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Biodegradability of lindane analogs using house fly whole body, microsomes, and microsome supernatant fraction was examined. It decreased in the order of alkoxy ~ methylthio > methyl analogs > lindane in the whole body experiments, as well as with microsomes in the presence of NADPH. With the supernatant in the presence of glutathione, a different trend was observed. The synergistic effects of piperonyl butoxide when used together with lindane analogs were mostly explained in terms of the inhibition of the microsomal metabolism. Piperonyl butoxide was also shown to inhibit the penetration of compounds into the fly body and to make the central nervous system of the American cockroach less sensitive to the action of insecticides causing after and repetitive discharges. It was observed that the value of the percentage of metabolic disappearance of insecticides after a certain period decreases as the dose level initially applied in the whole body experiments increases. The synergistic ratio parallels the percentage of disappearance value after the insecticidal activity test period when a dose corresponding to the unsynergized LD50 is initially applied. When quantitative comparisons are required for biodegradability of insecticides using house flies as the test insects, it should be on the basis of direct metabolism experiments using a fixed dose throughout the series of insecticides, but not on the basis of the synergistic ratio.  相似文献   

Enhanced oxidative metabolism appeared to be a major factor involved in resistance to permethrin in a field strain of house flies, selected with permethrin over 4 years. This was shown in the 7.8-fold synergism by piperonyl butoxide which reduced the resistance ratio from 97 to 15. The rate of permethrin detoxication was significantly higher (P=0.05) in the resistant flies compared with a susceptible strain or resistant flies pretreated with piperonyl butoxide. The esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate did not reduce the level of resistance to permethrin in the resistant strain, although some hydrolytic metabolism was apparent. Rates of penetration were similar in susceptible and resistant flies and in resistant flies pre-treated with piperonyl butoxide. A minor unidentified resistance factor, possibly reduced sensitivity of the nervous system, may also have been present in the resistant strain.  相似文献   

The fate of malaoxon was studied in a susceptible and a resistant strain of house fly following topical application. Sublethal doses were used: 160 pmol for the S-strain (0.17 × LD50) and 1570 pmol for the R-strain (0.1 × LD50). The penetration rates are dose dependent and semilog plots of the external amount vs time show that these rates are not proportional to this external amount. Internal concentrations of malaoxon rapidly increase following administration, reach maximum values between 30 min and 2 hr (depending on dose), and then slowly decrease. The rate of metabolic degradation is highest in the early stage of the intoxication process. A three-compartment pharmacokinetic model is postulated to explain the experimental data quantitatively. The first compartment represents external malaoxon, the other two represent internal parent compound. Statistical analysis shows that the penetration rate is better described with a sum of two exponentials rather than with a single exponential decay. In the model, degradation occurs in the first internal compartment and is assumed to be first order. Malaoxon is distributed between the two internal compartments slowly with first-order kinetics. Parameter estimation with curve-fitting procedures for the internal processes (degradation and exchange) shows that there is not one set of parameter values that can be used for both strains simultaneously. This prompted a study of possible interstrain differences in degradation capacities. It was found that in vitro the R-strain had a fourfold higher oxidative breakdown rate of malaoxon. Taking this difference into account it is possible to explain the two sets of data with one kinetic model, although other alternatives cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Nerve insensitivity was a major factor of mechanism of resistance to pyrethroids in the 228e2b strain of house fly. Reciprocal crosses between the resistant and susceptible SRS strains showed that resistance to permethrin was recessive in nerve sensitivity. Linkage group analysis by the F1 male backcross method using multichromosomal marker strains was investigated electrophysiologically, following 10−5 M permethrin application to the exposed thoracic ganglia of the backcross progenies. Results of the experiment showed that the recessive genetic factor responsible for nerve insensitivity to permethrin in the resistant strain is located only on the third chromosome.  相似文献   

The inhibition of glutathione S-transferase by endogenous compounds present in the soluble fraction of house fly homogenates was investigated. The highest inhibition was found with the female abdomen and increased with incubation time and with an increase in the tissue concentration. The correlation of increased inhibition with a parallel increase in the darkening of the soluble fraction indicated a possible association with melanization, thereby suggesting quinones as the possible endogenous inhibitiors of glutathione transferase. In vitro experiments demonstrated that quinones produced by mushroom tyrosinase did indeed inhibit glutathione S-transferase. Inhibition by quinones can be prevented by including glutathione or bovine serum albumin in the homogenization buffer. The inhibitory activity of a variety of quinones and related compounds on purified glutathione S-transferase was investigated. Oxygenated aromatics with hydroxy groups in the 1,2- or 1,4-position or ketonic carbonyls in the 1,4-position are good inhibitors of glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for > 6000-fold permethrin resistance in a pyrethroid-selected strain of house fly, Learn-PyR, were investigated. Through electrophysiological, in vitro metabolism, in vivo penetration and synergism studies it was demonstrated that the resistance mechanisms consisted of enhanced metabolic detoxification via the mixed-function oxidase (MFO) system, target-site insensitivity and decreased cuticular penetration. The major resistance mechanism was the MFO-mediated detoxification. The elevated MFO activity was correlated with higher levels of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome b5 and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity. The kinetics of the latter showed similar Km but greater Vmax values in the Learn-PyR than in the susceptible strain, suggesting that the elevated activity was due to an altered amount, but not an altered form, of the enzyme. The Learn-PyR strain showed widely varying levels of resistance to the pyrethroids tested. Comparison of the pyrethroid structures with the resistance ratios revealed that resistance was highest in the presence of an unsubstituted phenoxybenzyl alcohol moiety. Substitution or certain modifications of the alcohol moiety reduced the level of resistance. Structure of the acid moiety or the presence or absence of an a-CN group did not affect the resistance level. These results are discussed with reference to the resistance mechanisms present.  相似文献   

The metabolism of etrimfos, O,O-dimethyl-O-(6-ethoxy-2-ethyl-4-pyrimidinyl) phosphorothioate was studied in vitro in a diazinon-resistant (Rutgers) and a susceptible (CSMA) strain of house flies. Practically no metabolism of etrimfos occurred without the addition of cofactors. However, the addition of the cofactor, reduced glutathione, resulted in a substantial amount of metabolism in both strains, the metabolism being higher in the resistant strain. The major route of metabolism was via the glutathione transferase system and the predominant metabolite was desmethyl etrimfos. Although the oxygen analog could not be isolated, microsomal oxidation of etrimfos resulted in the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, suggesting the formation of the oxygen analog. Bovine serum albumin also degraded etrimfos yielding desmethyl etrimfos and 6-ethoxy-2-ethyl-4-hydroxypyrimidine.  相似文献   

One or more weak factors of resistance on autosome 2, and barely detectable resistance on autosome 3, confer moderate resistance to several pyrethroids (5–13-fold) in the field-collected Ipswich strain of houseflies. In these flies, which unlike other pyrethroid-resistant strains lack kdr or super-kdr, pyrethroid resistance probably developed in response to prolonged treatment of buildings for animals with pyrethrins synergised with piperonyl butoxide. Substrains, isolated genetically from Ipswich flies and with resistance only on autosome 2, degraded permethrin more rapidly than susceptible flies and produced larger amounts of very polar metabolites. In this, they differed from flies with kdr or super-kdr which resembled susceptible flies in their metabolism of permethrin. NIA 16388 (propyl prop-2-ynyl phenylphosphonate) was a better synergist and reduced the metabolism of permethrin more than piperonyl butoxide in both the susceptible and resistant insects. The slight increase in synergism and minimal decrease in metabolism when piperonyl butoxide was applied with NIA 16388 indicated that the latter also inhibited detoxication that was sensitive to piperonyl butoxide.  相似文献   

Permethrin is not a repellent against horn flies Haematobia irritans (L.). The flies were able to land but not rest or feed on cattle treated with a spray or a pour-on application of permethrin, because the insecticide had a quick toxic effect. During the 15 days after treatment, all of the 813 flies exposed to the steer treated with the spray, died without taking a blood meal. During the same period, all but two of the 1426 horn flies died when exposed to the steer treated with the pour-on application, and only one of the living and seven of the dead horn flies had taken a blood meal.  相似文献   

Solutions of tetramethrin, RU 11679, or cismethrin caused uncoupled convulsions in 30–40 min in exposed thoracic ganglia from SNAIDM house flies at concentrations down to 10?10M: whereas these same compounds at 10?6M concentrations failed to produce poisoning symptoms when perfused onto the exposed ganglia of the kdr strain of house fly. The pyrethroid analogs examined had a negative temperature coefficient of action on the exposed thoracic ganglia from SNAIDM flies. DDT and GH-74 possessed positive temperature coefficients of action on the exposed thoracic ganglion of susceptible house flies. It is concluded that the central nervous system of the kdr strain of house fly is resistant to pyrethroid action; furthermore, the resistance appears to be widespread throughout the house fly nervous system, involving sensory, motor, and central neural elements.  相似文献   

The frequency of resistance of eight strains of house flies, Musca domestica L., collected from caged‐layer poultry facilities across New York state, to nine insecticides (dimethoate, tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin, cyfluthrin, pyrethrins, methomyl, fipronil, spinosad and cyromazine) was measured relative to a laboratory susceptible strain. Percentage survival was evaluated at five diagnostic concentrations: susceptible strain LC99, 3 × LC99, 10 × LC99, 30 × LC99 and 100 × LC99. The highest levels of resistance were noted for tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin and cyfluthrin. There was substantial variation in the levels of resistance to the different insecticides from one facility to another, independent of their geographical location. There was very little cross‐resistance detected in these populations to either fipronil or spinosad. Overall, there was a good correlation between insecticide use histories and the levels of resistance. The apparent isolation of fly populations within poultry facilities suggests that there are good opportunities for the implementation of successful resistance management strategies at these facilities. Differences between these results and those of a resistance survey on New York dairy farms in 1987 are discussed. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Three criteria, latency to convulsions, still period, and recovery are used to distinguish between carbamate and phosphate insecticide poisoning in house flies, Musca domestica. Because of shorter latencies with carbamate-treated flies, the central nervous system was considered more sensitive to the presence of carbamates than phosphates. Recovery from carbamate-induced tetany was considered correlated with reactivation of carbamylated cholinesterase. There appeared to be a fundamental difference between the insecticidal actions of carbamates and phosphates not wholly explainable by cholinesterase inhibition. Tethered or held house flies were less susceptible to poisoning than unrestrained flies.  相似文献   

The toxicity of several organophosphorus and one carbamate insecticide for house flies is enhanced by simultaneous administration of diethyl maleate. Synergism factors vary from 2 to 116 and are strongly dependent on the combination of strain and insecticide studied. In general, it seems that thiono compounds are less synergized than their oxon analogs. Comparison of some analogs of maleic acid esters showed that the diethyl ester was not the most active compound. trans-Phenylbutenone was found to be a good alternative for diethyl maleate. Both diethyl maleate and trans-phenylbutenone deplete glutathione in the flies, but this depletion per se is certainly not the most important mode of action. In vitro experiments made clear that sufficient glutathione remained to permit a substantial insecticide degradation rate. Moreover, treatment of the flies with diethyl maleate 2–4 hr before the insecticide application resulted in a partial or complete disappearance of synergism in a period in which the glutathione concentration in the flies was still very low. Apart from this effect on the glutathione levels in the insect tissues it appeared from further experimental work in vitro that both compounds had a direct inhibitory effect on glutathione-dependent transferase(s) as well as on oxidative enzymes involved in insecticide degradation. The contribution of these reactions to the eventual synergism factor is discussed.  相似文献   

The penetration and metabolism of [14C]deltamethrin was studied in susceptible and resistant Chinese and Pakistani strains of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), which were resistant to deltamethrin by 330- and 670-fold, respectively. The penetration of deltamethrin into resistant individuals was significantly slower than into susceptible individuals over a 24-h period. The time taken for 50% penetration of the applied deltamethrin was 1 h for the susceptible strain and 6 h for both of the resistant strains. The internal radioactivity was reduced by the larvae of resistant strains much faster than by the susceptible larvae. After 48 h, 40% of the penetrated deltamethrin was still inside the larvae of the susceptible strain, in comparison with 1.5-5% in the Pakistani strain and 8-14% in the Chinese strain. Both of the resistant strains produced methanol-soluble and water-soluble metabolites, but the susceptible strain produced methanol-soluble metabolites only. By 12, 24 and 48 h after dosing, the amount of methanol-soluble metabolites excreted by the resistant strains was almost double that of the susceptible strain. Both of the resistant strains also excreted 5-7% of the penetrated dose as a water-soluble metabolite after 48 h. In comparison with the Chinese strain, the Pakistani strain exhibited slower penetration, lower internal content and faster excretion of deltamethrin, which correlated with the higher resistance of the Pakistani strain. These findings show that the resistant Pakistani and Chinese strains of H. armigera possess mechanisms of reduced cuticular penetration and enhanced metabolism of deltamethrin and perhaps other pyrethroids.  相似文献   

Four major esterases in one susceptible (CSMA) and two resistant (Hirokawa, E1) house fly strains were separated by chromatofocusing. Of the four esterases, those with pI's of 5.1 and 5.3 accounted for 90% of the p-nitrophenyl butyrate hydrolyzing activity in the three house fly strains. They also accounted for 70% (Hirokawa, E1) and 40% (CSMA) of the paraoxon-hydrolyzing activity as well as 87% (Hirokawa), 39% (E1) and 66% (CSMA) of the malathion-hydrolyzing activity in microsomes as measured by esterase-antibody interaction. In the Hirokawa strain, the pI 5.1 esterase was the predominant esterase and was more active than that of the the CSMA strain. Different substrate specificities and a different Km toward acetylthiocholine, as well as different rates of malathion and paraoxon hydrolysis between the Hirokawa and CSMA strains, suggest a qualitative difference in the pI 5.1 esterase. For the pI 5.1 esterase from the E1 strain, a different substrate specificity, a different Km for p-nitrophenyl butyrate, a different sensitivity to inhibitors, and a different rate of paraoxon hydrolysis suggest that it is a modified esterase. This esterase is not a phosphorotriester hydrolase, nor does it lack nonspecific esterase activity. It is a modified esterase which has a different substrate specificity when compared to the esterases from the other strains. The molecular weight of the esterases studied was approximately 220,000, with pH optima of about 7.0.The ratio of malathion α-monoacid to β-monoacid formation was about 9.0 for the pI 5.1 and 5.3 esterases and 1.5 for the pI 4.8 and 5.6 esterases. The existence of a higher αβ ratio for the pI 5.1 and 5.3 esterases and their significant rate of malathion hydrolysis in the Hirokawa strain indicate that an increase in the αβ ratio in house flies reported was due to the increase in the pI 5.1 esterase in the resistant strain.  相似文献   

Forty-two insect metabolites of [1RS,trans]-and [1RS,cis]-permethrin are tentatively identified in studies with Periplaneta americana adults, Musca domestica adults, and Trichoplusia ni larvae involving administration of 14C preparations labeled in either the alcohol or acid moieties. The less-insecticidal trans isomer is generally metabolized more rapidly than the more-insecticidal cis isomer, particularly in cabbage looper larvae, and metabolites retaining the ester linkage appear in larger amount with cis-permethrin. Although the dichlorovinyl group effectively blocks oxidation in the acid side chain, the permethrin isomers are metabolized by hydrolysis and hydroxylation at the geminal-dimethyl group (either trans- or cis-methyl substituent) and the phenoxybenzyl group (predominantly at the 4′-position in all species but also at the 6-position in house flies). The alcoholic and phenolic metabolites are excreted as glucosides, and the carboxylic acids are excreted as glucosides and amino conjugates (glycine, glutamic acid, glutamine, and serine) with considerable species variation in the preferred conjugating moiety.  相似文献   

Strains of Culex quinquefasciatus Say, selected with biopermethrin [(1R)-trans-permethrin] or with (1R)-cis-permethrin, were examined in the larval stage for crossresistance to 30 pyrethroids, DDT, dieldrin, temephos, propoxur, and two organotin compounds. The (1R)-trans-Permethrin-R strain [resistance factor (RF) = 4100-fold] and the (1R)-cis-Permethrin-R strain (RF= 450-fold) of C. quinquefasciutus were cross-resistant to all pyrethroids tested [RF= 12-fold for an allethrin isomer to about 6000-fold for (RS,RS)-fenvalerate] as well as to DDT (RF= about 2000-fold). However, they were not significantly Cross-resistant to dieldrin, temephos, propoxur, and the two organotin compounds. Changes in the alcohol moiety, structural isomerism, and susceptibility of the cyclopropane C-3 side chain to oxidative attack are important factors in determining the level of cross-resistance to various pyrethroids. Limited synergism of the pyrethroids by S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate and piperonyl butoxide (PB), and of DDT by chlorfenethol and PB, suggested that some non-metabolic mechanism, such as kdr, may be an important component of resistance to pyrethroids as well as to DDT in this mosquito.  相似文献   

Permethrin, cypermethrin, and resmethrin were tested under field conditions as repellents to protect cattle from black flies (Simulium spp.). The chemicals were applied topically to the entire body surface of steers. Ethanolic solutions of technical permethrin, at doses of 1, 2, 4 and 6 mg a. i. kg?1 of body weight, effectively repelled black flies by preventing at least 70% of the flies present from taking a blood meal for up to 8 days, and for at least 11 days at a dose of 12 mg a. i. kg?1. Aqueous mixtures of a 20% permethrin emulsifiable concentrate (e. c.), at doses of 1, 2 and 6 mg a. i. kg?1, effectivelyrepelled black flies for 2, 10 and 11 days, respectively. Aready-to-use 5% permethrin dust, at doses of 1, 2, and 4 mg a. i. kg?1, effectively repelled black flies for 4, 5 and 8 days, respectively. Ethanolic solutions of technical cypermethrin, at doses of 1 and 2 mg a. i. kg?1, repelled black flies for 3 and 4 days, respectively. Aqueous mixtures of a 40% cypermethrin e. c., at doses of 2 and 4 mg a. i. kg?1, repelled black flies for at least 5 days. Ethanolic solutions of technical resmethrin, at doses of 2 and 6 mg a. i. kg?1, repelled black flies for 1 and 2 days, respectively.  相似文献   

When applied at concentrations of one nM or higher to a house fly larval neuromuscular preparation, deltamethrin (DM) and fenvalerate (FV) greatly increased miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (mepsp) rate and blocked neuromuscular transmission. The DM-induced mepsp discharge was abolished by tetrodotoxin (TTX), removal of Ca2+ from the saline, or by application of hyperpolarizing stimuli to the nerve, indicating that it was due to depolarization of the presynaptic terminals. Also, in the presence of TTX, K+ depolarization increased mepsp rate at the same external K+ concentration before and after DM treatment, confirming that DM released transmitter by depolarizing the nerve terminals rather than by altering the voltage dependence of transmitter release. The potassium channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA) increased mepsp rate somewhat, while aconitine (20 μM), which keeps sodium channels open, increased mepsp rate consistently. Pretreatment of nerves with a subthreshold dose of TEA greatly increased the mepsp rate-increasing activity of DM and aconitine, while a subthreshold level of aconitine did not synergize DM. These observations suggest that DM, like aconitine, depolarized nerves by modifying the sodium channels. Knockdown resistant (kdr) larvae were resistant to the depolarizing action of DM and aconitine but not to that of TEA, indicating that the kdr gene produced a modified sodium channel which was less sensitive to the action of pyrethroids and aconitine. During sustained transmitter release by DM, evoked release gradually declined, resulting in a condition called early block in which spontaneous release was high and release could be evoked by electrotonic depolarization of the nerve terminals, but not by a nerve action potential. Early block was probably due to conduction block in the nerve terminals. Early block eventually gave way to late block, characterized by the decline of spontaneous release to subnormal levels and complete failure of evoked release. After late block, the calcium ionophore X-537A could not release transmitter, suggesting that late block was due to depletion of available transmitter. DM did not have a direct effect upon extrasynaptic muscle membrane. However, after late block, muscles were left insensitive to the putative transmitters glutamate and aspartate when these were bath or iontophoretically applied. A low rate of mepsps persisted after late block, indicating that the muscles were still sensitive to the natural transmitters.  相似文献   

A new form of acetylcholinesterase insensitive to organophosphorus inhibitors was identified in house flies collected from animal farms in the U.K. Its degree of insensitivity to a number of inhibitors ranged from 4-fold (omethoate) to >40-fold (tetrachlorvinphos and dichlorvos) compared with our standard susceptible enzyme, and its spectrum of response to inhibitors differed widely from that of a previously studied insensitive form. In addition, the form of acetylcholinesterase reported here is unusual in having a 3.4-fold greater affinity (lower Km) for acetylthiocholine than the normal enzyme. The possible toxicological significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

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