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从选地整地、繁殖、定植及田间管理等方面介绍了金银花的栽培技术要点,对其经济效益及生态效益进行了详细的分析,为推广金银花的种植,提高药农经济效益提供了参考。 相似文献
在麦田预留行中套播芝麻,小麦条带宽0.45~0.60m,预留行宽(套种芝麻)0.40~0.55m。小麦选用矮秆、早熟高产品种,返青前改普施肥为麦田集中施肥;芝麻选用中熟或中晚熟抗性强的高产品种,采取足施底肥、一播全苗和后期促控措施。由于优化生育环境、发挥类边际效应和便于高产技术实施及提高商品品位,与对照比较,小麦产量5142kg/hm2,增产9.5%;芝麻产量2184kg/hm2,增产77.1%,每公顷芝麻总产值提高85.4%。 相似文献
麦秸还田大豆增产效果李清泉(黑龙江省农科院嫩江农科所,齐齐哈尔市,161041)大豆是一种共生固N的作物,在田间条件下根瘤固N一般可满足大豆需N量的1/3~1/2.显然只依靠根瘤菌共生固N满足不了大豆生长发育的需要,这就需要人为地施氮肥。为解决氮素的... 相似文献
籼型杂交糯稻糯优1号的产业化开发及其高产栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了籼型杂交糯稻糯优1号在叙永县北部丘陵地区种植的产量表现、主要特征特性和产业化开发成果,总结了籼型杂交糯稻糯优1号的高产栽培技术。 相似文献
南粳糯2号是江苏省农业科学院粮食作物研究所以优质高产粳稻新品系C08作母本、优质抗病糯稻品种镇糯19号为父本杂交配组,利用常规育种与分子标记辅助选择相结合育成的迟熟中粳糯稻新品种,具有株高适中、抗倒性好、丰产稳产性好、品质优、综合抗病性强、熟相好等优点。南粳糯2号在江苏省水稻区域试验中平均产量672.4 kg/667 m2,稻米品质达农业行业标准1级,中感稻瘟病和条纹叶枯病,中抗白叶枯病。2021年通过江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜江苏省苏中及宁镇扬丘陵地区种植。 相似文献
水稻高产栽培经济效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
粮食生产在我国国民经济发展中具有特殊战略地位,保证粮食特别是稻米稳定增长和有效供给,必须在稳定政策和增加投入的基础上,建立配套的技术体系,主攻单产,提高效益。研究水稻生产的增产规律及其要素投入的合理配置对发展农业生产、提高生产效益和农民收入具有一定的现实意义。我们根据“水稻大面积高产综合配套技术研究开发与示范”在临塔基点的研究实施情况,对1996年水稻生产进行经济效益分析和技术经济评价。1经济效益分析1.1产量产值百亩(l亩。1/15hm’一666.7m‘)样方区10户定位调查结果表明,水稻生产每亩产量分别达1108.… 相似文献
Fei Yunyan Yang Jie Wang Fangquan Fan Fangjun Li Wenqi Wang Jun Xu Yang Zhu Jinyan Zhong Weigong 《水稻科学》2019,26(2):118-124
The waxy gene(Wx) in rice, which encodes the granule bound starch synthase enzyme, is responsible for amylose synthesis. Glutinous(sticky) rice has little or no amylose that can be used in various applications, such as brewing. In this study, knockout of the Wx gene with CRISPR/Cas9 technology was conducted in two elite japonica rice lines, Huaidao 5(HD5) and Suken 118(SK118), aiming to develop elite sticky rice varieties. We achieved six homozygous T_0 plants with more than 200 bp deletion in the Wx gene, as well as 36 wx-HD5 and 18 wx-SK118 homozygous transgene-free plants in the T_1 generation. The seeds of all the mutants were white and opaque, similar to those of sticky rice, and contained only 2.6%–3.2% amylose. Results of scanning electron microscopy showed that the quality of rice did not change. In conclusion, we successfully developed two elite sticky rice varieties. 相似文献
A response surface method was employed to study the effect of α-amylase concentration, hydrolysis temperature and time on the production of high protein glutinous rice flour (HPGRF). The suspension of glutinous rice flour (15%) that contained 6.52% protein was gelatinized and subsequently hydrolyzed by thermostable α-amylase. The hydrolysis yielded 0.144–0.222 g/g HPGRF with 29.4%–45.4% protein content. Hydrolysis time exerted a significant effect, while enzyme concentration and hydrolysis temperature showed insignificant effect on the protein content and production yield of HPGRF. The result of response surface method showed that the optimum condition for the production of HPGRF that contained at least 36% protein was treating gelatinized 15% glutinous rice flour suspension with 0.90 Kilo Novo α-amylase Unit (KNU)/g α-amylase at 80 °C for 99 min. By carrying out the predicted hydrolysis condition, HPGRF with 35.9% protein and 61.8% carbohydrates was resulted. The process yielded 0.172 g/g HPGRF. HPGRF contained higher amount of essential amino acids compared to glutinous rice flour. HPGRF had higher solubility and lower swelling power, and also showed no pasting peak compared with glutinous rice flour. 相似文献
不同施肥方法对免耕晚稻产量及经济效益的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2013年晚季进行了晚稻免耕栽培不同施肥方法试验研究,结果表明,免耕晚稻采用配方施肥法产量高,并以复混肥料配方施肥法产量最高。 相似文献