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The objective of this research was to assess the association between 4 cow reproductive and weight traits, and 2 preweaning calf traits and ELISA scores for paratuberculosis (0 = negative, 1 = suspect, 2 = weak-positive, and 3 = positive) in a multibreed herd of cows ranging from 100% Angus (A) to 100% Brahman (B). Cow data were 624 gestation lengths (GL), 358 records of time open (TO), 605 calving intervals (CI), and 1240 weight changes from November to weaning in September (WC) from 502 purebred and crossbred cows. Calf data consisted of 956 birth weights (BWT), and 923 weaning weights adjusted to 205 d of age (WW205) from 956 purebred and crossbred calves. Traits were analyzed individually using multibreed mixed models that assumed homogeneity of variances across breed groups. Covariances among random effects were assumed to be zero. Fixed effects were year, age of cow, sex of calf, year × age of cow interaction (except WC), age of cow × sex of calf interaction (only for WC), and covariates for B fraction of sire and cow, heterosis of cow and calf, and ELISA score. Random effects were sire (except for TO and CI), dam, and residual. Regression estimates of cow and calf traits on ELISA scores indicated that lower cow fertility (longer TO), lower ability of cows to maintain weight (negative WC), lower calf BWT, and lower calf WW205 were associated with higher cow ELISA scores. Further research on the effects of subclinical paratuberculosis in beef cattle at regional and national levels seems advisable considering the large potential economic cost of this disease.  相似文献   

Testing cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis is an important element of surveillance of paratuberculosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic-test characteristics of microscopic examination of Ziehl–Neelsen stained faecal smears for acid-fast Mycobacteria (ZN-test) and serum-ELISA in cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis in the Netherlands.Results of all samples submitted for ZN-test and serum-ELISA between April 2003 and April 2006 to our laboratory were retrieved. Results from cattle for which both tests were performed were analysed using two Bayesian latent-class models for evaluation of diagnostic tests in two populations without a gold standard, assuming (a) conditional independence of tests, or (b) conditional dependence of tests in both infected and non-infected cattle. Sampled cattle were divided into two populations in different ways using four known risk factors for clinical paratuberculosis: region, soil type, clinical signs, and age.For 892 cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis, both ZN-test and serum-ELISA results were retrieved: 250 ZN-positive and ELISA-positive, 12 ZN-positive and ELISA-negative, 260 ZN-negative and ELISA-positive, and 370 ZN-negative and ELISA-negative cattle.With priors based on the available literature, the posterior estimates of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the ELISA were always higher than those of the ZN-test. Furthermore, lower limits of the 95% credibility intervals of the posterior positive predictive values of the ELISA were ≥99.7%, and of the negative predictive values of the ELISA ≥56.4%.We conclude that the ELISA is preferred to the ZN-test to confirm the presumptive diagnosis of clinical paratuberculosis in the Netherlands. Little diagnostic information can be gained by performing the ZN-test in addition to the ELISA.  相似文献   

Diagnostic inference by use of assays such as ELISA is usually done by dichotomizing the optical density (OD)-values based on a predetermined cut-off. For paratuberculosis, a slowly developing infection in cattle and other ruminants, it is known that laboratory factors as well as animal specific covariates influence the OD-value, but while laboratory factors are adjusted for, the animal specific covariates are seldom utilized when establishing cut-offs. Furthermore, when dichotomizing an OD-value, information is lost. Considering the poor diagnostic performance of ELISAs for diagnosis of paratuberculosis, a framework for utilizing the continuous OD-values as well as known coavariates could be useful in addition to the traditional approaches, e.g. for estimating within-herd prevalences.

The objective of this study was to develop a Bayesian mixture model with two components describing the continuous OD response of infected and non-infected cows, while adjusting for known covariates. Based on this model, four different within-herd prevalence indicators were considered: the mean prevalence in the herd; the age adjusted prevalence of the herd for better between-herd comparisons; the rank of the age adjusted prevalence to better compare across time; and a threshold-based prevalence to describe differences between herds. For comparison, the within-herd prevalence and associated rank using a traditional dichotomization approach based on a single cut-off for an OD corrected for laboratory variation was estimated in a Bayesian model with priors for sensitivity and specificity.

The models were applied to the OD-values of a milk ELISA using samples from all lactating cows in 100 Danish dairy herds in three sampling rounds 13 months apart. The results of the comparison showed that including covariates in the mixture model reduced the uncertainty of the prevalence estimates compared to the cut-off based estimates. This allowed a more informative ranking of the herds where low ranking and high ranking herds were easier to identify.  相似文献   

Transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) to susceptible animals is primarily considered to occur via faeces and milk originating from infectious cows. However, studies of factors resulting in increased transmission of Map are difficult to perform due to a long and unpredictable incubation period and inaccurate diagnostic tests. A multi-level Bayesian mixture model has been shown to predict the infection status of an individual cow more precisely than traditional cut-off based methods used for interpretation of diagnostic test-information, thereby increasing the precision of the diagnostic information.

The objective of our study was to assess management-related risk factors for within-herd transmission of Map. Management-related risk factors were recorded in 97 Danish dairy herds. Twenty-six months following that recording, the antibody status of all lactating cows (n = 7410) in the same herds was measured by the use of an ELISA. A multi-level Bayesian mixture model was used to assess the association between the probability of infection of individual cows and 41 herd-level management-related risk factors using univariable analyses. In this model, the continuous OD value was used to estimate the probability of infection, corrected for known animal covariates and laboratory factors. The statistical significance of the potential risk factors was assessed by calculating odds ratios and their 95% credibility posterior intervals.

Four significant risk factors were identified: housing of cows in bed stalls compared to housing in tie stalls; low level of hygiene in the feeding area of calving areas; low amounts of straw in the bedding of the calving area; high animal density among young stock >12 months of age. Surprisingly, the hygiene level in the calving area was not found to affect the odds of infection.  相似文献   

A milk and a serum ELISA for detection of antibodies against Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were evaluated against the complement-fixation test (CFT) and culture of faecal samples from 580 cows collected between August 1996 and December 1996. Milk and serum were obtained concurrently from six dairy herds infected with MAP and from two dairy herds without history of infection with MAP.

A cut-off value of 7 OD% was used in the ELISAs. At this cut-off value, all six culture-positive herds were positive in the serum ELISA but one was negative in the milk ELISA. All six culture-positive herds were positive in the CFT. In the two culture-negative herds, the serum and the milk ELISA deemed all serum samples negative at this cut-off value, whereas four serum samples from one of these herds were positive in the CFT. The highest cut-off value enabling the milk ELISA to record all six culture-positive herds as positive was 4 OD%. The highest cut-off value enabling the serum ELISA to record all six culture-positive herds as positive was 17 OD%. Individual-sample relative sensitivities of the ELISAs ranged from 49 to 64% and relative specificities were 80–96% at the cut-off values of 4, 7 and 17 OD%.  相似文献   

The Danish dairy industry initiated a voluntary, producer-paid control programme on Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in 2006. Approximately 28% of the dairy herds, including 40% of the cows, are part of the programme. Farmers' reasons for participation are of great importance for the success of voluntary disease control programmes. This study was carried out to determine these reasons. Questionnaires with seven close-ended questions were mailed to the 1177 voluntary participants in 2008. A total of 1013 (86%) responded, and multiple reasons could be given by each farmer. The distribution of reasons for participation in the programme was: (1) control to increase animal health (91%); (2) certification "free of MAP infection" within 4-10 years (87%); (3) control to avoid production losses associated with MAP infections (86%); (4) control of MAP infections to increase consumer safety (64%); (5) certification for sale of livestock (58%); (6) control following production losses (48%); and (7) certification "free of MAP infection" within 1-3 years (31%). It was not possible to rank the reasons for participation since weighting of responses was not included. Therefore, the relative importance of the reasons given could not be determined. Based on the farmers' responses, control of MAP infections to increase animal health and avoid production losses were frequent reasons for participating in the Danish paratuberculosis control programme. The results also indicate that implementation of a certification programme would be desired by farmers. Animal health advisors should consider the diversity of participation reasons and address the specific reasons of individual farmers when establishing a strategy for control of MAP infections in a herd.  相似文献   

The likelihood ratio (LR) is a measure of association that quantifies how many more times likely a particular test result is from an infected animal compared to one that is uninfected. They are ratios of conditional probabilities and cannot be interpreted at the individual animal level without information concerning pretest probabilities. Their usefulness is that they can be used to update the prior belief that the individual has the outcome of interest through a modification of Bayes’ theorem. Bayesian analytic techniques can be used for the evaluation of diagnostic tests and estimation of LRs when information concerning a gold standard is not available. As an example, these techniques were applied to the estimation of LRs for a competitive ELISA (c-ELISA) for diagnosis of Brucella abortus infection in cattle and water buffalo in Trinidad.

Sera from four herds of cattle (n = 391) and four herds of water buffalo (n = 381) in Trinidad were evaluated for Brucella-specific antibodies using a c-ELISA. On the basis of previous serologic (agglutination) test results in the same animals, iterative simulation modeling was used to classify animals as positive or negative for Brucella infection. LRs were calculated for six categories of the c-ELISA proportion inhibition (PI) results pooled for cattle and water buffalo and yielded the following estimations (95% probability intervals): <0.10 PI, 0.05 (0–0.13); 0.10–0.249 PI, 0.11 (0.04–0.20); 0.25–0.349 PI, 0.77 (0.23–1.63); 0.35–0.499 PI, 3.22 (1.39–6.84); 0.50–0.749 PI, 17.9 (6.39–77.4); ≥0.75 PI, 423 (129–∞). LRs are important for calculation of post-test probabilities and maintaining the quantitative nature of diagnostic test results.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation models were used to evaluate the feasibility and potential results of a proposed national survey of the prevalence of bovine paratuberculosis (PTB) in dairy herds in Norway. The expected herd prevalence was assumed to be 0.2% in the simulations. The low sensitivity of the ELISA test, the assumed low herd prevalence, the typical low within-herd prevalence of PTB and the small herd sizes all present problems in detection of the disease. Simulations with 500, 1000, 2500 and 6000 herds tested were done. Our results suggest that a national survey would not be feasible at present, due to the low probability of detecting infected herds and because of the high number of false-positive reactions that would be expected to occur.  相似文献   

Background: Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the agent of Johne's disease in cattle, is a facultative intracellular bacterium that is dependent on ferric iron for its survival and replication. Gallium (Ga), a trivalent semimetal that shares many similarities with ferric iron and functions as an iron mimic has been shown to have in vitro antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms, including MAP. Objectives: (1) To investigate the antimicrobial activity of Ga in calves experimentally infected with MAP; and (2) to monitor for potential adverse effects of Ga on calf health. Animals: Twelve Holstein calves. Methods: Randomized blind controlled experiment. Beginning at 10 days of age (study day 1), the experimental calves (n = 6) were treated with 20 mg/kg gallium nitrate daily for 45 days. On study days 4 and 5, all calves were challenged with a PO dose of a live field strain MAP. Treated calves were monitored daily for adverse effects. Calves were euthanized on study day 100, and 29 tissue samples and 1 fecal sample were collected from each calf. Samples were cultured for MAP by MGIT liquid culture system, Herrold's Egg Yolk Medium culture, or both. Results: No adverse effects were observed in the treated calves. Treatment was associated with a significant reduction in MAP tissue burden when compared with control calves (P = .017). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Chemoprophylactic treatment of calves with Ga before and during the period of high susceptibility decreased MAP tissue colonization in experimentally infected neonatal calves.  相似文献   

We used Monte Carlo simulation to estimate distributions for flock-level sensitivity of abattoir-based surveillance for ovine paratuberculosis as currently practised in New South Wales, Australia. Probability distributions were used as input variables for within-flock prevalence, years-infected and individual animal-level sensitivity and specificity of gross pathology as a screening test for the presence of paratuberculosis. Distributions used as inputs for the size of abattoir-slaughter groups were based on existing abattoir-surveillance data from NSW. Predicted flock-level sensitivity depended on within-flock prevalence and the number of animals examined and was sensitive to estimates of animal-level sensitivity and specificity. The median probability of detection of an infected flock based on the examination of one abattoir line was predicted not to exceed 0.95 unless the within-flock prevalence was ≥7%. If the within-flock prevalence was 2%, the probability distribution of flock-level sensitivity had a median of 0.73, with 80% of values lying between 0.55 and 0.84. Improvement in the flock-level sensitivity could be achieved by submitting more than three gross pathology-positive specimens per line, if available—but the degree of improvement depended on the number of sheep slaughtered (line size) and the within-flock prevalence. At 2% prevalence, a median flock-level sensitivity of 0.95 could be obtained in lines of >390 sheep if six gross pathology-positive specimens were submitted. We concluded that abattoir surveillance based on identification of gross pathology as a screening test is not a sensitive tool for detecting recently infected flocks or flocks which have a moderate or lower prevalence of infected animals. But—with relatively minor modifications of the protocol currently in use—it could become a key component of a surveillance programme which included additional testing strategies for small flocks.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection affecting cattle and other ruminants. In the dairy industry, losses due to paratuberculosis can be substantial in infected herds and several countries have implemented national programmes based on herd-classification to manage the disease. The aim of this study was to develop a method to estimate the probability of low within-herd prevalence of paratuberculosis for Danish dairy herds. A stochastic simulation model was developed using the R® programming environment. Features of this model included: use of age-specific estimates of test-sensitivity and specificity; use of a distribution of observed values (rather than a fixed, low value) for design prevalence; and estimates of the probability of low prevalence (PrLow) based on a specific number of test-positive animals, rather than for a result less than or equal to a specified cut-point number of reactors.

Using this model, five herd-testing strategies were evaluated: (1) milk-ELISA on all lactating cows; (2) milk-ELISA on lactating cows ≤4 years old; (3) milk-ELISA on lactating cows >4 years old; (4) faecal culture on all lactating cows; and (5) milk-ELISA plus faecal culture in series on all lactating cows.

The five testing strategies were evaluated using observed milk-ELISA results from 19 Danish dairy herds as well as for simulated results from the same herds assuming that they were uninfected.

Whole-herd milk-ELISA was the preferred strategy, and considered the most cost-effective strategy of the five alternatives. The five strategies were all efficient in detecting infection, i.e. estimating a low PrLow in infected herds, however, PrLow estimates for milk-ELISA on age-cohorts were too low in simulated uninfected herds and the strategies involving faecal culture were too expensive to be of practical interest. For simulated uninfected herds, whole-herd milk-ELISA resulted in median PrLow values >0.9 for most herds, depending on herd size and age-structure. None of the strategies provided enough power to establish a high PrLow in smaller herds, or herds with a younger age-structure. Despite this, it appears as if the method is a useful approach for herd-classification for most herds in the Danish dairy industry.  相似文献   

In this study, packed cell volume-values (PCV) are evaluated as indicator of trypanosomiasis infections in cattle. A total of 734 blood samples were collected in 11 different sampling sites in eastern Zambia: 84 calves (<1 year), 52 young females and 40 young males (between 1 and 3 years), 228 cows, 317 oxen and 13 bulls (>3 years). All samples were subjected to three diagnostic tests: parasitological examination using the buffy coat method, PCR/RFLP and PCV determination. The results were compared and analysed in a Bayesian model, which allowed the estimation of the infection prevalence and the respective test sensitivities and specificities. The presence of a trypanosomal infection significantly reduced the PCV, independently of the age and sex of the infected animal. The estimated prevalence of trypanosomal infections in the study area was 34% (95% credibility interval: 30–38%). While the specificity of both the parasitological and the PCR/RFLP tests were set to 1, the parasitological diagnosis had a low sensitivity (37%) compared to the PCR/RFLP (96%). When using a cut-off value of 24, the PCV had a high specificity (98%) but a rather low sensitivity (53%) for identifying trypanosomiasis infections. Using 26% as a cut-off increased the sensitivity to 76% without much affecting the specificity (94%). A parallel combination of the parasitological diagnosis and the PCV improved the diagnostic sensitivity (74% and 89% for PCV cut-off values of 24% or 26%, respectively) while specificity remained high (98% and 94% for PCV cut-off values of 24% or 26%, respectively). These results suggest that such a combination could advantageously be used for the diagnosis of cattle trypanosomiasis in the field: it is much more sensitive than parasitological examination alone and it is much cheaper than molecular tests. However, the value of this approach depends largely on the determination of an appropriate cut-off value to consider a sample positive, depending on the required test sensitivities and specificities.  相似文献   

Detection of bulk tank milk (BTM) antibodies using ELISA (BTM-ELISA) may constitute an inexpensive test for surveillance of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in dairy cattle herds provided that the test is accurate and consistent. The objectives of this study were to determine: (a) the correlation between repeated BTM reactions; and (b) the association between the BTM antibody ELISA-level and the within-herd prevalence of antibody-positive cows.  相似文献   

In this experiment 63 animals from a paratuberculosis (PTB) and tuberculosis-free herd were tested by Intradermal Tuberculin Tests (ITT) and blood samples were collected before PPD inoculation and on days 3, 15, 30, 60 and 90 post-inoculation (p.i.). Sera were tested for PTB-specific antibodies by ELISA-PPA and confirmed by a commercial ELISA. Three (4.76%) animals were positive by ELISA-PPA and five (7.93%) in the commercial ELISA, between days 30 and 90 p.i. These results suggest that ITT can interfere in the reliability of ELISAs and that serological testing for PTB should be avoided for 90 d after PPD inoculation.  相似文献   

Test-and-slaughter strategies have been the basis of bovine tuberculosis (BT) eradication programs worldwide; however, eradication efforts have not succeeded in certain regions, and imperfect sensitivity and specificity of applied diagnostic techniques have been deemed as one of the possible causes for such failure. Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostic tools has been impaired by the lack of an adequate gold standard to define positive and negative individuals. Here, a Bayesian approach was formulated to estimate for the first time sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the tests [single intradermal tuberculin (SIT) test, and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay] currently used in Spain. Field data from the first implementation of IFN-γ assay (used in parallel with SIT test 2-6months after a first disclosure SIT test) in infected beef, dairy and bullfighting cattle herds from the region of Castilla and Leon were used for the analysis. Model results suggested that in the described situation: (i) Se of SIT test was highly variable (40.1-92.2% for severe interpretation, median=66-69%), and its Sp was high (>99%) regardless interpretation criteria; (ii) IFN-γ assay showed a high Se (median=89-90% and 83.5% for 0.05 and 0.1 cut-off points respectively) and an acceptable Sp (85.7% and 90.3% for 0.05 and 0.1 thresholds) and (iii) parallel application of both tests maximized the combined Se (95.6% using severe SIT and 0.05 cut-off point in the IFN-γ assay). These results support the potential use of the IFN-γ assay as an ancillary technique for routine BT diagnosis.  相似文献   

To investigate the usefulness of culture for the confirmation of brucellosis in cattle, a comparison of culture and serology was undertaken on 248 animals in four dairy herds where the disease was active. Paired supramammary (SM), retropharyngeal (RP), and internal iliac (IL) lymph nodes were cultured, and five serological tests were deployed: the microserum agglutination test (MSAT), complement fixation test (CFT), the indirect (iELISA) and competitive ELISA, and the fluorescence polarisation assay (FPA). Brucella abortus was isolated from 86.8% of animals on combined culture of all three lymph nodes. Individually, the highest isolation rate was from the RP (90.5% of culture positives). Of culture positive animals, 13.7% and 6.2% were positive from the RP and SM alone, respectively.Approximately half of the positive cultures yielded <10 colonies/culture plate. Although 80.9% of animals were positive in at least one serological test, only 45.2% were positive in all five. For culture-positive animals, the MSAT was the most sensitive test (71.8%). Of the culture-negative animals 67.7% were positive in at least one test, while 12.9% were positive in all five. Titres were higher in animals culture-positive from the SM, and there was a direct correlation between higher titres and higher colony counts in SM cultures. Only 8.9% of animals were both culture-negative and seropositive (in at least one test), while 16.5% were culture-positive and seronegative in all five tests. The results highlight and validate the sensitivity of bacteriological culture in confirming a diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. While the MSAT and FPA were the most sensitive serological tests, a significant percentage of infected animals were undetectable using these standard serological assays.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of paratuberculosis in purebred beef cattle in Texas and identify risk factors for seropositivity. DESIGN: Epidemiologic survey. ANIMALS: 4,579 purebred cattle from 115 beef ranches in Texas. PROCEDURE: Blood was collected, and serum was analyzed for antibodies with a commercial ELISA. Fecal samples were collected and frozen at -80 degrees C until results of the ELISA were obtained, and feces from seropositive cattle were submitted for mycobacterial culture. Herd owners completed a survey form on management factors. RESULTS: Results of the ELISA were positive for 137 of the 4,579 (3.0%) cattle, and 50 of the 115 (43.8%) herds had at least 1 seropositive animal. Results of mycobacterial culture were positive for 10 of the 137 (7.3%) seropositive cattle, and 9 of the 50 (18%) seropositive herds had at least 1 animal for which results of mycobacterial culture were positive. Risk factors for seropositivity included water source, use of dairy-type nurse cows, previous clinical signs of paratuberculosis, species of cattle (Bos taurus vs Bos indicus), and location. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that seroprevalence of paratuberculosis among purebred beef cattle in Texas may be greater than seroprevalence among beef cattle in the United States as a whole; however, this difference could be attributable to breed or regional differences in infection rates or interference by cross-reacting organisms. Veterinarians should be aware of risk factors for paratuberculosis as well as the possibility that unexpected serologic results may be found in some herds.  相似文献   

In control programs for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), the infection status of the cows in a herd is often obtained by testing (a sample of) the herd with an ELISA that may lack some sensitivity and specificity but that is fast and inexpensive. In New York State (NYS), an unabsorbed kinetics ELISA (KELA) has been used extensively for Map control. The objective of this study was to determine the relative sensitivity and specificity of the KELA for detection of fecal shedding of Map for the NYS dairy cow population, taking into account possible confounders such as different antigen batches and Map prevalence in a herd.

The data for the study consisted of all serum samples from NYS dairy cows with concurrent fecal culture results submitted to the NY Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory (NYAHDL) between 1991 and 1996 (n = 10,562). The data represented cows with different levels of fecal shedding from herds with different within-herd Map prevalence, including herds that were whole herd fecal culture negative on repeated testing.

The cutoff values were based on the predictive value for fecal shedding obtained with a multiple logistic regression model that included variables for the three antigen batches and the Map prevalence in the herd. The KELA could not distinguish between non-shedders and low shedders (≤30 total colony forming units (TCFU)) and thus the predictive value of the KELA to detect moderate to heavy fecal shedders (>30 TCFU) was modeled. The three cutoff values of 65, 135 and 170 were based on low (<0.2), moderate (<0.80) and high (>0.95) probabilities for moderate to heavy fecal shedding. The sensitivity and specificity values relative to culture were 67% and 95.2%, 31% and 99.7%, and 11% and 99.9% for the three cutoff values, respectively. Cutoff values for the KELA decreased for herds with increasing within-herd Map prevalence. For the best positive predictive value of a KELA for moderate to heavy fecal shedding, the cutoff values should be determined based on the apparent within-herd prevalence in a herd.  相似文献   

One of the most relevant aspects in the diagnosis of paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) in cattle is the availability of a method for the rapid and sensitive detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in order to facilitate the prompt removal of pathogen-shedding animals from a herd. To meet this requirement, methods for pre-treatment of bovine faecal samples and subsequent extraction of DNA for detection of MAP by real-time PCR were compared with MAP culture results. A total of 116 bovine faecal samples that showed weak (64.7%), moderate (18.1%) or strong (17.2%) growth of MAP on solid HEY medium were investigated.For PCR, supernatants, sediments or bacterial pellets were obtained from faecal samples by pre-treatment before extraction of MAP DNA based on silica membranes or magnetic particles. Samples then were tested by MAP IS900 and ISMav2 real-time PCR with an analytical sensitivity of 6 and 28 genome equivalents (GE) per mL, respectively.The best results were obtained by including a microfiltration step in the sample pre-treatment in combination with silica membrane-based mini-columns or magnetic particles for DNA extraction. This approach enhanced the detection rate of MAP in IS900 real-time PCR from 58.6% to 84.5% using silica membrane mini-columns and from 61.2% to 64.7% using magnetic particles.  相似文献   

The indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of anti-trypanosomal antibodies in bovine serum was adapted for use with dried blood spots on filter paper.

Absorbance (450 nm) results for samples were expressed as percent positivity, i.e. percentage of the median absorbance result of four replicates of the strong positive control serum.

The antibody-ELISA was evaluated in Zambia for use in epidemiological surveys of the prevalence of tsetse-transmitted bovine trypanosomosis. Known negative samples (sera, n=209; blood spots, n=466) were obtained from cattle from closed herds in tsetse-free areas close to Lusaka. Known positive samples (sera, n=367; blood spots, n=278) were obtained from cattle in Zambia's Central, Lusaka and Eastern Provinces, diagnosed as being infected with Trypanosoma brucei, T. congolense, or T. vivax using the phase-contrast buffy-coat technique or Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood smears. For sera (at a cut-off value of 23.0% positivity) sensitivity and specificity were 86.1 and 95.2%, respectively. For bloodspots (at a cut-off value of 18.8% positivity) sensitivity and specificity were 96.8 and 95.7%, respectively. The implications of persistence of antibodies following treatment or self-cure are discussed.  相似文献   

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