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介绍了美国精确农业发展现状及当前进行的主要工作,阐述精确农业就是信息农业的概念。着重介绍SSCM(根据田间具体情况作物管理系统)系统和ieldMap产量图在精确农业发展中的作用及GIS与精确农业的不可分关系。  相似文献   

中国农业的发展与精确农业技术体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了精确农业技术体系的基本内容,论述了我国作为农业大国研究和发展精确农业高新技术的必要性;讨论了我国发展精确农业应注意的几个问题及开发推广精确农业技术的对策。  相似文献   

新时期我国农业信息技术发展方向   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
文中分析了我国农业信息技术的发展现状及发展趋势,提出了21世纪初期我国农业信息技术应优先发展的领域:农业信息资源数据库建设和应用技术,科技信息的电子化传播技术,农业生物信息学技术,精确农业支持技术,高附加值农产品的生产管理和市场信息化技术,农业多媒体制作技术和声象技术,“信息落地”技术以及农产品电子商务技术。  相似文献   

国外精确农业技术研究及应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确农业是80年代末由美国的土壤研究专家提出来的,10多年来在全世界广泛开展。精确农业旨在追求农业生产效益的提高和减少农业生态环境污染。日本在精确农业有关技术开发上进展也非常快,甚至连从来都没有关系的技术领域也都开始与精确农业相结合,的确显示出了引导农业发展的巨大作用。  相似文献   

1991年第一次海湾战争后,全球定位系统(GPS)技术开始民用化,这给农业精确定位管理提供了可能性.精确农业在美国、加拿大等发达国家已被广泛认可是可持续发展农业的重要途径.基本涵义是按照田间每一操作单元(区域、部位)的具体条件,精细准确地调整各项土壤和作物管理措施,最大限度地优化使用各项农业投入,以获取单位面积上的最高产量和最大经济效益,同时保护农业生态环境,保护土地等农业资源.精确农业的核心技术是地理信息系统(GIS)、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、遥感技术(RS)简称(3S)和计算机自动控制系统.  相似文献   

科技是美国农业发展的巨大推动力,也正是由于有了高新科技应用于农业这个前提,目前美国农业正在朝着一个新的阶段——“精确农业”发展。  相似文献   

以“3S”(遥感技术、地理信息系统和全球定位系统)技术为基础,为实现因地块、因苗情作物管理而达到节本、增产、减轻农化污染的“精确农业”,正在美、加、英、法、澳等发达国家迅速扩大应用,并被认为是一项将改变21世纪农业面貌的关键技术,而且已成为农业生产资料产业(农机、化肥、农药等)的新增长点。  相似文献   

精确农业的支持技术及应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精确农业是现有农业生产措施与电子信息高新技术的有机结合。是信息农业的重要组成部分。本文阐述了精确农业的由来、概念、技术思想,重点分析了精确农业的支持技术,井就当前国内外的精确农业的应用发展作了展望。  相似文献   

根据现代农业的发展趋势,世界持续农业以农村发展(SARD)出现新的走向——新绿色革命的兴起,重新肯定绿色革命的伟大成就,分析了新绿色革命兴起的主要原因,指出了21世纪世界农业的总体发展方向:充分利用现代科学技术继续武装绿色革命,并与之有机地结合起来,走向以仿生农业与精确农业为主流的未来农业持续发展道路。  相似文献   

美国农业科技的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国农业的发展,已经经历了两次革命:第一次是马匹代替人力,第二次是拖拉机代替马匹。美国农业科技已经取得了许多突破性的重大发展。一、以全球卫星定位系统(Global Position-ing System)为代表的高科技设备应用于农业生产,导致了"精确农业"(Precision Agriculture)的产生,大大提高了农业生产水平无论是在农业院校,还是在农业服务公司,或是在农业合作社和家庭农场里,都看到了在联合收割机、播种机和施肥机上安装的全球卫星定位仪。以联合收割机为例,在驾驶室的顶部安装一个接…  相似文献   

现代精准农业及我国精准农业的发展方向   总被引:87,自引:0,他引:87  
农业正进入以知识密集为主要特点的知识农业发展阶段,在现代信息技术、生物技术、工程技术等一系列高新技术最新成就基础上发展起来的现代精准农业已成为现代知识农业的重要生产形式。根据我国农业发展的特点,近期可重点发展节水、节肥精准农业技术体系,在设施农业发展较快的地区可发展精准设施农业,在生产规模大、机械化程度高的大农场开展精准农业生产实践。  相似文献   

The concept of precision agriculture, based on information technology, is becoming an attractive idea for managing natural resources and realizing modern sustainable agricultural development. It is bringing agriculture into the digital and information age. The practice has smoothly extended into some developing countries. The basic principle of managing soil and crop variability within a field is certainly not new. It was named ‘intensive and meticulous cultivation’ by the Chinese people and has been long regarded as the cream of Chinese conventional agriculture. Toward the new millennium, China is preparing to follow the experience of the developed world and is starting to investigate the new technology. This paper considers the possible adoption of precision agriculture for developing countries and ideas in conducting the practice in China.  相似文献   

精准农业研究的回顾与展望   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文综述了国际上精准农业的研究概况,包括精准农业理念的形成、技术体系的发展、研究动态及在有关国家的应用情况等;总结了我国精准农业研究的现状和存在的问题,针对我国的具体情况,对于在规模经营和分散经营条件下如何应用信息等高新技术开展精准农业技术研究进行了探讨。  相似文献   

精准农业是一个由多学科技术和多个组分组成的复杂系统。为了充分地协调各个组分之间的功能,以使精准农业系统的硬件资源得到充分利用的同时,其软件资源和人力资源的利用效率也得到极大提升。本文借助现代企业管理学中的流程再造理论,结合实地的农业生产管理实际情况,通过把试验基地中已有的各种软硬件资源和人力资源合理地配置在流程的合理位置中,重新构建了精准农业的农事业务流程,并将已有系统的各个模块进行有机协调、组织和集成,使系统达到更加优化并更适合当地农业生产的实际需求,从而有效地提高了精准农业中的资源利用效率和决策水平。  相似文献   

剖析了农业特有的本质——利用生物的生活机能,特别是植物的光合作用发展生产。因而就物质量而言,农业是国民经济诸部门中唯一产出大于投入的部门,是人类赖以维持生命的部门,是一切社会的基础。论证了发达国家实现现代化的原始积累均以在殖民地进行的大量农业积累为前提。中国没有殖民地,中国不可逾越的积累过程必须主要依靠自己的农民和农业。指出了超级大国都以强大的农业为支柱,而不少第三世界国家在走向现代化历程中的失误大都由于对农业的忽视。确认中国要实现现代化,必须把发展农业放在优先的地位,必须采取发展“为农工业”和“为农企事业”等重大决策。  相似文献   


Precision agriculture (PA) has a huge potential for growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), but it faces a number of social-economic and technological challenges. This study sought to map existing PA research and application in SSA countries following the methodology for systematic mapping in environmental sciences. After screening for relevance, the initial about 7715 articles was reduced to 128. Results show that most of the studies were conducted in countries with socio-economic and technological advancement, mainly South Africa followed by Nigeria and Kenya. The studies were conducted at various scales ranging from field to country level with field scale studies being the most common. Most studies were conducted in relatively small farms typical of most farmlands in SSA. Studies done in relatively large farms are fewer, and such farms would likely belong to a few organisations and individuals with high economic capacity. Many of these studies have been conducted by researchers from outside SSA and a combination of researchers from within and outside SSA. However, based on authorship of the articles, it appears that most of the studies conducted in SSA on precision agriculture have either involved or depended on non-African researchers. It is concluded that there have been significant strides towards use of precision agriculture in SSA. However, with about 21 countries having no research done, there exists greater potential for precision agriculture in the region. Besides, there is need for more research to investigate the low usage of precision agriculture for livestock management.


Farmers in developed countries have established various tillage practices for crop production. These include plowing, disking, subsoiling, harrowing, field cultivating, rotary hoeing, and row-crop cultivating. But these conventional tillage practices necessitate the use of heavy equipment that often causes soil compaction, impairs soil physical conditions, and creates conditions leading to soil erosion. Many Western countries, studying their conventional tillage systems through the new perspective of sustainable approaches to agriculture, are developing new tillage practices, called conservation tillage, which limit tillage to essential operations and prevent damage to soil. The majority of the small-scale farmers in developing countries use indigenous tillage systems. These are low-cost, locally adapted technologies that reflect considerable knowledge of sustainable agriculture. Ironically, the new conservation tillage systems currently being developed in the West have many characteristics of indigenous tillage systems. This paper compares conventional, conservation, and indigenous tillage practices, using examples from the United States and India, and concludes that, for sustainable food production, indigenous tillage practices in developing countries should continue to be used.  相似文献   

变量播种施肥技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
由于种子的播种量不精确,化肥的施用存在利用率低、污染环境等问题。为了解决这些问题,必须进行精准变量播种施肥,变量播种施肥技术是精准农业的重要内容之一。文章介绍了精准农业的基本概念,并以精准农业为背景,介绍了变量播种施肥的概念及关键技术,探讨了当前变量播种施肥技术存在的问题及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

姜楠  韩一军  李雪 《农业展望》2013,(10):45-50
50年来,世界农业取得了巨大进步,粮食产业发生很大变化,出现了许多新情况新特点,特别是粮食价格频繁波动对世界各国都产生了巨大影响。在粮食主产国中,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,制定粮食产业支持政策、确保国家粮食安全都是政府农业政策的一个主要目标。在对美国、欧盟和日本等粮食产业支持政策进行系统总结的基础上,探索发达国家粮食生产保护的措施和经验,从而研究其对中国粮食产业政策制定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The central concept of precision agriculture is to manage within-field soil and crop growth variability for more efficient use of farming inputs. Remote sensing has been an integral part of precision agriculture since the farming technology started developing in the mid to late 1980s. Various types of remote sensors carried on ground-based platforms, manned aircraft, satellites, and more recently, unmanned aircraft have been used for precision agriculture applications. Original satellite sensors, such as Landsat and SPOT, have commonly been used for agricultural applications over large geographic areas since the 1970s, but they have limited use for precision agriculture because of their relatively coarse spatial resolution and long revisit time. Recent developments in high resolution satellite sensors have significantly narrowed the gap in spatial resolution between satellite imagery and airborne imagery. Since the first high resolution satellite sensor IKONOS was launched in 1999, numerous commercial high resolution satellite sensors have become available. These imaging sensors not only provide images with high spatial resolution, but can also repeatedly view the same target area. The high revisit frequency and fast data turnaround time, combined with their relatively large aerial coverage, make high resolution satellite sensors attractive for many applications, including precision agriculture. This article will provide an overview of commercially available high resolution satellite sensors that have been used or have potential for precision agriculture. The applications of these sensors for precision agriculture are reviewed and application examples based on the studies conducted by the author and his collaborators are provided to illustrate how high resolution satellite imagery has been used for crop identification, crop yield variability mapping and pest management. Some challenges and future directions on the use of high resolution satellite sensors and other types of remote sensors for precision agriculture are discussed.  相似文献   

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