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茉莉蕾螟(Hendecasis duplifascialis Hampson)又称花心虫,与双纹须歧角螟Trichophysetis cretacea(Butle)属同种异名,在福建、云南、广西、广东、湖南、湖北、四川和江西等省、自治区的茉莉园普遍发生,不仅发生面积大,而且该虫直接为害茉莉的经济部位——花。若茉莉蕾螟在花蕾初期侵入,可致使花蕾不能膨大,提早干枯,绝收;若在花蕾后期侵入,  相似文献   

茉莉蕾螟的发生及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茉莉蕾惧NeohendecasissP.属鳞翅目螟蛾科,是茉莉花的首要害虫,在我省茉莉花区(园)普遍发生,常年4月至翌年1月都有幼虫危害,尤以8~10月虫量最多,危害更剧;一般每只幼虫能转花换蕾3~4次(即危害4~5朵蕾),在花期间,花蕾受害率为3O.3~川.18%,受害蕾有虫率16.8~36.55%,损失手达166~23.4%,直接影响花农的经济收入和国家的外销创汇任务。为此,笔者自1984年以来对此虫的田间消长及其种群变动的原因进行系统的调查和防治,现将结果整理如下:一、形态特征亚.成虫:体小,白色,翅展14~15毫米,触角丝状,前翅前缘…  相似文献   

2012年在祁东开展了防治烟蚜的药剂对比试验,结果表明高效生物药剂表现出非常好的速效性和持效性,其药效优于红箭,可作为良好的烟蚜防治药剂推广.  相似文献   

茶棍蓟马[Dendrothrips minowai Priesner (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)]是茶园重要的区域暴发性害虫,然而田间防控主要依靠化学农药,严重影响茶叶质量和安全。为筛选适宜有机茶园防治茶棍蓟马使用的药剂,本文评价了7种生物源杀虫剂对茶棍蓟马成虫的室内毒力和田间防治效果。室内生测结果表明,7种生物源杀虫剂对茶棍蓟马成虫的毒杀活性最高的为6%鱼藤酮微乳剂(2.450 mg/L),其次为10%多杀霉素悬浮剂(3.394 mg/L)、0.6%苦参碱水剂(7.606 mg/L)、0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂(11.539 mg/L)、0.3%印楝素乳油(15.215 mg/L)、5%天然除虫菊素水剂(25.121 mg/L),而30%茶皂素水剂(518.758 mg/L)对其毒杀活性较低。田间试验结果表明,防治效果最理想的是10%多杀霉素悬浮剂,其750倍液药后1~7 d防效均高于96%;其次是0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂、6%鱼藤酮微乳剂和0.6%苦参碱水剂,其最高防效均高于90%。综上,10%多杀霉素悬浮剂、0.6%苦参碱水剂、0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂和6%鱼藤酮微...  相似文献   

吴文珊 《福建热作科技》1999,24(3):40-41,43
在高新科学技术发展的今日,农业、林业害虫的防治概念己发生了变化,这种变化就是要求从大量的快速杀死害虫转变为控制害虫种群增长,综合考虑生态效益,环境质量和长远的经济效益。为此,对天然农药产品的研究很有必要。科学家们借助当今的科学技术手段,不断地推陈出新,各种新型的低毒、微毒甚至无毒的药剂相继问世,使药剂防治向着更有利于自然与社会的方向发展。植物在长期进化过程中,与取食昆虫不断斗争的结果导致许多植物本身也具有某种杀虫灭菌物质,可以抵御病虫害的侵袭。基于这个原理,科学家们从植物中发现天然的杀病虫物质,…  相似文献   

多杀菌素是从放线菌代谢物中提纯出来的生物源杀虫剂,可使害虫迅速麻痹、瘫痪,最后死亡。具有胃毒和触杀两种作用,以胃毒为主。可用于防治蔬菜、棉花上的小菜蛾、甜菜夜蛾及蓟马等害虫。其毒性极低,杀虫速度快。喷药后当天即见效,可与化学农药相媲美。安全收获间隔期为1天,适合于无公害蔬菜生产。  相似文献   

大螟田间种群对不同杀虫剂敏感性的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来大螟危害不断加重,成为不少地区水稻螟害的优势虫种,急需筛选药剂进行针对性防治。本研究连续2年用新建的饲料涂药法测定了10种常用杀虫剂对江苏南京和浙江温岭地区大螟的毒力状况,通过对比分析发现,除杀虫单和三唑磷外,大螟对多数杀虫剂没有产生明显的抗药性,地区和年度之间敏感性变化不大。不同药剂对大螟的毒力顺序为:甲维盐〉〉阿维菌素〉〉稻丰散≈氯虫苯甲酰胺〉〉氟铃脲≈虫酰肼〉茚虫威〉醚菊酯〉杀螟硫磷≈丙溴磷〉三唑磷≈丁烯氟虫腈≈毒死蜱〉〉杀虫单。讨论认为,近些年大量使用阿维菌素和毒死蜱防治水稻螟虫和飞虱,不利于对大螟的兼治;可以充分发挥稻丰散和丙溴磷等低毒廉价有机磷杀虫剂的作用来针对性防治大螟。  相似文献   

无公害杀虫剂防治茶尺蠖试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
B.t.果菜净、世绿、天霸、海正灭虫灵、抑太保等5种生物杀虫剂,用化学农药辛硫磷及清水作对照,对茶尺蠖进行室内试验,筛选出效果较好的世绿、天霸、灭虫灵。以不同浓度:世绿1000倍,天霸1000倍、2000倍,灭虫灵2000倍、4000倍作田间小区实验,结果表明:3种药剂在喷药后7d,校正虫口减退率分别为97.68%、98.30%、98.09%、98.53%、97.42%,各处理效果与辛硫磷相当。残留分析表明:三种药剂各成分含量均低于国家标准。  相似文献   

杀虫剂对二化螟卵寄生性天敌稻螟赤眼蜂室内安全性评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在实验室条件下测定了6类13种杀虫剂对二化螟卵寄生性天敌稻螟赤眼蜂的直接和间接影响。喷雾法处理稻株不同时间后,噻嗪酮、虫酰肼、呋喃虫酰肼、氟铃脲对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂存活和雌蜂产卵寄生基本没有不利影响,氟虫腈、噻虫嗪、毒死蜱、三唑磷对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂存活有极明显不利影响,成蜂接触用药处理2 d和7 d稻叶的死亡率分别为100%和800%~98.9%。用氟虫腈、三唑磷处理7 d的稻叶对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂寄生能力无不利影响,而噻虫嗪处理有显著影响。采用卵卡浸渍法测定药剂对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂影响的结果表明,吡虫啉、三唑磷、氟虫腈、毒死蜱能显著影响F0代成蜂存活、寄生及F1代成蜂羽化。采用浸渍法处理内含卵期、幼虫期、预蛹期、蛹期稻螟赤眼蜂的寄生卵时,噻嗪酮、虫酰肼、呋喃虫酰肼对成蜂羽化没有不利影响,羽化率达81.4%~91.8%;氟铃脲对蛹、甲维盐对卵和蛹、噻虫嗪对卵也基本没有不利影响,这些药剂对其他虫态有不同程度的影响;甲胺磷、吡虫啉、三唑磷、氟虫腈、毒死蜱、异丙威、敌敌畏等对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂羽化有极明显不利影响。说明昆虫生长调节剂噻嗪酮、虫酰肼、呋喃虫酰肼对稻螟赤眼蜂没有直接和间接的不利影响,因而使用这些药剂防治水稻害虫时,它们对起自然控制作用的稻螟赤眼蜂是友好的。  相似文献   

单季稻大螟防治问题及氯虫苯甲酰胺对大螟白穗防效试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来大螟的数量在局部地区已上升为主要害虫,其种群数量也已超过二化螟。大螟上升主要原因,一是耕作制度多样化与农田生态环境改善有利于多食性大螟的发生;二是大螟发生期早于二化螟,在当前普遍采用长持效药剂,防治间隔时间拉长情况下,大螟容易出现失治漏治;三是当前螟虫主治药剂氟虫腈三唑磷等对大螟防效不理想。为此,笔者进行了新药剂氯虫苯甲酰胺防治大螟药效试验。结果表明,20%氯虫苯甲酰胺对单季晚稻破口期大螟的防效为94%、保穗率71%,显著高于90%杀虫单200 g/667 m2高剂量处理的84.6%、54.7%。同时提出"改变作物布局,集中连片种植,及时清除田边杂草,恶化大螟生存环境,加强测报,适期防治"的防控策略。  相似文献   

茉莉花香气研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
木樨科茉莉属植物大约有100种,其中的大花茉莉(Jasminumofficinalevar·grandflorum(L.)klbuske)和小茉莉[Jas-minumsambac(L.)Ation]香气优雅、馥郁,被作为重要的香料植物广泛栽种,所提制的茉莉香精油是香料工业重要原料,它与其它花的香质调和,给众多类型的香料提供优雅而润泽的品质,因此有'没有茉莉就没有香料"之说。我国和印度尼西亚【'一到还用茉莉花与茶叶拼和加工成茉莉花茶,深受消费者喜爱。在香料工业中,目前已形成较完善的茉莉香精油分析方法,分离鉴定的组分约100种卜一'],而且许多重要的香气组分已被相继…  相似文献   

茶毛虫病毒制剂大面积防治示范效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶毛虫是我国茶区的主要害虫,一般山地茶园发生严重.近年来,该虫发生的上升趋势较快,局部地区出现大暴发现象,每亩虫量达到数十万头甚至上百万头,茶树被食成秃枝,严重影响了茶叶产量和茶树树势.同时,发生茶毛虫的茶园中,幼虫的脱皮和毒毛触及人体皮肤,会使人产生过敏反应,奇痒难忍,使茶园管理和茶叶加工受到严重影响.  相似文献   

汤雯  屠幼英  张维 《茶叶》2011,37(3):137-142
茶树花皂苷作为茶资源中重要的功能成分日益受到人们的关注。本文对至今已发现的21种茶树花皂苷单体的分离鉴定、纯化方法、化学结构进行了详细的综述。并总结了其肠胃保护,抗血脂、抗血压,减肥等生物功能,分析了这些生物活性与皂苷的构效关系。并对茶树花皂苷发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

Summary Although economic injury levels have long been considered of importance in determining the needs for pest control measures, they take on added significance in integrated pest control programs. The designation of damage tolerance levels defines the goals of the integrated control effort. These management goals should be defined in terms of damage not numbers of pests. Although insect numbers and damage incidence are related they are not perfectly correlated and the relationship varies with changes in the ecological and economic environment. Many plants have the ability to tolerate or compensate for large amounts of injury without affecting yield or quality. Other plants have a limited capacity to produce a marketable crop; pest injury which does not reduce the capacity of the plant is not damage. These characteristics of plants, among others, and the limitations of artificial control measures permit the maintenance of subeconomic levels of pests in agricultural crop areas. These subeconomic pest populations foster an entomophagous fauna. It is very difficult to calculate precise cost/potential benefit ratios because of subtile long-term effects of artificial controls and the vagaries of estimates of potential economic value of the harvested crop.
Zusammenfassung Obwohl man die wirtschaftlichen Schadensgrenzen für die Feststellung der erforderlichen Schädlingsbekämpfungsmaßnahmen seit langem für wichtig hält, gewinnen sie in integrierten Programmen zusätzliche Bedeutung. Die Bestimmung der Schadenstoleranzgrenzen setzt die Ziele für den integrierten Bekämpfungseinsatz. Die Art der Behandlung sollte auf Grund des Schadens und nicht auf Grund der Zahl der Schädlinge festgelegt werden. Die Insektenzahl und die Häufigkeit des auftretenden Schadens stehen zwar miteinander im Zusammenhang, sind aber nicht vollständig korreliert. Ihr Verhältnis variiert mit Veränderungen der ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Situation. Viele Pflanzen haben die Fähigkeit, großen Schaden zu ertragen oder zu kompensieren, ohne daß dadurch der Ertrag oder die Qualität beeinflußt werden. Andere Pflanzen besitzen eine begrenzte Fähigkeit, eine marktgerechte Ernte hervorzubringen. Ein Schädlingsbefall, der die Ertragsfähigkeit der Pflanze nicht beeinträchtigt, ist keine Schädigung. Diese und andere Merkmale der Pflanzen und die Einschränkung der künstlichen Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen gestatten die Erstellung subökonomischer Schadensgrenzen in landwirtschaftlichen Anbaugebieten. Diese subökonomischen Schädlingspopulationen sind in der Lage, eine entomophage Fauna zu fördern. Es ist sehr schwierig, ein genaues Verhältnis zwischen den exakten Kosten und dem potentiellen Nutzen zu berechnen, weil die subtile langfristige Wirkung der künstlichen Bekämpfung und die Zufälligkeiten bei Berechnungen des potentiellen wirtschaftlichen Wertes der Ernte berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Résumé Bien que le niveau de dégâts économiques ait depuis longtemps été d'une grande importance pour déterminer quelles étaient les mesures de lutte antiparasitaires à prendre, il joue un rôle encore plus significatif dans l'élaboration de programmes de lutte intégrée. C'est la fixation du niveau de dégâts admissible qui établit les buts des efforts à fournir en matière de lutte intégrée. Ces buts devraient être définis en termes de dommages et non de nombres de parasites. Bien qu'il y ait une relation entre le nombre d'insectes et les dommages causés, la corrélation n'est pas parfaite et les rapports varient avec les changements du milieu écologique et économique. Beaucoup de plantes sont capables de tolérer ou de compenser une grande partie des dommages subis sans que le rendement ni la qualité ne s'en trouvent affectés. D'autres plantes au contraire ont une capacité limitée de produire une récolte susceptible d'être commercialisée; du moment que les insectes ne réduisent pas la capacité de production de la plante, on ne peut pas parler de dégâts. Ces caractéristiques que possèdent, entre autres, les plantes et la restriction des mesures de lutte phytosanitaire ont pour résultat le maintien des parasites infestant les récoltes agricoles à des niveaux qui ne menacent pas le rendement, et qui nourrissent la faune insectivore. Il est très difficile de calculer les rapports précis qui existent entre le prix de revient et le bénéfice possible étant donné les effets à long terme non tangibles d'une lutte artificielle et les difficultés à évaluer exactement la valeur virtuelle des récoltes.

《Crop Protection》2007,26(6):837-844
Field studies were carried out from 2002 to 2004 in an olive grove near Cairo, Egypt, to evaluate the efficacy of the mating disruption to control the olive pest Palpita unionalis, during the 1st (May–June) or the 1st and the 2nd (September–November) distinct flight periods. The binary blend of the two pheromone components, E-11-hexadecenyl acetate and E-11-hexadecenal, at the ratio of 70:30 in hexane was dispensed from polyethylene (PE) vials or absorbed into montmorillonite and dispensed from PE bags at a dose of 80 g active ingredients per hectare. Efficacy was measured considering suppression of pheromone trap catches, reduction of the moth population and fruit damage during harvest in the pheromone treated compared to the control (CO) plots. Male captures in treated plots were reduced by 91.3% (2002), 91.8% (2003) and 80.6% (2004) during trapping periods of 8, 21 and 20 weeks, respectively. The number of eggs recorded and fruit damage were lower in the pheromone treated than in CO plot. The fruit infestation accounted to 13.6±2.7% vs. 37.8±3.9% in 2003, a low fruiting year and 9.7±0.75 vs. 34.8±2.8% in 2004, a high fruiting year in treated and CO plots, respectively. Capillary GC analysis indicated that the release rate of E-11-hexadecenyl acetate was effective for the testing period; whereas the release and degradation of E-11-hexadecenyl were high, the inclusion of a photostabilizer into the pheromone-clay complex during 2004 improved substantially the release rate and photooxidation of the aldehyde.  相似文献   

Transgenic of Indian potato cultivar Kufri Badshah expressing synthetic, modified cry1Ab gene were developed against potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea opercullela Z.) a destructive pest. The cry1Ab gene was in spatial and temporal expression under the control of tuber-specific GBSSi promoter. The transformation vector pBinCG1 was developed harbouring transgene expression cassette comprising cry1Ab gene under the control of potato GBSSi promoter, castor bean catalase intron (5′UTR) and OCS termination signals. Selected kanamycin-resistant putative transformed potato lines were evaluated by positive PCR amplification of 713 bp, 1206 bp and 700 bp with npt II, GBSSi promoter and cry1Ab gene specific primers, respectively. Gene integration in transformed potato plants was elucidated through Southern hybridization and in planta transgene expression analysis. Transgene expression was highest in stolons, followed by tubers matured leaves and young leaves. Insect bioassay of stored transgenic tubers resulted in significant retardation and mortality in neonate tuber moth larvae. RT-PCR and northern hybridization confirmed stable expression in stored tubers. These transgenic lines; thus can represent an effective resistance management strategy which can significantly reduce the selection pressure on target and non-target insect pests to a threshold level.  相似文献   

茶毛虫性信息素对茶毛虫防治效果研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
在贵州湄潭茶场和平坝茶场研究了茶毛虫性信息素引诱剂大面积诱杀茶毛虫的效果,结果表明,茶毛虫性信息素引诱剂以B型效果最好,42天内两地每盆每晚平均可诱到3.41头和7.51头,最高可诱到198头,大面积使用区内茶毛虫雌蛾怀卵量比对照区减少93.50%,卵块减少85.21% ,幼虫数量减少81.15%,说明茶毛虫性信息素引诱剂诱蛾效果非常明显。  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1987,6(4):222-225
Several pesticides were evaluated singly and in combination or mixtures for their effectiveness against insects, nematodes, diseases and weeds in cowpea at Ibadan and Amakama in Nigeria. Of the granular insecticides/nematicides, carbofuran at 3·0 kg a.i./ha applied at planting reduced the population of thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti) below control level up to 42 days after planting, but did not appear to translocate to the pods. Ethoprofos, isazophos and phorate were ineffective against thrips. Carbofuran also showed excellent control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. The herbicides metolachlor and fluorodifen generally kept the plots weed-free up to 35 days after planting but had no effect on the nematodes. The fungicide benomyl applied as a seed treatment was not effective against web blight (Corticium solani) and brown blotch (Colletotrichum truncatum) but, when applied as a wettable powder in combination with monocrotophos as a foliar spray, offered effective control of the diseases and the combination gave the best grain yield across locations. The possible use of carbofuran with a cowpea variety that is resistant to larvae of the pod-boring moth (Maruca testulalis) is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The growth and development patterns of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Maris Piper are compared for one- and four-eyed whole tubers, and four single-eyed seed-pieces of two different weights. In the multi-sprouted tubers some eyes, especially from the base of the tuber, failed to emerge due to the re-establishment of apical dominance after planting. Stems emerged first from eyes at the apex of the tuber, and had a larger leaf area per eye during the early harvests, than stems arising from other parts of the tuber. These differences diminished as the canopy expanded. The numbers and sizes of daughter tubers at the final harvest were similar for all four-eyed treatments. Single-eyed cores of 10 g are recommended for effective control of stem numbers with uniform canopy production.  相似文献   

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