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I investigated the relationships between stem surface area outside bark and other stem dimensions for Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) trees. The stem dimensions used here were the basal area and the product of diameter at breast height (dbh) and total tree height. The regression equation of the stem surface area s against basal area g was s = 184.216g for the cedar trees and s = 156.878g for the cypress trees. The slope of the equation was significantly different between the two species. For the same dbh, the cedar trees tended to have a higher total tree height than the cypress trees. The cedar trees also had a larger surface area of relative stem form than the cypress trees. These results indicated that the difference in the slope was produced by the differences in both the stem slenderness and tapering between the two species. On the other hand, the regression equation between the stem surface area and the product of dbh and total tree height dh was s = 1.937dh for the cedar trees and s = 1.921dh for the cypress trees, whereas no significant difference in the slope was found. The obtained slopes for the cedar and cypress trees seemed to be in accord with that for other coniferous species reported in earlier studies, suggesting that the variation in the slope among coniferous species would be small. The estimation from the basal area would provide a simpler means for estimating the stem surface area and would be useful in obtaining an approximation of the surface area. By contrast, the estimation from the product of dbh and total tree height would provide a more accurate and precise estimate as well as a wider applicable range, i.e., a parameter for physiological growth models. In conclusion, it could not be judged which regression equation examined in the present study was superior to the other, and thus it was important to select an appropriate equation depending both on the purpose and on the time and labor available.  相似文献   

An allometric model of the maximum size–density relationship between mean stem surface area and stand density is proposed, and is fitted to data for even-aged pure stands of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.). To derive the model, the biomass density was defined as the ratio of the mean stem surface area to the side area of an imaginary column, of which radius and height were equal to the radius of the mean area occupied by a tree and mean tree height, respectively. According to the model, the slope of the maximum size–density relationship on logarithmic coordinates can be estimated from the allometric power relationships of mean tree height and biomass density to mean stem surface area. The resulting slope was −1.089 for the cedar and −0.974 for the cypress. The estimated maximum size–density relationship corresponded well with the combinations of mean stem surface area and stand density for the overcrowded stands of cedar and cypress. The steeper slope for cedar was attributed to the allocation of more resources to height growth compared to cypress. The maximum total stem surface area was approximated to be 1.483 ha/ha for cedar and 0.949 ha/ha for cypress stands. The difference in the maximum total stem surface area between the two species was produced by the characteristics related to tree height and stem biomass packing into space already occupied.  相似文献   

Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) are common species for plantation forestry in Japan. Cypress is conventionally planted on sites of low fertility whereas for cedar high fertility sites are used. Objectives of this study were to compare the productivities of cypress and cedar plantations grown on adjacent sites where common properties of soils, such as pH values and C and N contents, were similar, and to relate the N cycling at their site with productivities. The stem diameter of trees, aboveground litter production and fine root biomass were measured as indices of forest productivity. Parameters of N cycling included pools of total N and mineral N (ammonium + nitrate), annual N leaching, and potentially mineralizable N. The radial stem increment of the two tree species was similar. However, cedar site had higher total basal area and annual basal increment than cypress site reflecting higher tree density on the cedar site. Aboveground litter, fine root biomass, soil organic matter, and N turnover were higher on the cedar site than on the cypress site. However, litter production and fine root biomass per unit basal area was greater at the cypress site. Phenological pattern of stem growth and periodical litter production were similar for both species during the study period (1992–2000), but showed distinct annual variations caused by the fluctuation in the ambient temperature and precipitation. Mineral N content and the N mineralization potential were greater on the cedar site, indicating greater N availability and higher total tree productivity at the cedar site than those at the cypress site. When provided with more space in the canopy to expand more needles and in the soil to develop more fine roots to exploit sufficient resources, the individual cypress trees have the potential to grow faster. On fertile site and at lower tree density, thicker logs of cypress might be yielded.  相似文献   

The crown profile, volume, and surface area obtained from 25 trees in a stand of 29-year-old Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) using a Spiegel relascope were compared with those obtained by direct measurement after tree felling. In 17 of the 25 trees, the crown profile measured with the relascope was identical to the crown profile obtained by direct measurement. For the 17 trees, the mean relative errors of crown volume and surface area tended to be unbiased. On the other hand, the crown profiles obtained by the two methods were different in five of the 25 trees, while it could not been judged whether the crown profiles obtained by the two methods were identical or different in three of the 25 trees. However, for each group of five or three trees, the mean relative errors of crown volume and surface area were also unbiased. Moreover, for both crown volume and surface area, no significant differences were detected in variance of error among the groups of 17, five, and three trees. Therefore, the discrepancy between crown profiles obtained by the two methods for the five and three trees might be negligible in terms of the accuracy and precision of crown volume and surface area measurements. The standard errors for both crown volume and surface area were larger in each of the five and three trees than in the 17 trees. However, even for the five and three trees, the crown volume and surface area obtained using the relascope were more precise than those based on the assumption that crown form was a cone or paraboloid. We concluded that using a Spiegel relascope would enable us to obtain an accurate and precise crown profile, volume, and surface area of Japanese cypress trees for practical use, especially when the main objective of measurement is determining crown volume or surface area.  相似文献   

三峡地区高山乡土造林树种选择研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自上世纪70年代以来,大老岭林场开展了北亚热带三峡地区高山造林树种生态调查[1]。依据调查结果:1981年选择玉兰、银鹊、鹅掌秋、鄂枫杨、漆树、大叶杨、山桐子、桦榛、白辛、檫木、珙桐、香椿、亮叶桦、水曲柳等阔叶乡土树种和油松、华山松、落叶松、柳杉等针叶乡土树种开展栽培试验研究。通过各树种成活率、保存率及生长量26 a(2004)调查表明:26 a(2004)生现实遗传增益银鹊比11个阔叶树种材积提高26.8%,比其它10个阔叶树种材积提高32.0%;日本柳杉比4个针叶树种材积提高36.5%,比其它3个针叶树种材积提高48.8%。银鹊,日本柳杉最适宜三峡山区生长,营造银鹊、日本柳杉工业用材林,可大力提高新造林分生产力,现实遗传增益15%以上,取得较好的经济、社会和生态效益。  相似文献   

An allometric model that explains the mechanism of the difference in the slope of the Reineke equation (A) among species was proposed based on the allometric relationships of mean tree height (H) to quadratic mean diameter D (HD θ ) and stand density N (HN δ ), i.e., A = θ/δ. The proposed model was fitted to Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) and red pine (Pinus densiflora) stands. The allometric exponents θ and δ were, respectively, 0.8995 and −0.5000 for cypress and 0.8612 and −0.6619 for pine. The difference between cypress and pine was significant for δ but not for θ. Inserting the exponents into the model resulted in predicted slopes of −1.7991 for cypress and −1.3011 for pine. The difference in the slope of the Reineke equation between the two species was produced by characteristics related to the tree crown, rather than characteristics related to stem slenderness. The proposed model enables us to estimate the slope of the Reineke equation from commonly measured stand attributes, such as mean tree height and quadratic mean diameter. Therefore, the proposed model is expected to be practical and convenient for estimating the slope of the Reineke equation and for explaining the mechanism of its variation among species. The model should be also accepted as a generalized model of the stand density versus quadratic mean diameter relationship, whereas the original Reineke equation should be seen as a specific case of this model.  相似文献   

The effects of root exclusion and planted tree species on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics were examined at two plantations, one planted with Japanese cedar and the other with Japanese cypress. We set up ten 1 × 1 × 0.2-m-deep trenched sites and ten untrenched control sites at each plantation. We measured the pool size and leaching of inorganic N at each site for 2 years and the net N mineralization 1 and 2 years after trenching. Despite similar soil conditions, the cedar plantation showed higher net N mineralization than the cypress plantation. Stopped tree uptake of N was expected to cause an increased pool size and leaching of inorganic N at the trenched sites. Nevertheless, we found no significant increase in those variables at both plantations. The trenched cypress sites showed no decrease in the net N mineralization during the 2 years after trenching. However, the net nitrification at the trenched cypress sites increased remarkably at the deeper horizons in comparison with that at the control sites. Enhanced nitrification might result from improved ammonium availability through root exclusion. Net N mineralization at the trenched cedar sites decreased more than 60% compared with that at the control sites 2 years after trenching. Higher nitrification potential at the cedar plantation and enhanced nitrification potential at the trenched cypress sites never resulted in increased leaching of N, due to added fine root litter which acted as an immobilization agent for excess N, thus preventing N loss.  相似文献   

We derive a two-way volume equation for estimating the apparent culm volume of one of the largest bamboo species, Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel ex Houz. The volume equation was derived from the assumptions that (1) the relative culm form can be expressed by Kunze’s equation and (2) normal form-factors at two different relative heights are steady at constants independent of culm sizes. A total number of 200 sample culms were collected from a stand of P. pubescens in Mt. Toshima, Kumamoto Prefecture, western Japan, and were randomly bisected into two sets of data, i.e. modeling and test data. For the modeling data, normal form-factors at 0.6 and 0.9 in relative height were steady at 0.908 and 0.448, respectively. The coefficients of the volume equation were determined based on these steady values of the normal form-factors. For the test data, the apparent culm volume was estimated from diameter at breast height and culm height with the determined volume equation. The mean error and root mean square error of the estimated culm volume were, respectively, 8.120 × 10−5 and 3.291 × 10−3 m3, and there was no significant difference between estimated and actual volume. In conclusion, the two-way volume equation presented here appears to be convenient for predicting the apparent culm volume for P. pubescens.  相似文献   

利用2005年度的IKONOS4卫片(通过解译获得官司河小流域土地利用现状数据)、1:1万森林资源分布图、2007年度森林资源二类调查小班资料,结合样地调查数据以及四川省林业科学研究院森林生态效益定位站(四川绵阳新桥)径流场的有关数据,选取坡度、土层厚、土A层厚、土壤含水率、坡位、土壤类型6个立地特征因子,建立该流域的297个小班物元模型,对其进行适宜性评价,再用层次分析法对其进行优化,从而获得该流域防护林体系空间对位配置。结果表明:1)本区针阔(桤柏/栎柏)混交林面积为124.39hm2,仅占整个有林地面积的14.97%,而针针混交林(松柏)的面积却占27.37%,针叶纯林(马尾松/柏木)的面积更是占42.48%。2)经优化后本区防护林体系分配按面积大小排序为针阔混交林(31.12%)>灌木林(15.5%)>经济林(12.28%)>针针混交林(11.46%)>阔叶纯林(11.41%)>针叶纯林(9.51%)>草地(8.70%)。优化后,年径流总量将减少43171mm,减少62.15%;年土壤侵蚀总量减少465.97t,减少79.66%。3)该流域的防护林体系空间对位配置结果为:①少发展柏木、马尾松纯林,多发展桤柏、栎柏、松栎等针阔混交林。对现有的柏木、马尾松纯林,引进桤木、栎类等树种形成针阔混交林。②柏木纯林和桤柏混交林的郁闭度控制在0.60~0.75,栎柏混交林、松柏混交林、松栎柏混交林则应控制在0.60~0.80。③对现有针叶纯林、针针混交林,采用开窗补阔和密度调节2种方式进行改造。开窗补阔对密度过大的林分进行带状砍伐,砍伐后补植栎类、桤木、香樟、天竺桂等阔叶树种。④在树种的搭配上,根据不同立地条件及树种的适宜性,选择不同的混交比。在中性或微酸性紫色土上,多发展以柏木为主的混交林;在黄壤和酸性紫色土上,则可发展柏木、马尾松与其他阔叶树种的混交林;在灰白砂土上配置以马尾松为主的针阔混交林。阔叶林的比例不少于20%~30%,立地条件好的则可以达到40%左右,以充分发挥防护林的生态效益和增加经济效益。  相似文献   

Johansson  Tord 《New Forests》2004,27(1):13-24
Plantings with pendula (Betula pendula Roth) and pubescent (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) birches were studied on five localities (Lat. 57–60 ° N) in Sweden. Seedlings were planted in 1988 or 1989. The experiment contained 50 plants per parcel and five replications per treatment. Among treatments harrowed area and birches covered with tree shelter were included. In spring 1993 five plants growing on harrowed area, with and without tree shelter, respectively were randomly chosen on each parcel. A total of 25 birches per treatment, species and locality were used. The trial was replicated in 1994 and 1995. The plant height was estimated and diameter at 20 and 60% of tree height was measured each year for 4 yr. The stem taper was calculated by the quotient D60/D20. The stem taper for birches without tree shelter was 0.5 for both species on all localities. The quotients for birches, which have grown in tree shelter, were 0.6–0.75 the first years of the trial. Then the quotients decreased and 2–3 years later they were on the same level as for birches planted without tree shelters. The results of the studies indicate that tree shelters should be removed two to three years after the plant has reached the top of the shelter. The height of the tree shelter might be shortened to 0.8–1.0 m to stabilise the plant earlier than with the conventional shelter height of 1.2 m.  相似文献   


The rapid development in aerial digital cameras in combination with the increased availability of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) provides a renaissance for photogrammetry in forest management planning. Tree height, stem volume, and basal area were estimated for forest stands using canopy height, density, and texture metrics derived from photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images and a high-resolution DEM. The study was conducted at a coniferous hemi-boreal site in southern Sweden. Three different data-sets of digital aerial images were used to test the effects of flight altitude and stereo overlap on an area-based estimation of forest variables. Metrics were calculated for 344 field plots (10 m radius) from point cloud data and used in regression analysis. Stand level accuracy was evaluated using leave-one-out cross validation of 24 stands. For these stands the tree height ranged from 4.8 to 26.9 m (17.8 m mean), stem volume 13.3 to 455 m3 ha?1 (250 m3 ha?1 mean), and basal area from 4.1 to 42.9 m2 ha?1 (27.1 m2 ha?1 mean) with mean stand size of 2.8 ha. The results showed small differences in estimation accuracy of forest variables between the data-sets. The data-set of digital aerial images corresponding to the standard acquisition of the Swedish National Land Survey (Lantmäteriet), showed Root Mean Square Errors (in percent of the surveyed stand mean) of 8.8% for tree height, 13.1% for stem volume and 14.9% for basal area. The results imply that photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images has significant potential for operational use in forestry.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficiency of taper functions and the application of mixed-effect modelling for diameter estimation along the stems of Tectona grandis. We sampled 266 trees of Tectona grandis, measuring the diameter at relative heights for volume determination, grouping the data according to three form-factor classes. Six taper functions were fitted, selecting the function with better fit performance. Six taper functions were fitted, selecting the function with better fit performance. The selected function was fitted in its basic formulation, and with the mixed non-linear modelling technique in different scenarios, and for the stem stratified in three portions of the total height. The precision and selection of the adjusted models were evaluated regarding the coefficient of determination, standard error of estimate, the Akaike information criterion, bias, quadratic error and absolute bias. According to the statistical criteria used, the model of Kozak was selected for the adjustments. For diameter estimation, the scenario with two coefficients as random effects provided an accuracy increase of 11.91%, and the mixed non-linear modelling better estimated the stem diameter for the stratified stems. In conclusion, the model of Kozak can be used to describe the stem shape of Tectona grandis, and the mixed-effect non-linear model approach was the best technique to estimate diameter along the stem of Tectona grandis.  相似文献   


Interpretation and tree height measurements in aerial photographs using photogrammetric workstations are frequently performed in standwise forest inventory. Images acquired by digital aerial cameras are now replacing the traditional film-based aerial photographs. In this study, digital images from the airborne Z/I DMC system for standwise estimation of stem volume, tree height and tree species composition were investigated at a 1200 ha forest area located in southern Sweden (58°30′N, 13°40′E). The 56 selected stands were dominated by Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with stem volume in the range of 30–630 m3 ha?1 (average 300 m3 ha?1) and tree height in the range of 6–28 m (average 20 m). The large-format pansharpened colour infrared images were captured at a flight altitude of 4800 m above ground level corresponding to a pixel size of 0.48 m. The photo-interpretation was conducted by four professional interpreters, independently. In particular, two different base-to-height ratios (i.e. the ratio between the ground distance between image centres at the time of exposure and the flight altitude above ground level) of 0.26 and 0.39 were evaluated, but no significant difference in the estimation accuracy for stem volume and tree height was found. The accuracy for stem volume estimation in terms of relative root mean square error, corrected for systematic errors, was on average 24% (in the range of 17–39%). The corresponding accuracy for tree height estimation was on average 1.4 m (in the range of 0.9–1.6 m). The tree species composition accuracy assessment using a fuzzy set evaluation procedure showed that 95% of the stands were correctly classified. The estimation accuracies are in agreement with previous results using conventional film-based aerial panchromatic photographs.  相似文献   


Stem form information can enhance rapid estimation of stem volume. Studies on important determinants of stem form in pure stands are scanty. This study aimed at identifying determinants of stem form using Tectona grandis stands in Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria. Twenty 0.04 ha square plots were randomly selected across four stand ages. Crown diameter, total and merchantable heights (MH), diameters at breast height (DBH), at 5.27 m tree height and at midpoint from breast height to tip of tree were measured in each plot. Measured trees were classified into four canopy layers (CL)—dominant, codominant, intermediate, and suppressed. Merchantable volume, basal area (BA), form factor (Ff), normal form quotient (Qn), Girard form class (QG), absolute form quotient (Qa), ratio of diameter at merchantable limit to diameter at the base (Dt/Db), and tree slenderness coefficient were derived from the data. Analysis of variance, correlation, and regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Significant differences were observed in stem form and tree size variables under different canopy layers. The DBH, BA, MHT, and CL were identified as important variables associated with stem form. Inclusion of Qa improved most the predictive ability of the selected stem volume equation.  相似文献   

Since individual tree leaf area is an important measure for productivity as well as for site occupancy, it is of high interest in many studies about forest growth. The exact determination of leaf area is nearly impossible. Thus, a common way to get information about leaf area is to use substitutes. These substitutes are often variables which are collected in a destructive way which is not feasible for long term studies. Therefore, this study aimed at testing the applicability of using substitutes for leaf area which could be collected in a non-destructive way, namely crown surface area and crown projection area. In 8 stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), divided into three age classes and two thinning treatments, a total of 156 trees were felled in order to test the relationship between leaf area and crown surface area and crown projection area, respectively. Individual tree leaf area of the felled sample trees was estimated by 3P-branch sampling with an accuracy of ±10%. Crown projection area and crown surface area were compared with other, more commonly used, but destructive predictors of leaf area, namely sapwood area at different heights on the bole. Our investigations confirmed findings of several studies that sapwood area is the most precise measure for leaf area because of the high correlation between sapwood area and the leaf area. But behind sapwood area at crown base and sapwood area at three tenth of the tree height the predictive ability of crown surface area was ranked third and even better than that of sapwood area at breast height (R2 = 0.656 compared with 0.600). Within the stands leaf area is proportional to crown surface area. Using the pooled data of all stands a mixed model approach showed that additionally to crown surface area dominant height and diameter at breast height (dbh) improved the leaf area estimates. Thus, taking dominant height and dbh into account, crown surface area can be recommended for estimating the leaf area of individual trees. The resulting model was in line with many other findings on the leaf area and leaf mass relationships with crown size. From the additional influence of dominant height and dbh in the leaf area model we conclude that the used crown model could be improved by estimating the position of the maximum crown width and the crown width at the base of the crown depending on these two variables.  相似文献   


The accuracy of forest stem volume estimation at stand level was investigated using multispectral optical satellite and tree height data in combination. The stem volumes for the investigated coniferous stands, located in southern Sweden, were in the range of 15–585 m3 ha?1 with an average stem volume of 266 m3 ha?1. The results from regression analysis showed a substantial improvement for the combined stem volume estimates compared with using satellite data only. The accuracy in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) was calculated to 11.2% of the average stem volume using SPOT-4 data and tree height data in combination compared with 23.9% using SPOT-4 data only. By replacing SPOT-4 data with Landsat TM data the RMSE was improved from 25.2% to 12.2%. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the combined stem volume estimates by adding random errors, normally distributed with zero expectations, with standard deviations of 1, 1.5 and 2 m to tree height data. The results showed that the RMSE increased with increasing random tree height error to 15.4%, 18.0% and 19.9% using SPOT-4 data and 16.3%, 19.2% and 21.2% using Landsat TM data. The results imply that multispectral optical satellite data in combination with accurate tree height data could be used for standwise stem volume estimation in forestry applications.  相似文献   

We examined vertical and seasonal variations in stem respiration rates in a 50-year-old plantation of Japanese cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl., in central Japan, and discuss a practical and precise method to scale a point-measured stem CO2 efflux rate up to whole-stem respiration. For five selected trees, stem CO2 efflux rates were measured at breast height (1.3 m) and at five or six points above breast height (at approximately 2 m intervals) every 1 or 2 months over two consecutive years. Daily total stem respiration rate (surface area basis) was greater inside the crown than below the crown, especially during the growing season. By incorporating the vertical profile of the respiration rate, annual whole-stem respiration was estimated for each sample tree (R y). We then compared this estimate (R y) with another estimate of annual whole-stem respiration (Ry) obtained using a conventional method; it is assumed that the area-based respiration rate at breast height is constant throughout the stem. The ratio of these two estimates (Ry/R y) was usually less than 1, indicating that the assumptions used to calculate Ry underestimate annual whole-stem respiration. We found that Ry/R y was negatively correlated with the ratio of crown length to tree height (crown ratio). These results suggest that annual whole-stem respiration in this C. obtusa plantation is substantially affected by the relative proportion of within-crown stem with higher respiratory activity. Methodologically, our results imply that incorporating the crown ratio into the conventional method would improve the accuracy of annual whole-stem respiration estimates.  相似文献   

An improved technique, cheaper and less time-consuming, to measure standing wood volume by using an electronic theodolite was tested, by which greater information from the forest could be acquired accurately and non-destructively. This was achieved by recording the diameter at breast height and ground-level diameter of a tree as well as the included angle between the electronic theodolite and the left and right tangents of the stem at any point. The standing wood volume then was computed precisely by section. In addition, the factors that influence the precision of the method (observable distance and number of segments) were also analysed. In the study, 175 Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen. trees and 190 Populus tomentosa Carrière trees chosen randomly for sampling were measured with the electronic theodolite, and then were cut down for measurement of the average cross-section volume. Based on the data acquired from 100 sample trees, a standard volume table was compiled, and then the data for the remaining random 10 sample trees in each group were selected for a comparison test. The results indicated that the optimal distance for indirect observation should be as high as the sample tree, and the optimal visual distinguished section was about 2?m. The correlation coefficient between the value measured non-destructively and the value of the felled trees of L. gmelinii was 0.97, with an average relative error of 1.62%. With regard to P. tomentosa, the correlation coefficient between the two values obtained by the two methods was 0.905 with an average relative error of 8.40%. It was concluded that the standard volume model based on the non-destructive measurement technique meets the requirements for precision in forest surveys. The precision of the standard volume model for L. gmelinii (a coniferous tree) was superior to that of the model for P. tomentosa (a broad-leaved tree). The electronic theodolite method provides an alternative technique for measuring trees without destructive sampling and is widely applicable for forest surveys.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):77-88
Estimating tree volume and biomass constitutes an essential part of the forest resources assessment and the evaluation of the climate change mitigation potential of forests through biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration. This research article provides stem volume and biomass equations applicable to five tree species, namely Afzelia africana Sm. (Caesalpiniaceae), Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae), Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae), Dialium guineense Willd. (Caesalpiniaceae), Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. (Ebenaceae) in natural protected tropical forests and, in addition, Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae) in plantations. In addition to the tree species specific equations, basic wood density, as well as carbon, nitrogen, organic matter and ash content were determined for these tree species in tropical conditions in West Africa. One hundred and sixty-two sample trees were measured through non-destructive sampling and analysed for volume and biomass. Stem biomass and stem volume were modelled as a function of diameter (at breast height; Dbh) and stem height (height to the crown base). Logarithmic models are presented that utilise Dbh and height data to predict tree component biomass and stem volumes. Alternative models are given that afford prediction based on Dbh data alone, assuming height data to be unavailable. Models that include height are preferred, having better predictive capabilities. Ranges in carbon, nitrogen and ash contents are given as well. The successful development of predictive models through the use of non-destructive methods in this study provide valuable data and tools for use in determining the contribution of these major African rainforest tree species to global carbon stocks, while ensuring the preservation of this valued African resource. This study needs to be expanded to further regions and tree species to complete a full inventory of all tree species, emphasising the relevance of African trees to carbon stocks at a global scale.  相似文献   

With the interpreted IKONOS4 satellite images collected in 2005,a 1:10 000 forest map,the data collected in ClassⅡforest survey in 2007,and surface runoff data obtained in the permanent runoff monitoring station,six site factors of slope gradient, slope position,soil thickness,soil thickness of A layer,soil type and soil water content were selected to establish a matter element model suitable to 297 forest sub-compartments.Further,the AHP was applied to modify the spatial structure and form the spatial para allocation of the protection forest system. The results showed that:1) the area allocation of different vegetation types was irrational,the area of a mixed coniferous and broad-leafed forest was 124.39 ha,accounting for 14.97%of the forested land,the mixed forest was consisted of two coniferous species accounted for 27.37%of the total forest land,and the pure forest was consisted of one coniferous species accounted for 42.48%.2) After optimization,the area allocation of different vegetation types in the protection forest system ranked as:the mixed coniferous and broad-leafed forest(31.12%)>shrub land(15.5%)>the economic tree crops(12.28%)>the mixed forest consisting of two coniferous species(11.46%)>the pure broad-leafed forest(11.41%)>the pure coniferous forest(9.51%)>grass land(8.70%). Besides,the annual surface runoff could reduce 43 171 mm or 62.15%,annual soil erosion could decrease 465.97 t or 79.66%.3) The following suggestions for spatial para allocation of the small watershed protection forest system were proposed: (1) Reducing pure cypress or pine forest,and increasing alder-cypress,oak-cypress or pine-cypress mixed forest.As for the current cypress and pine pure forests,alder or oak could be introduced to develop a mixed forest.(2) The canopy closure of pure cypress forest and alder-cypress forests should be maintained within 0.60-0.75,and the canopy closure of oak-cypress,pine-cypress or oak-pine forests should be controlled within 0.60-0.80. (3) For improvement of current pure  相似文献   

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