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1. The effect of either procaine penicillin or zinc bacitracin (25 mg active base/kg food) on the response of young birds to three different stressors - withdrawal of food for 18 h, exposure to cold for 24 h or treatment with ACTH- has been examined. 2. Neither antibiotic had any consistent effect on the stress responses. 3. It is concluded that neither penicillin nor bacitracin has any stress-ameliorating activity at least under the conditions of the test.  相似文献   

Chicks were injected, from one to 21 days of age, with either L-adrenaline (500 mug/kg) or the solvent three times a week. Birds treated with adrenaline showed an imparied growth rate. Relative (mg/kg0.75), but not absolute (mg) adrenal weight was significantly increased. No changes in adrenal cholesterol content or concentration were noted.  相似文献   

1. In eggs turned about 12 times daily, around the long axis of the egg and through about 180 degrees, significant increases in heart rate occurred during turning on the 15th and 17th, although not on the 16th, d of incubation. 2. On and after the 18th d heart rate increases were more marked and occurred both during and after turning. 3. When a single group of embryos was turned every day for the last 4 d of incubation there were significant increases in heart rate on the last 3 d: this repeated retesting had no effect on the response to turning.  相似文献   

1. Treating chicks, from 1 d or 5 weeks of age with ACTH three times weekly for 3 weeks depresses growth and causes adrenal hypertrophy at dose rates of 30 IU/kg or more, and depletion of adrenal cholesterol (greater than 10 IU/kg). 2. Treating chicks five times weekly at a dose rate of 30 IU/kg was as effective as a dose of 120 IU/kg three times weekly. 3. Plasma glucose and FFA concentrations of chicks treated thrice weekly with 120 IU ACTH/kg for 3 weeks were within the normal range. 4. Rhode Island Reds were more sensitive to ACTH than Light Sussex. 5. Adrenal cholesterol stores in normal chicks show significant variations with season.  相似文献   

1. Immature birds treated for 7 d with corticotrophin (30 IU/kg, one injection per day) had significantly poorer growth rates and decreased adrenal cholesterol concentrations. Plasma glucose, corticosterone and cholesterol concentrations and adrenal weight were within the normal range 24 h after the last injection.

2. The responses of birds pretreated as described above to a single injection of corticotrophin (30 IU/kg) were determined.

3. A similar degree of hyperglycaemia had developed in both groups after 2 h but thereafter the responses differed: the concentration of plasma glucose did not increase further in those pretreated with corticotrophin and had begun to decrease at 6 h, whereas that of the birds pretreated with saline increased progressively.

4. The concentrations of plasma corticosterone had increased similarly in the two groups to a peak at 2 h but there was a significantly more rapid decrease in the birds pretreated with corticotrophin.

5. Both groups showed a transient hypercholesteraemia but the increase was significant only in the group that had previously received saline.

6. There were decreases in the concentrations of adrenal cholesterol in both groups. The decrease, in absolute terms, was 2–4 times greater in the group receiving corticotrophin for the first time: percentage changes were similar, however.  相似文献   

The influence of two diets, differing only in their phosphorus content, on egg shell thickness was compared in 24 pullets in a change‐over experiment lasting 8 weeks. The mean shell thickness of the eggs laid on the low‐phosphorus diet (0.46 per cent total phosphorus) was 2 per cent greater than the mean thickness expressed interms of mg./cm.2 on the high‐phosphorus diet (1 per cent total phosphorus), and this difference was statistically significant. It is suggested that the increase in shell thickness on the low‐phosphorus diet was due to increased absorption and retention of dietary calcium, but this suggestion could not be confirmed experimentally in two balance periods of 6 days each owing to the great variations in calcium retention observed both between and within birds. The skeletal weights of birds killed after laying for approximately 11 months on one or other of the two rations showed no correlation between dietary treatment and skeletal weight, percentage egg production or mean shell thickness.  相似文献   

Three experiments have been carried out using broiler‐type birds reared beyond the normal broiler stage to 14 weeks of age. In the first experiment control cockerels were compared with birds injected with either a 15 mg. hexoestrol pellet or a 15 mg. pellet of diethylstilboestrol at 9 weeks of age: at this stage three diets of different nutrient density were offered. As the nutrient density was increased, food utilisation progressively improved and growth rates were raised. Hexoestrol implantation resulted in an increase in voluntary food intake of 23 per cent above the control whereas diethylstilboestrol implantation increased voluntary food intake by only 14 per cent. These increases in food intake were associated with proportional increases in live‐weight gain.

In a second experiment pullets received 15 mg. implants of hexoestrol at 64 days of age, and were then fed diets of different nutrient concentrations to 98 days of age. Live‐weight gain tended to improve as nutrient density was raised, and efficiency of food utilisation was inversely proportional to nutrient density.

In a third experiment male birds were reared from 70 to 119 days of age. Four different implantations with hexoestrol at various ages were compared: only in those receiving two implants was there any difference in performance. Six diets varying in energy level and protein level were offered. Growth rates improved as dietary protein levels were raised progressively from 13.3 to 16.3 per cent, though food utilisation was most efficient at 14.8 and 16.3 per cent crude protein. Growth rate was 7.6 per cent greater when the dietary energy level was raised from 3065 to 3275 kcal. metabolisable energy per kg.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response and immunity conferred in chicks were compared following separate and combined oral vaccination with F strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and HP1 strain of fowl pox virus. The haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titre against NDV and passive haemagglutination (PHA) antibody titre against fowl pox virus were comparable in two respective groups. The serum IgG concentration increased significantly after the second vaccination in all the groups. The NDV vaccine induced significantly higher IgG production as compared to fowl pox virus vaccine. There was no significant difference in serum IgG concentration produced by combined vaccine and separate F strain vaccine. The protection afforded by combined and separate vaccinations did not vary significantly against challenge with virulent strains of NDV and fowl pox virus at different stages.  相似文献   

1. The primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes was determined by haemagglutination test in guinea fowl. The effects of various genetic and non‐genetic factors on immune response to sheep RBCs in guinea fowl were also estimated.

2. The immune response to sheep RBCs was normally distributed in guinea fowl with mean titre at 1.534 ± 0.014.

3. In guinea fowl, effects on titre values of sire and variety (feather colour) were significant whereas sex and sex × variety interaction effects were non‐significant.

4. The estimate of heritability for immune response to sheep RBCs in guinea fowl was 0.35 ±0.17.  相似文献   

Cellular immune response of 6-week-old chickens infected with fowl adenovirus type-1 was evaluated by both in vivo and in vitro assay. In vitro assay, enumerating peripheral T lymphocyte by alphanaphthyl acetate esterase staining, revealed that cellular immunity appeared as early as 1 week post-infection and was maintained up to 5 weeks post-infection. In vivo assay by phytohaemagglutin skin test showed cellular immunity until 2 weeks post-infection. Thereafter no immunity was observed by this assay.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of fowl adenoviruses (FAdV) was tested. The optimal reaction parameters were evaluated and defined for purified genomic DNA of type 8 fowl adenovirus (FAdV-8), and then the same conditions were applied for nucleic acid extracted from infected cells. One hundred picograms of purified viral DNA, or 250 FAdV-8-infected cells, were detected by ethidium bromide staining of the PCR products in agarose gels. The sensitivity was increased to 10 pg purified viral DNA, or 25 infected cells, when the PCR products were hybridized with a specific labeled probe. Several field isolates of FAdV and the CELO virus (FAdV serotype 1) could be amplified by the same primers and conditions, but the size of the amplicons was smaller than that for the FAdV-8 PCR product. Other avian viruses and uninfected cell cultures tested negative.  相似文献   

Chicks, aged two weeks, were injected with either adrenaline (300 microgram/kg) or saline daily for seven days. One day after the seventh injection it was found that the birds treated with adrenaline had become hypolipacidaemic and hypocholesteraemic and that there had been adrenal hypertrophy and an increase in the adrenal store of cholesterol. Plasma concentrations of glucose and corticosterone were within the normal range. The two groups (adrenaline- or saline-treated) were further subdivided each into two subgroups and were now injected with either adrenaline or saline, and their responses measured over a 120 min period. A significantly shorter period of hyperglycaemia was found in the birds pretreated with adrenaline and given a further injection of the hormone. These birds also showed an enhanced lipacidaemic response but the corticosterone response was not altered.  相似文献   

Summary The immune response of chicks to oral vaccination with HP1-strain of fowl pox virus was studied using intracellular virus alone or a combination of intra and extracellular viruses. The first and second vaccinations were done at four days and 25 days of age, respectively. In both groups the birds showed 50% protection against challenge virus at 32 days of age while no immunity was recorded at 95 days of age. The serum IgG concentration in both the vaccinated groups was comparable and it was significantly higher (P < 0·05) than the control birds one week after revaccination. The serum haemolytic complement activity in both the vaccinated groups was significantly lower (P < 0·05) than the control birds.
Respuesta Inmune De Pollos A La Vacunacion Oral Con Virus De Viruela Aviar Combinado Extra E Intracelular
Resumen Se estudió la respuesta inmune de pollos a la vacunación oral con la cepa HP1 de virus de viruela aviar, utilizando virus intracelular únicamente o una combinación de virus intra y extracelular. La primera y segunda vacunación fueron hechas a los 4 y 25 días de edad, respectivamente. En ambos grupos las avec mostraron 50% de protección contra la descarga viral a los 32 días de edad, mientras que no se detectó inmunidad a los 95 días de edad. La concentración sérica de I g G en ambos grupos vacunados fue comparable y fue significativemente más alta (P < 0·05) que en el grupo de aves control, una semana después de la revacunación. La actividad sérica hemolitica del complemento en ambos grupos vacunados, fue significativamente más bajo (P < 0·05) que en el grupo de aves control.

Reponse Immunitaire Du Poulet A La Vaccination Orale Avec Des Virus Combines Extra Et Intracellulaires De La Variole Aviaire
Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié la réponse immunitaire du poulet à la vaccination orale avec la souche HP1 du virus de la variole aviare, en utilisant soit le virus intracellulaire seul, soit une combinaison de virus intra et extracellulaires. La première et la deuxième vaccination ont été effectuées sur des sujects agés respectivement de 4 jours et 25 jours. Dans les deux groupes, les volailles ont montré une protection à 50 p. 100 contre le virus d'épreuve à l'âge de 32 jours, alors qu'aucune immunité n'était signalée à 95 jours. La concentration en immunoglobuline G dans les deux groupes vaccinés était comparable et significativement supérieure (P < 0,05) à celles des animaux témoins une semaine après la revaccination. L'activité du complément sérique hémolytique dans les deux lots vaccinés était significativement plus basse (P < 0,05) que celle du lot témoin.

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