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樱桃砧木嫩枝扦插试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002~2003年,在北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所进行8种樱桃砧木嫩枝扦插试验,为扦插繁殖近年从国外引进樱桃砧木良种取得了一些有益的经验,现将试验结果简介如下.  相似文献   

杏砧木试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

江西省靖安县境内的红豆杉属于南方红豆杉 ,其学名为 :Taxuschinensis(Pilg)Rehd,属国家二级保护植物。因其树姿结果状在园林绿化中具有较高的观赏价值 ,而其树皮又能提炼出具有药用价值的紫杉醇 ,致使苗木市场对红豆杉苗木的需求不断攀升。而目前单纯依靠传统籽播育苗难以满足市场需求 ,加之传统籽播育苗具有种籽来源有限、种子休眠期长 (一年 )、育苗周期长等缺点。笔者认为 ,如果在生长季节红豆杉能进行扦插繁殖 ,无疑对园林花园或药材业是一个很大的促进作用 ,对红豆杉种质资源数量保存和大面积的推广也有理论和现实上的意义。1 材料…  相似文献   

甜樱桃砧木的耐盐性试验初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以Gisela 5、Gisela 6、Gisela 7、M17、草原樱桃和毛把酸为试材,把土壤含盐量分别调整为0.2%、0.3%、0.4%、0.5%和0.6%进行盆栽试验,确定供试砧木的耐盐性。结果表明,Gisela5的耐盐性强于其余5种砧木,在土壤含盐量0.2%时能正常生长。草原樱桃、M17、毛把酸和Gisela 7耐盐性较弱,只能在含盐量0.2%以下的土壤中栽植;Gisela 6耐盐性最弱,不能在盐碱地上生存。  相似文献   

CG系砧木引种试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴梅君  姜林 《园艺学报》1994,21(4):394-395
CG系砧木引种试验初报吴梅君,姜林(青岛市农业科学研究所,266100)关键词CG系,矮砧APreliminaryReportonIntroductionofCGSeriesStocks¥WuMeijunandJiangLin(QingdaoInst...  相似文献   

苹果砧木绿枝扦插繁殖的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了生长调节剂、浓度、扦插基质、扦插时期对苹果砧木绿枝扦插生根的影响。结果表明:在参试品种中辽砧2号扦插愈伤组织形成时间短、生根率高,扦插效果较好;扎矮76和77-34扦插效果较差;SH-40扦插效果最差。在5种生长素处理中,IBA 1 000 mg/L+NAA 100 mg/L浸泡30秒的生根效果高于单一浓度处理,生根株率达到50%。用珍珠岩+草炭+蛭石作基质的生根效果最好。苹果绿枝扦插4月下旬至6月上旬生根效果较好,9月其次,高温多湿季节生根效果较差。  相似文献   

以1年生李杏砧木木质化枝条为试材,采用NAA和IBA激素3个浓度50、100、200mg·L~(-1)处理枝条1h,研究了从欧洲引进的4个李杏砧木硬枝扦插成活情况。结果表明:供试李杏砧木插穗根系快速生长期在扦插后5~6周;激素处理可以不同程度提高4个砧木品种硬枝扦插成活率;4个品种硬枝扦插成活率存在显著差异,其中25-39、2-1、9-5品种经过适宜激素种类和浓度处理可以取得较高的成活率。  相似文献   

苹果矮化砧木B9嫩枝扦插试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人工控制温湿度条件下,利用当年生无毒B9组培苗木进行嫩枝扦插。不同基质对B9插条生根率的影响,以蛭石、河沙、珍珠岩2:2:1混合基质最高,生根率80.8%;不同浓度IBA对B9插条生根的影响,以1500mg/L的IBA生根率最高,达89.6%。使用1500mg/L的IBA处理和蛭石、河沙、珍珠岩2:2:1混合基质是进行苹果矮化砧木B9嫩枝扦插较为理想的组合。  相似文献   

通过采用不同浓度、激素种类以及处理时间对东北溲疏进行扦插试验.秋季调查后,结果表明:以ABT 300 mg/L 1 h效果最好,生根率为90%.  相似文献   

安哥诺李是从美国加州引进的晚熟李新品种。该品种平均单果重 1 0 2 g ,可溶性固形物含量1 5.2 %。 9月下旬成熟。经试栽观察认为 ,可作为晚熟品种栽培  相似文献   

美国杏李中一些品种自花授粉不结实,必须配置授粉树或进行人工辅助授粉。授粉方法,用2.5kg蔗糖 0.15kg硼砂 20g花粉 50kg水配成溶液喷雾。各授粉品种组合、授粉效果从优到劣的排列顺序为:风味皇后♀×恐龙蛋♂、风味皇后♀×味厚♂、风味皇后♀×味王♂。  相似文献   

以吉塞拉6号、5号为试材,进行了吉塞拉的嫩枝扦插试验,结果表明:吉塞拉6号和5号具较强的生根能力,不作任何处理生根率分别为60.0%、44.5%;经ABT1号和GGR6号处理后,生根率分别达到了95.9%、87.5%。嫩枝扦插效果良好。  相似文献   

幼旺李树环剥、环割、绞缢试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对幼旺李树进行环剥、环割、绞缢 ,均能抑制枝条生长 ,促生短果枝 ,提高李的单果重和产量 ,以环割效果最好  相似文献   

总理李是从意大利引进的新品种。该品种果个大,红色,7月中旬成熟。丰产,质优。适应性、抗逆性强。适宜树形为自然开心形或多主枝杯状形。  相似文献   

大石早生李在济源定植第二年即可株产1.5kg,第四年达35kg,早实,丰产。6月2日成熟,平均单果重52g,外观艳丽,早熟,优质。适应性、抗逆性强。  相似文献   

桤叶唐棣营养钵育苗试验初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桤叶唐棣为蔷薇科唐棣属 ,落叶小乔木或灌木 ,是北美洲的重要经济树种。 2 0 0 1年采用不同基质的营养钵育苗 ,4月 1 3日播种 ,播后分为 4个时期 ,即出苗期、炼苗期、速生期、生长后期 ,按生长特点及环境要求管理。结果表明 ,按不同配方的草炭土、河淤细沙土、松针土、腐殖质、珍珠岩、鸡粪混合的 2种基质出苗率高 ,苗木生长好 ,移栽时以聚集式移栽成活率高  相似文献   

Light interception by the orchard canopies in a spacing trial with Golden Delicious and Jonathan on M IX and on M II was measured in 1968, 1969 and 1970. In 1969 and 1970 light distribution over the Golden Delicious hedges in the high-density plots was also measured and related to fruit and foliage distribution and to fruit quality. Simultaneously, integrated light readings at 100–200 locations were taken over 24-hour periods, using a photochemical method.Although all plots attained their ceiling yield level in 1967, the 6th year after planting, light interception continued to increase from 1968 to 1970. In the low-density plots — 1100 trees per ha on M IX and 660 trees per ha on M II — the canopies intercepted roughly half of the incident light and yields levelled off at 40 tons per ha. The high-density M IX plot (3300 trees per ha) intercepted two-thirds, the high-density M II plot (2260 trees per ha) more than three-quarters of incident light. Both plots yielded more than 70 tons per ha in 1967 and 1968, but thereafter the yield level dropped, especially for trees on M II, presumably because of mounting inter-tree competition for light.Light levels in the hedges in the high-density plots at equal distances from the hedge perimeter were very much the same for both varieties, for both rootstocks and in the two years. Light levels fell sharply towards the interior and bottom parts of the hedges. The main advantage of the M IX hedge was its smaller cross section, leaving little room for a poorly illuminated centre. At lower light levels weight per fruit and especially fruit colour declined, but the relation between light level and fruit quality was not consistent for both rootstocks and in both years. These inconsistencies could be explained on the basis of differences in pruning system, affecting the type of wood on which the fruit is borne.Fruit was concentrated in the interior part of the hedges, so that a high proportion of the crop suffered from the poor light conditions in this part. Fruit distribution was generally correlated with foliage distribution. In the M IX hedge by far the highest leaf density was found in the centre of the hedge. This is an advantage in comparison with the large leaf area — relatively unproductive and casting much shade — in the top of the M II hedge. Light measurements before and after fruit removal suggested that the shade cast by the fruit is negligible as compared to shading by the foliage.It is concluded that canopy architecture in the high-density M IX plot, with a leaf area index of 2.15, is close to the optimum for single row planting systems in Northwest Europe. Gains in percentage light interception, as in the high-density M II plot, are associated with a greatly inferior light distribution over the canopy, leading to lower yields per unit growth and deterioration of fruit quality. In addition to light, pruning strongly influences fruit quality.  相似文献   

以4年生的绿宝石梨为试材,进行了套袋对果实品质影响的试验。结果表明,套袋果的外观性状比对照都有明显的改善,果锈减少,果皮嫩,色淡黄。在减少果锈方面,定果后越早套袋效果越好 套袋越晚,果锈就越多。套袋种类以白色小袋+双层袋的"小林"袋为最好,其次是内袋黄色的双层袋好于黑色的双层袋。在内在品质方面,套袋时间早、内袋颜色浅的可溶性固形物含量高。  相似文献   

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