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In addition to the 379 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) tested in the animal homologues section of HLDA8, another 155 mAbs were screened at the Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin for cross-reactivity with equine leukocytes. For this purpose, one colour flow-cytometric analysis was performed as screening test. This additional screening indicated further 16 mAbs as positive with staining homologous to human pattern, 1 mAb with weak (positive) reactivity, 11 mAbs with positive, but likely not valuable staining, 12 mAbs with alternate expression pattern from that expected from human immunology, 2 mAbs with questionable variable staining, 13 mAbs with weak-positive expression and alternate pattern, and 78 negative mAbs. In 23 cases, more appropriate target cells, such as thymocytes or stem cells, were not available for screening. The results support and add to the value of the "cross-reactivity" approach for equine immunology.  相似文献   

A panel of 377 commercially available monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for a total of 144 CD antigens was submitted to the animal homologue section of the Eighth International Workshop on Human Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens (HLDA8, Adelaide, Australia) for cross-reactivity studies in a range of vertebrate species. Each of the mAbs in this study was screened for positive reactivity with guinea pig splenocytes by flow cytometry. In the first phase of this study 36 of the total 367 mAbs (9.81%) cross-reacted with splenocyte surface molecules. The majority (26 of 36) of these cross-reactive mAbs were analysed further to confirm appropriate cell subset expression by two-color immunofluorescence. Our results indicate that 15 anti-human CD9, CD10, CD14, CD20 (two clones), CD22, CD25, CD29 (two clones), CD32, CD47 (two clones), CD49d, CD49e, and CD86 mAbs exhibit clear cross-reactivity with guinea pig splenocytes. These mAb can potentially be added to the limited repertoire of reagents available for studies in this model system. This data clearly indicates that mouse anti-human CD mAb guinea pig cross-reactions have been defined and that an aim of this HLDA8 section has been fulfilled, i.e., to identify mAbs which recognize conserved, species-independent CD epitopes. These results will contribute to the availability of mAbs and tools in veterinary medicine and immunology.  相似文献   

1 世界动物保健品市场情况 按药物品种划分:药物添加剂21.5亿美元,占11.2%:生物制品47.25亿美元,占24.6%;抗感染药29.05亿美元,占15.1%;抗寄生虫药54.5亿美元,占28.4%;其他39.6亿美元.占20.6%。  相似文献   

安全检验是判定疫苗安全性的重要检验项目,涉及实验动物的筛选、不同免疫方法的选取以及免疫后的观察等方面。从免疫方法、实验动物两方面对细菌类动物疫苗安全检验方法进行综述,以期为动物疫苗安全检验提供参考。  相似文献   

The measures of execution as laid down in section 16 a of the animal protection law (TierSchG) are of great importance in the daily work of the state offices for veterinary affairs to put an end to conditions of animal treatment offending against the law. Compared to the other available legal means 1. the administrative offences (fines) and 2. the penal law (fines or imprisonment) they offer the advantage that the guilt of the animal holder (intent or negligence) need not be proved. A thorough documentation of the controls made at the respective controlled place which offers evidence even in a trial is the main condition for carrying through effective measures of execution. To issue an administrative order requires in particular 1. to observe the principle of precision, 2. to fulfill the obligation to exercise discretion and 3. to provide well-founded reasons to support the decision of immediate execution. To be successful in court, certain basic requirements must also be fulfilled when a fine is imposed or a complaint is made by the state offices of veterinary affairs.  相似文献   

风起云涌的氢钙市场 2008年氢钙市场可以是乞丐也可以是富豪,有人赚了,有人赔了,赚了的人可以用牛皮铺路,赔了的人衣不裹腹;08年的氢钙被地震给震了,飞上天堂,又被硫磺给熏了,于是纵入地狱,而且还不忘对旁边的四川人民说:“其实我也是地震中的危房啊。”虽然在倒塌的过程中还有国家这个百战百胜的常胜将军相助,但终究在经济危机这场地震中不能自拔。氢钙的大起大落缔造了氢钙市场的一个传奇。  相似文献   

广西贵港市落实中央强农、惠农、富农政策,加强养殖农户科技培训力度,提高养殖农户科技素质;建立畜禽养殖标准化示范场,以点带面,以龙头企业带动养殖户共同发展的模式,加强与科研院所合作,实施良种战略,通过科技创新,促进了水产畜牧业的持续发展。  相似文献   

为了鉴别各种动物纤维,正确区分动物的种属,试验对6种动物毛皮做横切面并观察其形态,讨论了横切面形态观察法的利弊,并推广此种定性方法.结果表明,不同种的动物毛纤维具有独特的表面形态特征,在内部超微结构上存在着明显的差别.  相似文献   

从十一届三中全会至今已整整三十年了,三十年来我国各行各业发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了辉煌的成就,而畜牧业也和其它产业一样,在党和政府利好政策的推动下,在各级领导和业内人士正确决策、组织指挥和努力下,取得了骄人的业绩。 畜禽数量成倍增加,与1978年相比增长65倍以上,畜牧业基本实现了由家庭副业到支柱产业的历史性转变;由传统生产向产业化经营的实质性转变,已成为农村经济的重要支柱和农民增收的重要途径,为改善民生、繁荣农村经济和建设社会主义新农村作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

微生物脂肪酶是工业用脂肪酶的重要来源,是生物技术和有机化学应用中广泛使用的酶类之一。文章从微生物脂肪酶来源、酶学特性、在动物消化道中的营养效应和作用机理方面进行综述,主要介绍国内外关于脂肪酶应用在动物饲料方面所取得的一些研究成果,为微生物脂肪酶在饲料中的开发与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

一种快捷安全的动物病理组织石蜡切片制作技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索一种快捷、安全、实用的病理切片制作技术,本试验在传统石蜡切片制作技术的基础上,通过技术改良与创新,发现了一种快捷安全的病理切片制作方法。试验结果表明,运用这种方法制作病理切片不仅简单快捷,而且制得的病理切片质量高,H.E.染色细胞着色良好,镜下观察细胞结构清晰,胞质与胞核对比鲜明;本方法兼具冰冻切片和石蜡切片二者的优点。  相似文献   

在很多中国人看来,国外畜牧业高度市场化,政府干预少。在很多外国人看来,中国畜牧业政府干预过多,市场对资源配置的调节空间很小。但最近本人在拜读舒惠国主编的徊外畜牧业法规选编》时发现其实并非如此,如韩国、加拿大的畜牧业是受到严格的行政性管制和补贴性经济调控的产业,其政府干预程度之高,令人大跌眼镜。而我国畜牧业立法工作正在进行当中,畜牧业行政管制还处于起步阶段;政策性补贴不仅数量少,与之相比基本可以忽略不计,而且也许正因为少,随意性也很大。我国畜牧业既缺乏规范的行政管制,也缺乏有效的补贴性经济调控,政府干预程度之低,令人十分寒酸。  相似文献   

近年来,各级畜牧部门紧紧围绕农业、农村经济发展和农民增收这一主题,着力发展畜牧业生产,取得了较好的成效。但是,随着农业产业结构调整的进一步深化,有些地方畜牧业发展的步伐明显减慢甚至出现停滞不前的现象,究其原因为畜牧部门没有与时俱进地创新管理模式,更新服务观念,其过时的管理措施已成为严重阻碍畜牧业经济进一步腾飞的瓶颈,这一问题应当引起畜牧管理部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

建立了动物尿液中氯噻嗪、氢氯噻嗪、氢氟噻嗪、氯噻酮、三氯噻嗪、甲氯噻嗪、呋噻米和依他尼酸等8种利尿剂残留检测的高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)方法.尿液样品经乙酸乙酯提取、阴离子交换固相萃取柱(PAX)净化、C18色谱柱分离、电喷雾离子化(ESI-)和选择反应监测(SRM)方式采集,外标法定量.该方法的检测限和定量限分别为10 μg/L和20 μg/L;利尿剂的测定在20~200 μg/L范围内线性关系良好,相关系数R2大于0.99;猪尿在20、50和100 μg/L三个添加浓度的平均回收率为74.0%~107.7%,批内RSD为5.2%~10.8%,批间RSD为5.7%~15.6%;牛尿在20、50和100 μg/L三个添加浓度的平均回收率为71.1%~109.0%,批内RSD为3.9%~10.1%,批间RSD为6.4%~15.6%.  相似文献   

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