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倪田 《江西饲料》2002,(1):41-41
蛤蚧是一种珍贵药用动物,产品畅销,目前蛤蚧自然资源锐减,人工养殖前景广阔。1生物学特性蛤蚧属爬虫纲晰蜴目壁虎科。自然分布于广东、广西、云南、贵州,湘南也有少量资源。蛤蚧喜居山岩坡壁,有冬眠和蜕皮习性,白天匿居,晚上觅食、嬉戏,活动频繁。眼大圆睁,不能开闭,脚趾头腹面的鳞片有吸盘作用,可在墙壁、天花板上自由爬行。喜吃活食。尾易断,可再生。2建场蛤蚧舍宜建造在干爽、通风阴凉、安静的地方。面积大小视饲养规模而定,一般长4m、宽2.5m,高2.2m,每间房可养400条蛤蚧。饲养房顶部要建蛤蚧活动场,场高1…  相似文献   

蛤蚧是一种珍贵药用动物,产品畅销,目前蛤蚧自然资源锐减,人工养殖前景广阔。 一、生物学特性 蛤蚧属爬虫纲晰蜴目壁虎科。自然分布于广东、广西、云南、贵州,湘南也有少量资源。蛤蚧喜居山岩坡壁,有冬眠和脱皮习性,白天匿居,晚上活动频繁,觅食、嬉戏。眼大圆睁,不能开闭,脚趾头腹面的鳞片有吸盘作用,可在墙壁、天花板上自由爬行。喜吃活食。尾易断,  相似文献   

蛤蚧是常用的动物药材,我国所产的灰斑蛤蚧在国内外市场久负盛名。经长期的试养研究,蛤蚧饲养驯化工作取得了很大的进展,在以下几个方面有了突破:一是掌握了蛤蚧的食性,并通过灯光诱虫,利用蚕蛾、蚕蛹、蚕虫,养殖米粉虫、地鳖虫及其他昆虫解决蛤蚧所需的活体饲料。二是将孵化出的小蛤蚧通过1年至1年半饲养可达到商品所要求的质量规格。三是断尾蛤蚧通过人工饲养可使其再生尾达到全尾蛤蚧的商品规格要求。四是初步解决了露天围养时,防止蛤蚧逃跑的问题。五是了解了蛤蚧繁殖方面的一些规律,如每年产卵期、孵化期、每条雌性蛤蚧的产…  相似文献   

一、蛤蚧的用途:蛤蚧,又名仙蟾、大壁虎。属爬行纲、蜥蝎目、壁虎科、壁虎属。蛤蚧,体呈长圆形,背腹略扁,皮肤粗糙,体重60~80克,有的达100克以上,体长12~16厘米,尾长10~14厘米。在我国分布于广西、广东、江西、贵州、福建、台湾等省区。蛤蚧,是国内、外紧缺的贵重药材。临床表明,蛤蚧有补肺益肾,纳气定喘,助阳益精,有滋补强身作用。多用于肺虚喘咳,痰中带血,肾虚阳痿,尿频,五更泄泻等。中成药有蛤蚧定咳丸、蛤蚧养肺丸、蛤蚧补肾丸、蛤蚧大补胶囊、蛤蚧补金片及蛤蚧酒等。 二、生活习性:蛤蚧,栖息在悬崖石壁洞缝、树洞、房  相似文献   

蛤蚧属于壁虎科动物 ,又名仙蟾、大壁虎 ,其干制品是驰名中外的珍贵药材 ,具有补肾、温肺、壮阳、益精血、止喘咳功能。可治疗神经衰弱、肺结核、老人虚弱性喘咳、心脏性喘咳、浮肿等疾病。蛤蚧的养殖技术比较简单 ,且投资少 ,效益高 ,是脱贫致富的好项目。1 饲养场地和设施 蛤蚧的饲养场地应选择通风良好、冬暖夏凉、便于诱虫的林荫地。四周用石头或砖砌成厚 40cm ,高 3m封闭式的围墙 ,墙内壁距地面 1m处 ,砌成数个边长为 1m的正方形凹窗 ,以便饲养蟑螂 ,内壁距墙顶 30cm处 ,砌成数个供蛤蚧栖息产卵的长方形凹槽 ,宽度 2 0cm ,…  相似文献   

蛤蚧的人工养殖新技术四川省涪陵市畜牧局陈德祥蛤蚧又称蚧蛇,是驰名中外的珍贵药用动物。可制成蛤蚧酒、蛤蚧糖浆、蛤蚧精等。具有益精壮阳、润肺补肾、定喘止咳功效,能治虚劳咳嗽、神经衰弱、脸黄浮肿等病症。蛤蚧野生资源日趋减少、供不应求、价格高,每条活蛤蚧市场...  相似文献   

蛤蚧属于壁虎科动物,又名仙蟾、大壁虎,是一种珍贵的野生动物。蛤蚧的干制品是驰名中外的珍贵药材,又是配制“蛤蚧酒”、“蛤蚧大补丸”等中成药的主要原料。蛤蚧具有补肾、温肺、壮阳、益清血、止喘咳功能,可治疗神经衰弱、肺结核、老人虚弱性喘咳、心脏性喘咳、浮肿等疾病,蛤蚧的养殖技术比较简单,投资少,效益高,是脱贫致富的一个好途径。1饲养场地和设施蛤蚧喜居山岩坡壁、石洞裂缝,居于檐下或树洞中,所以饲养场地应选择通风良好、冬暖夏凉、便于诱虫的林阴地。四周用石头或砖切成封闭式的围墙,其厚40cm,高3m,四周内壁…  相似文献   

蛤蚧是国内外紧缺的一种贵重药材,市场需用量大,蛤蚧为壁虎科动物。除去内脏,干燥品即为药材。蛤蚧又名仙蟾、大壁虎。喜居山岩坡壁,石洞裂缝,屋宇檐下或树洞中。多产于广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州等省,近几年,其它省也有引种饲养繁殖。一般取躯体入药用,仅取其尾者,名“蛤蚧尾”,功效较著,性微温,味咸,入肺、肾二经。 蛤蚧喜食活虫,日伏夜出,冬眠夏活跃。雌雄外  相似文献   

蛤蚧是国内外紧缺的一种贵重药材,市场需用量大,其人工养殖是农家致富的一条新门路 蛤蚧为壁虎科动物、蛤蚧除去内脏的干燥品成为药材。蛤蚧又名仙蟾、大壁虎 喜居山岩坡壁,石洞裂缝,屋宇檐下或树洞中。多产于广东、广西、福建、云南、贵州等省,近几年其它省也有引种饲养, 蛤蚧喜食活虫,好争雌.日伏夜出,冬眠夏活跃,雌雄外形有明显的区别:雌体粗肥,稍黄色,花纹稍细:雄性稍黑,花纹较粗,体稍瘦。  相似文献   

人工养殖蛤蚧的技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
潘红平  周放  徐蕴丽  陆舟 《广西畜牧兽医》2003,19(3):132-133,136
1 蛤蚧的药用价值及市场发展概况蛤蚧是一种名贵的药用动物 ,广泛用于治疗虚痨、肺结核、喘咳、咯血、阳萎、阴虚、神经衰弱、小儿疳积、小便过频、脚冷膝软、年老体虚等疾病。以蛤蚧为主药配制的各种中成药 ,有蛤蚧酒、蛤蚧大补丸、蛤蚧定喘丸、蛤蚧补肾丸等。由于滥捕乱杀、环境污染等原因 ,蛤蚧资源日渐枯竭 ,货源大减 ,已不能满足市场的需要 ,价格也逐年上升 ,每对优质蛤蚧售价达 10 0元。近年来 ,人工养殖蛤蚧取得了可喜的成绩 ,其中以庭院饲养为主。广西一养殖户 ,多年来驯养蛤蚧 ,取得了很好的经济效益 ,2 0 0 2年获利近2 0万元。发…  相似文献   

对产自老挝、广西和云南的大壁虎(Gekko gecko)进行染色体核型分析。以空气干燥法制备染色体标本,结果表明,老挝红斑大壁虎的核型公式为2n=38=8m+2sm+2st+26t,广西黑斑大壁虎和云南黑斑大壁虎的核型相同均为2n=38=8m+2sm+28t。红斑大壁虎和黑斑大壁虎的核型在第15号染色体上存在着明显的差异,该结果可为大壁虎亚种或种级的分化研究提供细胞学方面的依据。  相似文献   

Five cases of xanthomatosis in geckos were evaluated, one in a northern green gecko (Naultinus grayi) and the remaining four in three species of leaf-tailed geckos (two Uroplatus henkeli, one U. sikorae, one U. fimbriatus). All geckos were females 3-11 yr of age, were clinically ill on presentation, and either died or were euthanized. Necropsies showed emaciation in three geckos, with white nodular foci on coelomic surfaces in two of these geckos. The other two geckos had no gross abnormalities. Histopathologic examination revealed xanthomatosis involving the coelomic surfaces of four geckos and the ventricles of the brain in all geckos. Xanthomas in the brain were associated with various degrees of hydrocephalus. The lesions were comprised of stacks of clear clefts consistent with cholesterol crystals, and these structures were surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes. Four geckos had active folliculogenesis, and two had foci of follicular degeneration and localized yolk coelomitis. In all cases, xanthomatosis was believed to have contributed significantly to morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Captive leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) often present to the exotic clinic for gastrointestinal impactions, follicular stasis, or dystocia. To our knowledge, normal ultrasonographic anatomy of these lizards has not been described. The objectives of this prospective, anatomic, analytical study were to develop ultrasound techniques for this species and to describe the normal sonographic anatomy of the head, coelomic cavity, and tail. Eleven, healthy, female leopard geckos were included. A linear array 13–18 MHz transducer was used. Geckos were sedated and restrained in dorsal recumbency for coelomic structure examination and in ventral recumbency for head and tail examinations. Sagittal and transverse images were acquired and authors recorded qualitative and quantitative ultrasonographic characteristics of anatomic structures. The ventral surface of the lungs, liver, gallbladder, caudal vena cava, portal vein, ventral abdominal vein, aorta, ovarian follicles, fat bodies, tail, and brain were visualized in 10 of 11 individuals. In one individual, molt precluded ultrasonographic examination. The heart, kidneys, urinary bladder, spleen, and pancreas were not visualized. The digestive tract was observed in 10 individuals but was too small to be measured. Findings from the current study could be used as a reference for future studies of leopard geckos.  相似文献   

蛤蚧是名贵中药材,广西药用动物特产之一,也是国家二级保护野生动物.蛤蚧药用价值高,具有补肺气、益精血、补肾壮阳和定喘止咳等功效,广泛用于治疗虚痨、肺结核、咳喘、咯血、阳痿、小儿疳积以及年老体虚等症.蛤蚧大补丸、蛤蚧补肾丸、蛤蚧定喘丸和蛤蚧酒等产品远销国内外,市场需求量大.在人工养殖过程中,蛤蚧常发生口腔炎、脚趾脓肿等疾病,而以口腔炎发病率最高,且极易蔓延,如得不到有效控制,将导致毁灭性死亡.多年来,蛤蚧口腔炎一直是制约着蛤蚧人工繁育的重要因素.本试验通过外用、内服和注射方法对蛤蚧口腔炎症防治进行了研究,取得一定的效果,报道如下.  相似文献   


Case history: Gradual onset of ocular opacity was observed in three gold-striped geckos (Woodworthia chrysosiretica), and five Pacific geckos (Dactylocnemis pacificus) held in two adjacent terrariums in a zoological institution located in the North Island of New Zealand. Ultraviolet light and heat had been provided for the previous 3–4 years by a fluorescent bulb, but in the last 4 weeks of winter a ceramic heat bulb had been added, situated 10?cm above the upper mesh of the cage

Clinical findings: All eight geckos presented with mostly bilateral lesions of varying severity confined to the central or upper quadrant of the spectacles. These lesions ranged from variable areas of opacity within the stroma of the spectacle to similarly distributed ulcers of the surface epithelium of both spectacles. The spectacle lesions in the Pacific geckos responded well to treatment with topical combined antimicrobial therapy, within 18–29 days. The gold-striped geckos suffered complications including dysecdysis, severe spectacle ulceration and perforation, mycotic spectaculitis, and widespread mycotic dermatitis resulting in death or leading to euthanasia.

Pathological findings: In the three gold-striped geckos, there were extensive areas of deep ulceration and replacement of the spectacle with a thick serocellular crust containing large numbers of fungal elements. The affected areas of the stroma were expanded by large deposits of proteinaceous and mucinous material, pyknotic cellular debris and moderate numbers of heterophils and macrophages as well as infiltrating fungal hyphae.

Diagnosis: Mycotic spectaculitis with ulceration and perforation, and disseminated mycotic dermatitis likely secondary to thermal burns.

Clinical relevance: This is the first report of thermal burns of the spectacle in any reptile. There was species variation in the burn severity with gold-striped geckos showing more severe lesions, possibly due to a mix of behavioural and anatomical factors. The thermal burns to the spectacles in three cases were complicated by delayed healing, perforation, dysecdysis and severe mycotic infection.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):96-108
We conducted a phylogenetic study through karyological data, by standard staining and Ag-NOR banding, and molecular analysis (by 12S and 16S mitochondrial rRNA genes and nuclear gene C-mos) on 11 species of Malagasy geckos, genus Paroedura, and two relatives (Ebenavia inunguis and Uroplatus phantasticus). Ebenavia inunguis and U. phantasticus had 2n = 36 telocentric elements, NORs on the first chromosome pair in E. inunguis, and on the third chromosome pair in U. phantasticus. All examined Paroedura showed NORs on the smallest chromosome pair; moreover, six of the eleven examined species show a 2n = 36 karyotype, with a pair of metacentrics and 17 telocentric pair. The remaining species exhibited karyotypes with a diploid chromosome number ranging from 2n = 31 to 2n = 38. We assume that these karyotype assemblages derived from the 2n=36 karyotype by cryptic and/or simple rearrangements, such as inversions, fissions and fusions. Furthermore, molecular and/or chromosomal data indicate that Paroedura is a monophyletic genus, in which chromosome rearrangements occurred repeatedly and independently during the specific diversification. Moreover both P. bastardi and P. gracilis in current definitions are paraphyletic assemblages of several related species, since their population proves more closely related to P. ibityensis or P. oviceps than co-specific populations.  相似文献   

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