming effects (i.e. accelerated turnover of soil organic matter due to the addition of organic substrates) can be explained by exchange processes between charged, soluble C‐components and the soil matrix. As a result of this exchange, soil‐derived WEOC becomes available for mineralization.  相似文献   

Two hydrofluoric acid‐treated soils were prepared with water contents ranging up to 22% by exposing them to a range of atmospheric humidities. There was no effect of water content on the chemical shift distribution of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal in 13C cross‐polarization (CP) NMR spectra. The sensitivity of the 13C CP NMR spectra decreased slightly with increasing water content. Much of this decrease could be attributed to decreases in T1ρH relaxation rates, caused by enhanced molecular mobility of the organic matter in the presence of absorbed water. Rates of T1H relaxation were very sensitive to water content, and average T1H relaxation rates decreased four‐ to five‐fold from the smallest to the largest water content. Rates of T1H relaxation were non‐uniform, and were better modelled by two‐T1H component fits than one‐T1H component fits. The ratio of rapidly to slowly relaxing components increased with increasing water content. Proton spin relaxation editing (PSRE) subspectra revealed substantial changes in the nature of these two components with increasing water content. These results indicate the presence of an organic matter component that is very sensitive to water content, transforming from slowly relaxing at a small water content to rapidly relaxing at a greater water content. This component was shown to be rich in O–alkyl and carbonyl C, and may be hemicellulosic root exudates and microbial mucilages. The slowly relaxing PSRE component was a mixture of ligno‐cellulose and alkyl biopolymers, whereas the rapidly relaxing component was primarily charcoal for one of the soils, and was reminiscent of dissolved organic carbon for the other soil. These findings show that care must be taken in controlling water contents when using PSRE to study organic matter.  相似文献   

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