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Data of a pest control business was used to study infestation with the brown, or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769]) in the City of Magdeburg for the year 1999. Swarms of rats were found to live all over the territory of the city. Blocks of residential buildings erected during G. D. R. times and, more specifically, their basements were noted to be focal sites of infestation with rats. The problem of rats living in the sewerage system of the city turned out to be unresolved. Detailed reference is made to rodenticides and active substances as well as to control strategies. The priority given to economical issues over the application of scientific findings is considered to be the decisive factor which accounts for the needs in the extermination of rats.   相似文献   

Storehouses and mills in the Magdeburg region are known to be infested with black (ore house) rats. In residential buildings, however, house rats (Rattus rattus L.) have not been detected for at least 20 years. Therefore, it was of much interest for the expert to note that this rat species had been seen in two occupied residential buildings (a refurbished old building and a terraced house). It has been suspected for a longer time that black rats can be found in certain residential buildings in towns or even cities.  相似文献   

The foilage of Asparagus officinalis L. has a large contact surface for different leaf diseases, which can lead to profits cuts, especially by the causal pathogen of Stemphylium leaf spot, Stemphylium botryosum. The maintaining healthy of the foliage is an important precondition to achieve an optimal harvest in the following year. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the efficacy of currently approved plant protection products against S. botryosum in order to optimize the fungicide applications. In the context of greenhouse trials with asparagus seedlings a method should be developed to evaluate the preventive and curative efficacy of fungicides. At the beginning, stable, repeatable and homogeneous infections of S. botryosum needed to be achieved. Ad hoc the factors plant age (weeks after sowing date), inoculum (density of conidia per ml and concentration of malt), infection conditions (period of high relative humidity) and day of rating, as well as their influence on the occurrence of the symptoms, were investigated. With the exception of the factor plant age, the other factors had a significant effect on the infection. For the trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides, the analysed factors were defined. The age of the seedlings was six weeks after sowing, the inoculum was composed of 1,00?×?105 conidia per ml combined with an 0,5% malt concentration, as infection condition the ??tunnel system?? with periodically high relative humidity was chosen. 13 days past infection was the optimal day of rating. To apply the seedlings with the fungicides, the registered application rate was reduced to 1/5. The trials to evaluate fungicides were conducted with the fungicides Signum®, Rovral® WG and two different testing agencies. At four consecutive application days, the plants were covered with fungicides. In the following, the infestation degree of stems in percent was evaluated. Additionally, the used S. botryosum-Isolates were biomolecularly investigated and the QoI- and SDHI resistance state determined.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  An 2 Gracillariiden,Phyllonorycter robiniella undCameraria ohridella, wird gezeigt, wie rasch importierte Sch?dlinge sich ausbreiten k?nnen: Die RobinienblattmotteP. robinella wurde in Südtirol erstmals 1991 festgestellt und trat 1996 bereits in Massenbefall bei Brixen an Robinien auf.—Die Ro?kastanienminiermotteC. ohridella war hier erstmals 1992 im Pustertal bei Toblach festgestellt worden (Butin & Führer, 1994). Neueste Untersuchungen im Herbst 1997 zeigen, da? sie nun bereits im gesamten Eisacktal zwischen Franzensfeste und Bozen an Ro?kastanien (Aesculus hippocastanum) verbreitet ist (Tab. 1); hingegen wurde im Etschtal südlich und westlich von Bozen bisher noch kein Befall festgestellt.
On the occurrence of the robinia-leafminer,Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clem.) and the horse-chestnut- leafminer,Cameraria ohridella Desch. et Dim. (Lep., Gracillariidae) in South Tyrol
The examples of two species of Gracillariidae,Phyllonorycter robiniella andCameraria ohridella, show how fast the expansion can take place: The robinia-leafminerP. robiniella was first noticed in South Tyrol in 1991 and an outbreak occured on False Acacias near Brixen, already in 1996.—The horsechestnut leafminerC. ohridella was first noticed in the Pusteria Valley near Toblach-Dobiacco, in 1992 (Butin & Führer, 1994). The latest research, of autumn 1997, shows that they are now distributed on Horse Chestnut Trees (Aesculus hippocastanum) in the whole Isarco Valley, between Fortezza and Bozen-Bolzano (Tab. 1), whereas in the Adige Valley at south and west of Bolzano no occurrence could be found as yet.

The commercial available diatomaceous earth Fossil Shield® and the neem product Neem Azal-T/S® are tested as single treatments and in combination as controls for the stored product pests Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The diatomaceous earth, applied in concentrations of 0.5 g, 1 g and 2 g kg-1 rice, reduced numbers of surviving beetles significantly (over a period of 3 weeks). A single treatment with the neem product, in concentrations of 0.01 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice, increased the mortality rate for both species significantly. The combination of neem and diatomaceous earth (1 g diatomaceous earth with 0.2 g or 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice) was more effective than the single treatment in reducing numbers of surviving beetles.  相似文献   

The commercial available diatomaceous earth Fossil Shield® and the neem product Neem Azal-T/S® are tested as single treatments and in combination as controls for the stored product pests Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The diatomaceous earth, applied in concentrations of 0.5 g, 1 g and 2 g kg-1 rice, reduced numbers of surviving beetles significantly (over a period of 3 weeks). A single treatment with the neem product, in concentrations of 0.01 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice, increased the mortality rate for both species significantly. The combination of neem and diatomaceous earth (1 g diatomaceous earth with 0.2 g or 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice) was more effective than the single treatment in reducing numbers of surviving beetles.  相似文献   

 1938年的秋季,笔者在云南昆明自市场所赚得的地瓜裹面,发现有少数几个外表并不呈明粒症状而内部组织变成黑色的块根,其后在呈贡和晋宁,也先后发现有同样的病块茎。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In Forstkulturen wurden Kastenfallen, die Duftstoffe von verschiedenen Erdmäusen enthielten neben nichtbedufteten Fallen aufgestellt. Die mit Duftstoffen von weiblichen Erdmäusen im post-partum-Zyklus kontaminierten Fallen wurden besonders deutlich bevorzugt und zwar von geschlechtsreifen männlichen Artgenossen. Darüber hinaus wurden auch männliche Tiere von anderen Mäusearten in diese Fallen gelockt. Weibliche Erdmäuse aber auch Weibchen von anderen sympatrischen Mäusearten mieden diese Fallen. Ähnliche und weitgehend übereinstimmende Verhaltensweisen verschiedener Mäusearten wurden auch gegenüber Duftstoffen von männlichen Erdmäusen beobachtet.Es wird vermutet, daß einige hormonähnliche Pheromone artübergreifend das Verhalten sympatrischer Mäusearten beeinflussen können. Die Wirkung dieser Duftstoffe war persistent. Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden auch erzielt mit kontaminierter Einstreu, die etwa einen Monat in Kunststoffbeuteln bei Raumtemperatur gelagert worden war.
Response of sympatric mice and voles to odors of the Field Vole (Microtus agrestis L.)
The effects of odors from the Field Vole upon the behaviour of conspecific individuals and sympatric mice and voles were tested with traps in forest cultivations. Three virgin subadult females (o.estr.), four adult females in post-partum-cycle (p.p.c) and three fertile males of the Field Vole served as donors of odors. Each donor vole was kept in a single cage. A spoon of wood shavings was taken from the surroundings of the nesting site from a caged individual and filled into a box trap (Sherman live trap) together with baits. Half a meter apart of each trap (b) contaminated with odor of one of the donor voles a trap with clean wood shavings was set control (k). Each pair of traps (b+k) was distributed in forest cultivations in a distance of ca. 10 m to the next pair of traps. All traps were decontaminated in a cleaning machine and dried at 100°C before they were used.The results are presented in table 1. Traps containing odors of female Field Voles in post-partum-cycle were highly and significantly preferred from males, not only from conspecific voles, but also from males of sympatric species like the Bank VoleClethrionomys glareolus and the Yellownecked FieldmouseApodemus flavicollis. It is suggested that some less specific hormonlike pheromones can affect the behaviour of sympatric mammals in a similar way. The used odors were persistent. Nearly the same results were obtained with contaminated wood shavings filled in plastic bags and stored for four weeks at room temperature.

In Germany, the dusky cockroach (Ectobius lapponicus [Linné, 1758]) lives in woodland. Dwelling of these insects which are not considered a pest, in buildings is an extremely rare observation. In early summer of 2000, several areas of a forest hospital were found to be infested withEctobius lapponicus. In contrast, the German cockroach (Blattella germanica [Linné, 1767]) had not been found in that, hospital for years. In the light of the literature available, an attempt is made to provide a survey of infestation of buildings with the dusky cockroach.  相似文献   

In Germany, the dusky cockroach (Ectobius lapponicus [Linné, 1758]) lives in woodland. Dwelling of these insects which are not considered a pest, in buildings is an extremely rare observation. In early summer of 2000, several areas of a forest hospital were found to be infested withEctobius lapponicus. In contrast, the German cockroach (Blattella germanica [Linné, 1767]) had not been found in that, hospital for years. In the light of the literature available, an attempt is made to provide a survey of infestation of buildings with the dusky cockroach.   相似文献   

The effects of crude extracts and an isolated compound from the leaves of milkweed, Pergularia daemia (Forssk) Choiv., on the antifeedant activity against two important lepidopteran pests, Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) and Spodoptera litura (F.), were studied. Maximum antifeedant activity was recorded in ethyl acetate crude extract against H. armigera (70.3%) and S. litura (71.82%) at 1% concentration. Ethyl acetate crude extract was further subjected to column chromatography, which was performed using hexane as initial solvent and then by increasing the polar strength using ethyl acetate. Fractions collected at hexane and ethyl acetate (80:20) yielded 6-(4,7-hydroxy-heptyl) quinone, a novel compound which showed significant antifeedant activity against H. armigera (80.22% at 2000 ppm) and S. litura (68.31% at 2000 ppm).  相似文献   

In the East Pontic mountains at Giresun (Black Sea shore) three species of the genus Dreyfusia have been established: D. nordmannianae Eckst. and D. prelli Grosm. on Abies nordmanniana Link. and Picea orientalis Link. and Dreyfusia nov. spec. on A. nordmanniana. The latter species, earlier known from Greece and the Balkans, but not yet described is most probably unholocyctic on fir.In the Zigana mountains between Trabzon and Gümüsane a species producing plenty galls on young P. orientalis trees and closely resembling D. merkeri Eichh. has been observed. Further investigations are necessary to evaluate whether or not it lives unholocyclic on spruce.In the West Pontic mountains near Bolu D. nordmannianae was intensively studied in twig infestations on A. bornmülleriana Mattf. The pattern of attack differs greatly from the one experienced in central Europe in that almost exclusively the current year's shoots are attacked whereas the leader and the older twig axis remain free of attack. In Europe all parts of the trees are colonized.Considering the known facts about generation- and morph sequences, morph determination and phenological behaviour of D. nordmannianae the characteristics of their population dynamics in Turkey and the interactions of the curious mode of attack and the extraordinary efficiency of their special predators have been completely evaluated.  相似文献   

 小麦秆枯病过去在国内仅在少数地方零星发现[1],很少有叹注意。近几年来在华北局部地区有严重发生的趋势。  相似文献   

栽培地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.)普遍感染TMV和CMV   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 地黄是我国著名的传统大宗中药材,为玄参科植物地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.)的新鲜或干燥块根。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the biology of Cryphalus piceae (Ratz.) (Col., Scolytidae) living in Abies bornmülleriana (Mattf.) in fir forests in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey. The dates of swarming, tree attack, egg-laying, and different stages of development are given. The species had two generations per year.  相似文献   

 江苏省大元麦种植面积约一千余万亩,尤以南通、扬州、监城、镇江四个专区为多。条纹病历年严重,因此防治条纹病以保证增产,实属刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Due to resistance to insecticides (or plant protecting agents) the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis is difficult to combat in cut roses cultures with conventional methods. In that case the predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris could be a very effective biological alternative when applied in high numbers of 1000 mites per square meter against low density thrips population. The key to success is early application at the beginning of the vegetative growth before the thirps becomes active and the first larvae appear. The efficiency of the mites is not sufficient when the thirps population density in spring is high. Caused by the fecundity and fast development of Frankliniella occidentalis in higher temperatures, the application of chemical protecting agents in summer could be unavoidable. Because of the proven resistance Western flower thrips developed against the insecticides permitted in Germany, the chemical agents may not be effective. Only an optimal application can provide a satisfactory reduction of the thrips population. The development stage of the roses must be taken into account as well as right application intervals of insecticides. In order to develop a sufficient and effective control of Western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis and improve resistance management the application of predatory mites seems to be inevitable in future.  相似文献   

四纹豆象为豆类危险性害虫之一。它能在田间及仓庫内为害豇豆、綠豆、茶豆和豌豆等多种豆科的种子,使种子失去种用和食用价值。据在福州室内飼养结果:四纹豆象一年发生世代数与食料种类有关,在仓儲綠豆、豇豆和菜豆种子上,一年可繁殖9—10代;在大豆和蚕豆种子上一年至少可繁殖6—7代。研究所用材料系采自邮寄进口豆种,并在綠豆上飼养。四紋豆象在福州可以生活繁殖,一年可发生10代。消灭措施采用氯化苦熏蒸,效果甚好。  相似文献   

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