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鸡蛔虫分布于世界各地,对鸡的危害十分严重,这是众所周知的。家鹅也可以感染玛蛔虫,一般属偶见,1985年孙洛东等曾报告鹅的感染率为0.67%,强度为1~4条;浙江省1985年进行家禽蠕虫区系调查时,共检鹅199只,仅发现4只鹅有鸡蛔虫,感染率为2%,强度1条,1990年5月我们调查了10只鹅,5只鹅找到了鸡蛔虫,感染率高达50%,强度为1~12条,这在国内尚属初次见  相似文献   

我县鸡寄生虫危害严重,蛔虫、绦虫、异刺线虫的感染率分别为85%、79%和80%;感染强度分别为5—52条、2—25条和50—280条。为了摸清鸡寄生虫在经济效益方面造成的危害程度,我站进行了蛋用鸡驱虫效  相似文献   

对10组雏鸡(每组3只或5只)从出生第一天起就饲养在无蠕虫环境中,从第三周开始分批试验,每只雏鸡一周内感染鸡异刺线虫胚胎虫卵1,000个,直至第六个月,感染后经30天剖检,结果发现:3—7周龄雏鸡的易感性最强,感染率达100%,感染强度66—106条,从12周龄起感染率下降到33%,8—12周龄的感染强度降至1条以下。该线虫在我省危害严重,建议养鸡户对7周龄以下的雏鸡饲养在干净卫生的鸡舍中,鸡舍、饲料、用具与大鸡隔离,可大大减少该寄生虫的感染与危害。  相似文献   

1.福建省家禽通过一年来的检查,家鸭200只,家鸽120只,家鸡60只和鹅50只的结果,检得线虫18种,分隶于8科12属,其中寄生于家鸡和家鸭的各有8种、家鸽3种、家鹅2种。2.福建省已知的家禽寄生线虫18种中、鸡蛔虫、鸡异刺线虫、异刺线虫、鹅裂口虫、钩唇饰带线虫、螺旋咽饰带线虫和膨尾毛细线虫等七种,是国内各地常见的家禽寄生虫。鸭裂口虫、鸟四辐射线虫、鸭瓣口虫、四棱线虫、钩状棘结线虫、厚尾束首线虫、孟氏眼虫、鹅毛细线虫和鸽毛细线虫等9种是我国首次的记录。3.福建省家禽寄生线虫,感染率较高而危害性严重的,有鸡蛔虫、家鸡感染率占36.6%,感染度为2—196个;鸡异刺线虫、家鸡感染率占76.6%,感染度为5—72个;鹅裂口虫、家鹅感染率占80%,感染度为12—94个;鸟四辐射线虫、家鸽感染率占75%、感染度为5—360个:台湾束首线虫、家鸭感染率占60%,感染度为2—26个。  相似文献   

文昌鸡生态放养过程中驱虫程序的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用虫卵漂浮法、麦克马斯特氏虫卵计数法对文昌鸡生态放养期间感染寄生虫的种类与粪便中虫卵数量进行监测。结果表明,文昌鸡生态放养感染的寄生线虫主要为鸡蛔虫和几种异刺线虫。自然条件下生态放养35 d后,每克粪便中寄生虫虫卵数(eggs per gram, EPG)达到了700,呈显著增长趋势。抽样宰杀30只鸡,检出18只感染鸡蛔虫成虫,感染率为60%,平均感染强度为8条/只。因此,建议整个生态放养期间驱虫3~4次为宜,首次驱虫时间为放养后25~30 d。  相似文献   

为了解四川地区鸡异刺线虫(Heterakis gallinarum)的感染情况,本研究对四川雅安、西昌、绵阳、达州、成都、广元和自贡7个地区共236只本地散养鸡的鸡异刺线虫感染情况进行了调查。结果显示,所检测的236只散养鸡中,有93只鸡不同程度地感染了鸡异刺线虫(1~328条/只),平均感染率为39.4%,平均感染强度为33.9条/只,7个地区的感染率介于23.3%~57.6%之间,绵阳地区的鸡只感染率最高,而成都地区的鸡只感染率最低。广元地区的鸡只感染强度最高(52~328条/只),同时雅安、达州和自贡地区中某些鸡只的鸡异刺线虫感染强度亦较高(100条/只)。通过调查表明,四川7个地区鸡的鸡异刺线虫感染率较高,应注意加强饲养管理以及对鸡异刺线虫病的防治措施。  相似文献   

<正> 1983年8—10月,我们在河南省长葛县养鸡场进行了调查,发现鸡蛔虫、异刺线虫和赖利绦虫普遍地混合寄生在鸡的消化道内。我们随机捕获两只鸡进行剖杀,发现鸡,蛔虫高达116条/只,异刺线虫89条/只,赖利绦虫18条/只。这些寄生虫严重影响了鸡的生长发育。该场孵出的一批雏鸡,喂养了五个月后,轻度感染的体重只有1.30公斤,而严重感染的体重仅有0.2公斤,有的甚至瘦弱死亡。  相似文献   

鸡蛔虫ITS rDNA的PCR扩增克隆及序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鸡蛔虫(Ascaridia galli)寄生于鸡、火鸡、鸭、鹅、鹌鹑、雉鸡等鸟禽类的小肠,偶见于嗉囊、胃和食道.鸡蛔虫病分布于全世界和全国各地,在我国具有分布广、感染率高、感染强度较高的特点[1].  相似文献   

1989年2月份,武威地区某鸡场成年产蛋鸡拉稀、血便,产蛋量下降。鸡群群体表现精神委顿,冠冉发白,羽毛污乱,食欲不振。剖检病鸡6只,胴体均呈羸瘦,营养不良状;胃肠内寄生虫感染强度为:蛔虫7—9条.异刺线虫14—16条,棘沟赖利绦虫1—6条,斧钩华首线虫3—5条,除此尚寄生有其它内寄生虫;肠粘膜弥漫性出血和脱落,肌胃虫孔处化脓或坏死;细菌学检查未查出致病菌。诊断为胃肠道寄生虫混合感染,优势虫种为鸡蛔虫、异刺线虫和绦虫。为安全、有效做好群体驱治工作,用盐酸左旋咪唑和丙硫咪唑以不同剂量分别对35只病鸡先行驱治试验,筛选理想药物和最佳剂量,以利群体驱治。现报告如下:一、材料与方法1.试验鸡 10月龄星杂288鸡35只(公19、母16),粪查均有多量鸡蛔虫、异刺线虫、绦虫等虫卵及球虫卵囊。随机分为7组,每组5只。1、  相似文献   

近两年家禽寄生蠕虫调查的结果显示,我省鸡、鸭、鹅绦虫的感染率都较高,感染强度也重。1982年在瑞安、江山、义乌、黄岩四县的调查统计,鸡的感染率为83%,感染强度平均为76条,最多的一只鸡感染787条;鸭感染率为67.69%,感染强度平均为30条,最多的一只寄生290条;鹅感染率为60  相似文献   

本研究旨在阐明鸡蛔虫湖南分离株线粒体烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)脱氢酶亚单位1(nad1)基因部分序列(pnad1)遗传变异情况。利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增鸡蛔虫的pnad1,应用Clustal X 1.81程序对序列进行比对。结果显示,所获得的pnad1序列长度一致,为408 bp。由于鸡蛔虫pnad1序列种内相对保守,种间差异较大,故可作为种间遗传变异研究的标记,从而为鸡蛔虫的分类鉴定及进一步的分子流行病学调查奠定了基础。  相似文献   

湖南省鸡蛔虫线粒体nad1基因部分序列的测定及分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究旨在阐明鸡蛔虫湖南分离株线粒体烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)脱氢酶亚单位1(nad1)基因部分序列(pnad1)遗传变异情况。利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增鸡蛔虫的pnad1,应用Clustal X 1.81程序对序列进行比对。结果显示,所获得的pnad1序列长度一致,为408 bp。由于鸡蛔虫pnad1序列种内相对保守,种间差异较大,故可作为种间遗传变异研究的标记,从而为鸡蛔虫的分类鉴定及进一步的分子流行病学调查奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A negative influence of the helminths Ascaridia galli on the level of free plasma amino acids and aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activities was demonstrated in the host chick serum. Despite the above negative influence single experimental Ascaridia galli invasion failed to influence the serum protein level or weight increments in chicks. At low invasion intensity the experimental chicks were able to compensate for the pathogenic effect of the helminth Ascaridia galli, manifested by decreased amino acid and aminotransferase activity levels, provided that they were given a full-value and the chicks were kept under suitable zoohygienical conditions.  相似文献   

Comparative resistance to different isolates of Ascaridia galli was investigated in a local chicken breed from Jordan (LC) and in the Lohmann LSL white chicken (LW) strain. In two trials, birds of LC and LW were inoculated orally at 1-day old with 250 embryonated A. galli eggs. In the first trial a German source of A. galli was used, whereas in the second trial, a Jordan source of A. galli was used. At week 7 of infection, infected LC birds harbored significantly (P<0.05) fewer worms and excreted less A. galli eggs than infected LW birds. A. galli isolated from Jordan were less infectious than A. galli from Germany. Results suggest that the variation in genetic background between LC and LW is involved in the resistance to A. galli infection. A. galli isolates from different geographic areas differ in their ability to infect different chicken genotypes.  相似文献   

为探究从广东省清远的鹅体内采集的蛔虫(Ascaridia anseris)的种类,对临床采集的鹅蛔虫样品,在形态观察的基础上,用保守引物NC5和NC2扩增鹅蛔虫的ITS rDNA基因片段,将扩增产物经克隆测序后,获得大小为1 009bp的鹅蛔虫ITS rDNA基因序列(GenBank登录号为KC905082)。序列比对和系统进化分析表明,鹅蛔虫5.8SrRNA基因与GenBank收录的鸡蛔虫(登录号为AJ001508)同源性为96%,而与不同地理株的鸽蛔虫的同源性在91%~96%之间;禽蛔科的鸡蛔虫、鸽蛔虫和鹅蛔虫同一进化分支,鹅蛔虫、鸡蛔虫和鸽蛔虫处于各自的独立进化分支。上述证明,鹅蛔虫是不同于鸽蛔虫的一个独立有效种,在系统发生关系上与鸡蛔虫更亲近。  相似文献   

The effect of a primary infection with the haemoparasite Plasmodium gallinaceum on the establishment of a challenge infection with the nematode Ascaridia galli in chickens was studied. Four groups were infected as follows. Group 1: inoculated intravenously with 10(6) P. gallinaceum-infected erythrocytes on day 0; group 2: orally infected with 500 embryonated A. galli eggs on day 10; group 3: infected with P. gallinaceum on day 0 and A. galli on day 10; and group 3: non-infected control birds. The results of this investigation demonstrates that a primary infection with P. gallinaceum in chickens alters the course of a subsequent infection with A. galli. Thus, an antagonistic effect was seen in which the malaria infection caused a significant reduction on the establishment of the nematode in concurrently infected animals.  相似文献   

Ascaridiosis is still a cause of economic losses in modern poultry production systems. Improving genetic resistance to this disease provides an attractive alternative for free-range organic poultry producers and will eventually reduce the extensive use of anthelmintic drugs. An experiment was conducted to compare resistance to Ascaridia galli infections in Lohman Brown (LB) and Danish Landrace (DL) chickens. A self-cure mechanism to A. galli infections was observed in both breeds. However, significantly higher worm burdens and egg excretion were seen in the DL compared to LB chickens during primary infection. This indicates that breeding for resistance to A. galli is possible in chickens.  相似文献   

In a comparative field trial, 5,950 meat breeder chickens were medicated via feed for 7 consecutive days with 60 ppm of the anthelmintic flubendazole. This treatment cured the birds of an infection with Ascaridia galli and Capillaria obsignata. A slight but transitory diarrhea was observed in treated chickens. The applied medication did not unfavorably affect egg production, fertility, or hatchability.  相似文献   

Growth and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses were studied in 7-day-old chicks given orally 1000 irradiated (12.5 kR) or normal infective eggs of Ascaridia galli. Chicks immunised with irradiated eggs showed normal weight gains. CMI responses, as assessed by dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB)-induced contact and delayed hypersensitivity reactions, were enhanced in the immunised group as compared with healthy controls, suggesting stimulation of CMI responses due to irradiation of A. galli eggs. CMI as well as growth responses were, however, found to be depressed in the birds administered normal infective eggs of A. galli. The present study highlights the role of the CMI response in protection against A. galli infection.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult indigenous chickens from Oodi, Kgatleng district, Botswana, were examined for helminth parasites. Two species of nematodes, Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum, and species of the cestode genus Raillietina, were recovered. A. galli and H. gallinarum were the most commonly seen parasites. The nematode A. galli occurred concurrently with Raillietina spp.  相似文献   

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