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为了探明植物次生性信息化合物对同种间棉铃虫成虫及幼虫的行为影响,利用触角电位技术(electroantennogram,EAG)研究了交配雌蛾对烟草、番茄、萎蔫滇杨不同浓度(0.01、0.1、1.0、10.0 gE/mL)的叶片粗提物的电生理反应,并在室内测定了其对成虫产卵选择行为和对初孵幼虫定向行为的影响。EAG测定结果表明,棉铃虫雌蛾对0.1、1.0、10.0 gE/mL的番茄、萎蔫杨树叶片粗提物均可产生触角电位反应;烟草叶片粗提物仅在10.0 gE/mL时产生EAG反应。产卵选择测定结果表明,番茄叶片粗提物的4个浓度均能显著引诱雌蛾产卵;烟草在1.0、10.0 gE/mL浓度时能显著引诱棉铃虫雌蛾产卵;萎蔫杨树仅在0.1 gE/mL能明显引诱雌蛾落卵。幼虫的行为测定表明,萎蔫滇杨和番茄叶片的粗提物对棉铃虫初孵幼虫的定向均具有驱避作用,而烟草对其没有影响。  相似文献   

棉铃虫幼虫不同龄期的抗药性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
控制棉铃虫的为害根本出路在综合治理,关键在科学使用农药。就目前我国生产的可用于防治棉铃虫的农药品种尽管有毒性高、品种少、部分品种因棉铃虫的抗性发展而药效下降等问题,但只要使用得当,特别是抓住不同虫期的特点,选好对口农药,在关键时期使用,是可以控制其为害并延缓抗性发展的  相似文献   

棉铃虫是棉花的一大害虫,近几年由于连续使用菊酯类农药和有机磷农药防治,使其对这些农药的主要品种产生了高度抗药性。为了有效地防治棉铃虫危害,确保棉花优质高产,今年我们使用了硫丹、抑太保等5种农药进行了防治。现将其使用方法及其防效介绍如下。 药剂种类与使用方法 当棉田一代棉铃虫卵蜂后百株累计落卵  相似文献   

通过30a的系统调查表明,望江县以四代棉铃虫为主害代,棉铃虫各代次发生程度的主控因子不同,棉铃虫对常用农药表现出明显的抗性,保铃棉32B对各代棉铃虫均表现出良好抗性。对棉铃虫暴发因子进行了探析,认为棉铃虫近几年处于活跃期,旱地种植结构调整、梅天雨日雨量少、棉花生育期提早是棉铃虫暴发的主要原因。并从农业防治、推广抗虫品种、改进化防技术等方面提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

切实抓好科学用药控制第四代棉铃虫危害第四代棉铃虫是我省的主害代,也是控制其为害、保住当家桃的关键时期。据省植保总站预测,今年我省第四代棉铃虫为中等偏重发生,局部大发生。为了作好这一代棉铃虫的防治,要切实抓好科学用药。1选好对口农药品种各地在选用农药品...  相似文献   

防治抗性棉铃虫的新药剂──50%凯明2号郭予元,梁革梅,戴小枫,洪锡午(中国农科院植保所,100094)近年来,由于棉铃虫对菊酯类农药常用品种产生抗药性,如何选择药剂有效控制棉铃虫危害,已成为棉花生产上的突出问题。笔者等经过初步研究,发现在众多针对棉...  相似文献   

防治棉铃虫新农药──丙铃净我国目前用于防治棉铃虫、棉蚜的高效农药品种不多,杀虫剂单剂间科学的复配可作为延缓农业害虫抗性发展的1种手段。45%丙铃净乳油是原北京农大应化系,在研究棉铃虫抗性机理的基础上新开发的产品。丙铃净乳油中的主成分丙溴磷(Profe...  相似文献   

不同水稻挥发物对稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂的引诱作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解水稻挥发物在稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂寻找寄主过程中的作用,采用触角电位仪和Y-型嗅觉仪测定了稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂对不同水稻挥发物的触角电位(electroantennogram,EAG)反应和行为反应。不同生育期水稻挥发物中,稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂对幼苗期挥发物的EAG反应最强烈,显著高于分蘖期及抽穗期。行为测定显示中优5617和湘优109幼苗期稻株挥发物对稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂具有显著引诱作用。稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂对虫害植株挥发物的EAG反应最强烈,与健康植株和机械损伤植株之间均存在显著差异。稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂明显趋向于湘优109、黔香优302和宜香481三个品种的虫害处理植株。结果表明,幼苗和虫害稻株挥发物在稻虱红螯蜂雌蜂寻找寄主过程中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

绿保素杀虫剂药效试验运粮湖农场植保站周绍君,陈必英棉铃虫是棉花生产上的一大害虫,市场上销售防治棉铃虫的农药新品种很多,防效究竟如何,针对这一问题,我们选择了几个农药新品种,开展了药效试验。现将试验情况总结如下。1#试农药品种及来预①绿保素:南京保丰农...  相似文献   

近年来,棉铃虫的发生危害逐年加剧,1990年三、四代棉铃虫在河北、山东、河南等省主产棉区严重发生后,1992年在我国北方又特大发生,对棉花、小麦、玉米、花生、蔬菜等农作物的猖獗危害程度均为近几十年所罕见。因而在棉铃虫综合防治中,用有效的农药品种进行及时防治控制棉铃虫猖獗危害,对确保棉花不致因虫灾而减产,在棉铃虫大发生年份尤为显得重要。1992年在河南新乡  相似文献   

棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera是一种世界性分布的重大杂食性农业害虫,长期大量使用化学药剂防治棉铃虫导致其对不同种类杀虫剂产生了抗性。抗性分子机制的阐明有利于棉铃虫的科学防控和抗性治理。该文主要综述棉铃虫对化学杀虫剂的抗性发展现状,以及近年来棉铃虫抗药性分子机制的研究进展,包括解毒酶代谢能力增强、靶标敏感性降低和表皮穿透能力下降等方面,并就未来研究工作和棉铃虫抗性治理新技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

为明确华北棉区棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera田间种群对3种常用杀虫剂的抗性,于2014—2015年和2018—2019年分别采集河南、河北、山东和山西4个省的棉铃虫田间种群,采用浸叶法于室内测定棉铃虫对辛硫磷、三氟氯氰菊酯和甲维盐的抗性水平。结果表明,各监测点棉铃虫对辛硫磷处于中等水平抗性,在2014—2015年和2018—2019年的抗性倍数分别为13.0~58.5倍和21.1~55.3倍,棉铃虫对辛硫磷的抗性发展相对缓慢;各监测点棉铃虫种群对三氟氯氰菊酯已产生中等至高水平抗性,并呈现逐年上升的趋势,其中河北沧县、河南安阳、山西盐湖种群的抗性倍数由2014年的61.0倍、22.5倍和24.0倍上升至2019年的91.1倍、44.7倍和61.3倍,山东夏津种群的抗性最高,2019年抗性倍数达到216.3倍;棉铃虫种群对甲维盐表现为低至中等水平抗性,河北沧县、河南安阳、山西盐湖和山东夏津种群的抗性倍数分别为8.2~40.4倍、5.8~16.6倍、5.5~23.4倍和11.0~36.6倍。表明4个监测地区的棉铃虫田间种群对3种杀虫剂已经产生了不同程度的抗性,建议减少这3种杀虫剂的使用频次,并注意与其他杀虫剂交替轮换使用,以延缓棉铃虫抗药性的发展。  相似文献   

棉铃虫核多角体病毒的生产方法及其在生物防治中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文是报道棉铃虫Heliothis armigera核多角体病毒(NPV)的生产方法及其在棉田应用的试验研究结果。NPV用棉铃虫幼虫生产。从虫卵接种开始,用人工饲料饲养棉铃虫幼虫,到四龄用病毒感染,六天后收集病死虫,病毒致死率80~85%,单虫含量4~6×10~9PIB。由棉饼粉、粗棉油等配制成诱饵加低剂量西维因作病毒增效剂与NPV混用,显著提高病毒的防治效果。四年田间试验表明,NPV杀虫剂防治棉铃虫的效果相当于或优于常用高效化学农药。1979年开展了大面积飞机微量喷雾PVN杀虫剂的试验,也取得了比较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

In Africa, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) is a key pest of cotton and vegetable crops, particularly tomato. Alternatives to insecticides to control this pest are needed such as conservation biological control. However, knowledge on the diversity and ecology of naturally occurring enemies of H. armigera is limited. A two-year field survey was conducted in a set of tomato farmer fields in the main vegetable-growing area in Senegal (Niayes) to assess the spatial and seasonal occurrence of indigenous parasitoids of H. armigera, and to evaluate the effect of insecticide use on biological control efficiency. No parasitoid emerged from H. armigera eggs. Incidence of larval parasitoids was generally moderate (20%) but highly variable (0%–100%) among fields, independently of host abundance, and negatively affected by the number of insecticide applications. Larval parasitism was largely dominated by the larval parasitoid Meteorus laphygmarum Brues (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), but a positive correlation was found between specific richness or Shannon diversity index of the parasitoid community and parasitism rate. This study is a first step toward development of research and extension programs for conservation of natural enemies in the framework of integrated management of the tomato fruitworm in Senegal.  相似文献   

Organophosphates are valuable insecticides used to control Helicoverpa armigera on cotton in Australia. Those most commonly used for Helicoverpa spp. control are pro-fenofos, parathion-methyl and chlorpyrifos. However, there is an emerging organophosphate-resistance threat in Australian H. armigera, which is compounded by cross-resistance between profenofos and parathion-methyl. An insensitive acetylcholinesterase has been identified as the common resistance mechanism. No resistance to chlorpyrifos has been detected and acetylcholinesterase remains fully sensitive to the chlorpyrifos oxon. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In the laboratory, low concentrations of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (B.t.), as ‘Dipel’ 2X applied (at about the LC5) to cotton leaves enhanced the activity of endosulfan and reduced resistance to endosulfan from approximately seven fold to two fold in neonate larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Low (LC5) concentrations of endosulfan also increased the toxicity of B.t. Both endo-sulfan and B.t. increased the toxicity of the stomach poison cryolite to H. armigera. This increased toxicity was not observed where B.t./endosulfan combinations were applied topically to larvae or where B.t. was combined with organophosphorus or pyrethroid insecticides which are considered primarily to be contact toxicants. Mixtures of B.t. and endosulfan applied at equitoxic concentrations were less toxic than similar concentrations applied alone.  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance inHelicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is one of the most important constraints on cotton production in Turkey. We investigated the susceptibility ofH. armigera strains collected from cotton fields in the Adana, Hatay and Antalya provinces to insecticides which are in wide use. LD50 values for tralomethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, endosulfan, profenofos and methomyl were determined by topical bioassay. At the LD50 levels, resistance ratios for tralomethrin were 24.7-, 19.7- and 15.7-fold in the Adana, Hatay, and Antalya strains, respectively; and for lambda-cyhalothrin were 41-, 20-and 40-fold, respectively. Resistance ratios ranged from 1.2- to 2.1-fold in all field strains for endosulfan, profenofos and methomyl, with no significant resistance. These results suggest the presence of resistance to tralomethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin inH. armigera strains collected from cotton fields, but no resistance to endosulfan, profenofos or methomyl could be observed.  相似文献   

We investigated the sub-lethal influences of spinosad, chlorpyriphos, endosulfan, acephate and cypermethrin on the oviposition responses of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to cotton plants, under cage and laboratory conditions. The rank order of toxicity (LC50 values as a per cent) of test insecticides against third instar larvae using the leaf disc method was: spinosad > chlorpyriphos > endosulfan > acephate > cypermethrin. On whole plants, females laid more eggs on acephate LC50-, acephate LC30- and cypermethrin LC50-treated cotton plants than on the control. The chlorpyriphos-treated plants were least preferred for oviposition. When excised cotton leaves from different treatments were used in a multiple-choice test, cypermethrin LC50- and endosulfan LC30-treated leaves received more eggs than the control. The repeated application of sub-lethal concentrations of different insecticides reduced plant height in the case of acephate LC30 and cypermethrin LC50, while plant spread and upper canopy leaf area were reduced in both treatments of acephate and cypermethrin. Reduced plant spread, upper canopy leaf area followed by plant height were found associated with oviposition preference by H. armigera females.  相似文献   

Marked changes in the relative toxicity of topically-applied abamectin were found between larval instars of Spodoptera littoralis, toxicity decreasing up to the fifth instar but increasing over 500-fold (at LD50 level) in the sixth instar. By contrast, the toxicity of abamectin remained constant from fifth to sixth instar Heliothis armigera and there was an increase in the toxicity of two chemically unrelated insecticides, malathion (4-fold) and lambda-cyhalothrin (2.5-fold), from fifth to sixth instar S. littoralis. Prior topical application or injection of the microsomal oxidase inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide (PB) increased the toxicity of abamectin (6–8 and 16-fold respectively) against fifth instar S. littoralis, while topically-applied PB increased the proportion of radioactivity present as abamectin in the ventral nerve cord of this instar following topical application with [3H]abamectin. Topically-applied PB also enhanced the toxicity of abamectin against third (4-fold) and fourth instar (5-fold) S. littoralis but had no significant effect on sixth instar S. littoralis, fifth instar H. armigera, or on the toxicity of malathion and lambda-cyhalothrin against fifth instar S. littoralis. Topical application of the esterase inhibitor, S,S,S-tributyl phosphorothioate (DEF) significantly increased the toxicity of abamectin at the LD50 level (3-fold) against fifth instar S. littoralis. The toxicity of injected abamectin against fifth instar S. littoralis was greater (20-fold) than with topical application but injected abamectin was less toxic (2-fold) against sixth instar S. littoralis and had no significant effect on fifth instar H. armigera. It is suggested that differential toxicity of abamectin is due in part to greater metabolism and reduced penetration in fifth instar S. littoralis than in sixth instar S. littoralis or fifth instar H. armigera.  相似文献   

The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous pest of several crops in Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean Europe. Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides are used on a large-scale to control Helicoverpa. Therefore, we studied the effect of methylparathion and carbofuran, an organophosphate and carbamate insecticide, respectively, on oxidative phosphorylation and oxidative stress in H. armigera larvae to gain an understanding of the different target sites of these insecticides. It was observed that state III and state IV respiration, respiratory control index (RCI), and P/O ratios were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by methylparathion and carbofuran under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Methylparathion and carbofuran inhibited complex II by ∼45% and 30%, respectively. Lipid peroxidation, H2O2 content, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity increased and glutathione reductase (GR) activity decreased in a time- and dose-dependent manner in insecticide-fed larvae. However, catalase activity was not affected in insecticide-fed larvae. Larval growth decreased by ∼64% and 67% in larvae fed on diets with 100 μM of methylparathion and carbofuran. The results suggested that both the insecticides impede the mitochondrial respiratory functions and induced lipid peroxidation, H2O2, and LDH leak, leading to oxidative stress in cells, which contribute to deleterious effects of these insecticides on the growth of H. armigera larvae, along with their neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   

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