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Adult trees of Pinus armandii var. amamiana (PAAm) and P. thunbergii grown in the field were inoculated with 100000 or 1000 of the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus to evaluate their susceptibility to pine wilt disease. PAAm trees inoculated with 100000 nematodes started to show disease symptoms 2 weeks after inoculation, and all died within 29 weeks. Although the PAAm trees inoculated with 1000 nematodes tended to show delayed disease symptoms compared with those inoculated with 100000 nematodes, all of them died within 33 weeks after inoculation. All P. thunbergii trees inoculated with 1000 nematodes had died 6 weeks after inoculation. In the nematode-inoculated PAAm trees, death of branches distal to the nematode inoculation site was the first visible symptom, followed by the systemic discoloration of needles, whereas the whole tree wilted simultaneously in P. thunbergii trees. In nematode-inoculated PAAm trees, the period from inoculation to death was longer than that in P. thunbergii. These results suggest that adult PAAm trees are susceptible to pine wilt disease, but are less vulnerable than P. thunbergii.  相似文献   

A dead tree of Pinus armandii Franch. var. amamiana (Koidz.) Hatusima (abbreviated to PAAm) was obtained from a natural habitat on Tanega-shima Island and various properties of its wood were investigated. Grain angle was measured and soft X-ray analysis was undertaken to obtain the density in each annual ring. Unit shrinkage and dynamic properties were measured by shrinkage, bending, and compression tests. Variations of wood properties in the radial direction, relationships of wood properties to density, and annual ring width were examined. Roughly speaking, variations in the radial direction of the grain angle, twist angle by drying, Young’s modulus and strength in static bending, absorbed energy in impact bending, compressive Young’s modulus, compressive strength, and compressive proportional limit corresponded to the variation of annual ring width. As a result, it was determined that if PAAm is afforested artificially for the purposes of lumber production and conservation, the annual rings of logs should not be too widely spaced. Wood properties of PAAm were similar to those of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.), which is another representative pine on Tanegashima Island. This study was presented in part at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Hiroshima, August 2007  相似文献   

东丰县樟子松衰退病灾害状况及综合治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了樟子松衰退病及其危害症状、发生规律、灾害状况、损失及灾害影响,总结出依法监测、及时报灾、及时除治、全面规划、分区治理、科学防控等综合除治对策。  相似文献   

Detailed studies on population structure and regeneration ecology of Ilex khasiana were carried out at five representative natural populations i.e. Mylliem (Population - I), Upper Shillong (Population - II), Shillong Peak (Population - III), Laitkor (Population - IV) and Nongpiyur (Population - V) to probe into the responsible affecting factors for its population structure and regeneration ability in these populations. Experimental observation under three controlled light conditions (full sunlight (100%), intermediate sunlight (50%) and low sunlight (30%)) showed that the growth status and survival rates of seedlings under intermediate and low light were better than those under the high light condition. The density-diameter distribution in population of adult trees (≥5cm dbh) exhibited a typical character of a regenerating population. A higher seedling mortality rate in natural populations of I. khasiana was most probably due to increase in light intensity following vegetation destruction and other anthropogenic disturbances that cause opening of forest canopy. The findings of the present study would be of immense value in formulating appropriate conservation measures for the species.  相似文献   

思茅松人工幼林留阔抚育方式的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在景谷县文朗试验林场的思茅松人工幼林内,进行了3种保留林分中阔叶树抚育方式的试验。通过与常规抚育方式作比较,研究了不同留阔抚育方式,对林地土壤化学性质的影响;对思茅松幼林的生长和抗松梢螟虫害能力的影响。结果表明:思茅松人工幼林的留阔抚育方式对幼林期思茅松的高、径、冠幅生长和生物量的积累影响不大;在3年生前不会引起林地土壤养分下降,并能使林分保留较多的物种,保障思茅松人工林中的生物多样性,有效阻止松梢螟对思茅松幼林的入侵,减少林内松梢螟的数量。因此,思茅松幼林期的留阔抚育方式可在生产中应用。  相似文献   

鞠洪波  吴静 《林业科技》2005,30(3):26-28
从冬季樟子松针叶分离、鉴定出2 4种真菌,其中接合菌1种、子囊菌2种、半知菌2 1种。中冠层的真菌种类最多,其它部位次之。冬季真菌群落与生长季节的种类和分离率有较大差别,优势真菌群落不同,生长季以樟子松枯梢病菌Sphaeropsissapinea为主,而冬季以Truncatella、Coniothrium等为主。  相似文献   

This study investigated the number of adults ofPlatypus quercivorus (Murayama) captured on host oak (Quercus spp.) trees, the attack density (the number of entry holes per 100 cm2), and the number of emerging adults to clarify the relationships between the beetle’s colonization on trees in oak stands and tree mortality. The initial attack ofP. quercivorus, which was the most intense attack, was observed on most living trees simultaneously. Although some attacked trees died within the year of the attack or in the next year, a high density of attack did not usually cause the death of host trees. Surviving trees suffered low levels of consecutive attack after the initial attack. BecauseP. quercivorus successfully produced broods only in the dead trees, the population of the insect seems to be maintained only in stands where oak mortality occurs. However, the adults that landed on most of the surviving trees appeared unable to reproduce probably due to degradation of host quality. Thus, oak mortality probably ceases within 3 or 4 years after the start of infestation in a stand, with subsequent reductions in population density of the borer.  相似文献   

Effects of drought stresses induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) (0.0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, with four replicates) on germination of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) seeds produced in plantations (southern Keerqin sandy land) and natural forests (Hulunbeier sandy plain) were observed. The results indicated that the seeds from both provenances did not germinate when PEG concentration was more than 25%. The time of initial germination and that of its completion of stressed seeds from both provenances were delayed when compared with the unstressed seeds. The germination capacity and germination rate of natural seeds were significantly higher than those of plantation seeds for all treatment levels (P < 0.05). The mean growth rates of radicle and hypocotyl from natural seeds were significantly higher than those from plantation seeds at all treatment levels below 20% PEG treatment (P < 0.05). The ratios of radicle to hypocotyl of 20% PEG treatment were significant higher than those of the corresponding controls for both provenances (P < 0.05). These results suggested that Mongolian pine seeds/seedlings had stronger resistance to PEG drought stresses; 10% PGE stress did not significantly influence germination. Natural seeds exhibited more resistance to PEG stress than plantation seeds. It was concluded that drought stress on seed germination might be one cause of obstructed natural regeneration of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land. It is recommended that natural seeds be used for afforestation, and light drought stress (e.g., 10% PEG stress) may be useful in improving seed germination and the growth of radicles and hypocotyls.  相似文献   

In order to examine the causes of degradation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations on sandy land, the foliar concentrations of N, P, K and C were analyzed and compared between the field grown P. sylvestris var. mongolica trees from two provenances (natural forests and plantations). The results indicated that natural tree needles had lower N, P and C concentrations, and higher K concentrations than those of plantation tree needles. For plantation tree needles, ratios of N: P, P. K and N: K increased with tree age before 45 years old; but they were not clear for the natural tree needles. Compared with the conclusions reported on Pinus spp., we found that the foliar N and P concentrations were in the optimal range for both natural and plantation tree needles. This result suggested that N or P might not be the absolute limit factors in plant nutrient for P sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy land. However, foliar K concentrations in both natural and plantation tree needles were much lower than those reported on Pinus spp. (〉4.80 g kg-1).The N: P ratio of natural needles was in the adequate ranges, but N: P ratio of plantation needles was out of the adequate ranges. These results indicated that there was a better balanced nutrition status in the natural forest than in the plantations. If only considering the foliar nutrient concentrations of P sylvestris var. mongolica from different provenances, it might be concluded that the degradation phenomenon of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantations was not induced by nutrition deficiency of absolute nutrients of N and P, but might be induced by other mineral nutrients or by the effectiveness of N and P nutrients. The unbalanced nutrition status and relatively quick decomposition of needles in the plantations might also contribute to the degradation.  相似文献   

In order to identify the potential of sulfur (S) content in the rings of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) in the Pearl River Delta as a bio-indicator of regional history of atmospheric pollution, dendrochemistry was used to determine the temporal distribution of S content in the xylem of Masson pines from Zhaoqing Dinghushan and Nanhai Xiqiaoshan, Guangdong Province, southern China. The results indicated that contents of xylem S increased temporally and peaked in the rings formed in the most recent years at both sites. In the rings formed during the same period before the 1980s, S contents were not significantly different between the two sites, while in the rings formed at the same period after the 1980s, S content at Xiqiaoshan were significantly higher than those at Dinghushan. The chronosequences of the S indices at both sites could be easily marked as three periods: before 1970, during 1971–1985, and during 1986–2002. Based on the temporal changes of the xylem S contents and certain social-economic indices after the 1980s in the Delta, the history of atmospheric pollution at the study sites could be reconstructed as follows: 1) before 1970, a period in which the air was relatively clear, 2) 1971–1985, a period in which the air was gradually polluted, and 3) 1986–2002, a period in which the air was most severely polluted in the Delta. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2008, 30(2): 1–7 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

To support forest management decisions on converting stands from even-aged to uneven-aged management, tree models are needed that can simulate both options. Therefore, an individual tree model for Pinus halepensis Mill. is compared with the respective yield table. The individual tree model is built from data of two Spanish forest inventories in this province and evaluated with published yield tables, which have been built from permanent observational plots. The individual tree model consists of a basal area increment model and a height increment model, both based on two measurements of about 4,000 trees from single species stands of Aleppo pine. The R2 values of 0.362 and 0.107 for the basal area increment model and the height increment model, respectively, are within the range of other published models of this type. Comparing the model with the yield tables for different site indices, we find that our model matches the yield table well. Only in higher ages where the database for the yield table was poor, our model indicates higher basal area growth rates than the yield table.  相似文献   

Wild service tree [Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz] is a forest tree widespread in Europe, characterized by a scattered distribution. Its hermaphroditic flowers are pollinated by insects, and outcrossing is the prominent mating system, also due to the presence of gametophytic self-incompatibility. Genetic diversity and differentiation of 22 populations from northwestern Italy were investigated by means of variation scored at 53 polymorphic RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) loci. Populations differed in genetic variation, with Shannon diversity index ranging from 0.166 to 0.469. According to Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), most of the genetic variation was found within populations (61.78%) with a significant proportion of variance attributable to genetic differences between regions (23.60%) and between populations (14.62%). Evidence for isolation by distance was found in the set of populations sampled. The effect of habitat fragmentation on genetic variation was also evaluated. The efficacy of RAPD markers in analysing genetic variation, and the contribution of the results in terms of the preservation of biodiversity are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]以云南省普洱市主要植被思茅松人工林为研究对象,探讨不同林龄思茅松人工林根系生物量的大小分布及变化特征。[方法]分别在5、8、15、25、36年生思茅松人工林内,利用内径为8.5 cm的根钻分3层(0~10、10~20、20~30 cm)获取思茅松与其它物种的细根、粗根及死根生物量数据。[结果]表明:随着思茅松人工林林龄的增长,思茅松细根生物量呈减少的趋势,而其它物种细根生物量呈增加趋势,细根生物量最大出现在36年生思茅松人工林。不同林龄思茅松人工林的思茅松粗根和死根生物量之间无显著差异,而其它物种及林分的粗根生物量和根系生物量则随林龄增长而增加。思茅松人工林的细根生物量主要分布在土壤深度0~10 cm内,其中,思茅松、其它物种、林分细根生物量以及根系生物量随土层深度的增加呈减少趋势。林龄和土壤深度对思茅松与其它物种的细根生物量有显著影响,林龄与土壤深度的交叉作用对思茅松细根生物量有显著影响,林龄对死根生物量有显著影响,林龄、土壤深度及林龄与土壤深度的交叉作用对粗根与根系的生物量有显著影响。[结论]思茅松人工林随着林龄增长,群落结构与树种组成随之发生变化,从而对根系生物量产生较大影响。  相似文献   

Seed viability of selected tree,shrub, and vine species stored in the field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seeds from 10 species were collected, sealed in fiberglass screen pouches, and stored under hardware-cloth cages on both a forest and cleared site for up to five years. At each site, half of the pouches were placed under leaf litter and the other half were planted in mineral soil. Liquidambar styraciflua and Callicarpa americana seeds had high germination rates under all conditions. Quercus falcata, Sassafras albidum, Rhus copallina, and Vaccinium arboreum required planting in mineral soil to ensure germination. Planted Myrica cerifera and Vitis aestivalis seeds germinated well on both sites. Myrica cerifera also germinated well if placed under litter on the forest floor and Vitis aestivalis if placed under litter on the cleared site. Germination of Crataegus uniflora seeds was erratic. Most Lonicera japonica were unsound when collected. Germination rates generally decreased over time, but some Sassafras albidum, Myrica cerifera, and Vaccinium arboreum seed germinated after four years, and Rhus coppalina, Callicarpa americana, Crataegus uniflora, and Vitis aestivalis seeds germinated after five years in the field.  相似文献   

Li Yuwen  Wang Yeju 《林业研究》1995,6(3):100-104
Chemical and biochemical analysis methods were used to monitor the variations of nitrogen nutrient among the dominance trees species in secondary succession process of the mixed broad -leaved/Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Amounts of total nitrogen, ammonium and NRA in soils of virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine forest which is in climax were higher than those ofsecondary birch forests those are in succession stage. The amount of nitrate was in the other hand. In climax, dominance trees species are tolerant mesophytic trees such asPinus Koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and alsoFraxinus mandshurica, they are all ammonium + nitrate adapted species, but they show a preference for the ammonium rather than those of the pioneer trees species in secondary birch forest, such asPopulus davidiava andBetula platyphylla. Because they have more ammonium in their leaves and roots, especiallyPinus koraiensis. Populus davidvana andBetula platyphlla are intolerant trees, amounts of nitrate and total nitrogen is higher in their leaves and roots and also NRA in their leaves, so they preference for the nitrate rather than the others. In secondary birch forest, the regeneration trees species adapt their nitrogen nutrient to the variation of nitrogen nutrient situation in soil, finally they could survival well and the secondary birch forest would succession to climax. In climax, dominance trees species adapt their Nitrogen nutrient to the situation in soil and there are not strong competition in nitrogen nutrient among them, so they can coexist well and keep the climax as stable vegetation.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that sap exudation during early spring in temperate deciduous trees occurs in response to daytime warming and nighttime cooling, the mechanisms of the process are not yet fully understood. Previous theories suggested that changes in stress in the wood caused by daytime heating and nighttime cooling might be linked with sap flow. Consequently, a study of itaya-kaede maple (Aver mono) and shirakamba birch (Betula platyphylla var.japonica) looked at tangential strains. One-hour intervals for 3 years of the tangential strains on the inner bark of stem and root were measured in itaya-kaede maple and shirakamba birch during the sap exudation season. The measurements indicated different mechanisms of sap exudation in these two trees. During the sap exudation season in late March, when the temperature fluctuated around 0°C, the tangential strain in the root of itaya-kaede maple showed expansion in the daytime and contraction at night. Conversely, in early April the tangential strain in the root of shirakamba birch exhibited contraction in the daytime and expansion at night. The changes in tangential strains in itaya-kaede maple were attributed to conditioning, a known concept used to explain the uptake mechanism of soil water in maple and its exudation during early spring. However, because the change in tangential strain in the roots of shirakamba birch was similar to that found during the rampant season, sap exudation was not attributed to conditioning but to the plentiful supply of water from the roots. The implications of these mechanisms are that different sap harvesting techniques may be appropriate for different tree species.  相似文献   

Stand structure of an old-growth forest was studied by tree (≥4.0 cm in DBH) census in a main plot of 1.3 ha and 8 additional plots (0.525 ha in total) located in the Mt. Moiwa Forest Reserve, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Major tree species with ≥1.0% of the relative basal area and of relative number of trees (Acer mono, A. mono var.mayrii, Kalopanax pictus, Magnolia kobus var.borealis, M. obovata, Prunus ssiori, Tilia japonica, andUlmus laciniata) have positive values of skewness in DBH, which shows the abundance of smaller-sized stems. All stems over 1.3 m high in the main plot were mapped to clarify the relationship between stem densities and canopy states. Although advances from sapling (>1.3 m tall and <4.0 cm DBH) to small tree (10.0 cm ≤ DBH <25 cm) for all major component species, exceptP. ssiori andU. laciniata, were independent of canopy states, those ofP. ssiori andU. laciniata depended on canopy gaps.Betula spp. was the most abundant gap makers, butT. japonica andA. mono (including var.mayrii) were dominant species in the main plot. This suggests the shift of dominant species in the forest of the study site. Historical records of disturbance demonstrated that selective cuttings of conifers during the late 19th century were responsible for the dominance ofBetula spp. and the subsequent shift of dominant species. This fact suggests that artificial disturbance plays an important role in the establishment ofTilia japonica-Acer mono forest considered to be a climax of the mixed deciduous broadleaf/conifer forests.  相似文献   

We studied the distributional pattern of bird's nest ferns (Asplenium nidus complex) and the factors that determined litter accumulation and the abundance of litter-associated microarthropods in the ferns in the forest of Yambaru on the northern part of Okinawa Island, southern Japan. We located 53 bird's nest ferns (41 ferns on 27 live trees of 13 species, and 12 on 5 dead trees) in a ca. 4-ha plot, collected litter samples from 37 ferns on 25 live trees, and then extracted a total of 11 205 microarthropods (Acari and Collembola) from all the litter samples. The ferns preferred concave slopes and tended to be distributed on the tree species that had the typical characteristics of high population density and/or large basal area in the forest. The ferns were usually established on large trees [≥10 m high or ≥20 cm diameter at breast height (DBH)], although the number and size of the ferns were not related to the size of the host trees. The amount of litter accumulated in the ferns was correlated neither with the size (height and DBH) of the host tree nor with the height and position of the ferns. The amount of accumulated litter had a significant positive correlation only with fern size; this might have caused the positive correlations between fern size and the abundance of litter-associated microarthropods and the number of species of oribatid mites in the ferns.  相似文献   

In this study we developed an individual tree height prediction model for quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) grown in boreal mixedwood forests in Alberta using the nonlinear mixed model (NLMM) approach. We examined the impacts of density, species composition, and top height on aspen height predictions. Statistically significant stand level variables were incorporated into the base height–diameter model to increase the predictive ability and accuracy of the model at both the population and subject-specific levels. Our analyses showed that top height and density impacted height growth, but species composition did not. More importantly, we found that the inclusion of additional variables into the base model, despite improving model fitting statistics on the modelling data, did not improve the model's predictive ability and accuracy when cross-validated and when tested on an independent testing data set. Under the NLMM framework the base model performed as well as or better than the expanded models that contained other stand level variables. This has important theoretical and practical implications because, other than for biological reasons, more accurate local tree height predictions for aspen can be achieved simply by using the base height–diameter model fitted with the NLMM approach without the inclusion of other variables.  相似文献   

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