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千岛湖为"抗州-黄山-南京-无锡-苏州-上海"黄金旅游线上的一颗明珠,1998年国内外游客达130余万人次,旅游收入3.21亿元.千岛湖虽然具有丰富的旅游资源和优越的旅游环境,但由于树种比较单一,林相缺乏层次和季相变化,影响景观质量,且病虫害呈逐渐迈延之势,因此必须进行林种树种结构调整以适应旅游业发展的需要,内容包括大规模造景、中规模造景、小规模造景、营造濒危珍稀树种异地保存林、岛屿消落带覆盖林、近水草药带、四季观花林、针阔混交林与观叶观果林、生态经济林等. 相似文献
建设千岛湖新型多功能景观游憩林 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
徐高福 《云南林业调查规划设计》2000,25(1):54-59
千岛湖为“抗州-黄山-南京-无锡-苏州-上海”黄金旅游线上的一颗明珠,1998年国内外游客达130余万人次,旅游收入3.21亿元。千岛湖虽然真有丰富的旅游资源和优越的旅游环境,但由于树种比较单一,相缺乏层次和季相变化,景景观质量,且病虫害呈逐之势,因此必须进行林种树种结构调整以适应旅游业发展的需要,内容包括:大规模造景、中规模造景、小规模造景、营造濒危珍稀树种异地保存林、岛屿消落带覆盖林、近水草药 相似文献
本文将塞罕坝风景游憩林分为郁闭人工林景观、稀树草地景观、草甸荒漠景观与湿地景观4种类型,分别阐述了景观特色,进行了景观视觉分析,认为塞罕坝人工林和稀树草地景观应通过人工措施形成曲折而富于变化的林缘,对稀树草地、草甸草原和湿地景观应加强保护,减少人为干预。 相似文献
Forest Fertilization: Some Guiding Concepts 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Drawing on results from studies of nutrient cycling and fertilizerresponse in pine, three concepts are proposed: (1) Fertilizersare generally of benefit to the trees, not the site, and measureablepermanent site improvement is only likely if the amount of nutrientapplied is large in relation to the soil capital. (2) In theabsence of any site improvement, fertilizer response is bestexplained, and costed, by using the simple analogy of an accelerationthrough time, leading to a reduction in rotation length. (3)Consideration of the variations with tree age in the patternsof nutrient uptake, cycling and immobilization, and in the captureand retention of atmospheric nutrients, leads to the suggestionof three distinct nutritional stages. During the years priorto canopy closure (Stage I) tree growth is very dependent onsoil nutrient concentrations and response to a number of nutrientscan be expected. Thereafter, (Stage II) responses are unlikelyunless foliage biomass has to be reconstructed, e.g after thinningHowever, on low nitrogen capital sites, immobilization of nitrogenin biomass and humuus as trees age can lead to the progressivedevelopment of deficiency (Stage III), a deficiency that mayeventually disappear as tree demands fall with age. It is suggested that together these three concepts provide arational framework that will aid in the explanation and extrapolationof results from empirical fertilizer trials 相似文献
泰国的森林旅游与森林保护 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文简要地介绍了泰国森林旅游业的情况。泰国经济由"替代进口型"转向"外向型"的过程中,成功地利用了本国的旅游资源优势,发展第三产业。在发展森林旅游业时,采取森林资源开发与森林保护并重,发展旅游与改善环境并重,提高人民素质与加强法治管理并重的方针,取得了比较好的生态、经济和社会效益。这些成功经验,对我国林业改革很有借鉴意义。 相似文献
Graham K. 《Journal of pest science》1964,37(1):13
This paper compares and contrasts the ways in which forest recreationis handled in Western Europe and some tentative suggestionsare made of what we could learn from one another. The demandfor forest recreation has been rising rapidly everywhere andthe rise is likely to continue, but perhaps at a slower ratethan before. One of the major contrasts between countries concerns the lawsof public access to forests. Britain is one of the few countrieswhere access is neither enshrined in law nor tolerated everywhereby custom, although it is granted voluntarily to virtually allpublicly owned forests and also to some privately owned ones. Where access is granted, the emphasis throughout Western Europeis to encourage the peaceful enjoyment of nature rather thannoisy leisure pursuits which can be equally well catered forelsewhere. The main problems are associated with litter and the damagecaused by excessive deer populations which are favoured by huntingand environmental interests. With regard to litter, the bestsolution is to keep recreational facilities absolutely cleanand tidy at all times because fewer people set a bad examplethan follow one. No satisfactory solution to the game problemhas yet been found. In most of Western Europe less effort has been made than inBritain to quantify the costs and benefits of recreation forwhich no charges are made; this reflects a fundamental differenceof attitudes to the valuation in money terms of some of thegood things in life. Finally, the paper advocates the opening of more forests inBritain to the general public. 相似文献
阐明了旅游业是全球性的新兴产业,介绍了国外的森林旅游发展状况,论述了森林旅游的理论基础、环境优势、景观优势和卫生保健功能,指出我国森林旅游在旅游业中占有重要地位,它是21世纪的旅游热点,前途光明.建议林业部门找准位置,抓住机遇,占领市场份额. 相似文献
我国森林旅游标准体系构建初探 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
我国森林旅游经过20多年的发展已经取得了巨大的成绩,可是在森林旅游开发与管理中仍然缺乏相应的标准体系来指导。从标准体系及标准体系表的概念出发,阐述了我国构建森林旅游标准体系的相关原则,最后从构成要素、建设过程与利用层次3方面提出了我国森林旅游标准体系构建框架。 相似文献
遂川森林旅游资源开发探索 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从森林旅游开发角度出发,认真地分析了遂川森林旅游资源现状、特点及景观质量,提出了遂川森林旅游开发的对策,为遂川森林旅游业发展提供参考。 相似文献