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We assessed the nutritional value of corn in extruded diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, by determining the apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, and gross energy, and by measuring the apparent availability coefficients (AACs) of essential and non‐essential amino acids (AAs) in several corn‐based diets. We fed 180 juvenile Nile tilapia a reference diet containing 325.8 g/kg crude protein and 4613 kcal/kg gross energy or a test diet containing a 70:30 mixture of the reference diet and a test ingredient (whole corn, corn germ, corn germ meal, corn gluten feed, or corn gluten meal). The apparent digestibility coefficients ranged from 56.3 to 96.6% (dry matter), 89.4 to 96.8% (crude protein), and 59.0 to 95.4% (gross energy). The AACs of all AAs exceeded 80% for all diets and were >90% for corn gluten meal. All ingredients showed high levels of apparent digestibility for crude protein and high AACs of AAs. Diets based on whole corn or corn gluten meal showed higher digestibility values for dry matter and gross energy, suggesting that they are preferable choices for Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

虹鳟鱼对挤压膨化饲料的养分消化率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
膨化技术已在食品工业中应用了将近100年。挤压膨化造成物料的物理和化学变化,如粒度减小、淀粉糊化及酶的失活。温和的挤压加工通常会提高动物对植物蛋白的消化率,但对虹鳟鱼是否如此,尚有待研究。  相似文献   

Vegetable leaf meals are cheaper feed ingredients than soybean meal (SBM) in developing countries, and leaf meals are less important as human food. We evaluated the nutrient digestibility of practical diets containing reduced levels of SBM in combination with leaf meals made from Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Five isonitrogenous diets (32% crude protein) were made: the control diet contained 50% SBM, and the test diets were made by substituting 15 or 30% of SBM protein with either Moringa or Leucaena. Dry matter, protein, and lipid digestibility decreased with increasing Moringa or Leucaena in the diet. Protein and lipid digestibility were high across diets (75–90%). Ash digestibility of the control diet was similar to that of both Moringa diets, while the ash digestibility of the Leucaena diets was lower than other diets. Overall, nutrient digestibilities of Moringa diets exceeded those of Leucaena diets. Dry matter, protein, and lipid digestibilities decreased with increasing dietary fiber, which increased with increasing leaf meals. Ash digestibility was generally low for all diets. Better digestibility of practical diets containing Moringa compared to Leucaena indicates greater potential for Moringa to replace SBM in Nile tilapia diets without compromising fish performance.  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter (ADC DM), protein (ADCp), essential amino acids (ADC EAA), and energy (ADCe) for Nile tilapia of a selected range of animal and plant feed ingredients found in Western European and North American markets were determined. The investigation was able to provide useful data and information as a prelude for effective diet formulation for this fish species. A reference diet was used for the basis of assessing hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate (CPSP), full‐fat soybean meal (FFSBM), solvent‐extracted soybean meal (SESBM), maize gluten meal (MGM), poultry meat meal (PMM), hydrolyzed feather meal (HFM), and spray‐dried hemoglobin meal (SDHM) by substitution. For each major commercial test ingredient, the ADC were as follows: for plant proteins – FFSBM (ADCp 86.99% and ADCe 74.84%), SESBM (ADCp 93.46% and ADCe 82.16), and MGM which was also utilized well by Nile tilapia (ADCp 83.03% and ADCe 82.36%); for animal proteins – PMM (ADCp 69.30% and ADCe 73.47%), HFM (ADCp 45.53% and ADCe 49.11%), and SDHM was highly digested (ADCp 85.79% and ADCe 75.96%). The ADC EAA reflected the same trends as ADCp, and these varied from >87% on average for the EEA in fish meal, >88% for CPSP, >84% for FFSBM, >63% for SESBM, >83% for MGM, and only 61% for PMM, >63% for HFM, and >77% for SDHM. Highest ADC were obtained with SDHM and SESBM among the animal and plant by‐products tested, respectively. These are discussed in the context of practical diets for tilapia.  相似文献   

The digestibility of nutrients and energy in various ingredients to fish is affected by a variety of factors including ingredient quality and processing. Limited information is available regarding the digestibility of nutrients in feedstuffs for sunshine bass Morone chrysops♀×M. saxatilis♂. This information is particularly needed to improve the accuracy of diet formulations and allow appropriate substitution of feedstuffs. Therefore, a study was conducted with advanced sunshine bass fingerlings (50–75 g) to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) for protein, lipid, carbohydrate, gross energy, and organic matter in a variety of feedstuffs in extrusion‐processed diets. Included in the study were low‐temperature processed menhaden fish meal (Select®), meat and bone meal, fish meal analog (PROPAK?) dehulled soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain, sorghum, wheat flour, wheat middlings, and rice bran. Test diets consisted of a 70:30 mixture of reference diet to test ingredient with chromic oxide (0.8%) as the inert marker. Reference and test diet ingredients were mixed in a commercial ribbon blender, preconditioned and extruded on a Wenger X‐20 to produce a neutrally buoyant pellet (5 mm). The digestibility trials were conducted in six 600‐L rectangular tanks connected as a closed recirculating brackish (5–7 ppt) water system. Diets were randomly assigned to tanks of 45–50 sunshine bass and fed twice daily to satiation. Feedstuffs of high‐protein and high‐lipid content were better digested by sunshine bass than feedstuffs of high carbohydrate or high fiber content. Organic matter digestibility ranged from 42% for both sorghum and corn to 96% and 98% for meat and bone meal and Select? menhaden fish meal, respectively. Select? menhaden fish meal and meat and bone meal appeared to be the best Ingredients for sunshine bass diets in terms of overall nutrient profiles and digestibility of nutrients. The fish meal analog did not perform as favorably as the other two animal products. Protein and lipid of cottonseed meal were highly available to sunshine bass with ADCs of 85% and 92%, respectively. Protein digestibility was high for soybean meal (77%), whereas the digestibility of organic matter (51%), lipid (54%), carbohydrate (25%) and energy (56%) in this feedstuff was moderately low. Energy in wheat middlings and wheat also was moderately available at 67% and 59%, respectively. Energy in sorghum and corn was much less available at 44% and 40%, respectively. Digestibility of nutrients and energy in rice bran exceeded 90%. Use of this information should aid the development of more efficient and economical diet formulations for sunshine bass.  相似文献   

Two feeding experiments were conducted to confirm methionine requirement in practical diets of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Test diets used in both experiments contained 414 kcal gross energy, 28 g protein, and 5 g lipid per 100 g diet. In the first experiment, seven diets were made using cottonseed meal (CSM), dehulled solvent‐extracted soybean meal (DSESM), and gelatin as intact protein sources. Methionine was added to five of these diets at 0.03 or 0.06% increments to produce methionine levels ranging from 0.33 to 0.57% of the diet. Each diet was fed to four replicate groups of male juvenile Nile tilapia (5.62 ± 0.13 g) in a recirculation system for 8 wk. Broken‐line regression analysis of weight gain indicated that methionine requirement of juvenile Nile tilapia was 0.49% of the diet or 1.75% of dietary protein at cystine level of 0.45% of the diet. The second experiment was designed based on methionine requirement determined in the first experiment and also contained seven test diets. The first six diets contained CSM and DSESM as protein sources. Methionine was added to five of these diets at an increasing rate of 0.06% to produce methionine levels ranging from 0.49 to 0.79% of the diet. In the last diet (Diet 7), a portion of DSESM was replaced by gelatin to reduce methionine level to 0.33% of the diet in order to test whether methionine is limited. Each diet was also fed to four replicate groups of male juvenile Nile tilapia (2.32 ± 0.06 g) in a recirculation system for 9 wk. At the termination of the second experiment, there were no significant differences in terms of weight gain, survival, and feed efficiency ratio (FER) among the fish fed the first six diets. However, weight gain and FER of the fish fed these diets were significantly better than those fed Diet 7, confirming the methionine requirement value as has been determined in the first experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Water temperature alterations can determine harmful physiological modifications in fish, which should be prepared to cope with this, and nutrition strategies seem to be essential. This study evaluated the effects of different levels of vitamin C and lipids on physiological responses of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, submitted to temperature stress. There were two phases: Phase I – preparing fish to store vitamin C and lipid at appropriate temperature, and Phase II – evaluating the contributions these reserves make to fish physiology under low‐temperature stress. The experiment used a 3 × 2 factorial design with three vitamin C levels (300, 600, and 1200 mg/kg diet) and two lipid levels (8.0 and 12.0%), plus absence of nutrient test and a diet of 6.0% lipids and 125.0 mg/kg vitamin C. In Phase I, 192 fish were kept at 26.0 ± 1.0 C for 112 d, and in Phase II, 48 fish were kept at 18.0 ± 0.5 C for 32 d and at 15.0 ± 0.5 C for 11 d. Fish fed C0L0 diet showed lower erythrocytes values in both phases; higher vitamin C supplement determined higher red blood cell (RBC) number and higher hematocrit (Htc) (Phase II); Htc was significantly lower in Phase II; after temperature stress, fish fed C0L0 diet had higher mean corpuscular volume, lower hemoglobin corpuscular concentration, and significantly lower vitamin C concentration in the liver; and higher supplementation determined a higher concentration in the liver (Phases I and II). Higher plasmatic cortisol concentration was seen in fish fed C0L0 diet. In conclusion, our results show that the absence of vitamin C in diets impairs RBC formation and does not enable fish to cope with stress; excess vitamin C is efficient in mitigating stress and 600 mg/kg diet is economic and physiologically sufficient to prepare fish for coping with low‐temperature stress. Lipid supplementation does not determine alterations in stress biochemical parameters.  相似文献   

Replacement of fish meal (FM) protein with dehulled and solvent‐extracted plant by‐products, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, sunflower meal, and linseed meal was tested in diets for juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Fish averaging (±SD) 14.2 ± 2.9 g were divided into 18 groups and fed for 6 mo on pelleted feed containing each of the plant protein meal supplemented with Yucca schidigera powder extract at 750 mg/kg. Methionine (1%) and lysine (0.5%) were added to each diet except the control diet (FMC), while diet FMC + Y was supplemented with yucca only. Three groups of fish were fed each of six isonitrogenous (25% crude protein) and isocaloric (4.3 kcal/g) diets replacing 100% of FM protein and performance compared against a nutritionally balanced control and a commercial tilapia feed. After 6 mo of feeding, the fish fed plant protein diets supplemented with yucca exhibited growth performance not differing significantly from that of fish fed FMC + Y, while differing significantly from the control FMC and diet linseed meal (LSM). The highest apparent protein digestibility coefficient was observed for diets treated with yucca, which was significantly higher than that observed for the control diet FMC. No significant differences were found in whole‐body moisture of fish fed different experimental diets. An increase in the whole‐body protein content was observed in fish fed diets supplemented with yucca, which was significantly different from that of the diet FMC. The whole‐body fat content of Nile tilapia was low and showed significant differences among treatments supplemented with yucca compared with the control diet FMC. The whole‐body energy content showed the same trend as whole‐body fat content.  相似文献   

The expansion in date processing has produced a large quantity of date pits Phoenix dactylifera L.: var. ruzeiz that could be used in animal feeds. To evaluate the nutritional value of date pits and their sprouts, two growth trials were conducted using semi-purified diets and fingerling tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In the first trial, four isocaloric-isonitrogenous diets containing different levels (0, 15, 30, and 45%) of date pits as a replacement for corn starch were fed to three replicate groups of fingerlings with a mean initial weight of 3.09 ± 0.10 g/fish. At the conclusion of the 9-wk growth trial, final weight gain, feed conversion, specific growth rate and PER were significantly reduced in fish fed diets with all levels of date pits as compared to those fed the control diet (without date pits). However, there were no significant differences in these parameters for fish fed diets contained 15%, 30%, or 45% date pits. Body crude fat was gradually reduced as the level of date pits in the test diets was increased. Consequently, body moisture, crude protein and total ash were proportionally increased. In second trial, three isocaloric-isonitrogenous diets containing 0% date pits (control diet), 15% date pits sprouted for 15 d, and 15% date pits sprouted for 30 d were fed to triplicate groups of tilapia with mean initial weight 2.60 t 0.09 g/ fish) for 9 wk. Growth rates and body composition of fish fed diets containing date pits that were sprouted for 15 or 30 d were similar to that of those fed the control diet. Under the reported conditions the inclusion of sprouted date pits did not affect growth and body composition, whereas nonsprouted date pits negatively influenced fish performance.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) values for a number of ingredients of plant or animal origin were obtained in order to formulate diets based on such values and to evaluate growth performance of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed four experimental diets in which fish meal was gradually replaced by a mixture of other ingredients.The digestibility of various diet components was measured by using an inert marker in the feed and by using the Guelph faeces collecting system. ADC values of the ingredients tested were generally high, especially for fish meal. It was found that extruded pea seed meal (92.6%), defatted soybean meal (94.4%), full-fat toasted soybean (90.0%) and micronized wheat (88.6%) were the best vegetable proteins tested. Lupin seed meal and faba bean meal had similar ADC values for protein and energy.Groups of tilapia, initial mean body weight (SD) 6.7 (0.1) g, were fed experimental diets with the same digestible protein (DP) and digestible energy (DE) containing graded levels of a mixture of vegetable ingredients as partial or total replacement of fish meal protein. A growth trial was conducted over 12 weeks as partial or total replacement of fish meal protein. A growth trial was conducted over 12 weeks at a water temperature of 25 °C. Significant differences were observed for weight gain among tilapia fed diets D0, D33, D66 and D100 (containing only animal protein, 33, 66, and 100% of plant protein, respectively). No significant differences were observed for voluntary intake among tilapia fed diets D0, D33 and D66. These values were significantly lower than those observed for tilapia fed plant protein based diet (D100) and suggest the possibility of partial replacement of fish meal by vegetable proteins without negative effects.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the use of gambusia, Gambusia affinis, fish meal (GFM) in practical diets for fry Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (2.11 ± 0.11 g). Six isonitrogenous diets (35%) were formulated in which GFM replaced 0.0, 10, 25, 50, 75, or 100% of the protein supplied by herring fish meal (HFM). Fish were fed one of the test diets at a feeding rate of 4% of the fish body weight 6 d a week, 2 times a day for 13 wk. Results demonstrated that fish growth increased with increasing GFM up to 75%, which produced the highest growth of the treatments. The lowest fish growth was obtained at 100% GFM. Feed intake (FI), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and apparent protein utilization (APU) increased significantly, while feed conversion ratio (FCR) decreased significantly with increasing GFM up to 75%. FI, PER, and APU decreased significantly, while FCR increased significantly for diets containing 100% GFM. There were no significant differences in moisture, protein, lipid, or ash contents in final fish body following inclusion of GFM in fish diet. There was no significant difference in the digestibility coefficient of dry matter. The digestibility coefficients of protein and gross energy for diets containing 100% GFM replacement were the lowest as compared with other GFM levels. The present study recommended that GFM is a suitable protein source in practical diets for fry Nile tilapia and could replace HFM up to 75%.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A feeding trial was conducted for 60 d to study the effect of dietary microbial phytase on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of rohu, Labeo rohita , fingerlings. One hundred and twenty fingerlings (average initial weight: 9.17 g/fish) were equally distributed into five experimental tanks, each with four replicates. Five isonitrogenous (35%) and isocaloric (16.79 kJ/g) diets were prepared from plant-based ingredients, supplemented with microbial phytase at the level of 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 U/kg diets and fed to T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4 groups, respectively. Weight gain %, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and apparent net protein utilization were significantly ( P  < 0.05) improved in groups fed phytase-supplemented diets compared to control, the highest being observed in T3 group. Maximum apparent digestibility of phosphorus and crude protein was recorded in T3 group. Bone ash, phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) contents were also significantly ( P  < 0.05) increased in phytase-fed groups. However, maximum was recorded in T3 group. Results from the present study indicated that addition of 750 U microbial phytase/kg diets effectively improved nutrient utilization, bone mineralization, and hence growth of L. rohita fingerlings.  相似文献   

Abstract— The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of different levels of krill meal (KM) as a feed attractant in juvenile Nile tilapia fed soybean (SBM) diets on growth performance, feed utilization, and body composition. Fish of an initial average weight 0.8 × 0.01g were stocked in 18 glass aquaria (80 L each) at a rate of 25 fish per aquarium. Fish meal (FM 20% of the diet) was used as the sole source of animal protein in the control (Diet 1). Diets 2 to 6 had (SBM) protein with various levels of krill meal (0.0,1.5,3.0,4.5, and 6.0%, diets 2-6 respectively). Test diets were fed to satiation to triplicate groups of Nile tilapia four times daily for 20 wk. Fish fed krill meal supplemented diets had significantly ( P < 0.05) better growth performance compared with fish fed the unsupplemented and FM control diets. The krill meal increased growth of Nile tilapia by 31.9% compared to control diets (average Anal wet weight, 14.15 × 0.95 g and 10.72 × 0.2 g, respectively). Moreover, weight gains were not significantly different for fish fed diets with different levels of krill meal. Feed utilization parameters such as feed intake, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio differed significantly for fish fed krill meal diets compared with control. Digestibility of nutrient and energy of diets increased with increasing levels of krii meal. The incorporation of krill meal in diets significantly affected the protein, fat, ash, and energy of whole body composition. These results suggest that supplementation of krill meal at 1.5% in the diets of Nile tilapia as attractant or stimulant may lead to increased feed intake, growth performance, and feed utilization. Soybean meal can completely replace fishmeal in diets for juvenile tilapia.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM) is an excellent source of amino acids (AAs) for fish but its proximate composition varies according to its origin and processing. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein, and gross energy, and apparent availability coefficients (AAC) of essential and nonessential AAs (EAA and NEAA, respectively) in MBM containing various levels of crude protein (MBM‐340, 370, 400, 430, and 460 g/kg) were determined for juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, 32.7 ± 4.5 g). A reference diet containing 351.9 g/kg crude protein and 4541.1 kcal/kg of gross energy and test diets containing a 70:30 mixture of the reference diet and MBM were used with 5 g/kg Cr2O3 as an external indicator. ADC of dry matter, gross energy, and crude protein in MBM samples were 42.9–76.2%, 71.6–89.1%, and 49.4–86.9%, respectively. MBM‐400, 430, and 460 showed higher dry matter, gross energy, and crude protein ADC than that by MBM‐340 and 370. All AAs in MBM‐460 showed AAC of EAA > 90%, while the value for MBM‐430 was >85%, except arginine (82.1%) and lysine (84.8%). High ADC of energy, crude protein, and AAC in MBM‐430 and 460 indicate good potential as quantitative AA sources. Besides the low AA quality of MBM‐340, 370, and 400, their utilization is limited by low digestible energy and high ash, which should be considered in the production of least‐cost, well‐balanced, and sustainable diets for tilapia.  相似文献   


Jackbean, Canavalia ensiformis, seeds were detoxified using eight different wet thermal detoxification methods in either distilled water (5% w/v) or trona (NaCO2.NaHCO3.2H2O) solution. The effects of the detoxification methods on hemagglutinating, antitryptic and urease activities, and on the digestibility coefficient of crude protein and gross energy in the jackbean seeds were investigated. Cracked jackbean seeds cooked (100°C) in trona solution for one hour proved to be more effective as a method of inactivating the antinutritional factors in jackbean seeds. Dried detoxified jackbean seed meals were incorporated in dry practical diets providing 20% or 30% of total protein and fed to Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings (mean weight, 6.7 g) twice daily to apparent satiation for 70 days. Mortality was low and no abnormal fish behavior was noted even when the detoxified jackbean meals provided 30% of total protein in diet. Growth and feed utilization indices, were similar (P > 0.05) between the diet in which cracked jackbean seeds cooked in water provided 20% of total protein and in diets in which cracked jackbean seeds cooked in trona solution provided 20% or 30% of total protein. Carcass composition and hepatosomatic index showed no definite trend among O. niloticus fingerlings fed the experimental diets.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of feed supplementation with chia and canola oils as a substitute for soybean oil on the composition of Nile tilapia muscle tissue using chemometrics. Diets were supplemented with 2.1% of each oil and were provided to fish for 15 and 30 days. Compared to soybean oil, supplementation with canola and chia oils significantly increased (P < 0.05) the contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5 n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) in Nile tilapia fillet. At 30 days, DHA content increased 97% in Nile tilapia fed chia oil and 91% in treatment with canola oil. The highest EPA content correlated to treatment with chia oil (7.33 mg 100 g?1). The long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) precursors, linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid, were observed to increase according to treatment type and feed supplementation duration. The principal component analysis resulted in a two-principal-component model that described 92.07% of the total data variance. Also, it highlighted that the replacement of soybean oil with canola and chia oils in Nile tilapia diets contributed to increasing the n-3 LC-PUFA concentration in Nile tilapia fillets, improving its nutritional value.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Brewer's waste is one of the promising protein source by-products for fish diets. A 10-wk feeding trial experiment involving five different diets with increasing levels of brewer's waste (32% crude protein) was carried out to evaluate the use of brewer's waste in tilapia diets in place of fish meal. Growth performance was compared against a control diet formulated to have similar composition to a typical commercial diet. Four experimental diets replaced successively 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the fish meal protein with brewer's waste. The diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. Results indicated that weight gain did not differ significantly ( P  > 0.05) with up to 50% replacement. Feed intake and utilization were depressed at high levels of brewer's waste. In addition, methionine of high replacement level diets was low. The results of the digestibility trial demonstrated that the brewer's waste used in this study has an apparent digestibility coefficient for protein of 70%. It was concluded that 50% of the fish meal protein in a typical commercial diet could be replaced with brewer's waste with no adverse effect on growth and feed utilization for tilapia.  相似文献   

Whole lupin seed meal was evaluated as partial replacement for fishmeal in extruded diets for rainbow trout, with particular emphasis on the effect on growth performance and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and energy. Effect on muscle fatty acid composition was also evaluated. All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic and to contain approximately 45% crude protein and 5.5 kcal energy g/diet. Diets were formulated to include whole lupin seed meal at 0, 10, 15, and 20%. Triplicate groups of fish weighing 65.9 ± 15.1 g on average were fed twice a day until apparent satiation during 12 wk. Growth, feed intake, hepatosomatic index, hepatic histology, proximate composition of whole body, and muscular fatty acid profile were determined. Growth and feed utilization were similar in all treatments and whole‐body composition did not vary among treatments. Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n‐6 and n‐3 series remained constant in muscle as the amount of lupin in diets increased. Furthermore, the ADCs were similar among all diets. These results suggest that inclusion of whole lupin seed meal up to 20% in extruded diets for rainbow trout do not have any negative effect on growth, feed performance, or flesh quality.  相似文献   

为了解饲用溶菌酶对吉富罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)消化道组织结构发育和营养物质利用的影响,本研究设计5种饲料溶菌酶添加水平:18 mg/kg (L18)、36 mg/kg (L36)、54 mg/kg (L54)、72 mg/kg (L72)和90 mg/kg (L90),以不添加溶菌酶的饲料(L0)为对照,进行为期60 d的饲养。结果显示,饲料中添加溶菌酶对吉富罗非鱼肝脏和胃肠道消化酶活性产生了不同程度的影响。L36、L54和L72组的胃、前肠和中肠蛋白酶活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05),肝脏、前肠脂肪酶活性在L54和L72组均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),淀粉酶活性在除前肠、中肠外的L72和L90组显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。L36、L54和L72组鱼的肠道不同部位肠绒毛密度、高度和宽度较对照组显著提高,在肌层厚度上,溶菌酶添加组在前肠和后肠部位有下降趋势,L18、L36和L90组显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而在中肠部位,肌层厚度随添加水平升高而呈先升后降的变化趋势,L36、L54和L72组在数值上高于对照组,但无显著性差异(P>0.05);杯状细胞数量在L54和L72组均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。肝脏切片图显示,L36和L54组肝细胞排列整齐、形状饱满,相较于对照组更致密,但高剂量添加组的肝脏健康程度有下降趋势。消化吸收率方面,在饲养Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期,L36和L54组对粗蛋白的表观消化率显著高于对照组,到饲养Ⅲ期和Ⅳ期,L36~L90组对干物质、粗蛋白和粗脂肪的消化吸收率均有显著提高(P<0.05)。研究表明,在本实验条件下,36、54 mg/kg溶菌酶添加水平具有最稳定的作用效果,吉富罗非鱼通过肝肠发育和消化酶活性的提高来促进对饲料干物质、粗蛋白和粗脂肪的消化吸收。  相似文献   

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