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Ultrasonography of the cisterna chyli has been used in humans to diagnose increased lymphatic flow or lymph flow obstruction and to guide percutaneous embolization of the thoracic duct via the cisterna chyli. The aim of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic characteristics of the dorsal portion of cisterna chyli in dogs and cats with chylous ascites or chylothorax and in a group of healthy dogs and cats. The aorta and the cranial mesenteric artery were used as anatomic landmarks. Ultrasonography was performed before and 2 h after a fatty meal in healthy dogs and cats. The visualized structure was confirmed to be a dilated cisterna chyli at necropsy in a dog with chylous ascites. The confirmed or presumed cisterna chyli was consistently detected using ultrasonography in nonfasted healthy animals and clinically affected animals and appeared as an anechoic tubular structure, without detectable flow, at the right dorsolateral aspect of the aorta. It had a similar ultrasonographic appearance in patients with chyloabdomen and in nonfasted healthy dogs and cats. There was considerable overlap in diameters of the cisterna chyli for affected and healthy animals. The shape and size of the cisterna chyli in an individual animal were variable during the same ultrasound examination and between different examinations. This study demonstrated the appearance of the presumed dorsal portion of the cisterna chyli by ultrasonography and might provide useful preliminary data for further studies into the feasibility of ultrasound‐guided injections or aspirations of the cisterna chyli in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

The goals of our study were to review the ultrasonographic features of spontaneous extrahepatic biliary obstruction in cats and to determine whether these features can assist in differentiating tumor, inflammation, and choleliths as the cause of obstruction. Thirty cats with a presurgical ultrasound examination an dconfirmed extrahepatic biliary obstruction were studied. A common bile duct diameter over 5 mm was present in 97% of the cats with extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Gallbladder dilation was seen in < 50% of the cats. Ultrasound identified all obstructive choleliths (calculus or plugs) in the common bile duct. However, neither common bile duct diameter nor appearance or any other ultrasonographic feature allowed differentiation between tumor and inflammation as the cause of obstruction. A short duration of clinical signs (10 days or less) seemed to be associated with obstructive cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

The clinical and ultrasonographic features of postoperative intestinal entrapment were assessed in five dogs. Four had vomiting and lethargy, and one had peracute collapse and hematochezia. Ultrasonographic findings in four of five dogs were similar, being characterized by focally hyperechoic mesentery and abdominal effusion, surrounding a single loop of amotile and dilated intestine. In some dogs, the affected intestinal loop had a thickened or corrugated wall, or alteration of wall layering. In one dog, the site of entrapment could be directly visualized. In the most severely affected dog, a large volume of echogenic peritoneal effusion was present, as well as fluid dilation of multiple intestinal loops. The ultrasonographic appearance of intestinal entrapment is similar to that of intestinal perforation or infarction by other causes.  相似文献   

Echoes are frequently seen in the urinary bladder of cats during abdominal ultrasound. These have been attributed to hematuria, pyuria, crystalluria, and lipid. However, sonographic findings have not been previously correlated with urinalysis. We prospectively evaluated 40 clinically normal cats via ultrasound, serum chemistry, and urinalysis. Thin layer chromatography was performed on the urine to determine the amount (mg) of lipid subfractions including diacylglycerol, triglyceride, phospholipid, free fatty acid, cholesterol, and cholesterol ester. Ninety percent (36/40) of the cats in our population had sonographic echoes suspended in the urinary bladder, with most having a subjective score of mild echoes (n = 20). None of the sonographic echoes were gravity dependent or caused distal acoustic shadowing, reverberation, or twinkle artifact. Of the cats with sonographic echoes in the urine, 66% (24/36) had no significant findings on urinalysis other than the presence of lipid. The total amount of subjective sonographic echoes was not significantly related to the total amount of fat measured on thin layer chromatography or the number of lipid droplets seen on urinalysis. An increased amount of urine diacylglycerol was significantly associated with clumping of echoes (P = 0.02) and the amount of lipid droplets seen on urinalysis (P = 0.04). An association between increased amounts of urine diacylglycerol and the amount of echoes seen on ultrasound approached significance (P = 0.05). Findings from this study support previously published theories that sonographic echoes within the urinary bladder of clinically normal cats may be due to urine lipid.  相似文献   

Historical, physical examination, clinicopathologic, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings of 13 dogs with gastrointestinal (GI) smooth muscle tumors (11 leiomyosarcomas, 2 leiomyomas) were reviewed. History, including signalment and chief complaint, physical examination and bloodwork were neither sensitive nor specific for GI neoplasia. Imaging procedures, radiology and ultrasonography, detected the presence of abdominal masses in 12 patients, including 9 animals lacking a palpable mass on initial examination. Survey radiographs of 10 of the 13 dogs revealed a mass effect in 5/10 dogs, evidence of peritoneal effusion or free abdominal gas in 3/10 dogs, and an obstructive pattern with gas and fluid distension of the intestinal tract in 1/10 dogs. Ultrasonography identified an abdominal mass in 12/13 dogs, and peritoneal effusion in 5 animals. Ultrasonography correctly recognized an association of the mass with bowel segments by the presence of intraluminal gas, within or adjacent to the mass effect, in 10 dogs, and strongly suggested an intestinal origin in one additional animal. GI smooth muscle tumors often appeared as large masses, eccentrically projecting from the bowel wall, frequently containing single or multiple hypo/anechoic regions. Based on this study we conclude that ultrasonography is more sensitive than survey radiography in the detection of GI smooth muscle tumors, and may present specific features to distinguish smooth muscle tumors from other types of GI tumors. Ultrasonography is recommended as a screening procedure for cases where GI neoplasia is suspected.  相似文献   

为摸清兰州市宠物犬、猫胃肠道寄生蠕虫的感染情况,于2008年6月~2009年5月通过肛门直接收集,或采集自然排出的粪便,册沉淀法和漂浮法相结合对256只犬、57只猫进行了虫卵或虫体检查。结果显示,256只犬中有48Z犬感染胃肠道寄生虫,感染率18.75%,主要检出犬弓首蛔虫、泡状带绦虫、犬钩虫、犬复孔绦虫、细粒棘球绦虫、华支睾吸虫6种虫卵或/和虫体;57只猫中有14只感染胃肠道寄生虫,感染率24.56%,主要检出犬复孔绦虫、华支睾吸虫、泡状带绦虫3种虫卵或/和虫体。  相似文献   

The value of ultrasonography was evaluated in 85 dogs and 17 cats presented with a clinically suspected portosystemic shunt (PSS). A PSS was confirmed in 50 dogs and nine cats (single congenital extrahepatic in 42, single congenital intrahepatic in 11, and multiple acquired in six). Six dogs and one cat had hepatic microvascular dysplasia, and 29 dogs and seven cats had a normal portal system. Ultrasonography was 92% sensitive, 98% specific, and had positive and negative predictive values of 98% and 89%, respectively, in identifying PSS, with an overall accuracy of 95%. When a PSS was identified with ultrasonography, extrahepatic, intrahepatic, and multiple acquired PSS could be correctly differentiated in 53/54 patients (98%). The combination of a small liver, large kidneys, and uroliths had positive and negative predictive values of 100% and 51% for the presence of a congenital PSS in dogs. The portal vein/aorta (PV/Ao) and portal vein/caudal vena cava (PV/ CVC) ratios were smaller in animals with extrahepatic PSSs compared with animals with microvascular dysplasia, intrahepatic PSSs and those without portal venous anomalies (P<0.001). All dogs and cats with a PV/Ao ratio of < or = 0.65 had an extrahepatic PSS or idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Dogs and cats with PV/Ao and PV/CVC ratios of > or = 0.8 and > or = 0.75, respectively, did not have an extrahepatic PSS. Reduced or reversed portal flow was seen in four of four patients with multiple acquired PSSs secondary to portal hypertension. The presence of turbulence in the caudal vena cava of dogs had positive and negative predictive values of 91% and 84%, respectively, for the presence of any PSS terminating into that vein.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic appearance of biliary cystadenomas in cats and compare the findings to a similar rare form of liver tumor in humans. Biliary cystadenomas are uncommon, benign liver tumors of older cats that may occur as focal or multifocal cystic lesions within the liver. The records of 10 cats which had abdominal ultrasonography and histologic diagnosis of biliary cystadenoma were reviewed. The average age of affected cats was 13.3 years (range 10-16 years). Eight cats were neutered males and two were neutered females. In three cats, the tumors were not seen ultrasonographically due to their small size or from being obscured by near-field reverberation echoes. The remaining seven cats had solitary (4 cats) or multifocal (3 cats) masses corresponding to variable ultrasonographic patterns: multilocular masses containing thin-walled cysts, hyperechoic masses with cystic components, or masses of mixed echogenicity with cystic components. The masses had variable ultrasonographic patterns when multifocal disease was present. Recognizable cysts were evident somewhere within the tumors seen ultrasonographically, although sometimes the cysts appeared very small. The biliary cystadenomas were thought to be clinically silent. Although liver enlargement or a cranial abdominal mass was palpable in 4 cats, no consistent trend of clinical signs, CBC or serum biochemical abnormalities could be directly attributed to biliary cystadenoma. The treatment of choice is surgical resection of the tumor, as continued growth may compress adjacent vital structures within the liver. The differential diagnosis of biliary cystadenomas from other cystic liver lesions such as hepatic cysts, hematomas, abscesses, parasitic cysts, or other liver tumors is discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography of the gallbladder and biliary tract was performed on 42 cats: 22 clinically healthy cats (group A) and 20 cats with hepatobiliary disease and post mortem confirmation of gallbladder abnormalities (group B). The gallbladder wall was visible in 9 of 22 cats in group A and all 20 cats in group B. Additional gallbladder findings in group B included shape anomalies, biliary tract obstruction, wall thickening, polyps, neoplasia, and biliary sludge. Ultrasonographic evaluation of abdominal organs identified pancreatic disease as the predominant pathological cause of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Hepatic parenchymal involvement was noted with inflammation and thickening of the gallbladder wall. Histologically, gallbladder walls were characterized by mucous gland hyperplasia, inflammation, infiltration, edema, epithelial detachment, and/or neoplasia. Ultrasonographic and histologic gallbladder wall measurements of 20 cats in group B agreed within 0.4 mm and all cats with a gallbladder wall thickness > or =1.0 mm had histopathologic abnormalities of the wall. Serum biochemical analysis revealed elevations of one or more parameters in all cats of group B, but was non-specific for a gallbladder lesion. The results of this study indicate that a visible, echogenic gallbladder wall can be considered a normal variant and is not always associated with hepatobiliary disease. Ultrasonography is accurate in measuring gallbladder wall thickness. Wall thickness greater than 1 mm is accurate in predicting gallbladder disease in cats, while a thickness less than 1 mm cannot rule out mild or chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Peritoneal infections caused by Mesocestoides spp. are rare in dogs and cats. Little data exist on the role of abdominal ultrasonography for diagnosis and therapy management of the disease. We describe the ultrasonographic features of peritoneal cestodiasis in a dog and in a cat. In the dog, abdominal ultrasound allowed both a presumptive diagnosis and the collection of tissue samples to confirm peritoneal larval infection. Ultrasound was also very useful for therapy management. In the second patient the ultrasonographic features of tetrathyridial infection in a cat in which the parasite was observed as an incidental finding during ovariohysterectomy are described.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the sonographic features of gastrointestinal (GI) perforation in dogs and cats. Sonographic findings in 19 animals (14 dogs and 5 cats) included regional bright mesenteric fat (19), peritoneal effusion (16), fluid-filled stomach or intestines (12), GI wall thickening (11), presence of free air (9), loss of GI wall layering (9), regional lymphadenopathy (8), reduced GI motility (7), pancreatic changes (4), corrugated intestines (4), presence of a mass (3), presence of a foreign body (3), and mineralization of the gastric wall (1). In 14 patients, "perforation" was listed as a differential diagnosis by the sonographer. Abdominal radiographs and radiographic reports were available for 14 patients. Radiographic findings were decreased serosal detail (12), free air (8), peritoneal contrast medium (1), and suspected foreign body (1). GI perforation was listed as radiographic diagnosis in eight patients, seven of which had evidence of pneumoperitoneum, and one had leakage of contrast material on an upper GI study. In 9/14 patients with radiography, "GI perforation" was listed as a sonographic diagnosis. In three patients in which free air was diagnosed sonographically, radiographs were either not available (2) or the presence of free air was not detected at presentation (1). Peritoneal fluid analysis was performed in nine patients, five of which were identified as septic inflammation, and the remaining four were classified as neutrophilic inflammation with no etiologic agent identified. The histologic or surgical diagnoses were as follows: three intestinal surgical dehiscence; one percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube site leakage; one duodenal adenocarcinoma; one ileocolic lymphoma; one trichobezoar; one ascarid impaction; and one bobby pin foreign body. In the remaining 10 patients, a focal area of gastric/intestinal ulceration or transmural necrosis with perforation was identified without evidence of an underlying cause.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic fellne musculer dystrophy has been reported as an X-linked inherited deficiency of a cytoskeletal myofiber protein called dystrophin. This report deserlbes the radiographic and ultrasonographic abnormalities of two male littermate domestic short-hair cats and reviews the previous reported findings assoclated with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy. The thoracic radiographic abnormalities included: progressive cardiomegaly, large convex, scalloped irregularities associated with the vetral aspect of the diaphragm, and variable degrees of esophageal dilation (megaesophagus) with associated cranioventral aspiration pneumonia. Echocardiographic features included: concentric left vetricular wall thickening, increased left ventricular and diastolic and systolic dimensions, and an increase in endocardial echogenicity. Abdominal radiographic abnormalities included: hepatosplenomegaly, peritoneal effusion, renomegaly, adrenal gland mineralization, and paralumbar and diaphragmatic musculature enlargement. Abdomlnal ultrasonographic abnormalities included: irregularly thickened muscular portion of the diaphragm; hypoechogenicity of the liver; peritoneal effusion; hepatosplenomegaly; renomegaly with hyperechoic cortex and medulla; and adrenal gland mineralization. The irregular scalloped appearance of the diaphragm (particularly along the ventral/sternal margin) was a consistenl radiographic abnormlity in the two cats with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy after the age of 7 months. This finding was confirmed by ultrasound as a thickened irregular, hyperechoic diaphragm. A diagnosis of hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy should be strongly suspected if this abnormality is identified.  相似文献   

The sonographic findings in 101 cats with splenic abnormalities are presented. Diagnosis was made by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate or fine-needle biopsy (n = 91), ultrasound-guided core biopsy (n = 1), surgical core biopsy (n = 1), or necropsy (n = 10). Two cats had more than one diagnostic procedure (fine needle aspirate and necropsy or core biopsy and necropsy). The splenic abnormalities included lymphosarcoma (n = 30), mast cell tumor (n = 27), extramedullary hematopoiesis and/or lymphoid hyperplasia (n = 27), epithelial tumors (n = 6), mesenchymal tumors (n = 4), malignant histiocytosis (n = 2), myeloproliferative disease (n = 2), pyogranulomatous inflammation (n = 2), erythroleukemia (n = 1), eosinophilic syndrome (n = 1), hematoma (n = 1), and granulomatous splenitis (n = 1). Three cats had more than one splenic abnormality (mast cell tumor and metastatic carcinoma, pyogranulomatous inflammation and lymphoid hyperplasia, histiocytic lymphosarcoma, and lymphoid hyperplasia). Pathognomonic changes were not seen for any of the diseases.  相似文献   

Secretin is a polypeptide hormone that stimulates secretion of bicarbonate from the exocrine pancreas and, in healthy human subjects, causes transient pancreatic duct dilation observable sonographically. In humans with chronic pancreatitis, secretin administration fails to cause pancreatic duct dilation, theoretically due to the restrictive effects of periductal fibrosis. We characterized the effect of exogenous secretin administration on the width of the pancreatic duct in nine healthy domestic cats. Cats were given a commercially available secretin product (ChiRho Stim™) while the pancreatic duct was monitored sonographically. Mean pancreatic duct diameter increased from 0.77±0.33 to 1.42±0.40 mm after secretin administration ( P =0.0017). The mean percent increase in pancreatic duct diameter over basal diameter for all time points up to 15 min postsecretin administration was 101.9±58.8%. Applicability of this technique to diagnose chronic pancreatitis in cats will need to be investigated.  相似文献   

Resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) are indirect measurements of blood flow resistance that may be used to evaluate vascular changes in renal and ophthalmologic diseases. To our knowledge, no reports are available describing values for renal and ocular PI index in the unsedated dog and ocular RI and PI indices in the unsedated cat. The purpose of this study was to measure normal values for both intrarenal and ocular RI and PI within the same subject in unsedated clinically normal dogs and cats. Twenty-seven dogs and 10 cats were considered healthy by means of physical examination, CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis, and ultrasonography. Systolic blood pressure was measured by Doppler ultrasonography. Intrarenal and ocular arteries were scanned by pulsed Doppler ultrasonography to calculate RI and PI. No significant differences were noted between the values obtained for the right vs. the left kidney and eye. The upper values of these indices were calculated as mean+2 standard deviations resulting in 0.72 and 1.52 for dog renal RI and PI; 0.7 and 1.29 for cat renal RI and PI; 0.76 and 1.68 for dog ocular RI and PI; and 0.72 and 1.02 for cat ocular RI and PI.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance of clinically undifferentiated neck masses for which a definitive diagnosis was eventually obtained in nineteen dogs and one cat is presented in this report. Multiple lesions were seen ultrasonographically in 4 dogs and no cervical abnormalities were seen in 2 dogs resulting in 22 lesions in 20 annuals. Of 7 benign lesions, there were 2 patients with reactive lymph nodes from a regional inflammatory process, and 1 patient each with primary pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis, arteriovenous malformation, foreign body granuloma, cellulitis, and hematoma. Of 15 malignant lesions, 7 were thyroid carcinomas, 3 were lymphomas with submandibular and cervical lymph node enlargement, 3 were lymph node enlargements associated with regional metastasis of malignant tumors, one was a leiomyosarcoma and one was a carotid body tumor. One dog with a diffuse soft tissue swelling of the ventral cervical region had only slight asymmetry of the thyroid lobes on ultrasound examination and no abnormalities of the neck at post mortem. A second dog examined with ultrasound 4 months after surgical removal of a carotid body tumor had no evidence of tumor recurrence. Ultrasonographic examination provided information regarding the character of the lesions, the tissue or organ of origin, and invasion into other anatomic structures. Ultrasound examination in conjunction with fine needle or tissue biopsy provided a definitive diagnosis in those animals in which biopsies were performed.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is the second most common fungal infection reported in the cat. The disseminated form involving lung, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow is a frequent manifestation of the disease. Limited information is available in the literature regarding the ultrasonographic appearance of the spleen in cats with disseminated or splenic histoplasmosis. A retrospective review of splenic ultrasound images from 15 cats confirmed to have histoplasmosis by splenic aspirates was performed. Size, echotexture, echogenicity, margin appearance, presence of nodules, and the overall shape of the spleen were reported in each case. Splenomegaly was documented in all cases (15/15) and a hypoechoic appearance of the spleen was documented in 14/15 of cases. The spleen was diffusely and uniformly affected in 14/15 (six homogenous and eight with a subtle mottled appearance) and had discrete nodules in 1/15 cats. Histoplasmosis should be included in the differential list for an enlarged and hypoechoic spleen in cats with consistent clinical findings. Additionally, ultrasound guided splenic aspirate may be a useful method to obtain a cytology sample for diagnosis.  相似文献   

The medical records of 11 cats with full‐thickness intestinal biopsies and histopathologic confirmation of segmental mucosal fibrosis were reviewed. All cats received an abdominal ultrasonographic evaluation. The sonographic feature of a small intestinal mucosal hyperechoic band paralleling the submucosa was present in all cats. Other intestinal sonographic findings included wall thickening, and altered wall layering (increased mucosal echogenicity, thickened submucosa, and/or muscularis layer). None of the cats had complete loss of wall stratification. All cats had clinical signs related to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract at the time of presentation. Three of the 11 cats had palpably thickened small intestinal loops, 3/11 abdominal pain, and 2/11 abdominal fluid. Histopathologically, mucosal fibrosis was associated with inflammatory cell infiltrates in all cats. In those cats with histopathologic evidence of mural fibrosis, all cats had a visible hyperechoic band through several intestinal segments. We speculate that the hyperechoic mucosal band represents the zone of mucosal fibrosis. Independently and prospectively, we reviewed the clinical presentation of 35 cats having this visible hyperechoic mucosal band on ultrasound. Twenty‐four of these 35 cats had clinical signs related to the digestive system at the time of record. Our study suggests that the hyperechoic mucosal band represents fibrosis, and in presence of concurrent GI signs, further diagnostic tests may be warranted.  相似文献   

Uterus masculinus (persistent Mullerian duct) is a vestigial embryological remnant of the paramesonephric duct system in males and has been associated with clinical signs such as dysuria, incontinence, tenesmus and urethral obstruction in dogs. The radiological appearance of cystic uterus masculinus in dogs has been described previously with the aid of retrograde positive or negative contrast cystography. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe ultrasonographic features of confirmed or presumed uterus masculinus in a group of dogs with confirmed or presumed disease. Ultrasonographic findings were recorded based on a consensus opinion of two readers. A uterus masculinus was defined as cylindrical when no lumen was observed and tubular when it had lumen that was filled with anechoic fluid. Six dogs met the inclusion criterion with a mean age of 8 years and 9 months. Uterus masculinus appeared as single (four dogs) or two (two dogs) horn‐like, tubular (four dogs) or cylindrical (two dogs) structures, originating from the craniodorsal aspect of the prostate gland and extending cranially. The walls of the uterus masculinus were isoechoic to the urinary bladder wall. The diameter of the observed uterus masculinus varied from 0.3 cm to 1 cm. The length of the uterus masculinus varied from 2 cm to 6.5 cm but the cranial terminal end was not identified in two dogs. Concomitant prostatomegaly was seen in five dogs (83.3%) and urinary tract infection was noted in three dogs (50%). Findings indicated that uterus masculinus should be included as a differential diagnosis for male dogs with these ultrasonographic characteristics.  相似文献   

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