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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the environmental impacts of a beef cow–calf system using a life cycle assessment (LCA) method and to investigate the effects of scenarios to reduce environmental impacts on the LCA results. The functional unit was defined as one marketed beef calf, and the processes associated with the cow–calf life cycle, such as feed production, feed transport, animal management, the biological activity of the animal and the treatment of cattle waste were included in the system boundary. The present results showed that the total contributions of one beef calf throughout its life cycle to global warming, acidification, eutrophication and energy consumption were 4550 kg of CO2 equivalents, 40.1 kg of SO2 equivalents, 7.0 kg of phosphate (PO4) equivalents and 16.1 GJ, respectively. The contribution of each process to the total environmental impact in each environmental impact category showed a similar tendency to the contribution of each process in each environmental category reported in the case of the beef fattening system as a whole. The results from this analysis showed that shortening calving intervals by 1 month reduced environmental impacts by 5.7–5.8% in all the environmental impact categories examined in the current study, and increasing the number of calves per cow also reduced environmental impacts in all the categories, although the effects were smaller.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the environmental impacts of a beef-fattening system using the life-cycle assessment (LCA) method and to investigate the effects of feeding length on the LCA results. The functional unit was defined as one animal, and the stages associated with the beef-fattening life cycle, such as feed (concentrate and rough-age) production, feed transport, animal management, animal body (i.e., biological activity of cattle), and the treatment of cattle wastes, were included in the system boundary. Our results suggest that enteric or gut CH4 emissions of cattle were the major source in the impact category of global warming (2,851 kg of CO2 equivalents), whereas NH3 emissions from cattle waste were the major source in the impact categories of acidification (35.1 kg of SO2 equivalents) and eutrophication (6.16 kg of PO4 equivalents). Feed production also contributed a great deal to all categories. A shorter feeding length resulted in lower environmental impacts in all the environmental impact categories examined in the current study, such as global warming and acidification, although there was a difference in effect of reducing environmental impacts among the categories.  相似文献   

Global livestock production is going to be more and more sophisticated in order to improve efficiency needed to supply the rising demand for animal protein of a growing, more urban and affluent population.To cope with the rising public importance of sustainability is a big challenge for all animal farmers and more industrialized operations especially. Confined animal farming operations(CAFO) are seen very critical by many consumers with regard to their sustainability performance, however, the need to improve the sustainability performance especially in the ecological and social dimension exists at both ends of the intensity, i.e., also for the small holder and family owned animal farming models. As in livestock operations, feed and manure contribute the majority to the three most critical environmental impact categories global warming potential(GWP), acidification(AP) and eutrophication potential(EP)any effort for improvement should start there. Intelligent combination of nutrient-, emission-and waste management in an integrated low emission farm(LEF) concept not only significantly reduces the environmental footprint in the ecological dimension of sustainability, but by producing renewable energy(heat, electricity, biomethane) with animal manure as major feedstock in an anaerobic digester also the economic dimension can be improved. Model calculations using new software show the ecological improvement potential of low protein diets using more supplemented amino acids for the Chinese pig production. The ecological impact of producing biogas or upgraded biomethane, of further treatment of the digestate and producing defined fertilizers is discussed. Finally, the LEF concept allows the integration of an insect protein plant module which offers additional ecological and economical sustainability improvement potential in the future. Active stakeholder communication about implementation steps of LEF examples improves also the social aspect of sustainability.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to compare feed cost, palatability and environmental impacts among feeding systems of high concentrate (HC), high hay (HH) and grass‐only‐fed (Gof) groups. Feed cost was the sum of costs paid for feed intake times the price of feed per kilogram. Palatability was measured by a panel taste test using HH and Gof beef and analyzed for differences. Environmental impacts were calculated based on 1 kg of Japanese beef yield of CO2 equivalents (eq) and animal end weights at each feeding stage. Results showed that the HH and Gof feeding systems could significantly reduce feed costs by approximately 60% and 78%, respectively, from the HC. In the panel taste test, 50% and 47.50% of panelists indicated that HH beef was ‘extremely delicious’ and ‘acceptable,’ respectively, while 15% indicated that Gof beef was ‘extremely delicious’; 62.50% indicated that Gof beef was ‘acceptable.’ Environmental impacts of each feeding system in terms of CO2 equivalents (eq) were 9.32, 6.10 and 2.04 tonnes of eq for the HC, HH and Gof, respectively. The HH was an economical system that produced moderate impacts on the environment and had impressive taste.  相似文献   

乳酸菌作为一种应用广泛的微生物制剂,有着改善奶牛机体胃肠道健康、增加产奶量、提高免疫力和改善乳品质的作用,可直接与奶牛饲料搭配进食或用于青贮玉米饲料的制备。玉米作为青贮饲料的优质原料之一,可全株发酵,营养价值丰富,适于奶牛饲喂。本文总结了乳酸菌制剂的作用原理和应用、青贮玉米饲料的制备要点以及青贮玉米饲料添加乳酸菌后对奶牛生产性能、机体健康的影响,旨在为奶牛优质饲料的制备及应用提供参考,促进奶牛养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

近年来我国畜牧业发展迅速,奶牛存栏数量呈现逐年增加的趋势,与此同时,人们对各类奶制品需求量的逐渐增加,进一步带动了以奶牛业为核心的畜牧业发展。目前一些大型畜牧场将玉米(Zea mays)饲草作为畜禽的主要饲料,远不能解决畜牧业快速发展导致的饲草不足问题。甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor)是一种仅次于青贮玉米的优良饲草作物,耐干旱,耐贫瘠,生物产量高,籽粒可以用作配合饲料,茎叶和秸秆可进行青饲、青贮等。本文从甜高粱的刈割、甜高粱不同预处理方式及甜高粱的多功能用途等方面进行综述,对甜高粱饲喂奶牛的效果进行综合对比,并提出饲用应注意事项等,旨在为今后使用甜高粱饲喂奶牛提供一些技术参考。  相似文献   

中美贸易战从2018年1月打响,影响较为深远。本文从中美贸易战对我国上游奶牛养殖业、下游乳制品加工业带来的影响进行了详细分析,并提出相关建议,如大力发展国内优质苜蓿干草与苜蓿青贮;积极寻找大豆替代品,构建多元化进口大豆供应体系;加强粮改饲政策扶持力度,促进饲料的本土化发展;建立公平协调机制,把奶牛养殖场与乳品企业合同公平化;拓宽乳制品进口渠道,扩大乳制品出口量;鼓励和引导相关企业扩大奶粉和乳清生产,加大对乳制品产业的投入力度等等。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of substituting brown rice grain for corn grain in total mixed ration (TMR) silage containing food by‐products on the milk production, whole‐tract nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in dairy cows. Six multiparous Holstein cows were used in a crossover design with two dietary treatments: a diet containing 30.9% steam‐flaked corn (corn TMR) or 30.9% steam‐flaked brown rice (rice TMR) with wet soybean curd residue and wet soy sauce cake. Dietary treatment did not affect the dry matter intake, milk yield and compositions in dairy cows. The dry matter and starch digestibility were higher, and the neutral detergent fiber digestibility was lower for rice TMR than for corn TMR. The urinary nitrogen (N) excretion as a proportion of the N intake was lower for rice TMR than for corn TMR with no dietary effect on N secretion in milk and fecal N excretion. These results indicated that the replacement of corn with brown rice in TMR silage relatively reduced urinary N loss without adverse effects on feed intake and milk production, when food by‐products such as soybean curd residue were included in the TMR silage as dietary crude protein sources.  相似文献   

We evaluated the economic and environmental impacts of strategies that incorporated selection for pig feed efficiency and dietary optimization based on a single or multiple objectives tailored to meet the population nutritional requirements, with the goal to optimize sustainable farm feed efficiency. The economic and environmental features of the strategy were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA) and bio-economic models. An individual trait-based LCA model was applied to evaluate global warming potential, terrestrial acidification potential, freshwater eutrophication potential (EP), and land occupation of the combined genetics and nutrition optimization to produce 1 kg of live pig weighing 120 kg at the farm gate. A parametric individual trait-based bio-economic model was developed and applied to determine the cost breakdown, revenue, and profit to be gained from a 120-kg live pig at the farm gate. Data from two genetic lines with contrasted levels of feed efficiency were used to apply the combined genetics and nutrition optimization: accounting for the average nutritional requirements for each line, the individual pig responses to diets formulated for least cost, least environmental impacts, or minimum combination of costs and environmental impacts objectives were predicted with INRAPorc. Significant differences in the environmental impacts (P < 0.0001) and profit (P < 0.05) between lines predicted with the same reference diet showed that selection for feed efficiency (residual feed intake) in pigs improves pig production sustainability. When pig responses were simulated with their line-optimized diets, except for EP, all the line environmental impacts were lower (P < 0.05) than with the reference diet. The high correlations of feed conversion ratio with the environmental impacts (> 0.82) and the profit (< −0.88) in both lines underlined the importance of feed efficiency as a lever for the sustainability of pig production systems. Implementing combined genetics and nutrition optimization, the inherent profit and environmental differences between the genetic lines were predicted to be reduced from 23.4% with the reference diet to 7.6% with the diet optimized jointly for economic and environmental objectives (joint diet). Consequently, for increased pig sustainability, diet optimization for sustainability objectives should be applied to cover the specific nutritional requirements arising in the herd from the pigs genetic level.  相似文献   

为了探讨种植业结构调整对于我国环境的影响,本研究运用生命周期评价方法,计算了甘肃省民勤县农户水平2014与2015年从农资生产到农户入仓范围生产1 kg玉米籽粒及1 kg紫花苜蓿鲜草的环境影响,并使用基于蛋白质和热量的计量单位—食物当量(FEU),比较分析了1个FEU玉米籽粒和紫花苜蓿生产的全生命周期环境影响差异。结果表明,生产1 kg玉米籽粒和1 kg紫花苜蓿鲜草全生命周期的一次性能源消耗(PED)分别为9.35和1.22 MJ,水资源消耗(WU)分别为889.33和144.37 kg,矿物和化石资源消耗(DAR)分别为0.13和0.02 kg antimony-eq,气候变化潜值(GWP)分别为1.21和0.10 kg CO2-eq,可吸入无机物(RI)分别为4.23×10-3和1.88×10-4 kg PM2.5-eq,光化学臭氧合成(POFP)分别为2.41×10-3和1.71×10-4 kg NMVOC-eq,环境酸化潜值(AP)分别为8.55×10-3和8.03×10-4 kg SO2-eq,淡水富营养化(FEP)分别为1.20和0.09 kg P-eq,生态毒性(ecotoxicity)分别为1.26×10-2和1.49×10-3 CTU。1个FEU紫花苜蓿生产的PED、WU、DAR、GWP、RI、POFP、AP、FEP和ecotoxicity则分别为玉米籽粒的20.50%、25.43%、21.08%、12.99%、6.98%、11.15%、14.76%、12.31%和18.58%。因而考虑到苜蓿的食物-经济比较优势,目前应给予其不少于粮食作物的种植补贴。并且如果将我国的部分玉米种植改为苜蓿种植,则是最便捷、经济的既能满足我国食物结构需求,又能减少农业生产的资源消耗与环境污染的措施。本研究同时也为在我国深入开展粮改饲提供了一定的立论基础。  相似文献   

母牛流产是奶牛养殖中普遍存在的问题,如果不采取积极预防和治疗措施,会导致母牛繁殖周期延长、产犊率降低,从而对养殖业的经济效益造成重大损害。本研究调查分析了2022年10月至2023年9月期间某牛场母牛的流产情况。统计结果显示,29头可繁殖母牛共产下29头小牛,其中9头新生小牛不幸死亡,流产率近1/3。为明确流产原因,本研究对环境、饲料、用药等多方面进行了调查和检测。经研究发现青贮饲料严重霉变,黄曲霉毒素B1含量显著超标。综合各项检查,初步判断母牛长期食入黄曲霉毒素污染饲料是导致流产的根本原因。此外,本研究提出了一系列有针对性的防控对策,包括监测动物健康、规范饲料管理、定期检测霉菌毒素等,以最大限度地预防和减少母牛的流产问题,并期望对广大奶牛养殖户提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

Dairy farming in Chiang Mai was established in 1965 by the Thai–German Dairy Project and was subsequently taken over by Department of Livestock development in 1970. Starting from 1979, the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand also supports the development of dairy farming in northern Thailand. However, dairy farming in Chiang Mai still faces numerous problems. At present, farm sizes are relatively medium, with an average of 23.75 cattle/farm (cows, heifers and calves). Almost all dairy farmers are member of a dairy co‐operative that provides them with an artificial insemination service, supplies of concentrated feed, loans and a center for collecting milk. The average pasture area is 0.3 ha/farm. The main feed resources are green forage from the farm pasture, public areas and roadside pastures, which are abundant only in the rainy season. The farmers are forced to use crop by‐products as roughage in the dry season, especially rice straw, even though its nutritive value is limited due to its low digestibility, low nitrogen and low mineral and vitamin content. To improve the nutritional value of crop by‐products, physical and chemical treatments are implemented. Agro‐industrial wastes such as pineapple waste, sugarcane molasses, the peel, husk or silk of sweet corn and baby corn are also used as dairy feed.  相似文献   

在奶牛养殖规模化水平不断提高,养殖成本日益增加,且区域间差异明显的背景下,饲料作为奶牛养殖主要投入品,了解其在规模化牧场生产成本中的结构对于优化奶牛日粮结构、降低养殖成本、缩小区域间养殖效益差距等具有重要意义。本文利用2018—2020年规模牧场月度调研数据,分析了我国规模化牧场饲料结构情况。研究发现,大城市周边产区和南方产区的精饲料和粗饲料的比例相对更加科学,华北产区仍有较大提升空间,并且玉米、豆粕、玉米青贮和苜蓿草在日粮中占有较大比重,达到84.62%;不同产区奶牛日粮结构具有明显差距,玉米青贮和苜蓿草在西北产区占比最高,玉米和豆粕在南方产区占比最高。注重发挥区域优势,加大优质粗饲料和可替代饲料的利用,有利于降低养殖成本,提高养殖的科学性和可持续性。  相似文献   

Analysis of blood plasma of 60 cows selected on six Flemish organic dairy farms revealed that on average 12% of all samples and on one farm up to 28% of the organic cows showed plasma vitamin E concentrations less than 3.0 μg/ml, which is considered the minimum level to avoid health risks due to vitamin E shortages. Furthermore, this study showed early lactating and dry cows to be more at risk in relation to animals in mid‐late lactation. In European organic farming, vitamin supplements are only allowed if granted by the local authority to satisfy daily requirements. Therefore, the vitamin E content of the feedstuffs used on the farms was determined. Grass clover silage (GCS) and mixed silage had significantly more vitamin E than hay, maize or grain (p < 0.05) [mean (SD): 52 (35), 29 (20), 4.5 (1.7), 4.9 (4.4) and 7.1 (3.8) mg/kg DM, respectively]. Apparently, variation in the vitamin E content in the silage samples was huge. Hence, the vitamin E content of ryegrass, white and red clover was determined in a second lab scale experiment and the effects of wilting, DM content and supplementation of ensiling additives were investigated. Fresh ryegrass had a higher vitamin E content than white and red clover (p < 0.05) [156 (11.3), 49.3 (0.67) and 74.3 (5.73) μg/g DM, respectively]. These differences remained after the wilting or ensiling. Supplementation of formic acid or lactic acid bacteria at ensiling had no significant effect on the vitamin E content. Overall, it can be concluded that GCS is the most important source of vitamin E in organic dairy farming. A legal possibility for case‐related supplementation should be retained in organic dairy farming as approximately 18% of all dry and early lactating cows were at risk of vitamin E shortage.  相似文献   

We studied the feed intake and milk production of Holstein × Zebu crossbred cows fed sorghum silage diets and concentrates, with and without the addition of crambe meal. Using a change-over design for a total of 120 days, eight cows were fed two diets (concentrates + silages with and without crambe meal) in four 30-day periods, with four replications (animals). The crambe meal diet increased (P < 0.05) the dry matter intake (DMI), crude protein intake (CPI), and non-fibrous carbohydrates intake (NFCI) as well as milk production (4.3%). No difference was noted (P > 0.05) for the milk composition between the treatments. Crambe meal as an additive in sorghum silage (100 g/kg in natural matter) showed a great potential for introduction in dairy farming as it substantially increases CP intake, does not reduce food intake, raises animal productivity, and does not affect milk composition.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) excretion in manure is a concern for dairy and beef producers. Excess P released into surface water runoff can lead to eutrophication and algal blooms in streams and lakes. One approach to reducing P excretion is to reduce dietary P. Data regarding P release from feedstuffs is limited and more precise formulations based on specific feed P release in the digestive tract may be one way to lower excreted P. In this experiment, the mobile nylon bag technique was used to determine the disappearance of P in corn silage, alfalfa hay, Coastal bermudagrass hay, and Tifton‐85 bermudagrass hay in steers after ruminal (24 h), ruminal + pepsin/HCl (rumen + PHCl), and ruminal + pepsin/HCl + intestinal (rumen + PHCl + I) incubation. Ruminal disappearance of P differed (p < 0.05) between feedstuffs and by site of incubation. Total tract (rumen + PHCl + I) P disappearance for corn silage, alfalfa hay, Coastal bermudagrass hay, and Tifton‐85 bermudagrass hay were 90.6%, 93.7%, 83.8% and 84.0% respectively. The range in P release (approximately 7%) indicates that considering P availability when balancing rations could have a measurable impact on subsequent P excretion from ruminants. More data concerning P availability as affected by other feed ingredients or plant species, maturity, and/or quality are needed to more accurately define P release from ruminant feeds.  相似文献   

The suitability of a corn and cob maize silage (CCM) as a component rich in energy in the fattening ration was investigated in a growth experiment with male broilers. The CCM silage with a dry matter content of 60.2% contained the following substances determining its value (per 1 kg dry matter of the feed): 102 g crude protein, 61 g crude fibre and 682 energetic feed units for chickens (EFUc). CCM silage was either fed as a component of a feed mixture consisting of 70.5% CCM silage and 29.5% protein concentrate (all values of original substance) or both components of the ration were fed to broilers separately. The protein concentrate was composed as follows (values per kg): 650 g soybean oilmeal, 110 g fishmeal, 85 g tankage from rendering plants, 55 g torula yeast, 70 g mineral mixture and 30 g of a mixture of biologically active substances. The broilers of the control group received commercial fattening feed for broilers with coarse maize meal as cereal component. The feed mixture with CCM silage and separate CCM silage were accepted readily. When CCM silage and protein concentrate were offered alternatively, the same amount of CCM silage was consumed but 8% less protein concentrate. The broilers fed with CCM silage plus protein concentrate reached 96-97% of the live weight of the control animals (1.952 g/animal, 49th day), which received conventional feed, although their net energy intake was 10% lower. This proves a more favourable net energy expenditure for the test groups fed with CCM silage.  相似文献   

为了探明中国青贮玉米霉菌毒素的污染状况,评价霉菌毒素对动物健康的风险隐患,分别在东北地区(黑龙江)、西北地区(内蒙古、山西)、黄淮海地区(河南、河北)、华中地区(江苏)、西南地区(贵州、四川)和西藏地区9省(自治区)28县主要生产基地采集全株玉米(90份)和青贮玉米样品(161份),共计251份,基于固相分散萃取-液相色谱串联质谱法,测定样品中黄曲霉毒素(AFs)、呕吐毒素(DON)、伏马毒素(FB)、玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)等12种霉菌毒素含量,并利用暴露评估进行动物健康风险评估。结果表明:①参照中国饲料卫生标准,测定样品ZEN超标率为1.19%。当青贮玉米作为泌乳期奶牛饲粮的主要粗饲料时,参照美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)和欧洲食品安全局(EC)饲料安全标准,FB(FDA)和AFs(EC)的超标率分别为23.90%和13.94%。②全株玉米在青贮前和青贮后,霉菌毒素含量变化差异不显著(P>0.05)。③在黄淮海、华中和西南地区,青贮玉米霉菌毒素检出种类和含量相对较高,而在西藏地区含量相对较低。④当动物食用被霉菌毒素污染的青贮玉米时,动物的健康风险排序为:羔羊>犊牛>奶牛;在羔羊中,霉菌毒素的风险排序为:AFs>ZEN>DON>FB。综上所述,中国青贮玉米中霉菌毒素的超标率较低,污染情况相对严重的地区是黄淮海、华中和西南地区。在这些地区,如果青贮玉米作为泌乳期奶牛饲粮中主要粗饲料时,AFs和FB的超标风险较高;如果青贮玉米作为羔羊和犊牛饲粮中主要粗饲料时,AFs污染可能引起动物健康风险。  相似文献   

近年来,南阳市立足当地资源优势,不断探索出肉牛+甜玉米种植,北繁南育+农牧结合,奶牛饲养+苜蓿种植+生态观赏,奶山羊养殖+猕猴桃种植+产业扶贫等种养结合模式,同时不断探索出二季全株青贮+一季大麦三熟种植模式,实现了规模化种植业助力现代化养殖业、养殖业带动种殖业的发展新路子,对提升耕地质量,改善农业农村环境,发展生态循环农业具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study intends to clarify the effects of hands‐on dairy farming experience on the consumption of milk and dairy products. A survey was conducted on 474 elementary schoolchildren and their parents at eight elementary schools that offered hands‐on dairy farming experience at four dairy farms in Hokkaido, Japan. In the survey, questionnaires were used to inquire about the children's milk and dairy product intake before and after the hands‐on experience. In addition, milk intake at school was investigated weekly for 3 months after the hands‐on experience. The parents were asked about the children's intake of milk and dairy products at home before and after the hands‐on experience. Analysis of the survey results indicated a significant increase in the amount and frequency of milk consumed and the frequency of yogurt consumed at home by the children immediately after the hands‐on experience. Accordingly, the study suggested that the hands‐on dairy farming experience had the effect of increasing children's milk and dairy product consumption at home.  相似文献   

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