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OBJECTIVE: To obtain information on tick paralysis in dogs, including the nature of disease, host signalment, tick-host relationship, treatment, disease progression and recovery, and preventive measures. DESIGN: A prospective survey of 577 dogs affected by tick paralysis was conducted during 1998. Forty-two veterinary clinics along the eastern coast of Australia were instructed to complete survey forms for the first 15 dogs that presented with tick paralysis during September to November. RESULTS: Five percent of dogs died from tick paralysis. Younger dogs were more likely to survive. Long coat length was associated with a greater tick burden but not greater tick size, whereas coat thickness had no bearing on either. Dogs with mild disease recovered more quickly from tick paralysis. Respiratory and gait scores reflected disease severity and were good prognostic indicators. The size of the tick did not reflect the severity of the clinical condition it induced in the host. No method of tick removal or in situ treatment improved recovery time or reduced mortality. However, the time spent in hospital was significantly less for dogs from which the live tick was manually removed. Inspiratory stridor, evident in some dogs with tick paralysis, was not related to tick attachment on the neck. The use of acepromazine maleate or dexamethasone did not reduce recovery time or mortality. Increasing the dose of tick antitoxin serum (TAS) above 0.1 mL/kg had no effect on mortality or recovery time. Dogs with severe disease that received an additional dose of TAS were significantly less likely to survive. Subcutaneous use of TAS at the site of tick attachment was of no benefit in reducing mortality or time to initial clinical improvement. A registered preventative product had not been used on the majority of dogs. Clipping the coat to search for ticks did not reduce mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Therapy needs to address cardiopulmonary dysfunction that may be due directly to the effect of tick toxin and not just respiratory compromise caused by progressive respiratory muscle failure.  相似文献   

A survey of Karoo tick paralysis in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research interest in Karoo tick paralysis and its vector. Ixodes rubicundus, prompted this survey to determine the economic implications of this disease. The survey indicated relatively high losses caused by the condition, identified the stock involved and provided data on the incidence of paralysis and on the control methods employed. Recommendations are made to institute chemical control earlier in the season to attempt better containment of the problem.  相似文献   

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association administered a survey to capture the clinical experiences of small animal veterinarians regarding adverse effects observed in cats and dogs following the use of flea and tick control pesticide products. Results of this survey are discussed and compared with pesticide incident reports collected by Health Canada.  相似文献   

山东省媒介蜱类种类鉴定及羊泰勒虫病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明山东省蜱类种类及羊泰勒虫病流行概况,于2012年3月-2013年11月采用形态学鉴定法鉴定收集的14 878只蜱类标本;采用梨形虫、泰勒科通用引物及种属特异性引物对617份羊血液样品进行PCR检测,并对阳性样品18SrRNA基因进行遗传进化分析;分析不同月份蜱类活动频率及羊泰勒虫感染率。结果显示山东省长角血蜱(Haemaphysalis longicornis)和草原革蜱(Dermacentor nuttalli)所占比例分别为75.3%和24.7%,统计学分析显示长角血蜱显著多于草原革蜱(P0.05),为山东省优势蜱种。PCR检测结果显示山东省羊泰勒虫感染率为24.8%;其中吕氏泰勒虫感染率为12.0%、尤氏泰勒虫感染率为11.8%,混和感染率为5.3%,没有检测到绵阳泰勒虫感染,统计学分析显示吕氏泰勒虫和尤氏泰勒虫在羊群的感染率无统计学差异(P0.05),吕氏泰勒虫与尤氏泰勒虫单虫种感染率显著高于混合感染率(P0.05)。遗传进化分析显示山东省吕氏泰勒虫和尤氏泰勒虫与北京分离株分布于同一分支,而区别于西北地区和南方地区分离株,呈现区域聚集性;不同月份蜱类活动频率与羊泰勒虫感染率呈现季节相关性。上述结果表明山东省优势媒介蜱种为长角血蜱,羊泰勒虫感染虫种为吕氏泰勒虫和尤氏泰勒虫,感染率较高,且与媒介蜱类存在相关性,为山东省羊泰勒虫病防控提供科学实验依据。  相似文献   

Current cattle tick control practices and producer attitudes towards tick control in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa are discussed. These were ascertained from answers to a questionnaire survey to which 31.2% of farmers responded. In general, producers favoured intensive tick control. Beef and dairy farmers had a definite preference for synthetic pyrethroid acaricides, the majority followed a 25 times p.a. treatment frequency and most changed acaricides because of price. Beef producers favoured pour-on application of acaricides while the majority of dairy producers utilized plunge dipping. Producers who used hand spray techniques experienced the highest percentage of confirmed acaricide resistance. A costs of R11.27 for acaricide treatment per bovine per annum was calculated from data gained in this survey. A cost index of 2,496 was calculated by relating acaricide cost to the prevailing price of beef in the region. Only a small number of producers used heartwater, babesiosis and anaplasmosis vaccines. Relative tick borne disease mortality ratios indicated higher heartwater mortalities at high acaricide treatment frequencies. These results are discussed in relation to the tick control regimes practised.  相似文献   

★英国首起H5N1禽流感疫源仍不清楚2007年4月19日:英国环境、食品与农村事务部(DEFRA)在新闻会上宣布,英国首起H5N1禽流感疫情流行病学最终报告已经完成,国家紧急流行病学组的调查人员调查了病毒侵入Bernard Matthews火鸡场所有可能途径,病毒来源  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and nature of adverse reactions of dogs and cats to tick antitoxin serum and to re-evaluate the role of atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis. DESIGN: A retrospective questionnaire of veterinarians. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were posted to 320 veterinarians in tick-endemic regions of Australia. Questions referred to dogs and cats treated for tick paralysis over a period of three years: the number treated, treatment protocols and adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum. Ninety completed questionnaires were returned and responses analysed. RESULTS: Veterinarians reported that approximately 3% of dogs exhibited adverse reactions immediately following treatment with tick antitoxin serum. Eighteen percent of these reactions were described as anaphylaxis, with the remaining 82% attributed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Six percent of cats treated with tick antitoxin serum reacted adversely and the majority of reactions (63%) were ascribed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Atropine was used routinely by 10% of responding veterinarians in the treatment of dogs and cats with tick paralysis. A similar number of veterinarians used atropine only in selected cases. Most veterinarians (76%) reported that they never used atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis in either dogs or cats. Within the survey population, premedication with atropine reduced the number of Bezold-Jarisch reactions following tick antitoxin administration approximately five-fold in dogs and four-fold in cats. CONCLUSIONS: Data from this pilot survey indicate that more cats than dogs have adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum and that the majority of these reactions in both dogs and cats could be related to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. The number of reactions to tick antitoxin serum in dogs and cats could be significantly reduced by the routine use of atropine prior to administration of tick antitoxin serum.  相似文献   

★专家赞成家禽禽流感免疫接种措施2007年5月24日:意大利维罗纳国际家禽免疫会议之后,FAO的一项报告指出,疫病报告和控制政策得到提高,FAO还强调了家禽疫苗免疫接种扑灭H5N1禽流感病毒的意义,尤其适用于禽流感地方流行的国家。家禽免疫通常应结合家禽扑杀、移动控制等其它控制措施。  相似文献   

Current small stock tick control practices and producer attitudes towards tick control in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa are discussed. These were ascertained from returns to a questionnaire survey to which 31.2% of farmers polled, responded. In general, producers did not favour an intensive tick control policy for small stock. Angora, mutton and wool farmers had a definite preference for synthetic pyrethroid acaricides, the majority treating either less than 6 times p.a. or between 11-15 times p.a. Most producers changed acaricides because of price. All small stock producers favoured plunge dip application of acaricides while the majority of wool sheep and Angora producers utilized footbath application as a second preference. Mutton producers favoured pour-on and hand spray application as a second choice. Producers who used plunge dip application techniques experienced the highest percentage of confirmed acaricide resistance which is in accordance with application preference. The general incidence of confirmed acaricide resistance, however, was of a low order but highest amongst mutton farmers. An average cost for acaricide treatment of R1.65 per small stock unit p.a. was calculated from data gained in this survey. Only a small number of producers used the available heartwater vaccine. Small stock mortalities experienced by producers per production unit indicated higher mortalities at high acaricidal treatment frequencies. Farmers allowing a small number of ticks to infest their sheep experienced fewer mortalities due to heartwater than those than kept their sheep free of ticks. Angora goat farmers experienced the same, but with higher mortalities, probably due to the apparently high susceptibility of Angora goats to heartwater.  相似文献   

A topical formulation of amitraz (Mitaban Liquid Concentrate, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A.) was evaluated as a tick repellent and detachment agent, and flea repellent. The diluted liquid concentrate (250 p.p.m. active drug) was topically applied as a single treatment to dogs; the concentration was identical to the rate recommended for treatment of demodicosis and scabies. Brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) populations were eliminated and repelled. Repellent activity (92-95%) was observed against R. sanguineus for 2 weeks post-treatment; the treatment was moderately active (63%) during the third week, and at 4 weeks post-treatment the drug was inactive. Established R. sanguineus populations were also treated, and the diluted liquid concentrate had 100% tick-detachment efficacy. Repellent activity (99%) was also detected against D. variabilis; the activity was monitored for only 7 days. The ectoparasiticide had low to moderate flea (Ctenocephalides felis) repellent activity (42%) for 4 days post-treatment; thereafter the treatment was ineffective. Side-effects were not observed in any of the dogs treated with amitraz, or the placebo.  相似文献   

禽流感对全球禽产品消费和贸易的影响,匈牙利成为世界首个人H5N1型禽流感疫苗生产国,美国建议禁用人类流感药治疗家禽,美国绘制“H5N1型禽流感病毒家谱”,我国建成世界首个禽流感数据库,英国葛兰素史克两种H5N1人禽流感疫苗进行临床实验,俄罗斯开发出3种禽流感疫苗,俄罗斯鸡肉需求减少20%,统计数字显示禽流感疫情重创欧盟鸡肉市场,欧盟计划对禽肉、蛋生产进行补贴,美国经济学家:家禽行业未遭受禽流感重创。[编者按]  相似文献   

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